Magdalene College, Cambridge

Ferrar MS 1476

A reply written in 1623 to a petition of grievances by colonists of the Somer Islands, a reply which (according to Company records) Mr Deputy [viz. John Ferrar] & Mr Hobbs were nominated to make on behalf of the Virginia Company, the MS in an unidentified hand and unsigned.

Among the Ferrar papers.


This MS discussed in Noel Malcolm, Hobbes, Sandys, and the Virginia Company, Historical Journal, 24 (1981), 297-321, as representing, in part at least, the earliest surviving work of Thomas Hobbes.

HbT 175: Thomas Hobbes, Document(s)

This MS discussed in Noel Malcolm, Hobbes, Sandys, and the Virginia Company, Historical Journal, 24 (1981), 297-321, as representing, in part at least, the earliest surviving work of Thomas Hobbes.

Lect 26

Six printed works bound together, once owned by Gabriel Harvey.
Lect. 26 (1)
*HvG 114: Gabriel Harvey, James VI of Scotland. The Essayes of a Prentise in the diuine Art of Poesie (Edinburgh, 1585) ('')

Copious autograph annotations, inscribed Gabriel Haruejus...Ex dono præstantissimi Doctoris Bartholomæi Clarci, Arcuum Decani.


Discussed in Relle (1972). Stern, p. 223.

Lect 26 (1) sig.O3r
*HvG 2: Gabriel Harvey, O heauenlie Medcin, Panacea high

Autograph, subscribed Axiophilus.


Edited from this MS in Relle.

Eight lines, first published in Relle (1972), p. 407.

Lect 26 (1) sig. P2v
*HvG 3: Gabriel Harvey, Odiosa procrastinatio, ad Meipsum ('Vitæ tela breuis prohibet spem nectere longam')

Autograph, subscribed Axiophilus.


Edited from this MS in Relle.

Four quatrains, first published in Relle (1972), p. 408.

Lect 26 (1) sig. P3v
*HvG 1: Gabriel Harvey, De Republica Ordinanda. Ad summos Aulæ, Vrbis, prouinciarumque magistratus ('Curas partiri communes arte decenti')

Autograph, subscribed Axiophilus.


Edited from this MS in Relle.

Twenty lines, first published in Relle (1972), p. 408.

Lect 26 (2-4)
*HvG 115: Gabriel Harvey, James VI of Scotland. His Majesties Poeticall Exercises at vacant houres (Edinburgh, [1591]) ('')

Copious autograph annotations, signed gabrielisharveij, et amicorum.


Discussed in Relle. Stern, p. 223.

Lect 26 (5)
*HvG 153: Gabriel Harvey, Saluste du Bartas, Guillaume de. The Triumph of Faith [trans. J. Silvester] (London, 1592) ('')

Copious autograph annotations, signed gabrielharvey. gh.


Discussed in Relle. Stern, p. 234.

Lect 26 (6)
*HvG 152: Gabriel Harvey, Saluste du Bartas, Guillaume de. A Canticle of the victorie obteined by the French King, Henrie the Fourth, at Yvry [trans. J. Silvester] (London, 1590) ('')

Autograph annotations.


Stern, p. 234.