Columbia University, New York

B851G93 U5 1591 [STC 12414]

Occasional annotations, in an unidentified minute italic hand, unsigned, pages 1-226 of a small sextodecimo, in modern cloth. c.1591.

Inscribed on the title-page Nathaniel F. Moore.

Attributed to Gabriel Harvey in Stern, p. 217, with a facsimile of sig. H9v in Plate F after p. 148, but the annotations are not in his hand. See P.J. Croft's review of Stern in RES, NS 32 (1981), pp. 442-6 (p. 443).

HvG 174: Gabriel Harvey, Guarini, Battista. Il Pastor Fido. Tragicomedia Pastorale (1591)

Attributed to Gabriel Harvey in Stern, p. 217, with a facsimile of sig. H9v in Plate F after p. 148, but the annotations are not in his hand. See P.J. Croft's review of Stern in RES, NS 32 (1981), pp. 442-6 (p. 443).

B851G93 U5 1591 [STC 12414]

Occasional annotations, including one and a half pages of notes at the end, in a minute italic hand, unsigned, pages [227]-[300] of a small sextodecimo, in modern cloth. c.1591.

Inscribed on the initial title-page of the volume Nathaniel F. Moore.

Annotations attributed to Gabriel Harvey in Stern, p. 237, with a facsimile of one page in Plate F after p. 148, but the annotations are not in his hand. See P.J. Croft's review of Stern in RES, NS 32 (1981), pp. 442-6 (p. 443).

HvG 181: Gabriel Harvey, Tasso, Torquato. Aminta Favola Boschereccia (1591)

Annotations attributed to Gabriel Harvey in Stern, p. 237, with a facsimile of one page in Plate F after p. 148, but the annotations are not in his hand. See P.J. Croft's review of Stern in RES, NS 32 (1981), pp. 442-6 (p. 443).


A long narrow ledger-size volume of transcripts of state letters and papers, written from both ends, 156 pages (including blanks), in contemporary limp vellum.

The first 79 pages in a single mixed hand; pp. 1-19 comprising political tracts; pp. 19-79 devoted to material relating to Milton; pp. 150-144 and 154 containing a few legal notes in Latin and a list of English Phrases derivd from ye Latine tongue. &c: in another hand, with other notes chiefly at the reverse end in later hands c.1703.

Late 17th century.

Owned by, and with later entries in the hand of, Bernard Gardiner (1668-1726), Warden of All Souls College, Oxford. Later owned and inscribed by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 3993. Sotheby's, 27 June 1919, lot 819, and 1 June 1921, lot 1003.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993) as the Columbia MS. This MS used in Columbia (Vols. XIII, XVIII). The anonymous essays of Statues & Antiquities (pp. 3-4) and A breif description of Genoa, as well the legal notes and vocabulary, are edited in Columbia (XVIII, 258-62, 221-7) as doubtfully by Milton. Iin fact there is no evidence that they have any connection with him unless, perchance, they were among the general state papers to which he had access. The MS also described in LR, IV, 277-9, and, with the text of the legal index, in Yale, I, 954-60.

pp. 17-19
CtR 356: Sir Robert Cotton, A Relation of the Proceedings against Ambassadors who have miscarried themselves, etc. ... [27 April 1624] ('')

Copy, headed Sr Rob. Cotton touching ye Spanish Ambassador.

Tract, addressed to George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham, beginning In humble obedience to your Grace's Command, I am emboldned to present my poor advice.... Cottoni posthuma (1651), pp. 1-9.

pp. 19-21
MnJ 54: John Milton, Proposalls of certaine expedients for ye prsenting of a civill war now feard, & ye setting of a firme governmt. by J.M. ('')

Copy, subscribed J. M.

Edited from this MS in Columbia and in Yale.

First published in Columbia, XVIII (1938), 3-7. Yale, I, 334-9.

pp. 21-3
MnJ 49: John Milton, A Letter to a Friend, concerning the Ruptures of the Commonwealth ('')

Copy of an early version, untitled, subscribed J. M., dated Octob. 20th. 1659.

Edited from this MS in Yale, Collated in Columbia, XVIII, 644-5.

First published in A Complete Collection of the Historical, Political and Miscellaneous Works of John Milton, ed. John Toland (Amsterdam [London], 1698). Columbia, VI, 101-6. Yale, VII, 322-33.

pp. 23-79
MnJ 84: John Milton, Letter(s) ('')

A series of 156 letters of state probably written by Milton, chiefly in Latin, some in English, dating from 1649 to 1659.


Sm Coll Smith Documents 1651

A receipt for £400 from Edward Garard, Kent, signed by Waller, 27 November 1651. 1651.
*WaE 844: Edmund Waller, Document(s)

Spec Ms Coll Samuels, JH

A document signed by Rochester, appointing William Fanshawe to receive his annuity of £1,000, 16 September 1670. 1670.

Sotheby's, 15 July 1957, lot 440.

*RoJ 665: John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, Document(s)

J. H. Samuels MS Coll. Sir Francis Bacon Letterbook

A folio composite volume of state letters, in at least three professional secretary hands, 97 pages, in modern red morocco gilt. c.1630.

Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector (unnumbered Phillipps MS). Maggs's sale catalogue No. 1086 (1988), item 7.

Briefly discussed, with a facsimile example, in Kenneth A. Lohf, A Manuscript of Sir Francis Bacon's State Papers and Letters, Columbia Library Columns, 38 (1989), 30-2. Facsimiles of the MS are in the British Library, RP 3883.

pp. 1-25, 48-52, 61-3
BcF 608: Francis Bacon, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a series of 26 letters by Bacon, to James I, Sir John Davies, Northumberland, Southampton, Robert Cecil, Buckhurst, Sir Thomas Egerton, Sir Edward Coke, Tobie Mathews, and others, in two professional secretary hands.

pp. 26-32
BcF 472: Francis Bacon, Bacon's Humble Submissions and Supplications ('')

Copy of Bacon's submission on 22 April 1621.

The Humble Submissions and Supplications Bacon sent to the House of Lords, on 19 March 1620/1 (beginning I humbly pray your Lordships all to make a favourable and true construction of my absence...); 22 April 1621 (beginning It may please your Lordships, I shall humbly crave at your Lordships' hands a benign interpretation...); and 30 April 1621 (beginning Upon advised consideration of the charge, descending into mine own conscience...), written at the time of his indictment for corruption. Spedding, XIV, 215-16, 242-5, 252-62.

B823K55 I 1664

An exemplum of the printed folio edition, with the title-pages for the ten individual plays inscribed ?Mad Behn, most of the inscriptions probably in Behn's own hand. c.1664.
*BeA 64: Aphra Behn, Killigrew, Thomas. Comedies and Tragedies (London, 1664)