MS 16
A folio composite volume of chiefly letters, in various hands.
Microfilm in the British Library, M/286 (2nd item).
ff. 78r-9r
ClJ 65:
John Cleveland,
The Kings Disguise
('And why so coffin'd in this vile disguise')
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed The kinges disguise, on three pages of a pair of conjugate quarto leaves.
First published in Character (1647). Morris & Withington, pp. 6-9.
MS 118
A folio composite volume of Percy family poems, in various hands, in half red morocco.
Early-mid-18th century.
f. 239v
DnJ 1747.5:
John Donne,
A lame begger
('I am unable, yonder begger cries')
Copy, headed On a Beggar and here beginning I am not able, younger cripple cryes.
First published in Thomas Deloney, Strange Histories (London, 1607), sig. E6. Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 76. Milgate, Satires, p. 51. Shawcross, No. 88. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 7 (as Zoppo) and 10.
f. 239v
StW 331.5:
William Strode,
On a Butcher marrying a Tanners daughter
('A fitter Match hath never bin')
First published in William Camden, Remaines (London, 1636). Dobell, p. 119. Forey, p. 18.
f. 239v
StW 1005.5:
William Strode,
A Sonnet
('My Love and I for kisses played')
First published in A Banquet of Jests (London, 1633). Dobell, p. 47. Forey, p. 211. The poem also discussed in C.F. Main, Notes on some Poems attributed to William Strode, PQ, 34 (1955), 444-8 (p. 446-7).
f. 239v
HrJ 154.5:
Sir John Harington,
Of a Lady that left open her Cabbinett
('A vertuose Lady sitting in a muse')
First published in Epigrammes appended to J[ohn] C[lapham], Alcilia, Philoparthens Louing Folly (London, 1613). McClure No. 404, p. 312. Kilroy, Book IV, No. 57, p. 231.
f. 240r
HeR 351.5:
Robert Herrick,
King Oberon his Cloathing
('When the monethly horned Queene')
Copy of part of the poem, headed The Fairy King's apparell and beginning at line 11, here In a cobweb shirt more thin.
First published, as A Description of the King of Fayries Clothes and attributed to Sir Simeon Steward, in A Description of the King and Queene of Fayries (London, 1634). Musarum Deliciae (London, 1656), p. 32. Attributed to Herrick in Hazlitt, II, 473-7, and in Norman K. Farmer, Jr, Robert Herrick and King Oberon's Clothing: New Evidence for Attribution, Yearbook of English Studies 1 (1971), 68-77. Not included in Martin or in Patrick. See also T.G.S. Cain, Robert Herrick, Mildmay Fane, and Sir Simeon Steward, ELR, 15 (1985), 312-17.
MS 466
Copy, in a secretary hand, with annotations in the hand of Thomas Percy (1729-1811), Bishop of Dromore, writer and literary editor, 134 folio leaves.
CvG 41:
George Cavendish,
The Life of Cardinal Wolsey
First published in George Cavendish, The Life of Cardinal Wolsey and Metrical Visions, ed. Samuel W. Singer, 2 vols (Chiswick, 1825). The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey by George Cavendish, ed. Richard S. Sylvester, EETS, orig. ser. 243 (London, New York and Toronto, 1959).
MS 474
Copy, with a dedication to Queen Elizabeth (beginning To that cleare Majestie, which in the North), in the hand of an amanuensis, with Davies's autograph dedication to Northumberland (beginning The strongest and the noblest argument).
This MS recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, pp. 114-15. Collated, and the dedication to Northumberland edited, in Krueger and described, p. 436. A microfilm is in the Library of Congress.
*DaJ 70:
Sir John Davies,
Nosce Teipsum
This MS recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, pp. 114-15. Collated, and the dedication to Northumberland edited, in Krueger and described, p. 436. A microfilm is in the Library of Congress.
A philosophical poem, with dedication to Queen Elizabeth beginning To that clear Majesty, which in the North. First published in London, 1599. Krueger, pp. 1-67.
MS 507
Copy, with insertions in another hand and alterations by at least three more hands associated with the playhouse including the playwright Henry Chettle, untitled.
Edited from this MS in Renwick and in Greg, the latter with eight pages of facsimile examples. Discussed in Harry R. Hoppe, John of Bordeaux: A Bad Quarto that never reached print, Studies in Honor of A.H.R. Fairchild (Columbia, 1946), 121-32, and, adding evidence for the casting of the play, in Laurie E. Maguire, John Holland and John of Bordeaux, N&Q, 231 (September 1986), 327-33.
GrR 7:
Robert Greene,
John of Bordeaux or The Second Part of Friar Bacon
Edited from this MS in Renwick and in Greg, the latter with eight pages of facsimile examples. Discussed in Harry R. Hoppe, John of Bordeaux: A Bad Quarto that never reached print, Studies in Honor of A.H.R. Fairchild (Columbia, 1946), 121-32, and, adding evidence for the casting of the play, in Laurie E. Maguire, John Holland and John of Bordeaux, N&Q, 231 (September 1986), 327-33.
A sequel to Greene's Friar Bacon probably also by Greene. First published in Oxford, 1936, ed. W.L. Renwick, and in W.W. Greg, Malone Society. Greene's authorship supported in Waldo F. McNeir, Robert Greene and John of Bordeaux, PMLA, 64/i (1949), 781-801.
MS 525
A folio volume of state tracts and works associated with the Royal Court, in a single formal secretary hand except for an addition by a cursive secretary hand on p. 61 and subsequent scribbling on the first three pages, i + 90 pages, imperfect, all leaves damaged and lacking some text, all now in window mounts.
A complete facsimile of the volume, with transcriptions, in Burgoyne, Alnwick MS (1904).
p. i
ShW 5:
William Shakespeare,
The Rape of Lucrece
('From the besieged Ardea all in post')
Copy of line 1086 and part of line 1087, here given as reuealing day through eyery Crany peepes and see; written among other scribbling on an initial leaf.
Facsimile of this page also in William Shakespeare: A Documentary Volume, ed. Catherine Loomis, DLB, 263 (Detroit, 2002), p. 68.
First published in London, 1594.
pp. 3-25
BcF 319:
Francis Bacon,
Of Tribute, or Giving What is Due
Copy of the complete entertainment, headed Mr ffra: Bacon of tribute or giuing that wch is due, imperfect, lacking portions of every leaf.
The third and fourth speeches first published in Letters and Remains of the Lord Chancellor Bacon, ed. Robert Stephens (London, 1734). Spedding, VIII, 123-43. A defective text of the whole entertainment, with missing text conjecturally supplied, published as A Conference of Pleasure, composed for some festive occasion about the year 1592 by Francis Bacon, ed. James Spedding (London, 1870). Full text edited in Francis Bacon: A Critical Edition of the Major Works, ed. Brian Vickers (Oxford, 1996), pp. 22-51.
pp. 25-6
BcF 229:
Francis Bacon,
Of Magnanimity or Heroical Virtue
First published in Burgoyne, Alnwick MS (1904), pp. 28-9.
pp. 26-9
BcF 61:
Francis Bacon,
An Advertisement touching Private Censure
First published, and attributed to Bacon, in Burgoyne, Alnwick MS (1904), pp. 32-4.
pp. 29-44
BcF 62:
Francis Bacon,
An Advertisement touching the Controversies of the Church of England
A tract beginning It is but ignorance if any man find it strange that the state of religion (especially in the days of peace) should be exercised...
. First published as A Wise and Moderate Discourse concerning Church-Affaires ([London], 1641). Spedding, VIII, 74-95.
pp. 44-5
BcF 152:
Francis Bacon,
Certain Observations made upon a Libel published this present year, 1592
Copy of A letter to a ffrench gent: touching ye proceedings in Engl: in Ecclesiasticall causes by W.W.
(c.1589-90) later incorporated in Certain Observations made upon a Libel, imperfect.
A tract beginning It were just and honourable for princes being in war together, that howsever they prosecute their quarrels...
. First published in Resuscitatio, ed. W. Rawley (London, 1657). Spedding, VIII, 146-208.
A letter to M. Critoy, Secretary of France, c.1589, A Letter on the Queen's religious policies, was later incorporated in Certain Observations made upon a Libel, and first published in Cabala, sive scrinia sacra (London, 1654), pp. 38-41.
pp. 47-53
BcF 310:
Francis Bacon,
A Device to Entertain the Queen at Essex House, 17 November 1595
Copy of five speeches, imperfect.
First published in Letters, Speeches &c. of Francis Bacon, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1763). Spedding, VIII, 378-86. Probably written partly by the Earl of Essex, partly by his secretariat, including Bacon. See The Poems of Edward De Vere, Seventeenth Earl of Oxford, and of Robert Devereux, Second Earl of Essex, ed. Steven W. May, Studies in Philology, 77, No. 5 (Early Winter 1980), pp. 88-90, and Paul E.J. Hammer, Upstaging the Queen: the Earl of Essex, Francis Bacon and the Accession Day celebrations of 1595, in The Politics of the Stuart Court Masque, ed. David Bevington and Peter Holbrook (New York & Cambridge, 1998), pp. 41-66.
pp. 53-4
BcF 322:
Francis Bacon,
Speech for a Tournament in 1596
Copy, headed ffor the Earle of Sussex at ye tilt an: 96, imperfect.
A speech of apology for the absence of the Earl of Essex spoken by Henry Radcliffe at a royal tournament in 1596. First published in Burgoyne, Alnwick MS (1904), pp. 64-5. Conjecturally attributed to Bacon in Chambers, Elizabethan Stage, III, 213.
pp. 55-61
SiP 182:
Sir Philip Sidney,
A Letter to Queen Elizabeth touching her Marriage with Monsieur
Copy, untitled, imperfect.
This MS collated in Feuillerat, III, 326 et seq. Recorded in Duncan-Jones & Van Dorsten, p. 38. Beal, In Praise of Scribes, No. 2.
First published in Scrinia Caeciliana: Mysteries of State & Government (London, 1663) and in Cabala: sive Scrinia Sacra (London, 1663). Feuillerat, III, 51-60. Duncan-Jones & Van Dorsten, pp. 46-57.
This work and its textual transmission discussed, with facsimile examples, in Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes: Manuscripts and their Makers in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford, 1998), Chapter 4, pp. 109-46 (with most MSS catalogued as Nos 1-37, with comments on their textual tradition, in Appendix IV, pp. 274-80).
pp. 63-90
LeC 66:
Leicester's Commonwealth
Copy, imperfect, lacking approximately half the text.
This MS recorded in Peck. p. 226.
First published as The Copie of a Leter, Wryten by a Master of Arte of Cambrige, to his Friend in London, Concerning some talke past of late betwen two worshipful and graue men, about the present state, and some procedinges of the Erle of Leycester and his friendes in England ([? Rouen], 1584). Soon banned. Reprinted as Leycesters common-wealth (London, 1641). Edited, as Leicester's Commonwealth, by D.C. Peck (Athens, OH, & London, 1985). Although various attributions have been suggested by Peck and others, the most likely author remains Robert Persons (1546-1610), Jesuit conspirator.
MS 526
A folio volume of speeches and letters by Francis Bacon, in a single professional secretary hand.
Microfilm in the British Library, M/325.
ff. 1r-16r (1st series)
BcF 405:
Francis Bacon,
Copy of five speeches by Bacon, to Denham, Serjeant Hutton, Sir William James, in the Star Chamber, and at the arraignmentof Lord Sanquer in 1612.
ff. 1r-51v (2nd series)
BcF 632:
Francis Bacon,
Copies of c.39 letters by Bacon to various correspondents, including Burghley, Queen Elizabeth, King James, and Robert Cecil, headed A collection of severall lres written by Sr ffrancis Bacon, with a five-page table
ff. 20r-7r (2nd series)
BcF 175.5:
Francis Bacon,
Considerations touching a War with Spain
A tract dedicated to Prince Charles, beginning Your Highness hath an imperial name. It was a Charles that brought the empire first into France...
. First published in Certaine Miscellany Works, ed. William Rawley (London, 1629). Spedding, XIV, 469-505.
MS 528
A folio volume comprising three treatises, in a single professional secretary hand.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 120. Microfilm in the British Library, M/346 (1st item).
item 1
RaW 1053:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
The Cabinet-Council: containing the Chief Arts of Empire and Mysteries of State
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, entitled Obseruations Politicall & ciuill, subscribed W: * B: *
, vi + 91 leaves.
A treatise beginning A Commonwealth is a certain sovereign government of many families...
. First published, attributed to Sir Walter Ralegh in John Milton's preface To the Reader
, as The Cabinet-Council [&c.] (London, 1658). Works (1829), VIII, 35-150.
Widely circulated in MSS as Observations Political and Civil. The various attributions include T.B.
, for whom Thomas Bedingfield (early 1540s?-1613), translator of Machiavelli, is suggested in Ernest A. Strathmann, A Note on the Ralegh Canon, TLS (13 April 1956), p. 228, and in Lefranc (1968), p. 64.
item 2
GrF 14.6:
Fulke Greville,
The Five Yeares of King James
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, subscribed Sr ffrancis Bacon
, with a seven-page table of contents, ii + 89 leaves (foliated 1-89).
First published, attributed to Greville, in London, 1643. Almost certainly apocryphal.
item 3
BcF 406:
Francis Bacon,
Copy of a speech by Bacon at the arraignment of the Earl of Somerset, in a professional secretary hand, on seventeen leaves (foliated 92r-106v).
MS 531
A folio volume of antiquarian tracts, in professional secretary hands, 7 + 133 leaves (plus blanks).
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 120. Microfilm in the British Library, M/346 (3rd item).
ff. [ir], 1r-6v (1st series)
CtR 366:
Sir Robert Cotton,
A Relation of the Proceedings against Ambassadors who have miscarried themselves, etc. ... [27 April 1624]
Copy, in a professional secretary hnd, with a title page, as Written by Sr Robert Cotton knight the xxvijth of Aprill. Anno Domini 1624
Tract, addressed to George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham, beginning In humble obedience to your Grace's Command, I am emboldned to present my poor advice...
. Cottoni posthuma (1651), pp. 1-9.
ff. 1r-2v (2nd series)
CtR 230:
Sir Robert Cotton,
A Discourse Of the Antiquitye, and Offyce of the Earle Marshall of England, written by Sr Robte Cotton, knight, Att the request of the Lord Henrye Howard, Earle of Northampton [25 November 1602]
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton Knight at the request of the Lord Howard Earle of Northampton.
A dedicatory epistle beginning Sir, Yor small tyme, I must Ballance, wth as sclendr Aunswere...
followed by a tract beginning Because the Jurisdiction att the Comon Lawe was vncertayne...
ff. 5r-10v (2nd series)
CtR 263:
Sir Robert Cotton,
A Discourse Off the Offyce of the Lord Steward of England, Written by Sr Robte Cotton, knight, and Baronnett
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton knight & Barronett
Tract beginning For the Clearinge whereof wee will intreate off the name...
. Hearne (1771), II, 1-12.
ff. 11r-14r (2nd series)
CtR 333:
Sir Robert Cotton,
Of the steward of the King's household by Sr. Robt Cotton Kt. & Bart.
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, subscribed Ro: Cotton
A tract beginning Which office because it was neuer hereditary...
. Unpublished?
ff. 15r-17v (2nd series)
CmW 34:
William Camden,
The Antiquity, Authority, and Succession of the High Steward of England
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed A Discourse of the office of the lord high steward of England Collected by mr William Cambden.
A tract beginning Whom we call in English steward, in Latine is called seneschallus...
. First published in Hearne (1771), II, 38-40.
ff. 18r-20r (2nd series)
CtR 249:
Sir Robert Cotton,
A Discourse Of the Offyce of the Lord Highe Connstable of England, written by Sr: Robte Cotton, knight, and Baronett
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton Knight & Barronett
Tract beginning Yff wee curiouslye will looke the Roote of this question...
. Hearne (1771), II, 65-7.
ff. 21r-6r (2nd series)
CtR 66:
Sir Robert Cotton,
The Antiquitye and Offyce of Earle Marshall of England, Written by Sr Robte Cotton, knight, and Baronett
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, as written by Sr Robert Cotton Knight and Barronett
Tract beginning The plentye of this discourse, the last question of Highe Connstables, whereto...
. Hearne (1771), II, 97-103.
ff. 31v-6v
CmW 23.6:
William Camden,
The Antiquity and Office of the Earl Marshall of England
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed The Etymologie antiquitie and office of the Earle Marshall of England, unattributed.
A tract beginning Such is the vncertainety of etimologyes...
and sometimes entitled in manuscripts The Etymology, Antiquity and Office of the Earl Marshall of England. First published, as Commentarius de etymologia, antiquitate, & officio Comitis Marescalli Angliae, in Camdeni epistolae (London, 1691), Appendix, pp. 87-93. Hearne (1771), II, 90-7.
ff. 108r-33v
CtR 310:
Sir Robert Cotton,
The Manner and Meanes how the Kings of England have from time to time Supported and Repaired their Estates. Written...1609.
Copy of Extracts out of the Records of the Tower wherein may bee collected by what meanes the Kinges of England have from tyme to tyme and may raise moneyes, in a professional secretary hand, as Written by Sr Robert Cotton knight and Baronett
Tract beginning The Kings of England have supported and repaired their Estates...
. First published, as An Abstract out of the Records of the Tower, touching the Kings Revenue: and how they have supported themselves, London, [1642]. Cottoni posthuma (1651), pp. [161]-200
[i.e. 202].
MS 542
A folio volume of parliamentary proceedings for 1627-8.
Early-mid-17th century.
A microfilm in the British Library, M/353.
f. 107r-v
HlJ 28.8:
Joseph Hall,
Episcopal Admonition, Sent in a Letter to the House of Commons, April 28, 1628
Letter, beginning Gentlemen, For God's sake be wise in your well-meant zeal...
. First published in Cabala (London, 1663), p. 113. Wynter, VIII, 272.
MS 556
A quarto commonplace book, in contemporary calf.
A microfilm in the British Library, M/331 (last item).
[unspecified page numbers]
CtR 72:
Sir Robert Cotton,
The Antiquitie of Parliaments
A tract beginning As touching the nature of the Right Courte of Parliament, It is nothing else but the Kinges greate councell...
. Ascribed to Cotton in MS sources.
MS 562
Copy of several speeches by Bacon.
MS 572
Copy, with an English translation.
Inscribed Valued by Cooper, the bookseller, at the Pellican, Little Britain, 1678, at 15l
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 122. Microfilm in the British Library, M/336 (2nd item).
BcF 292.5:
Francis Bacon,
De sapientia veterum
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 122. Microfilm in the British Library, M/336 (2nd item).
First published in London, 1609. Spedding, VI, 605-764.
[no shelfmark]
A large folio volume of political tracts and papers.
Scribbling including the name John Gamble
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 119.
pp. 147-69
OvT 53:
Sir Thomas Overbury,
Observations in his travailes
A tract beginning All things concurred for the rising and maintenance of this State...
. First published as Sir Thomas Overbvry his Observations in his Travailes vpon the State of The Xvii. Provinces as they stood Anno Dom. 1609 (London, 1626). Rimbault, pp. 223-30. Authorship uncertain.
[no shelfmark]
A large folio composite volume of materials relating to Northumberland, 500+ leaves, in contemporary vellum.
17th century.
HeR 55.5:
Robert Herrick,
The Curse. A Song
('Goe perjur'd man. and if thou ere return')
First published in Hesperides (London, 1648). Martin, p. 49. Patrick, p. 69. Musical setting by John Blow published in John Playford, Choice Ayres and Songs (London, 1683).
Volume. XIII
A composite volume of state papers.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, pp. 68-71.
[unnumbered pages]
CoR 1:
Richard Corbett,
Against the Opposing the Duke in Parliament, 1628
('The wisest King did wonder when hee spy'd')
Copy, here ascribed to Po. Coc.
, following a list of the MPs committed to the Tower by Charles I.
First published in Poems and Songs relating to George Duke of Buckingham, Percy Society (London, 1850), p. 31. Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. 82-3.
Most MS texts followed by an anonymous Answer beginning The warlike king was troubl'd when hee spi'd
. Texts of these two poems discussed in V.L. Pearl and M.L. Pearl, Richard Corbett's Against the Opposing of the Duke in Parliament, 1628 and the Anonymous Rejoinder, An Answere to the Same, Lyne for Lyne: The Earliest Dated Manuscript Copies, RES, NS 42 (1991), 32-9, and related correspondence in RES, NS 43 (1992), 248-9.
MS No. 19, 40/1
A composite volume of state papers.
Late 17th century.
Volume XIX of historical collections.
p. 95
RnT 564:
Thomas Randolph,
Upon the Burning of a School
('What heat of learning kindled your desire')
Published in Wit and Drollery (London, 1661), ascribed to T. R.
. Usually anonymous in MS copies and the school variously identified as being in Castlethorpe or in Batley, Yorkshire, or in Lewes, Sussex, or elsewhere.
[unspecified page numbers]
MaA 320:
Andrew Marvell,
The Second Advice to a Painter
('Nay, Painter, if thou dar'st design that fight')
Copy, here ascribed to Denham and the poem dated 1666, on eleven pages.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd Report (1872), Appendix, p. 94.
First published in Directions to a Painter…Of Sir Iohn Denham ([London], 1667). POAS, I, 34-53. Lord, pp. 117-30. Smith, pp. 332-43. Recorded in Osborne, pp. 28-32, as anonymous.
The case for Marvell's authorship supported in George deF. Lord, Two New Poems by Marvell?, BNYPL, 62 (1958), 551-70, but see also discussion by Lord and Ephim Fogel in Vol. 63 (1959), 223-36, 292-308, 355-66. Marvell's authorship supported in Annabel Patterson, The Second and Third Advices-to-the-Painter, PBSA, 71 (1977), 473-86. Discussed also in Margoliouth, I, 348-50, and in Chernaik, p. 211, where Marvell's authorship is considered doubtful. A case for Sir John Denham's authorship is made in Brendan O Hehir, Harmony from Discords: A Life of Sir John Denham (Berkeley & Los Angeles, 1968), pp. 212-28.
[no shelfmark]
Recorded in HMC, 3rd report (1872), Appendix, p. 92.
ClE 69:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
Articles of High Treason and other hainous misdemeanours agst Edward, Earle of Clarendon, Lord Chancellor, exhibited by Earl of Bristol, 10 July 1663
Recorded in HMC, 3rd report (1872), Appendix, p. 92.
[no shelfmark]
Late 17th century.
Recorded in HMC, 3rd report (1872), Appendix, p. 92.
ClE 85:
Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon,
The Humble Petition and Address of Clarendon in 1667
Recorded in HMC, 3rd report (1872), Appendix, p. 92.
Petition beginning I cannot express the insupportable trouble and grief of mind I sustain...
. Published as To the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Assembled: The Humble Petition and Address of Clarendon, [in London, 1667?], and subsequently reprinted widely, sometimes under the title News from Dunkirk-house: or, Clarendon's Farewell to England Dec 3 1667.
[no shelfmark]
A map on vellum, perhaps drawn by Thomas Harriot (1560-1621) or else by Thomas Hood (1556-1620), evidently presented to Ralegh's friend Henry Percy (1564-1632), ninth Earl of Northumberland (the Wizzard Earl
Formerly among the Leconfield MSS at Petworth House, this map was owned after 1928 by Boies Penrose (d.1976), at Barbados Hill, Devon, Pennsylvania.
A facsimile appears in Penrose's Travel and Discovery in the Renaissance (Cambridge, 1952), facing p. 108.
RaW 1032:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Map(s) of Guiana
A facsimile appears in Penrose's Travel and Discovery in the Renaissance (Cambridge, 1952), facing p. 108.