Gabriel Harvey


De Republica Ordinanda. Ad summos Aulæ, Vrbis, prouinciarumque magistratus
('Curas partiri communes arte decenti')

Twenty lines, first published in Relle (1972), p. 408.

*HvG 1

Autograph, subscribed Axiophilus.

In: Six printed works bound together, once owned by Gabriel Harvey.

Edited from this MS in Relle.

'O heauenlie Medcin, Panacea high'

Eight lines, first published in Relle (1972), p. 407.

*HvG 2

Autograph, subscribed Axiophilus.

In: Six printed works bound together, once owned by Gabriel Harvey.

Edited from this MS in Relle.

Odiosa procrastinatio, ad Meipsum
('Vitæ tela breuis prohibet spem nectere longam')

Four quatrains, first published in Relle (1972), p. 408.

*HvG 3

Autograph, subscribed Axiophilus.

In: Six printed works bound together, once owned by Gabriel Harvey.

Edited from this MS in Relle.

'Sumtyme my booke is vnto me A God'

Moore Smith, as Gabriel Harvey at Pembroke Hall, pp. xv-xvi. Edward George Harman, Gabriel Harvey and Thomas Nashe (London, 1923), pp. 27-8.

*HvG 4

Autograph verses.

In: Gabriel Harvey's letterbook, 104 quarto leaves. Late 16th century.

Edited from this MS in Moore Smith and in Harman, pp. 27-8.

Xaipe vel Gratulatio Valdinensis ad...Dom...Burgleium

A Latin gratulatio to Lord Burghley, including a 14-line address by the poet, beginning E loquar, an sileam? breue tempus postulat altrum; an address to Burghley, beginning Te quoque Carminibus iussit Prudentia dudum; and then a series of epigrams.

*HvG 5

Autograph fair copy, the presentation MS to Lord Burghley, in Harvey's roman hand, entitled Gabrielis Harueij Xaipe, uel Gratulatio Vandinensis, ad Honoratissimum, clarissimumque uirum, Dominum Burgleium, magnum Angliæ Thesaurarium, summumque Acadeniæ nostræ Cantabrigiensis Cancellarium; Audleianis ædibus vna cum Regia ipsa Maiestate, reliquisque Nobilibus honorificentissime exceptum, signed Gabriel Haruejus, on nine quarto leaves.

In: A quarto composite volume of MS tracts, 192 leaves, in modern red morocco.

Among collections of John Strype (1643-1737), ecclesiastical historian and biographer, incorporating papers of William Cecil (1520/21-98), first Baron Burghley, secretary of state.

Moore Smith, p. 79. Stern, p. 243.

Miscellaneous Manuscripts and Letters

Commonplace Books
*HvG 6

Harvey's autograph commonplace book, in Latin and English, very closely written, with his extracts from innumerable books reflecting his literary, classical, linguistic and other interests.

In: An octavo commonplace book compiled by Gabriel Harvey, 52 leaves.

Later owned by James Crossley (1800-83), author and book collector (his note on f. 1r). Sotheby's, 20 June 1885 (Crossley sale), lot 3002.

Selections of this MS edited in Moore Smith, pp. 87-109.

Commonplace Book fragment
*HvG 7
Fragment of a small octavo autograph commonplace book compiled by Gabriel Harvey, five leaves, in half-morocco. c.1584.

Bookplates of Frederick William Cosens, FSA (1819-89), of Clapham Park, book collector, and of Thomas Jefferson McKee (1840-99), New York lawyer and collector. Anderson Galleries, New York, 2-3 December 1901 (McKee sale, Part IV), lot 2960, with a facsimile page in the sale catalogue. Afterwards owned by George Clifford Thomas (1839-1909), Philadelphia financier and collector. Bookplate also of John Gribbel (1858-1936), Philadelphia financier and collector. Parke Bernet, 7-8 May 1945 (Gribbel sale, Part Four), lot 240, to Stonehill Books, New Haven.

Stern, p. 243 (as whereabouts unknown). Discussed, with facsimile pages, in Alvan Bregman, A Gabriel Harvey Manuscript Brought to Light, The Book Collector, 54, No. 1 (Spring 2005), 61-81.

*HvG 8

Autograph letterbook, comprising drafts in a largely cursive italic hand, including an account of the attempted seduction of his sister by a lascivious nobleman, headed (f. i) Gabrielis Harvæi epistolæ æc., bearing dates between 1573 and 1578.

In: Gabriel Harvey's letterbook, 104 quarto leaves. Late 16th century.

Edited by Edward John Long Scott, Camden Society, NS 33 (1884). Moore Smith, p. 79. Stern, p. 243. Discussed in Edward George Harman, Gabriel Harvey and Thomas Nashe (London, 1923), chapter 1, and, with three facsimile examples, in James Nielson, Reading between the Lines: Manuscript Personality and Gabriel Harvey's Drafts, SEL, 33 (1993), 43-82. Facsimile examples in Greg, Engliah Literary Autographs, Plates LXXI (f, g).

The account relating to his sister discussed, and its modelling on George Gascoigne's The Adventures of Master F. J. established, in Katherine Wilson, Revenge of the Angel Gabriel: Harvey's A Nobleman's Suit to a Country Maid, in The Anatomy of Tudor Literature, ed. Mike Pincombe (Aldershot, 2001), 79-89.

*HvG 9

Autograph letter signed by Harvey, to the Earl of Leicester, from Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 24 April 1579.

In: Composite volume of papers.

Recorded in E.M. Tenison, Elizabethan England, Vol. V (1936), p. 152, n. 1.

*HvG 10

Autograph letter signed by Harvey, in Latin, to Lord Burghley, from Cambridge, 2 April 1579.

In: A folio composite volume of state letters and papers, in various hands, 220 leaves, in 19th-century half-morocco.

Recorded in Moore Smith, pp. 35-6.

*HvG 11

Autograph letter signed (Gabriel Haruejus), in Latin, to Lord Burghley, from Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 14 June 1580.

In: A folio composite volume of state letters and papers, in various hands, 220 leaves, in 19th-century half-morocco.

Facsimile examples in Greg, English Literary Autographs, Plates LXXI (a, b), and in Alfred Fairbank and Bruce Dickins, The Italic Hand in Tudor Cambridge (London, 1962), Plate 22a.

*HvG 12

Autograph letter signed by Harvey, to Lord Burghley, 15 February 1585.

In: A folio composite volume of state and miscellaneous papers, in various hands.

Recorded in Moore Smith, pp. 46-8. Facsimile examples in Greg, Englisj Literary Autographs, Plate LXXI (d, e).

HvG 13

Copy of a letter by Harvey, to Thomas Hatcher.

In: A folio volume of transcripts made by Thomas Baker (1656-1740), Cambridge antiquary, 472 pages plus a tipped-in letter, in reversed calf.

MS Baker 36.

Late 17th-early 18th century.
*HvG 14
Autograph letter signed by Harvey, to Sir Robert Cecil, 8 May 1598. 1598.

Edited in HMC, Salisbury, VIII (1899), pp. 160-1. Moore Smith, pp. 72-4.

*HvG 15
A deposition by Gabriel Harvey of Walden...Essex Doctor of the lawe aged threeskore and thirteene yeres or thereaboutes, at Saffron Walden, 12 April 1626. 1626.

Recorded in Eccles, pp. 61-2.

Printed Books and Manuscripts with Harvey's Inscriptions or Marginalia

Alciato, D. Andrea. Ad rescripta principum commentarii, de summa trinitate. Sacrosanct. eccl. aedendo. in ius vocando. Pactis. Transactionibus. His accessit euisdem de quinque pedum praescript. lib. I (Lyons, 1532)
*HvG 16
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 199.

Alciato, D. Andrea. De verborum significatione libri quatuor. Eisdem, in tractatum eius argumenti veterum JureconsultoR, Commentaria (Lyons, 1530)
*HvG 17
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, pp. 198-9.

Alciato, D. Andrea. Paradoxorum, ad Pratum, lib. VI. Dispunctionum, lib. IIII. In treis libros Cod. lib. III. De eo quid interest, liber unus. Praetermissorum, lib.II. Declamatio una. De stip. divisionib. Commentariolus (Basle, 1531)
*HvG 18
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 199.

Alkindus, Jacobus. Alkindus De Temporum Mutionibus, sive de imbribus, nunquam antea excussus. Nunc vero, per D. Io. Hieronymum a Scalingiis, emissus (Paris, 1540)
*HvG 19
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 199.

[Anon.] An Abstract, of Certaine Acts of Parlement: of certaine her Majesties Injunctions: of certaine Canons, Constitutions, and Synodals provinciall, established & in force, for the peaceable government of the Church, within her Majesties Dominions and Counries, for the most part heretofore unknowen and unpractized ([London, 1583?])
*HvG 20

Autograph signature on the title-page, Latin mottos on A2v and the last blank page, and a few pencil markings.

In: A quarto volume comprising three printed works owned by Gabriel Harvey, bound together in contemporary vellum.

Stern, p. 241.

[Anon.]. The Book of King Solomon called the Key of Knowledge
*HvG 21

Autograph annotations and marginalia.

In: A folio composite volume of tracts and papers relating to magic and witchcraft, in various hands, 197 leaves, in modern red morocco.

Probably in the library of John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, afterwards of his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician (his sale, 1759, lot 397, to Joseph Ames. Ames's sale, 1760, lot 357, to Snelling. Henry White sale, 1902, lot 1408.

Moore Smith, p. 80. Stern, p. 242.

[Anon.]. Calendarium Gregorianum Perpetuum (Antwerp, 1583)
*HvG 22
Autograph annotations, signed on the title-page GabrielisHaruey 1583, his notes opposite dated 1587, an octavo in contemporary limp vellum. 1583-7.

Stern, pp. 240-1.

[Anon.] Certaine straung visions, or apparitions of memorable note. Anno 1567.
*HvG 23

Autograph annotations and marginalia.

In: A folio composite volume of tracts and papers relating to magic and witchcraft, in various hands, 197 leaves, in modern red morocco.

Probably in the library of John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, afterwards of his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician (his sale, 1759, lot 397, to Joseph Ames. Ames's sale, 1760, lot 357, to Snelling. Henry White sale, 1902, lot 1408.

Moore Smith, p. 80. Stern, p. 242.

[Anon.]. De generibus ebriosorum, et ebrietate vitanda [n.p., n.d.]
*HvG 24
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 240.

[Anon.]. An excellent, perfect, and an approved medicine and waie to helpe and cure the stone in the raines [n.d.]
*HvG 25
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 240.

[Anon.]. Institutions, or Principal Grounds of the Laws and Statutes of England, newly corrected and amended (London, n.d.)
*HvG 26
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

W.C. Hazlitt. Moore Smith, p. 80. Stern, p. 240 (as whereabouts unknown). Owned and recorded in Thomas W. Jones's list of 1854 in University of London, Senate House Library, MS 289.

[Anon.]. The Lawes and Statutes of Geneva...Translated out of Frenche into Englische, by R. Fills. B.L. (London, 1562)
*HvG 27
Harvey's exemplum. Late 16th century.

Owned and recorded in Thomas W. Jones's list of 1854 in University of London, Senate House Library, MS 289.

[Anon.]. A Meruaylous discourse vpon the lyfe, deedes and behauiours of Katherine de Medicis, Queene mother [translated from the French] (Heydelberge [i.e. London], 1575)
*HvG 28
Harvey's exemplum. Late 16th century.

Owned and recorded in Thomas W. Jones's list of 1854 in University of London, Senate House Library, MS 289.

[Fitzherbert, A.]. In this booke is contained the office of Shiriffes, Bayliffes of liberties, Escheatours, Constables, and Coroners, and sheweth what everyone of them may do by vertue of theyr offices, drawen out of bookes of the common lawe and of the Statutes (London, 1560)
*HvG 29
Printed exemplum bearing Harvey's signature and date 1579 on the title-page, occasional autograph annotations, and a full autograph page by him at the end relating to Parliament.

The volume was once Library of Congress KD7290 .F57132 1579, but was destroyed probably in the late 1980s. A microfilm is Library of Congress, Microfilm 85/10017 LL.


Probably the exemplum of The Office of Sheriff (London, printed by Thomas Marsh, undated) owned and recorded in Thomas W. Jones's list of 1854 in University of London, Senate House Library, MS 289.

Stern, p. 213 (recording the volume as whereabouts unknown).

[Anon.]. These Oiles, Waters, Extractions, or Essence Saltes, and other Compositions; are at Paules wharfe ready made to be solde, by John Hester, practisioner in the arte of Distillation; who will also be ready for a reasonable stipend, to instruct any that are desirous to learne the secrets of the same in few dayes [n.d.]
*HvG 30
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 241.

[Anon. Treatise on Magic]
*HvG 31

Autograph annotations and marginalia.

In: A folio composite volume of tracts and papers relating to magic and witchcraft, in various hands, 197 leaves, in modern red morocco.

Probably in the library of John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, afterwards of his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician (his sale, 1759, lot 397, to Joseph Ames. Ames's sale, 1760, lot 357, to Snelling. Henry White sale, 1902, lot 1408.

Moore Smith, p. 80. Stern, p. 242.

[Anon.]. A Vow or Spectacle of Vanity, a sober and Serious Moral Lesson comprized in an Hundred Excellent Versys as well for Matter, as stile very notable
*HvG 32
Harvey's MS of a poem subscribed Incerti Authoris 1584. 1584.

Owned and recorded in Thomas W. Jones's list of 1854 in University of London, Senate House Library, MS 289.

Aphthonius, the Sophist. <Greek> Aphthonii Sophistae Praeludia. Cum interpretatione Rodolphi Agricolae Phrysii ([Paris?], 1543)
*HvG 33
Signed by Harvey. Late 16th century?

Stern, p. 200.

Aristotle. Aristotelis de Arte Dicendi Libri Tres...a Petro Victorio correcti & emendati. Ildem Latinate donati per Hermolaum Barbarum (Paris, 1549)
*HvG 34
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

In the library of the Coke family, Earls of Leicester, including collections of Sir Edward Coke (1552-1634), lawyer and politician.

Stern, p. 200.

Aristotle. Organvm Aristotelis. Porphyrii Isagoge. Aristotelis Categoriae; De interpretatione; Analyticorvm priorum libr. II; Posteriorum totidem; Topicoru lib. VIII; Elenchorum Sophisticorum libr. II (Paris, 1562)
*HvG 35
Autograph signature and annotations. Late 16th century.

Inscribed E. Gordon Ch. Ch.: i.e. Edward Gordon, matric. Christ Church, Oxford, in 1785. Sotheby's, 3 August 1858 (Samuel Weller Singer sale).

Stern, p. 200 (recorded as whereabouts unknown). Discussed in Carl T. Berkhout, Gabriel Harvey's Lost Aristotle, N&Q, 245 (December 2000), 432-3.

Barnaud, Nicholaus. Dialogus quo multa exponuntur quae Lutheranis et Hugonotis Gallis acciderunt. Orange (1573)
*HvG 36
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 201.

[Billerbege, Frauncis]. Most Rare and straunge Discourses, of Amurathe the Turkish Emperor that nowe is (London, [1584?])
*HvG 37
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Formerly STC 3060 Houghton *70.83.

Stern, p. 202.

Blagrave, John. The Mathematical Jewel, shewing the making, and most excellent use of a singuler Instrument so called: in that it performeth with wonderfull dexteritie, whatsoever is to be done, either by Quadrant, Ship, Circle, Cylinder, Ring, Dyall, Horoscope, Astrolabe, Sphere, Globe...The use of which Jewel...leadeth...through the whole Artes of Astronomy, Cosmography, Geography, Topography, Navigation, Longitudes (London, 1585)
*HvG 38
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 202.

Blundevill, Thomas. The foure chiefest Offices belonging to Horsemanship, That is to saie, The office of the Breeder, of the Rider; of the Keeper; and of the Herrer (London, 1580)
*HvG 39
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 202.

Boccatius, Joannes [Decembrio, Pier Candido]. Compendium Romanae historiae, oppido quam succinctum, & jam primum in lucem editum (Strassburg, 1535)
*HvG 40
Autograph annotations and marginalia. Late 16th century.

Stern, p. 203.

Bonetus de Lates. Hebrei medici Provenzalis Annuli per eum compositi super astrologiam utilitates incipiunt (Paris, 1527)
*HvG 41
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 203.

Bourne, William. A Regiment for the Sea, Containing verie necessarie matters for all sorts of men and travailers; whereunto is added an Hydrographicall discourse touching the five several passages to Cattay; written by William Borne. Newlie corrected and amended by Thomas Hood; who hath added a new Regiment, and Table of declination (London, [1592])
*HvG 42
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 203.

Braunschweig, Hieronymus von. A most excellent and perfecte homish apothecarye, or homely physick booke for all the grefes and diseases of the bodye (Cologne, 1561)
*HvG 43
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 204.

Bruele, Gualterus. Praxis medicinae theorica, et empirica familiarissima (Antwerp, 1585)
*HvG 44
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 204.

[Buchanan, George]. Ane admonition direct to the trew Lordis mantenaris of the Kingis Graces Authoritie M.G.B....accordyng to the Scottish copie Printed at Strivilyng by Robert Lekpreuik (London, 1571)
*HvG 45
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 204.

[Buchanan, George] Ane Detectioun of the duinges of Marie Queene of Scottes, touchand the murder of hir husband, and hir conspiracie, adulterie, and pretensed mariage with the Erle Bothwell. And ane defence of the trew Lordis, mainteineris of the Kingis Graces actioun and authoritie. Translatit out of the Latin quhilke was written by G.B. [London, 1571]
*HvG 46
Autograph annotations on the final blank page, occasional marginalia, and Harvey's signature (gabrielhauejus) on the title-page, an octavo in later morocco. c.1572.

Item 123 in an unidentified sale catalogue. In the collection of Robert H. Taylor (1908-85), American book and manuscript collector.

Stern, pp. 204-5.

[Buchanan, George]. De Maria Scotorum Regina, totaque eius contra Regem coniuratione; foedo cum Bothuelio adulterio; nefaria in maritum crudelitate & rabie, horrendo insuper & deterrimo eiusdem parricidio: plena, & tragica plane Historia [London, 1571]
*HvG 47
Autograph annotations on the final blank page, occasional marginalia, and Harvey's signature (Gabrielis Harvey) on the title-page, an octavo in later leather. c.1571.

Later owned by Benjamin Heywood Bright (1787-1843), book collector. Sotheby's, 3 March 1845, lot 818, and 15 June 1858, lot 778. Puttick & Simpson's, 14 July 1862, lot 130; 16 June 1863, lot 365; and 14 May 1866, lot 1311. W. H. Robinson's sale catalogue No. 77 (1948), item 75, with a facsimile of the title-page in the catalogue.

Stern, p. 205. Recorded in W. Carew Hazlitt, Gabriel Harvey, N&Q, 3/10 (10 November 1866), p. 371.

Castiglione, Baldassare. The Courtyer of Count Baldessar Castilio; divided into foure bookes. Very necessary, and profitable for yonge Gentilmen, and Gentilwomen, abiding in Court, Palace, or Place; done into Englyshe by Thomas Hoby (London, 1561)
*HvG 48
Copious autograph annotations and marginalia, as well as underlinings, signed on the title-page Gabrielis Harueij and gabrielharuey, 1572, a note by him on the penultimate page dated 1580, in a quarto volume, in modern morocco gilt. 1572-80.

Booklabel of Louis H. Silver.

Stern, pp. 205-6.

Castiglione, Baldessare. Il Libro del Cortegiano (Venice, 1541)
*HvG 49
Autograph annotations and marginalia, with signature Gabriel Arvejo. Late 16th century?

Owned in April 1904 by the Rev. Walter Begley, 24 Greencroft Gardens, Hampstead.

Moore Smith, p. 81. Stern, p. 205.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The woorkes of our antient and lerned English Poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly printed (London, 1598)
*HvG 50
Autograph signature, dated 1598, and copious annotations.

Including (f. 422v) Harvey's celebrated comment: The younger sort takes much delight in Shakespeares Venus & Adonis, but his Lucrece, & his tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, haue it in them, to please the Wiser sort.


Inscribed E Libris Tho: Dromore 1782: i.e. by Thomas Percy (1729-1811), Bishop of Dromore, writer and literary editor. Bookplate of Thomas Millington, of Gosfeild Hall, Essex.

This volume recorded and the annotations discussed in James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps, Memoranda on the Tragedy of Hamlet (1879), p. 46; in Moore Smith, pp. viii-xii; and in Stern, p. 206.

[Cheke, Sir John?]. Totus mundus jn maligno politus
('Complain we may much is amisse')

First published in Songs and Sonnetts (1587).

*HvG 51

Copy (f. 1r-2r) of an anonymous poem, in a small neat secretary hand, beginning Complaine we may, much is a miss, the heading in Harvey's hand, followed on f. 3r by five lines in his hand beginning Who can persuade, where treson is aboue reson, headed Sir John Cheek, subscribed with the signature Gabriel Harvey.

In: A quarto MS, partly drawn up by Gabriel Harvey, i + 4 leaves, in marbled boards. Late 16th century.

Stern, p. 243.

Chytraeus, David. De tribus nostrae aetatis Caesaribus Augustis, Carolo V, Ferdinando I, Maximiliano II, orationes (Wittenberg, 1583)
*HvG 52
Autograph annotations.

Auction sale by F. O. Beggi, 17 March 1864, lot 357.

Stern, p. 206.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. M. Tul. Ciceronis ad C. Trebatium Iurisconsultum Topica; Audomari Talaei praelectionibus explicata, ad Carolum Borbonium Cardinalem Vindocinum (Paris, 1550)
*HvG 53
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, pp. 206-7.

Cicero. M. Tullii Ciceronis Epistolae Ad Atticum. Ad M. Brutum, Ad Quinctum Fratrem, Cum correctionibus Pauli Manutii (Venice, 1563)
*HvG 54
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 207.

Corro, Antonio de. The Spanish Grammer; with certeine Rules teaching both the Spanish & French tongues...With a dictionarie adioyned vnto it, of all the Spanish wordes cited in this booke...By John Thorius (London, 1590)
*HvG 55
Autograph signature and annotations.

Including three lines on the flyleaf opposite the title page; Percyuals Bibliotheca Hispanica. 1591. and gabrielisharueij...GH on the title-page; occasional underlining; five lines of notes in Latin on linguistic matters signed gabrielharuejus: 1590 on the last page, and a ten-line list of books in Spanish, Latin and English headed by the motto Poco y bueno on a final blank; the book a quarto in modern brown morocco gilt, the pages cropped.


The annotations printed and discussed in Caroline Brown Bourland, Gabriel Harvey and the Modern Languages, Huntington Library Quarterly, 4 (1940-1), 85-106 (pp. 95-7). Stern, p. 207.

Corrozet, Giles [translator]. The Images of the Old Testament; Lately expressed, set forthe in Ynglishe and Frenche, with a playn and brief exposition (Lyons, 1549)
*HvG 56
Autograph signature and annotations.

Including GH., gabrielis harueij. 1580, and Sallust, du Bartas, the only braue Poet in this sacred vein on the title-page; various underlinings; Hetherto the ancient Originals, before the Histories of the Kinges (E5r), notes on Solomon (Gr3r), and notes on Judith (K2r-v), the book, which includes 94 woodcuts after Hans Holbein, a quarto in modern brown morocco gilt.


Sale of the library of George Hibbert (1757-1837), merchant and book collector (16 March, 4 and 25 May 1829), lot 8666.

The annotations printed and discussed in Caroline Brown Bourland, Gabriel Harvey and the Modern Languages, Huntington Library Quarterly, 4 (1940-1), 85-106 (p. 106). Stern p. 239.

[Cosin, Richard]. An Answer to the two fyrst and principall Treatises of a certaine factious Libell, put foorth latelie, without name of Author or Printer, and without approbation by authoritie, under the title of An Abstract of certeine Acts of Parlemement: of certaine hir Majesties Injunction, of certeine Canons, &c. (London, 1584)
*HvG 57

Autograph annotations in pencil and ink on five pages of the rear flyleaves and occasional notes and markings chiefly in pencil elsewhere.

In: A quarto volume comprising three printed works owned by Gabriel Harvey, bound together in contemporary vellum.

Stern, p. 207.

[Cosin, Richard]. An Apologie for the Sundrie Proceedings by Jurisdiction Ecclesiasticall, of late times by some chalenged, and also diversly by them impugned...against proceedings ex Officio, and against Oathe ministred to parties in causes criminall (London, 1593)
*HvG 58

Autograph signature and date 1593 on the title-page, pencil and ink notes on front pastedown and two front flyleaves, occasional underlinings, and other annotations in margins and borders.

In: A quarto volume comprising three printed works owned by Gabriel Harvey, bound together in contemporary vellum.

Stern, pp. 207-8.

Davies, Richard. A funerall sermon preached the xxvi. day of the buriall of the right honourable walter earle of essex and ewe (London, 1577)
*HvG 59
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 208.

Demosthenes. Gnomologiae, sive sententiae collectaneae et similia ex Demosthenis orationibus et epistolis, in certa virtutum ac vitiorum capita, collectae per J. Loinum. Divi Gregorii sententiarum spiritualium libri tres J. Lango interprete. Arithmologia ethica, sententiae morales certis numeris comprehensa...a J. Camerario conversae (Basle, [1552])
*HvG 60
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 208. Discussed in Walter Colman, Gabriel Harvey's Holograph Notes in his Copy of Gnomologiae, in Elizabethan and Modern Studies, ed. J.P. Vander Motten (Ghent, 1985), pp. 57-65.

Des Pres, François. Recueil de la diversité des habits, qui sont de present en usage tant es pays d'Europe, Asie, Affrique & Illes Sauvages. Le tout fait après le naturel (Paris, 1567)
*HvG 61
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, pp. 208-9.

Dicsone, Alexander. Alexandri Dicsoni Arelii De vmbra rationis & iudicij, siue de memoriæ virtute prosopopoeia (London, 1583 [i.e. 1584])
*HvG 62
Harvey's exemplum, lacking the title-page. c.1584.

Owned and recorded (as Alexand Dicson Artificiosa Memoriæ) in Thomas W. Jones's list of 1854 in University of London, Senate House Library, MS 289.

[Dionysius Periegetes]. The surveye of the world, or situation of the earth, so much as is inhabited...First written in Greeke by Dionise Alexandrine, and now englished by Thomas Twine (London, 1572)
*HvG 63
Autograph annotations and marginalia, in an octavo printed text, bound with other items in contemporary vellum (detached). c.1572-80s.

Stern, p. 209.

Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos. Accesserunt priori editioni V. Cordi (Frankfurt, 1549)
*HvG 64
Autograph signature and annotations. Mid-late 16th century.

Later in the library of James Crossley (1800-83), author and book collector. Sotheby's, 11 June 1885 (Crossley sale), lot 890.

Dolce, Lodovico. Medea Tragedia (Venice, 1566)
*HvG 65
Various autograph annotations and marginalia, signed by Harvey on the title-page and the date altered from 1576 to 1579, an octavo also containing his annotated Thieste out of the original Quattro tragedie, lacking the original Hecuba and Iphigenia, in modern brown morocco gilt. 1579.

Item 307 in an unidentified sale catalogue. Corresponding to one of Harvey's volumes whose annotations are copied in the octavo MS in University of London, Senate House Library, MS 289.

Stern, p. 209.

Domenichi, Lodovico. Facetie, motti, et burle, di diversi signori et persone private (Venice, 1571)
*HvG 66
Copious autograph annotations and marginalia throughout, on pages 321-431 of the printed text, lacking the previous pages and a title-page, an octavo bound (as ff. 1r-56r) with two other works in modern morocco gilt. [1580].

Stern, p. 209.

Duarenus, Franciscus. De Sacris Ecclesiae Ministeriis Ac Beneficiis Libri VIII. In quibus quicquid ad plenam Iuris Pontificij cognitionem necessarium est, breviter ac dilucide explicatum continetur (Paris, 1564)
*HvG 67
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, pp. 209-10.

Duenarus, Franciscus. F. Duareni Jurisconsulti Clarissimi Praelectiones In Tit. Ad Leg. Falc. D. in celebri Biturig. academia habitae anno 1555. Opera Leontii Beriaci I.C. (Paris, 1561)
*HvG 68
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 210.

[Du Faur, Gui, Seigneur de Pibrac]. Ornatissimi cuiusdam viri, de rebus Gallicis, ad Stanislaum Eluidium Epistola. At Ad Hanc De Iisdem Rebus Gallicis Responsio ([Paris], 1573)
*HvG 69
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 210.

Du Ploiche, Pierre. A treatise in Englishe and Frenche, right necessarie, and profitable for all young Children (London, 1578)
*HvG 70
Autograph signature and annotations.

Including gabrielharuey. Ex dono Autoris, Monsieur du Ploiche and The French A.B.C. on the title-page; minor underlining and occasional substantial marginal annotations, such as A necessary Introduction...A paradox in lerning: quo plus, eo minus. Beginners must not leap ouer hastely, lest they ouerleape all. Apt & reddy pronunciation of ye Alphabet on weeks exercise (A2v) and This, with ye first, will serue for good part of ye grammer. pronunciation, & ye verbs, perfectly learn'd: little othe[r] Grammer needith. My homagenral Dictionary, with daily reading, & speaking will soone supply ye rest (Hiijr); the motto Poco, y bueno on A3r and gabrielharuey.1580 on Iivv; the book a quarto in modern brown morocco gilt, the pages cropped.


The annotations printed and discussed in Caroline Brown Bourland, Gabriel Harvey and the Modern Languages, Huntington Library Quarterly, 4 (1940-1), 85-106 (pp. 94-5). Stern, pp. 10-11.

Eliot, John. Ortho-epia Gallica. Eliots First Fruits for the French: Enterlaced with a double new Inuention which teacheth to speake truely, speedily and volubly the French-tongue (London, 1593)
*HvG 71
Autograph signature and annotations.

Including G.H., gabrielharuey. 1593. and For ye French, & Spanish on the title-page; occasional marginal notes and underlining throughout, such as A ready way to learne Language (p. 5), ye Queenes Languages (p. 17), The like Commendation of ye Queen in Florios First Fruits &c (p. 57), and (pp. 30-3) various references to brave Virgil, Ariosto, Tasso (the last two heroicall, & diuine Wittes: most braue, & souerain Poets next Homer & Virgil; still my two singular Types [the rest cropped]), and Du Bartas (for ye maiesty of his heauenly matter, & diuine forms, a most-excellent, & singular Poet: the only Christian Homer to this day); the book a quarto in modern brown morocco gilt, the pages cropped.


The annotations edited and discussed in Caroline Brown Bourland, Gabriel Harvey and the Modern Languages, Huntington Library Quarterly, 4 (1940-1), 85-106 (pp. 99-102). Stern, p. 211.

[Eliot, John]. The Svrvay or Topographical Description of France: With a new Mappe, helping greatly for the Surueying of euery particular Country, Cittye, Fortresse, Riuer, Mountaine, and Forrest therein; Collected out of sundry approued Authors (London, 1592)
*HvG 72
Autograph signature and annotations.

Including GH. gabrielharuey.1592. on the title-page; occasional brief marginal notes and underlining; gabrielisharueij, et amicorum. 1592 on the verso of the last page, and brief references to France. 1592 and Henrie 4. on a flyleaf; the book a quarto in modern brown morocco gilt.


The annotations printed and discussed in Caroline Brown Bourland, Gabriel Harvey and the Modern Languages, Huntington Library Quarterly, 4 (1940-1), 85-106 (pp. 104-6). Stern, p. 211, where is mistakenly recorded the presence of a folio leaf of MS. in Harvey's hand, actually in a different book: see HvG 112.

Erasmus, Desiderius. Parabolae, Sive Similia...Cum vocabularum liquot non ita vulgarium explicatione (Basle, 1565)
*HvG 73
Copious autograph annotations and marginalia throughout, signed by Harvey on the title-page, a small quarto in vellum. 1566.

Stern, p. 211. Facsimile of the annotated title-page in DLB, Vol. 281, British Rhetoricians and Logicians 1500-1660. Second Series, ed. Edward A. Malone (Detroit, 2003), p. 121.

Euclid. Liber Primus Geometrie [translated by Boethius] (Paris, 1527)
*HvG 74
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 212.

Euripides, Hecuba & Iphigenia in latinam tralatae, Erasmo Roterdamo interprete. Eiusdem ode de laudibus Britanniae, Regisque Henrici septimi, ac regiorum liberorum eius, Eiusdem ode de senectutis incommodis (Venice, 1507)
*HvG 75
Autograph signature and annotations.

Corresponding to one of Harvey's volumes whose annotations are copied in the octavo MS in University of London, Senate House Library, MS 289.

Stern, p. 212.

Fabricius Marcoduranus. Franc. M. Tulli Ciceronis Historia, per Consules descripta, & in annos LXIV distincta. Editio Secunda (Cologne, 1570)
*HvG 76
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 212.

Firmin de Beauval. Firmini reportorium de mutatione Aeris; Tam Via Astrologica, quam metheorologica; pristino notori restitutum, per Phillippum Iollainum Blereium, cum scholiis eiusdem (Paris, 1539)
*HvG 77
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 213.

Florio, John. Florio his first fruites: a perfect induction to the Italian and English tongues (London, 1578)
*HvG 79
Copious autograph annotations. Late 16th century.

Formerly Houghton *70-81.

Stern, p. 213. Discussed in Clifford Chalmers Huffman, Gabriel Harvey on John Florio and John Eliot, N&Q, 220 (July 1975), 300-2.

Foorth, Joannes. Synopsis Politica (London, 1582)
*HvG 80

Copious autograph annotations by Harvey.

In: Two printed works owned and annotated by Gabriel Harvey, bound together in a single volume. Late 16th century.

Stern, pp. 213-14.

Forman, Simon. An excellent booke of the arte of Magicke, first begoone the xxiith of Marche Anno Domini 1567
*HvG 81

Autograph annotations and marginalia.

In: A folio composite volume of tracts and papers relating to magic and witchcraft, in various hands, 197 leaves, in modern red morocco.

Probably in the library of John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, afterwards of his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician (his sale, 1759, lot 397, to Joseph Ames. Ames's sale, 1760, lot 357, to Snelling. Henry White sale, 1902, lot 1408.

Moore Smith, p. 80. Stern, p. 242.

Foxe, John. De Christo crucifixo concio (London, 1571)
*HvG 82
Autograph annotations and marginalia, in blue goatskin. 1572.

Later owned by The Rev. John Brand (1744-1806), antiquary and topographer; Richard Heber (1774-1833), book collector; William Henry Miller, MP (1789-1848), of Britwell Court, Burnham, Buckinghamshire; Quaritch's, 1920; and Sir Robert Leicester Harmsworth, first Baronet, MP (1870-1937).

Stern, p. 214.

Freigius, Johannes Thomas. Ciceronianus. Joan. Thomae Freigii...Libri Decem (Basle, [1575])
*HvG 83
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 214.

Freigius, Johannes Thomas. Mosaicus; Continens Historiam Ecclesiasticam, 2494 annorum, ab orbe condito usque as Mosis mortem (Basle, 1583)
*HvG 84
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 214.

Freigius, Johannes Thomas. Paratitla seu synopsis pandectarum juris civilis (Basle, 1583)
*HvG 85
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Recorded in 1979 as being in a Private Collection, United States.

Stern, p. 214.

Frontinus, Sextus Julius. The stratagemes, sleyghtes, and policies of warre gathered togyther, by S. Julius Frontinus, and translated into Englyshe, by Richard Morysine (London, 1539)
*HvG 86
Autograph annotations, signed Gabriel Haruejus. 1580. 1580.

Formerly Houghton Lf.18.54.8*.

Stern, p. 214. Facsimiles of the annotated verso of the title-page and sig. avr in Wilson, Plates IIa and IV after p. 346.

Fulke, William. OYPANOMAXIA. Hoc est Astrologorum Ludus, Ad bonarum artium, & Astrologiae in primis studiosorum relaxationem comparatus, nunc primum illustratus (London, 1572)
*HvG 87
Autograph annotations, signed Gabrielis Haruey.

Formerly Houghton 24232.6.25*.

Stern, p. 215. Facsimile of the signed title-page in Wilson, Plate IIb after p. 346.

G., R. [title-page missing] (London, 1571)
*HvG 88
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 215.

Gascoigne, George. The Posies...Corrected, perfected, and augmented by the Authour (London, 1575)
*HvG 89
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, pp. 215-16.

Gascoigne, George. The Steele Glas. A Satyr compiled by George Gascoigne Esquire. Togither with the Complaint of Phylomene. An Elegie devised by the same Author (London, 1576)
*HvG 90
Autograph annotations and marginalia.
[Gasser, Achilles Pirminus]. Historiarum, et Chronicorum Totius Mundi Epitome ([Basle?], 1538)
*HvG 91
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 216.

Gaurico, Luca. Lucae Gaurici Geophonensis, Episcopi Civitatensis, Tractatus Astrologicus, In quo agitur de praeteritis multorum hominum accidentibus, per proprias eorum genituras ad unguem examinatis (Venice, 1552)
*HvG 92
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 216.

[Grafton, Richard]. A brief treatise conteinyng many proper Tables, and easie rules, verye necessarye and nedefull, for the use and commoditie of al people, collected out of certaine learned mens works (London, 1576)
*HvG 93
Autograph annotations and marginalia, in an octavo printed text, bound with other items in contemporary vellum (detached). c.1576.

Stern, p. 216.

Grantham, Henry. An Italian grammar written in Latin by Scipio Lentul... turned into English by H. G. (1575)
*HvG 94
Harvey's exemplum.

Corresponding to one of Harvey's volumes whose annotations are copied in the octavo MS in University of London, Senate House Library, MS 289.

Greverus, Jodocus. Secretum, et alani Philosophi Dicta de Lapide Philosophico, item alia nonnulla eiusdem materiae pleraque jam primum editio a Justo a Balbian (Leyden, 1599)
*HvG 95
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Later owned by the Rev. Philip Bliss (1787-1857), antiquary and book collector. Sotheby's, 5 July 1858 (Bliss sale). Puttick & Simpson, 14 December 1893, lot 349.

Moore Smith, p. 86. Stern, p. 217 (as wherabouts unknown).

Guazzo, S. Stefano. La Civil Conversatione...Divisa in IIII. Libri (Venice, 1581)
*HvG 96
Autograph annotations. 1582.

Stern, p. 217. Discussed in Kirsty Cochrane, A Civil Conversation of 1582: Gabriel Harvey's Reading of Guazzo, AUMLA, 78 (November 1992), 1-28.

Guazzo, S. Stefano. The Civile Conversation of M. Steeven Guazzo written first in Italian, and nowe translated out of French by George Pettie, devided into foure books (London, 1581)
*HvG 97
Autograph signature Gabriel Harvey (deleted) on the title-page, a marginal annotation on sig. D4r, and some underlinings, in a quarto volume, in contemporary limp vellum. c.1581.

Stern, pp. 217-18. Discussed in Kirsty Cochrane, A Civil Conversation of 1582: Gabriel Harvey's Reading of Guazzo, AUMLA, 78 (November 1992), 1-28.

Guicciardini, Lodovico. Detti et Fatti Piacevoli, et Gravi; Di Diversi Principi, Filosofi, Et Cortigiani, Raccolti Dal Guicciardini; Et Ridotti A Moralita (Venice, 1571)
*HvG 98
Copious autograph annotations and marginalia, signed by Harvey on the title-page and dated 1580, dated at the end (f. 208v) 1590, an octavo bound (as ff. 73r-211r) with two other works in modern morocco gilt. 1580-90.

Stern, p. 218. Facsimile of f. 73r, the annotated title-page, in Heather Wolfe, The Pen's Excellencie: Treasures from the Manuscript Collection of the Folger Shakespeare Library (Washington, DC, 2002), p. 135. Facsimile of p. 162 in Wilson, Plate I after p. 346.

Harvey, Gabriel. Gabrielis Harvej Ciceronianus, Vel Oratio post reditum, habita Cantabrigiae ad suos Auditores (London, 1577)
*HvG 99
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 219.

Harvey, Gabriel. Gratulationum Valdinensium quatuor (London, 1578)
*HvG 100
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 219.

*HvG 101
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, pp. 219-20.

Harvey, Gabriel. Ode Natalitia, Vel Opus Eius Feriae, quae S. Stephani protomartyris nomine celebrata est anno 1574. In memoriam P. Rami, optimi, et clarissimi viri (London, 1575)
*HvG 102
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 219.

Harvey, Gabriel. Gabrielis Harveii Valdinatis; Smithus; vel Musarum Lachrymæ: Pro obitu Honoratissimi viri, atque hominis multis nominibus clarissimi, Thomæ Smithi, Equitis Britanni, Maiestatisque Regiæ Secretarij. Ad Gualterum Mildmaium, Equitem Britannum, & Consiliarium Regium (London, 1578)
*HvG 103
An annotation (f. 5r) probably in Harvey's hand, with various underlinings, and the initials GH in a flourished hand on the title-page, in a small quarto, in modern cloth. Late 16th century.

Stern, p. 219.

Harvey, John. A discoursive Probleme concerning Prophesies, How far they are to be valued, or credited, according to the surest rules, and directions in Divinitie, Philosophie, Astrologie, and other learning: Devised especially in abatement of the terrible threatenings, and menaces, peremptorily denounced against the kingdoms, and states of the world, this present famous yeere, 1588, supposed the Greatwoonderfull, and Fatal yeere of our Age (London, 1588)
*HvG 104
Autograph annotations and marginalia, inscribed Ex dono Jo. ffratris. c.1588.

Leighton sale, May 1918, lot 1235. From the library of Sir Robert Leicester Harmsworth, first Baronet, MP (1870-1937).

Stern, p. 220.

Hill, Thomas. The Schoole of Skil: Containing two Bookes: the first, of the Sphere, of heaven...The second, of the Sphericall Elements, of the celestiall Circles (London, 1599)
*HvG 105
Autograph signature, annotations and underlining. 1599.

Stern, pp. 220-1.

Holyband, Claudius [Desainliens, Claude]. The pretie and wittie historie of Arnalt & Lucenda with certen rules and dialogues for the learner of the Italian tong (London, 1575)
*HvG 106
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 221.

Hood, Thomas. The marriners guide, set forth in forme of a dialogue, wherein the use of the plaine sea card is briefly and plainely delivered (London, 1592)
*HvG 107
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 221.

Hopperus, Ioachim. In veram Iurisprudentiam Isagoges ad filium Libri octo (Cologne, 1580)
*HvG 108
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 221.

Howard, Henry. A Defensative against the Poyson of supposed Prophesies (London, 1583)
*HvG 109
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Formerly Houghton STC 13858.2.

Stern, p. 222.

Huggelius, Joannes Jacobus [Hugkel]. De Semeiotice Medicinae Parte, Tractatus: Ex probatis collectus authoribus, & in tabulae formam redactus (Basle, 1560)
*HvG 110
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 222.

Humphrey, Laurence. Interpretatio Linguarum: seu de ratione convertendi & explicandi autores tam sacros quam profanos, Libri tres (Basle, 1559)
*HvG 111
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, pp. 222-3.

[Hurault, Michel]. An Excellent Discovrse vpon the now present estate of France. Faithfvlly translated out of French, by E.A. [Edward Aggas] (London, 1592)

Stern, p. 223.

*HvG 112
Autograph signature and annotations.

Including gabrielharuey. 1592, giuen mee bie Mr Woolfe [the publisher], for a special rare Discourse, and other annotations on the title-page and a twelve-line list of books on the verso; various marginal annotations throughout (some badly cropped); considerable underlining; and on the last page gabrielharuey: this August: 1592. Il legere nutrica lo ingegno; also, tipped-in a long folded sheet of paper with a tabulated list of duchies, provinces, peers, archbishoprics, and academies in France, endorsed A compendious description of france / A proffitable Table; the book a quarto in modern brown morocco gilt, the pages cropped.


The annotations printed and discussed in Caroline Brown Bourland, Gabriel Harvey and the Modern Languages, Huntington Library Quarterly, 4 (1940-1), 85-106 (pp. 102-4). Stern, p. 223.

Isocrates. The Doctrinal of Princes made by the noble Oratour Isocrates, & translated out of Greke into Englishe by Syr Thomas Eliot knight (London, [1534])
*HvG 113
Some annotations in an italic hand, probably Harvey's, on sigs Biiiiv-[Bvr], C2v and C4v, as well as underlinings, but not signed by him, in a small octavo, in later calf gilt. Late 16th century.

Evidently the Oration of Isocrates to King Nicocles -- By Sir Thomas Eliot, lacking title-page, owned and recorded in Thomas W. Jones's list of 1854 in University of London, Senate House Library, MS 289.

James VI of Scotland. The Essayes of a Prentise in the diuine Art of Poesie (Edinburgh, 1585)
*HvG 114

Copious autograph annotations, inscribed Gabriel Haruejus...Ex dono præstantissimi Doctoris Bartholomæi Clarci, Arcuum Decani.

In: Six printed works bound together, once owned by Gabriel Harvey.

Discussed in Relle (1972). Stern, p. 223.

James VI of Scotland. His Majesties Poeticall Exercises at vacant houres (Edinburgh, [1591])
*HvG 115

Copious autograph annotations, signed gabrielisharveij, et amicorum.

In: Six printed works bound together, once owned by Gabriel Harvey.

Discussed in Relle. Stern, p. 223.

Jovius, Paulus. Novocomensis Libellus de Legatione Basilii Magni Principis Moschoviae ad Clementem VII. Pontifex Max. (Basle, 1527)
*HvG 116
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Formerly Houghton *70-84.

Stern, p. 223.

Justinian, D. Iustiniani Imp. Institutionum Libri IIII. Francisci Accursii glossis illustrati (Lyons, 1577)
*HvG 117
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 224.

La Place, Pierre de. Politique Discourses (London, 1578)
Lentulo, Scipio. An Italian Grammer; written in Latin by Scipio Lentvlo a Neopolitane: And Turned in Englishe: By H. G. [Henry Grantham] (London, 1575)
*HvG 119
Autograph signature and annotations.

Including Gabrielis Harveij...1579. mese Aprili on the title page; the motto Poco y bueno; some underlining and many brief marginal annotations throughout (often cropped); a substantial note on p. 155 referring to the Excellent Comedies, & Tragedies following: full of sweet, & wise Discourse which were evidently once bound with this book; and (p. [56]) Gabriel Harueius. 1579...Vt de hac Terentij tralatione Sentirem honorificentius; fecit Aldi exquisita Editio; the book an octavo in modern dark brown morocco.


The annotations printed and discussed in Caroline Brown Bourland, Gabriel Harvey and the Modern Languages, Huntington Library Quarterly, 4 (1940-1), 85-106 (pp. 91-4). Stern, p. 224.

Littleton, Sir Thomas. Littleton's Tenures in English (London, 1562)
*HvG 120
Harvey's exemplum. Late 16th century.

Owned and recorded in Thomas W. Jones's list of 1854 in University of London, Senate House Library, MS 289.

Littleton, Sir Thomas. Littletons Tenures in Englishe (London, 1581)
*HvG 121
Autograph signature and annotations. 1584.

Recorded by W.C. Hazlitt. Moore Smith, p. 85. Stern, p. 225.

Facsimile of an annotated page in British Literary Manuscripts Series I, ed. Verlyn Klinkenborg et al. (Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, 1981), No. 16.

Livy, Titus. T. Livii Patavini Conciones cum argumentis et annotationibus Joachimi Perionii (Paris, 1532)
*HvG 122
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 225.

Livy, Titus. T. Livii Patavini, Romanae Historiae Principis, Decades Tres, cum dimidia; partim caelii secundi curionis industria, partim collatione meliorum codicum iterum diligenter emendatae...a Iodoco Badio Ascensio redacta (Basle, 1555)
*HvG 123
Copious autograph annotations.

Owned in 1990 by Lucius Wilmerding, Jr and on deposit at Princeton University.

Stern, p. 225 (as in a Private collection, United States). Discussed in Lisa Jardine and Anthony Grafton, Studied for Action: How Gabriel Harvey Read his Livy, Past and Present, No. 129 (1990), 1-78. Facsimile examples in Anthony T. Grafton, Gabriel Harvey's Marginalia: New Light on the Cultural History of Elizabethan England, Princeton University Library Chronicle, 52/1 (Autumn 1990, 21-4.

Llwyd, Humphrey. The Breviary of Britayne...Contayning a learned discourse of the variable state, & alteration thereof; under divers, as wel natural; as forren princes, & conquerors...Writen in Latin by Humfrey Lhuyd of Denbigh...and lately Englished by Thomas Twyne (London, 1573)
*HvG 124
Autograph annotations and marginalia, an octavo bound with other items in contemporary vellum (detached). c.1573-80s.

Stern, pp. 224-5.

Machiavelli, Niccolò. The Arte of Warre; written in Italian by Nicholas Machiavel; and set foorth in English by Peter Withorne, student at Graies Inne, with other like Martial feates and experiments; as in a Table in the ende of the booke may appeare ([London], 1573)
*HvG 125
Autograph annotations and marginalia. Late 16th century.

Quaritch's General Catalogue (1868), item 2228.

Stern, p. 226. W.C. Hazlitt. Moore Smith, p. 84. Stern, p. 226 (as in a Private collection, United States).

Machiavelli, Niccolò. The Arte of Warre written first in Italian by Nicholas Machiavell, and set forth in Englishe by Peter Withorne, studtent at Graies Inne...Newly imprinted with other additions (3 parts: 1573, 1574, [1574])
*HvG 126
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

W.C. Hazlitt (Bernard Quaritch Dictionary of Book Collectors, Part XIII, London, 1899), sub. Gabriel Harvey. Stern, p. 226 (as whereabouts unknown).

Machiavelli, Niccolò. Princeps (Basle, 1580)
*HvG 127
Exemplum with Harvey's autograph marginalia, bound with Vindiciae contra tyrannos. Late 16th-early 17th century.
[Meier, Georg, M.D. of Würtzburg]. In Judaeorum Medicastrorum calumnias, & homicidia; pro Christianis pia exhortatio. Ex Theologorum, & Juresconsultorum Decretis ([Speyer], 1570)
*HvG 128
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Harvey's annotations transcribed, with a facsimile of the annotated title-page and last page, in Frank Marcham, Lopez the Jew executed 1594: An Opinion by Gabriel Harvey (Harrow Weald, Middlesex, 1927). Stern, p. 227.

Melanchthon, Philip. Selectarum Declamationum Philippi Melanthonis, quas conscripsit; & partim ipse in schola witebergensi recitavit, partim aliis recitandas exhibuit (Tomus Primus, Strasbourg, 1564)
*HvG 129
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Maggs's sale catalogue No. 505 (1928), item 1475, with a facsimile of the title-page as Plate LXII.

Stern, p. 227 (as in a Private collection, United States).

Mohammed II, Sultan. The Turkes Secretorie. Conteining his Sundrie Letters Sent to divers Emperours, Kings, Princes, and States; full of proud bragges, and bloody threatnings: With severall Answers to the Same, both pithie and peremptorie. Translated truly out of the Latine tongue (London, 1607)
HvG 130
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Formerly Houghton Ott.251.1.20.

Stern, pp. 227-8.

More, Sir Thomas. La Description de l'Isle d'Vtopie ov est comprins le Miroer des republicques du monde [trans. Jean le Blond] (Paris, 1550)
*HvG 131
Autograph signature (Gabrielis Harveij) and inscription Ex dono Edmundi Spenseri Episcopi Roffensis Secretarij. c.1578.

Discussed, with a facsimile of the inscribed title-page, in D. M. Rogers, Edmund Spenser and Gabriel Harvey: A New Find, Bodleian Library Record, 12, No. 4 (April 1987), 334-7.

[Murner, T.]. A merye jeste of a man called Howleglas (London, [c.1528])
*HvG 132
Autograph annotations in a very imperfect exemplum, recording, inter alia, its gift to Harvey by Edmund Spenser in London, 20 December 1578. 1578.

Stern, p. 228.

Mynsinger, Joachim. In Tres Libri II. Decretal, titulos, de probationib. de testib. & attest. & de fide instrument. commentarij (Helmstadt, 1582)
*HvG 133
Autograph signature (Gabrielis Harueij. 1582). 1582.

Recorded in David McKitterick's review of Stern, The Library, 6th Ser. 3 (1981), 348-53.

Napier, John. A description of the admirable table of logarithmes (London, 1618)
*HvG 134
Autograph signature. c.1618.

Pickering & Chatto, sale catalogue No. 281 (1933), item 71. Sotheby's, Honeyman sale, November 1980?, lot 2290.

G.C. Moore Smith, MLR, 28 (1933), 81. Stern, p. 228 (as whereabouts unknown). David McKitterick's review of Stern, The Library, 6th Ser. 3 (1981), 348-53.

North, George. The Description of Swedland, Gotland, and Finland; the auncient estate of theyr kynges; the most horrible and incredible tiranny of the second Christiern, kyng of Denmarke, agaynst the Swecians; the poleticke attayning to the Crowne of Gostave, wyth hys prudent providyng for the same. Collected and gathered out of sundry laten Aucthors, but chieflye out of Sebastian Mounster (London, 1561)
*HvG 135
Autograph annotations and marginalia. 1574.

Inscribed (front pastedown) Tho: Stukeley M.B.RSS. 1718. Ex dono amici plurimis aestimandi Maur. Johnson Ar.S.T.I.S.

Stern, p. 229.

Nowell, Alexander. Catechismus (London, 1571)
*HvG 136
Autograph annotations.
Olaus Magnus. Historia de gentibus Septentrionalibus, earumque diversis statibus, conditionibus, moribus, ritibus, superstitionibus, disciplinis, exercitiis, regamine, victu bellis, stricturis, instrumentis, ac mineris metallicis, et rebus mirabilibus; nec non universis pene Animalibus in Septentrione de gentibus, eorumque nativa...Auctore Olao Magno Gotho, Archiepiscopo Upsalense, Suetiae, et Gothae Primate (Rome, 1555)
*HvG 137
Autograph annotations.

W. H. Robinson's sale catalogue No. 55 (1935), item 51.

Stern, p. 229 (as in a Private collection, United States).

[Olendorpius, Joan.]. Loci Communes Juris Civilis. Ex mendis tandem, & barbarie, in gratiam studiosorum utiliter restituti. Addita sunt Praesumptionum fere omnium, quae in foro frequentantur. Exempla; cum Joan. Oldendorphii Epistola nuncupatoria (Lyons, 1551)
*HvG 138
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 229.

Ovidius, Publius. Metamorphoses...argumentis quidem soluta oratione; ennarationibus autem & allegoriis elegiaco versu accuratissime expositae; summaque; diligentia ac studio illustratae, per M. Johan. Sprengium Augustan. (Frankfurt, 1563)
*HvG 139
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Formerly Houghton A1447.5.10.

Stern, p. 230.

Perceval, Richard. Bibliotheca Hispanica. Containing a Grammar; with a Dictionarie in Spanish, English, and Latine...the Dictionarie being inlarged with the Latine by the advise of Master Thomas Doyley, Doctor in Physicke (London, 1591)
*HvG 140
Autograph signature and annotations.

Including gabrielharuejus and Corranus Spanish, & French Grammer: translated by M. Thorius on the title-page of one part; GH. Huc meum Dictionarium Homogeneum, propriè, et merè Hispanicum on the title-page of the second part; with occasional markings; several lines on the last page, including the reference Copia de Carta de su Maiestad al Dugur de Alua, en recommendacion del Doctor Gemma Frisio. In fine Cosmoiriticæ, Cornelij Gemmæ, Medici celeberrimi; the book a quarto in modern brown morocco gilt, the pages cropped.


The annotations printed and discussed in Caroline Brown Bourland, Gabriel Harvey and the Modern Languages, Huntington Library Quarterly, 4 (1940-1), 85-106 (pp. 97-9). Stern, p. 230.

[Pergaminus, Nicolaus]. The Dialoges of Creatures Moralysed: Applyably and edificatyfly, to euery mery and iocounde mater, of late tr. out of Latyn into our Englysshe tonge (Antwerp, 1535)
*HvG 141
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Discussed in Gregory Kratzmann, An Addition to the Catalogue of Gabriel Harvey's Library: The Dialoges of Creatures Moralysed, N&Q, 227 (October 1982), 413-15.

Pindar. Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia. Caeterorum Octo Lyricorum carmina, Alcaei, Sapphus, Stesichori, Ibyci, Anacreontis, Bacchylidis, Simonidis, Alcmanis. Nonnulla etiam aliorum. Editio IIII Graecolatina, H. Steph. quorundam interpretationis locorum; & accessione lyricorum carminum locupletata. Paulus Stephanus. 1600
*HvG 142
Autograph annotations and marginalia, a small volume (c.12 x 6 cm), in contemporary calf. c.1600.

Stern, p. 230.

Porcacchi, Thomaso. Motti Diversi Raccolti per Thomaso Porcacchi; Et aggiuntovi alle Facetie di M. Lodovico Domenichi (Venice, 1574)
*HvG 143
Copious autograph annotations and marginalia, on pages 432-60 of the printed text, lacking a title-page, an octavo bound (as ff. 56v-72v) with two other works in modern morocco gilt. [1580].

Stern, p. 230. Facsimile of f. 72v, the last page of Harvey's notes, in Heather Wolfe, The Pen's Excellencie: Treasures from the Manuscript Collection of the Folger Shakespeare Library (Washington, DC, 2002), p. 134.

Quintilian, M. Fabius. M. Fabii Quintiliani Oratoris eloquentissimi, Institutionum oratorium Libri XII (Paris, 1542)
*HvG 144
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 231.

Ramus, Joannes. Oikonomia seu Dispositio Regularum utriusque Juris in Locos Communes brevi interpretatione subiecta: quae commentarii & locorum communium Joannis Rami Jureconsulti ad easdem Regulas, instar sit Enchiridij (Cologne, 1570)
HvG 145

Copious autograph annotations by Harvey.

In: Two printed works owned and annotated by Gabriel Harvey, bound together in a single volume. Late 16th century.

Stern, p. 232.

Ramus, Petrus. P. Rami, Regii Eloquentiae, et Philosophiae Professoris, Ciceronianus; ad Carolum Lotharingum Cardinalem (Paris, 1557)
*HvG 146
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 232.

[Rowlands, Richard]. The Post of the World. Wherein is contayned the antiquities and originall of the most famous cities in Europe. With their trade & traficke, with their wayes and distance of myles, from country to country. With the true and perfect knowledge of their coynes, the places of their Mynts: with al their Martes and Fayres. And the Raignes of all the kings of England (London, 1576)
*HvG 147
Autograph annotations and marginalia, in an octavo printed text, signed and dated by Harvey 1580, incorporating (with separate title-page) The Post for diuers partes of the world, bound with other items in contemporary vellum (detached). c.1580s.

Stern, p. 233.

Saa, Jacobus à. De Navigatione Libri Tres (Paris, 1549)
*HvG 148
Autograph signature and copious annotations, bound with other works.

Sotheby's, 9 June 1980, lot 25, to Kraus. Kraus's sale catalogue No. 186 (1991), item 79.

Recorded in David McKitterick's review of Stern, The Library, 6th Ser. 3 (1981), 348-53. Facsimile of the signed title-page in the Sotheby's sale catalogue.

Sacchi de Platina, Bartholomaeus. Platinae hystoria de Vitis pontificum periucundae, diligenter recognita: & nunc tamen integro impressa (Paris, [c.1505])
*HvG 149
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 233.

Sacrobosco, Joannes de. Libellus de Anni Ratione (Paris, 1550)
*HvG 150
Autograph signature and substantial annotations, bound with other works. Late 16th century.

Sotheby's, 9 June 1980, lot 25, to Kraus. Kraus's sale catalogues No. 164 (1983), item 143, and 186 (1991), item 79.

Recorded in David McKitterick's review of Stern, The Library, 6th Ser. 3 (1981), 348-53.

Sacrobosco, Joannis de. Textus de Sphaera...Introductoria Additione...commentarioque, ad utilitatem studientium philosophiae Parisiensis Academiae illustratus, Cum compositione Annuli astronomici Boneti Latensis: Ex Geometria Euclidis Megarensis (Paris, 1527)
*HvG 151
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, pp. 233-4.

Saluste du Bartas, Guillaume de. A Canticle of the victorie obteined by the French King, Henrie the Fourth, at Yvry [trans. J. Silvester] (London, 1590)
*HvG 152

Autograph annotations.

In: Six printed works bound together, once owned by Gabriel Harvey.

Stern, p. 234.

Saluste du Bartas, Guillaume de. The Triumph of Faith [trans. J. Silvester] (London, 1592)
*HvG 153

Copious autograph annotations, signed gabrielharvey. gh.

In: Six printed works bound together, once owned by Gabriel Harvey.

Discussed in Relle. Stern, p. 234.

Sepulveda, Joannes Genesius de. De Correctione Anno Mensiumque Romanorum (Venice, 1547)
*HvG 154
Autograph signature and annotations, bound with other works. Late 16th century.

Sotheby's, 9 June 1980, lot 25, to Kraus.

Recorded in David McKitterick's review of Stern, The Library, 6th Ser. 3 (1981), 348-53.

Simlerus, Josias. Epitome Bibliothecae Conradi Gesneri, conscripta primum a Conrado Lycothene Rubeaquensi: nunc denuo recognita & plus quam bis mille authorum accessione (qui omnes asterisco signati sunt) locupletata: per Josiam Simlerum Tigurinum (Zürich, 1555)
*HvG 155
Autograph annotations.

Formerly Houghton A1447.3.100F.

Stern, p. 235. Facsimile of f. 68r in Wilson, Plate III after p. 346.

Sleidanus, Johannes. De statu Religionis Et Reipublicae, Carolo Quinto Caesare, Commentarii Varia Ac Multiplici Rerum Utilissimarum Cognitione Referti (Frankfurt-on-Main, 1568)
*HvG 156
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

In 1979 in the Collection of Virginia F. Stern, New York.

Stern, pp. 235-6.

Smith, Sir Thomas. De recte & emendata Linguae Anglicae Scriptione, Dialogus, Thoma Smitho Equestris ordinis Anglo authore (2 parts, Paris, 1567). De Recta & Emendata Linguae Graecae Vintoniensen Episcopum Epistola (Paris, 1568)
*HvG 157
Autograph signatures and annotations.

Formerly owned by Lucius Wilmerding, Princeton.

Stern, p. 236 (as in a Private collection, United States).

Straparola da Caravaggio, Gio. Francesco, Le notti...nelle quali si contengono le Favole, con i loro Enimmi da dieci donne, & da duo giovani raccontate (Venice, 1560)
*HvG 158
Harvey's autograph signature on the title-page of the Libro Secondo, an octavo in later dark blue morocco. c.1560?.

Sold by the British Museum as a duplicate in 1804.

Stern, p. 236.

Talon, Omer. Audomari Talaei Academia. Eiusdem in Academicum Ciceronis fragmentum explicatio. Item in Lucullum Commentarii; cum indice copiosissimo eorum, quae in his continentur, ad Carolum Lotharingum Cardinalem Guisianam (Paris, 1550)
*HvG 159
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 236.

Terence, P. Le Comedie di Terentio Volgari; di nuovo ricorette, et a miglior tradottione ridotte (Venice, 1546)
*HvG 160
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 237.

Thomas, William. The Historie of Italie (London, 1561)
*HvG 161
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Formerly Houghton *70-82.

Stern, p. 237.

Turler, Jerome. The Traveiler...divided into two Bookes. The first conteyning a notable discourse of the maner and order of traveiling oversea, or into straunge and forein Countreys. The second comprehending an excellent description of the most delicious Realme of Naples in Italy (London, [1575])
*HvG 162
Autograph annotations and marginalia, in an octavo printed text, bound with other items in contemporary vellum (detached). 1578.

The title-page bears Harvey's inscription Ex dono Edmundi Spenserij, Episcopi Roffensis Secretarij, 1578.

Stern, p. 237.

HvG 163

An exemplum. This work is bound in the middle of a composite volume of printed pamphlets.


Owned and annotated by Spenser's friend Gabriel Harvey and the title-page bears Harvey's inscription, Ex dono Edmundi Spenserij, Episcopi Roffensis Secretarij, 1578.

Tusser, Thomas. Five Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie, as well for the Champion, or open countrie, as also for the woodland, or Severall, mixed in everie Month with Huswiferie (London, 1580)
*HvG 164
Autograph annotations and marginalia, a quarto volume in later vellum. 18 August 1580.

Sotheby's, 21 March 1966, to Rathbone. Sotheby's, 3 July 1973, to Francis Edwards.

W.C. Hazlitt. Moore Smith, p. 85. Stern, pp. 237-8.

Valerius Maximus. Valerii Maximi Dictorum factorumque memorabilium exempla (Paris, 1544)
*HvG 165
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 238.

Vigelius, Nicolaus. Iuris Civilis Totius Absolutissima Methodus (Basel, 1561)
*HvG 166
Autograph signature (Gabrielis Harueij. 1580. Mense Aprile) and annotations. 1580.

Recorded in David McKitterick's review of Stern, The Library, 6th Ser. 3 (1981), 348-53.

[Von Hutten, Ulrich, et al.]. Duo Volumina Epistolarum Obscurorum Virorum, ad D.M. Ortui Gratium, Attico lepore referta; denuo excusa & a mendis repurgata ([Rome], 1570)
*HvG 167
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 238.

Whitehorne, Peter. Certeine wayes for the ordering of Soldiours in battelray, and setting of battayles, after divers fashions with their maner of marching: and also Fugures of certayne new plattes for fortification of Townes: And moreover, howe to make Saltpeter, Gunpowder, and divers sortes of Fireworkes (London, 1573)
*HvG 168
Autograph annotations and marginalia. Late 16th century.

Stern, p. 238.

Wilson, Sir Thomas. The Art of Rhetorike, for the use of all suche as are studious of Eloquence (London, 1567)
*HvG 169
Autograph annotations and marginalia, in a quarto printed text, bound with another work by Wilson in contemporary calf. c.1567-80s.

Stern, pp. 238-9.

Wilson, Sir Thomas. The Rule of Reason, conteinyng the Arte of Logike (London, 1567)
*HvG 170
Autograph annotations and marginalia, including notes in apparently two other secretary hands on Syr Thomas Mores Jestes, in a quarto printed text, bound with another work by Wilson in contemporary calf.

Stern, p. 239.

Xenophon. Xenophontis Philosophi et Historici Clarissimi Opera, Quae Quidem Graece extant, omnia; partim jam olim, partim nunc primum, hominum doctissimorum diligentia, in latinam linguam conversa; ac multi quam ante accuratius recognita. Quorum elenchum versa pagella reperies (Basle, 1545)
*HvG 171
Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern p. 239.

Printed Books with Annotations Doubtfully or Erroneously Attributed to Harvey

Cardanus, Hieronymus. Hieronymi Castellionei Cardani Medici Mediolanensis de malo recentiorum medicorum medendi usu libellus (Venice, 1536)
HvG 172
Annotations in an unidentified hand, unsigned.

Stern, p. 265.

Gemma Frisius. Gemmae Frisii Medici Ac Mathematici De Astrolabo Catholico Liber quo latissime patentis Instrumenti multiplex usus explicatur, & quicquid uspiam rerum Mathematicarum tradi possit continetur (Antwerp, 1556)
HvG 173
Annotations in an unidentified hand, unsigned. Late 16th century.

Stern, p. 267.

Guarini, Battista. Il Pastor Fido. Tragicomedia Pastorale (1591)
HvG 174
Occasional annotations, in an unidentified minute italic hand, unsigned, pages 1-226 of a small sextodecimo, in modern cloth. c.1591.

Inscribed on the title-page Nathaniel F. Moore.

Attributed to Gabriel Harvey in Stern, p. 217, with a facsimile of sig. H9v in Plate F after p. 148, but the annotations are not in his hand. See P.J. Croft's review of Stern in RES, NS 32 (1981), pp. 442-6 (p. 443).

Hart, John. An Orthographie, conteyning the due order and reason, howe to write or paint thimage of mannes voice, most like to the life or nature (London, 1569)
HvG 175
Annotations in unidentified hands, unsigned. c.1570.

Facsimile of this volume published by the Scolar Press, Menston, 1960). Annotations attributed to Harvey by Thomas Baker (1656-1740), Cambridge antiquary. Stern, p. 218. Not in Harvey's hand. See P.J. Croft's review of Stern in RES, NS 32 (1981), pp. 442-6 (pp. 443-4).

Jonson, Ben. The Workes of Benjamin Jonson (London, 1616)
HvG 176
Inscribed G. H: pretiu i9s, but not in Harvey's hand and lacking annotations. c.1620.

Bookplate of Heathcote of Hursley Barnet. Inscribed From the library of Norton Perkins November 11, 1925. Formerly Houghton 14426.4F*.

Stern, pp. 223-4.

Machiavelli, Niccolò. I Sette Libri Dell'Arte Della Guerra Di Niccolo Machiavelli Cittadini, et Secretario Fiorentino ([London], 1587)
HvG 177
Annotations in unidentified hands, unsigned. Late 16th century.

Stern, p. 268.

Philbert de Vienne. Le Philosophe De Court (Paris, 1548)
HvG 178
Inscription in an unidentified hand, unsigned and marginalia. Mid-late 16th century.

Stern, p. 269.

Ptolemy. La Geografia di Claudio Ptolomeo Alessandrino, Con alcuni comenti & aggiunte fattevi da Sebastiano Munstero Alamanno, Con le tavole...aggiuntevi di Messer Jacopo Gastaldo Piamontese cosmographo, ridotta in volgare Italiano da M. Pietro Andrea Mattiolo Senese medico Eccelentissimo (Venice, 1548)
HvG 179
Annotations in an unidentified hand, unsigned.

Annotations attributed to Harvey in Stern, p. 231, but questioned in P.J. Croft's review of Stern in RES, NS 32 (1981), pp. 442-6 (p. 444).

[Puttenham, George]. Arte of English Poesie (London, 1589)
HvG 180
Annotations in an unidentified hand, unsigned. c.1590s-1600s.

Stern, p. 269.

Tasso, Torquato. Aminta Favola Boschereccia (1591)
HvG 181
Occasional annotations, including one and a half pages of notes at the end, in a minute italic hand, unsigned, pages [227]-[300] of a small sextodecimo, in modern cloth. c.1591.

Inscribed on the initial title-page of the volume Nathaniel F. Moore.

Annotations attributed to Gabriel Harvey in Stern, p. 237, with a facsimile of one page in Plate F after p. 148, but the annotations are not in his hand. See P.J. Croft's review of Stern in RES, NS 32 (1981), pp. 442-6 (p. 443).