Thomas Hobbes
First published, dedicated to William Cavendish, Earl of Devonshire, [c.1636?] (no title-page known). 2nd edition [London, 1666]. Molesworth,
in a fine Italian hand, on quarto leaves. 17th century.
Cochrane's sale catalogue of manuscripts, No. 2 (1837), item 528. Thomas Rodd's sale catalogues of manuscripts, 1841, item 609; and 1846, p. 45.
Christie's, 10 January 1831, lot 114. Possibly the same MS, including other verses and Hobbes's
This MS (once erroneously described as autograph) given to the eighth Duke of Devonshire in 1850 by the Derbyshire antiquary Thomas Bateman, of Middleton Hall.
Copy, subscribed mihi.-Edited
This MS is a companion volume to Mihi - Edited
[i.e. presumably that the owner has the Edited version].
Inscribed on first page Mr Mathews, the Bbinder D: Frown[?]. Mar. 16. 67.
[i.e. ? the bookseller Thomas Mathews (fl.1650s-60s)]. Also (on f. 95v): Charles Trumbull
[D.D. (c.1646-1724), chaplain to Bishop Sancroft], Ralphe Trumbull
[(c.1640-1708), both brothers of the lawyer and government official Sir William Trumbull (1639-1716)]; and Sandys
. Later note on upper endpaper that this MS was No. CCVIII of Dr Adam Clarke's MSS and was purchased 29 May 1838 from Baynes.
Copy entered at the end of a miscellany.
First published in Jacquot & Jones (1973), Appendice I, pp. 439-47.
Formerly bound in a collection of 16th-century treatises on astronomy once owned by the Right Honourable John Earl of Exeter, Baron Cecil of Burghley
. Formerly MS 3064.
Edited from this MS in Jacquot & Jones.
Vol. L of the Petty Papers, owned principally by Sir William Petty (1623-87), natural philosopher and administrator in Ireland.
Formerly owned by the Earl of Shelburne, Bowood House (Petty Papers, Vol. 2).
First published [in London], 1688. Molesworth,
First published in Clark (1898), I, 364-5.
Copy by Aubrey of
Edited from this MS in Clark.
First published in London, 1679. Molesworth,
Copy, headed
Armorial bookplate of Henry Ellison, of University College, Oxford, and his inscription (f. 43r) dated March 14th 1841. Donated in 1951 by Mrs G.L. Barstow.
Works by Hobbes Published No Later than 1682
First published in Sir William Davenant,
Extracts, headed
Volume CCLXXVI of the Evelyn Papers. Formerly Christ Church, Oxford, Evelyn MS 281.
First published, as
Ex dono Car. Wheatley, 1706
Edited from this MS in Tönnies.
Acquired in 1934.
Copy in two scribal hands, with additions in a third hand, headed
Bookplate of Thomas Cobbe: i.e. probably Colonel Thomas Cobbe (1733-c.1799), of Newbridge, Co. Dublin. Purchased from Mr Mercier December 1806. Old pressmark I. 1. 1.
1680, with a list of books added at the end, vi + 116 folio leaves, in contemporary calf. c.1680.
Purchased in December 1806 from Mr Mercier. Old pressmark I. 1. 7.
Extracts, inscribed
Sotheby's, 13 July 1855, lot 1364.
First published in London, [1637].
See also
Copy, in the hand of the young Earl, with Hobbes's autograph corrections and revisions, headed
Formerly MS Hardwick 72.
This MS briefly discussed in
Copy, in the hand of the young Earl, with Hobbes's autograph corrections and revisions.
Formerly MS Hardwick 72.
Hobbes's translation, first published in London, 1629.
Extracts, in the hand of Hammond's cousin A. Twyman, of St John's College, Oxford, including ff. 27r, 29r, 39r, 63r, 67r, and 89r.
First published in London, 1655. Molesworth,
Chapters 1-6 edited from this MS (ff. 1-8v), with facsimiles of two pages, in Baron Cay von Brockdorff,
Parisian scribe, with autograph corrections by Hobbes, on 35 quarto leaves. c.1648-9?
This chapter later rejected from the printed version and as yet unpublished. Discussed in Arrigo Pacchi,
Notes, with summaries and extracts, on an early version of the work, in the hand of Sir Charles Cavendish.
Part of this MS printed in Jean Jacquot,
First published in London, 1658. Molesworth,
See also
Parisian scribe, together with six engraved geometrical diagrams, on fifteen quarto pages. c.1649.
Facsimile of p. 1 in Timothy Raylor,
First published in London, 1642. Molesworth,
Parisian scribe, on 228 folio pages of vellum, with an emblematically decorated title-page, the dedication to the third Earl of Devonshire bearing Hobbes's autograph signature, in later red morocco gilt.
Evidently Hobbes's formal presentation copy to the Earl, dated from Paris, 1641.
c.1641.Edited in part from this MS in Warrender and discussed, pp. 38-40, with facsimiles of the title-page and the end of the dedication in the frontispiece and plate II, after p. xiv. Also discussed by Howard Warrender in
First published, dedicated to William Cavendish, Earl of Newcastle, in two parts, as
In the hand of an amanuensis, the dedication to the Earl of Newcastle signed by Hobbes and with Hobbes's autograph corrections, revisions and marginal sidenotes in the text (particularly on ff. 16, 21, 62, 64, 102, 110v, 112, 113v, 114v, 116v), also with some marginal notes in another hand, on 143 folio leaves.
c.1640.Edited largely from this MS in Tönnies's edition.
Inscribed (f. 1r) Richard Enock [b.1657/8] e coll: Trin: Oxon
, possibly the principal compiler.
Later owned by Robert Borthwick Adam (1863-1940), American book collector. Thence to the collection of Donald and Mary Hyde (Lady Eccles).
Edited in part from this MS in
Extracts, headed
Owned by William Drake, MP (1606-69), of Shardeloes, near Amersham, Buckinghamshire. Later in the library of Charles Kay Ogden (1889-1957), psychologist, linguist, and book collector.
Drake's commonplace books discussed in Stuart Clark,
For the dedication from this MS, see
This MS item 133 in
Later in the library of the Porte family, of Islam. Bought by W. Ford in 1807. Acquired by the British Museum from Boone in 1866.
This MS recorded in Tönnies.
This MS recorded in Tönnies.
This MS recorded in Tönnies.
This MS recorded in Tönnies.
Later owned by Sir John Saunders Sebright, seventh Baronet, MP (1767-1846), of Beechwood, Hertfordshire. Sotheby's, 6 April 1807 (Sebright sale), lot 1154, to [Richard] Heber. Sotheby's, 10 February 1836 (Heber sale, part XI), lot 839, to Thomas Thorpe. Bought by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector (unnumbered Phillipps MS). Sotheby's, 27 April to 2 May 1903 (Phillipps sale), 3rd day, lot 595, to Rylett.
Copy, in one or possibly two professional hands, headed
In the hand of one Francis Hillen, of Yarmouth and Gisleham, Suffolk, whose inscriptions include (p 1) ffrances Hillen 1645
; (p. 4) I Coppied & begun it this 14: Ian: 1651/52 by Fr. Hillen
and Mr: Ri: Elivin of Yarm: lent mee ye written copie wch I haue undertaken likewise
; (p. 74) 6/10 1653
; (p. 112) Frs. Hillen I ended ye Copying this first part ye 8th day of ye 7th. Mon: 1653
, (p. 216) finished ye .1. Decemb: 1653. Praised by ye Lord ye giuer of wisedome
; and (at end of contents page) Copied, Finished, & ended in ye yeare <deleted> & in ye yeare of our Lord. 1653. / In Gisleham Suff. ye 2e. daij of Decembr:/.
Sotheby's, 2 May 1966, lot 229, to H.A. Levinson. Formerly MS 3063.
A tract beginning The word Heresie is Greek, and signifies a taking of any thing...
. First published in London, 1680. Molesworth,
Copy, incomplete, headed
Copy in three hands, with annotations in the hand of Thomas Barlow.
In various hands, including that of the Feathery Scribe
Assembled by Thomas Barlow (1607-91), Bishop of Lincoln, book collector.
Briefly described in Peter Beal,
Thomas Rodd,
First published in London, 1651. Molesworth,
Parisian scribe, with Hobbes's autograph corrections and marginal annotations (particularly on ff. 16, 38v-40, 41, 44v, 53, 58v, 235v-9), on 248 quarto vellum pages.
Traditionally believed to be the author's presentation copy to Charles II.
1650-1.Later owners: Philip Carteret Webb (1700-70), antiquary and politician. S. Baker and G. Leigh, 25 February 1771 (Webb sale), lot 2826. William Henry Pratt, of Lissanoure, Antrim (according to a letter by him of 30 June 1802). George, Earl Macartney (d.1806). Acquired from George Macartney Esq., 13 April 1861.
This MS discussed in Keith Brown,
Extracts, headed
Compiled by Sir Samuel Tuke, first Baronet (c.1615-74), royalist army officer and playwright, cousin and friend of John Evelyn.
c.1656.Volume CCLVI of the Evelyn Papers, of John Evelyn (1620-1706), diarist and writer, of Wootton House, Surrey, and his family, also incorporating papers of his father-in-law, Sir Richard Browne, Bt (1605-83), diplomat, and his family. Formerly preserved at Christ Church, Oxford, as Evelyn MS 254. Purchased March 1995.
Recorded (as the Tuke MS
) in Peter Beal,
Compiled and written by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
First published in London, 1654. Molesworth,
Copy, with a title-page, as By Tho: Hobbes
, with the dedication to the Marquess of Newcastle, in a professional hand, on 31 quarto leaves; imperfect at the end.
Probably the MS once owned by Thomas Rawlinson. Ballard's sale, 4 March 1733/4, lot 725.
First published in London, 1682. Molesworth,
Copy, in a professional rounded hand, untitled, complete with dedication To the King
, superscribed Mr Hobs
and subscribed Thomas Hobbes
, on 78 folio pages, sent to the Royal Society, inscribed in the margin Read Mar: 19: [16]61[/2]
Posthumously Published Works and Miscellaneous Papers Probably Written or Used by Hobbes
Formerly cited in
For Mr Halleley.... c.1678-9.
Formerly cited in
Authores citati a Bonaventura Cavalieri in Specchio Ustorio, in the hand of the Cavendishes' chaplain Robert Payne (1596-1651), on one side of a long octavo leaf. Mid-17th century.
Formerly cited in
A brief autobiography in Latin. First published in Clark (1898), I, 395-403.
Copy by Aubrey, transcribed from Hobbes's original autograph draft which Hobbes did leave in [Aubrey's] hands
but which he later sent for about 2 yeares before he died
Edited from this MS in Clark. Formerly cited in
According to Aubrey, Hobbes revised and rewrote his autobiography and Aubrey lent the [new] MS to Dr Richard Blackbourne, who published it as the second item in his edition of Hobbes's from the printer and so
.twas made wast paper of
A treatise dedicated to Cardinal de Richelieu, published in Paris, 1636.
Parisian scribe, with additions possibly by Hobbes on the title-page and on pp. [15], [17], [18] and [39], on 42 large folio pages. c.1640s.
Formerly cited in
MS, in the hand of the Cavendishes' chaplain Robert Payne (1596-1651), of a translation of the work by Benedetto Castelli [1578-1643] Monck of Cassina; and Mathematician to Pope Vrban. 8 Printed in Rome. 1628. Translated out of Italian. 1635
, by Mr Robert Payen
added in the hand of Sir Charles Cavendish.
The complete MS volume, without the diagrams, edited in Franco Alessio in
Formerly cited in
the Picture I have drawn, untitled and beginning
A possible candidate for authorship is the miniaturist Samuel Cooper (1607/8-72), who, according to John Aubrey, was a friend of Hobbes.
Formerly cited in
Copy of a scientific paper, in a cursive hand, headed
Formerly cited in
A tract in twenty-three sections, beginning
Formerly among the muniments of the Duke of Portland, of Welbeck Abbey, Nottinghamshire (MS III. C. 3).
Formerly cited in
An upublished Latin treatise on Geometry, probably entitled
Formerly cited in to be published…by some frend or other
after his death.
Inscribed names (p. 38) of Edward Sackville and William Cavendish.
Formerly cited in
Anonymously published (together with two further essays on Country Life and Religion and with four discourses) under the title
A series of ten formal essays on Arrogance, Ambition, Affectation, Detraction, Self-will, Masters and Servants, Expenses, Visitations, Death and Reading of Histories, with a dedication by William Cavendish to his father.
c.1611-14? Formerly cited in is not… in Hobbes's handwriting
and that it is merely a handwritten copy of the printed version
). The authorship and date remain controversial.
Formerly cited in
Unpublished treatise on geometry.
Parisian scribe, with diagrams, on 16 large folio pages. c.1643.
Formerly cited in
Unpublished translation.
MS, in the hand of the Cavendishes' chaplain Robert Payne (1596-1651), of a translation of Galileo's work, subscribed Raptim ex Italico in Anglicum Sermonem transfusum. Nouemb. 11°. 1636
, By Mr Robert Payen
added in the hand of Sir Charles Cavendish.
The complete MS volume, without the diagrams, edited in Franco Alessio in
Formerly cited in
Formerly cited in
Formerly cited in
G. F., dedicated to
the most noble Ladie Awhom the author addresses as
Your Highness[i.e. ? Lady Arbella Stuart (1575-1615)], in an unidentified hand, on 87 quarto pages (including blanks). Mid-17th century.
Formerly cited in
Unpublished treatise on geometry.
Transcript. ex MS. Autographo ipsi[u]s Authoris dn Edmi Gunter. ex Aede Chri Oxon, on 59 quarto pages. c.1630s?
Formerly cited in
Translation of the political pamphlet The Hague
, 1626). First published in Noel Malcolm,
Autograph manuscript, entitled
Volume CCCCXCIX of the Portland Papers, owned by the Harley family, of Brampton Bryan, and related families of Vere, Hollis, and Cavendish, and of Cavendish-Bentinck, Dukes of Portland. Formerly Loan MS 29/235.
Edited from this MS in Malcolm, with a facsimile of f. 74r facing p. 22.
Various sayings
by Hobbes chiefly taken from
Second volume of the miscellaneous collections of Richard Davis of Sandford.
Owned by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Probably prepared by Hobbes for his pupil, the third Earl of Devonshire.
These MSS formerly in two volumes but rebound as one volume in 1939 when the sections were sewn in the wrong order (viz. Aiii, B, C, Ai, Aii).
Mid-17th century.Formerly cited in
First published in Samuel I. Mintz,
Formerly cited in
See Introduction, under Hobbes's Library.
Formerly cited in
First published in Timothy Raylor,
Henry Duke of Newcastle his booke 1676; the verso of the blank inscribed by William Cavendish, Marquess of Newcastle,
The Mathematicall Demonstration off The sorde. c.1640s.
Edited from this MS in Raylor, with facsimile examples.
Autograph signed demonstration by Hobbes of a mathematical theorem, in Latin, with a diagram, on a single folio leaf.
Formerly cited in
Formerly cited in
Owned c.1813 by G. Dyer, of Exeter. Formerly MS Hardwick 73Aa.
Formerly cited in
Another MS copy of these letters is in the
An unpublished two-part treatise on optics, the first part
Copy of a two-part treatise on optics,
NB. Hobbes is known to have used as his amanuensis for this treatise William Petty (1623-87): see Charles Cavendish's letter of 11 November 1645 to William Pell (
Formerly cited in
Formerly cited in in Hobbes's handwriting
note of ye prospective glasses [by Fontana, Torricelli and others] bought of Mr. Hobbes ye 13th day of Aprill. 1659, in an unidentified hand, on the first page of two conjugate small folio leaves. 1659.
Formerly cited in
On mathematical and geometrical problems, physics, astronomy, optics, chronology, coinage and military fortification, chiefly in Latin, partly in English and a few pages in French, partly original, chiefly derived from other mathematicians and scientists (including Athanasius Kircher, William Oughtred, Thomas Harriot, Claude Mydorge, Evangelista Torricelli, Bonaventura Cavalieri, Descartes, Henry Briggs, Pappus of Alexandria, Walter Warner, Carlo Renaldini, Simon Stevinus, Galileo, Archimedes, and Kepler).
Mid-17th century.Formerly cited in
Copy of part of a treatise parte of Mr: Hobbes his answeare to my brothers quaeres
, in the hand of Sir Charles Cavendish.
Formerly cited in
Formerly cited in
Incorporated in the
Autograph MS of a paper on refraction, endorsed by Walter Warner Mr Hobbes analogy
, on two quarto leaves.
Formerly cited in analogy
mentioned by Warner in a letter of 17 October 1634 (
Formerly cited in
First published in Quentin Skinner,
Questions relative to Hereditary Right. Mr Hobbes. c.1670s.
Formerly cited in
Formerly cited in
Published in 1647.
Formerly cited in
Proposal by Hobbes for persuading the Lord High Admiral, Robert Rich, second Earl of Warwick, to bring the English Navy over to King Charles I. Unpublished.
Autograph, docketed by Sir Richard Browne Propositions. E. of Warwick &ct. T.H.
Volume XXXVIII of the Evelyn Papers.
Published in Christiaan Huygens,
Copy of By ye Kings Order Brought in By Sr Paul Neile Sept: ye 4th. 1661 & Register'd Octob: ye 1st
, the text followed (pp. 101-2) by Viscount Brouncker's answer
Tableof contents subscribed
R. Waller: 1687, 221 pages (plus blanks), in old reversed calf (rebacked). 1661-87.
Formerly cited in
Copy of Mr. Hobbs
, subscribed Brought in by Sr. Paul Neile Sept. 4th. 1661. Registred October 1st
Catalogueof contents at the beginning and an eleven-page index at the end, in modern calf. Early-mid-18th century.
Formerly cited in
Copy of Mr: Hobbs
Inscribed inside the front cover as having been given by G. S. Heales of Doctors' Commons to Sir Joseph Banks, Bt (1743-1820), naturalist, President of the Royal Society, on 31 May 1814.
Copy of
Formerly cited in
Copy of
Formerly cited in
Copy of
Formerly cited in
First published, as
MS, in the hand of the Cavendishes' chaplain Robert Payne (1596-1651), untitled, on 12 folio leaves.
The complete MS volume, without the diagrams, edited in Franco Alessio in
Formerly cited in
Sotheby's, 24 April 1934, lot 408, to Ulysses
Formerly cited in
Formerly cited in
An untitled treatise in Latin, a modified and expanded version of the
Copy, complete with diagrams, in the hand of the Parisian scribe
, with possibly Hobbes's autograph corrections, revisions and marginal annotations, on 74 folio leaves.
The complete MS volume, without the diagrams, edited in Franco Alessio in
Formerly cited in
Copy of part of Vieta's treatise, in the hand of the Cavendishes' chaplain Robert Payne (1596-1651), with diagrams added in Hobbes's hand.
Discussed, with a facsimile of p. 31v, in Noel Malcolm,
Unpublished treatise on geometry.
Formerly cited in
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, to Christina Cavendish, Countess of Devonshire (accompanying a draft of a dedication to her husband), from London, 6[/16] November 1628.
Edited in Tönnies,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, to Christina Cavendish, Countess of Devonshire (accompanying a draft of a dedication to her husband), from London, 6[/16] November 1628.
Edited in Tönnies,
Copy, in a neat mixed hand, of a letter by Hobbes, to my Mr.
[Sir Gervase Clifton], [from Paris],
Inscribed (f. 3r) Sum Ed: Umfrevile Janrio 1727
: i.e. Edward Umfreville (1702?-(1702?-86), collector of legal manuscripts.
Edited in Molesworth,
Edited in de Beer, pp. 200-1. Malcolm,
Edited in de Beer, pp. 202-3. Malcolm,
Edited in de Beer, pp. 203-4. Malcolm,
Edited in de Beer, pp. 204-5. Malcolm,
Edited in de Beer, p. 205. Malcolm,
Substantially edited in HMC, 55, Various Collections, VII (1914), p. 401. Malcolm,
Autograph letter signed by Hobbes, to William Cavendish, Earl of Newcastle, from London, 26 January[/5 February] 1633/4.
Volume CCCCXCIX of the Portland Papers, owned by the Harley family, of Brampton Bryan, and related families of Vere, Hollis, and Cavendish, and of Cavendish-Bentinck, Dukes of Portland. Formerly Loan MS 29/235.
Substantially edited in HMC, Portland II (1893), p. 124. Malcolm,
Once belonging to Dr William Standfast, rector of Clifton, Nottinghamshire.
Edited in F. Peck,
Autograph letter signed by Hobbes, [to the Earl of Newcastle]. from Paris, 15/25 August 1635.
Volume CCCCXCIX of the Portland Papers, owned by the Harley family, of Brampton Bryan, and related families of Vere, Hollis, and Cavendish, and of Cavendish-Bentinck, Dukes of Portland. Formerly Loan MS 29/235.
Once belonging to Dr William Standfast, rector of Clifton, Nottinghamshire.
Edited in F. Peck,
Autograph letter signed by Hobbes, to the Earl of Newcastle, from Paris, 13/23 June 1636.
Volume CCCCXCIX of the Portland Papers, owned by the Harley family, of Brampton Bryan, and related families of Vere, Hollis, and Cavendish, and of Cavendish-Bentinck, Dukes of Portland. Formerly Loan MS 29/235.
Substantially edited in HMC, portland II (1893), p. 128. Malcolm,
Autograph letter signed by Hobbes, to William Cavendish, Earl of Newcastle, from Paris, 29 July/8 August 1636.
Volume CCCCXCIX of the Portland Papers, owned by the Harley family, of Brampton Bryan, and related families of Vere, Hollis, and Cavendish, and of Cavendish-Bentinck, Dukes of Portland. Formerly Loan MS 29/235.
Substantially edited in HMC, Portland II (1893), pp. 128-9. Malcolm,
Autograph letter signed by Hobbes, to William Cavendish, Earl of Newcastle, from Byfleet, 16[/26] October 1636.
Volume CCCCXCIX of the Portland Papers, owned by the Harley family, of Brampton Bryan, and related families of Vere, Hollis, and Cavendish, and of Cavendish-Bentinck, Dukes of Portland. Formerly Loan MS 29/235.
Substantially edited in HMC, Portland II (1893), pp. 129-30. Malcolm,
Autograph letter signed by Hobbes, to William Cavendish, Earl of Newcastle, from Byfleet, 25 October/[5 November] 1636.
Volume CCCCXCIX of the Portland Papers, owned by the Harley family, of Brampton Bryan, and related families of Vere, Hollis, and Cavendish, and of Cavendish-Bentinck, Dukes of Portland. Formerly Loan MS 29/235.
Substantially edited in HMC, Portland II (1893), p. 130. Malcolm,
Autograph letter signed by Hobbes, to William Cavendish, Earl of Newcastle, from Byfleet, 25 December 1636/[4 January 1637].
Volume CCCCXCIX of the Portland Papers, owned by the Harley family, of Brampton Bryan, and related families of Vere, Hollis, and Cavendish, and of Cavendish-Bentinck, Dukes of Portland. Formerly Loan MS 29/235.
Substantially edited in HMC, Portland II (1893), p. 130. Malcolm,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, to Charles Cavendish, from Chatsworth, 22 August/[1 September] 1638.
Edited in Tönnies,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, to Charles Cavendish, from Chatsworth, 22 August/[1 September] 1638.
Edited in Tönnies,
Autograph letter signed by Hobbes, to Sir Charles Cavendish, from Paris, 29 January/8 February 1640/1.
The complete MS volume, without the diagrams, edited in Franco Alessio in
Edited in Molesworth,
Facsimiles of f. 291r in
Letter in Latin, in the hand of an amanuensis with autograph corrections and signed by Hobbes, to Mersenne for Descartes, from Paris, [20/]30 March 1640/1.
Edited in Tönnies,
Autograph letter signed by Hobbes, to John, first Viscount Scudamore, from Paris, 2/12 April 1641.
Volume IV of the Scudamore Papers of Hom-Lacy and Ballingham, Herefordshire.
Edited in Perez Zagorin,
Later in the collection of William and Thomas Bateman, of Lomberdale House, Youlgrave, Derbyshire. Sotheby's, 3 June 1893 (Bateman sale), lot 143, to Pearson.
Recorded in Malcolm & Tolonen, p. 486.
Sotheby's, 9 May 1840 (Thomas Lloyd sale), lot 95, to Thorpe. Owned by Sir William Molesworth, Bt (1810-55) and/or his sister, Mary Ford (née Molesworth, 1816-1910), of Pencarrow, Cornwall. Sotheby's, 8 December 1999 (Pencarrow sale), lot 32, to Quaritch, with a facsimile in the sale catalogue.
Unfolding facsimile in Molesworth,
Later owned by Major W.R. Waller. Sotheby's, 18 December 1995, lot 106, to Dr Schram. Christie's, 3 July 2007 (Dr Albin Schram sale), lot 508. Facsimiles in both sale catalogues.
Edited in Philip R. Wikelund, Thus I passe my time in this place
: An Unpublished Letter of Thomas Hobbes
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from Paris, [6/]16 May 1646.
Edited in Sorbière,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Sorbière, from Paris, 22 May/1 June 1646.
Edited in Tönnies,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Sorbière, from St Germain, [24 September/]4 October 1646.
Edited in Tönnies,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Sorbière, from St Germain, [12/] 22 October 1646.
Edited in Tönnies,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from Paris, [1/]11 November 1646.
Tönnies, Sorbière, p. 196; in Robertson, p. 310; in Mersenne,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Sorbière, from Paris, [18/]28 February 1646/7.
Edited in Tönnies,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from Paris, [12/]22 March 1646/7.
Edited in Tönnies,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from St Germain, [17/]27 November 1647.
Edited in Tönnies,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Mersenne, from St Germain, [7/]17 February 1647/8.
Edited in Tönnies,
Sotheby's, 16 December 1824, lot 142, to Triphook. Puttick and Simpson's, 2 March 1870 (Jacob Henry Burn sale), lot 212, to Addington. Sotheby's, 24 April 1876 (Addington sale), lot 170, to Goupil. Then in the collection of Alfred Morrison (1821-97), manuscript and art collector. Sotheby's, 13 December 1917 (Morrison sale), lot 512, to Captain Lindsay.
Autograph letter signed by Hobbes, in French, to Marin Mersenne, from St Germain, [15/]25 May 1648.
Sotheby's, 17 March 1875, lot 83, to Naylor.
Facsimile in Maggs's sale catalogue No. 471 (1925), item 2835, Plate XVII, opposite p. 136. Edited from this reproduction and discussed in Harcourt Browne,
Autograph letter signed by Hobbes, In French, to Mersenne, from St Germain, [9/]19 June 1648.
Edited in Tönnies,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from Paris, [4/]14 June 1649.
Edited in Sorbière,
Autograph letter signed by Hobbes, in Latin, to Pierre Gassendi, from Paris, [12/]22 September 1649.
Edited (with date erroneously given as 21 September) in Gassendi,
Fragment of an autograph letter by Hobbes, to Sir Charles Cavendish, [from Paris], [late September 1649].
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from London 29 December[/8 January] 1656/7.
Edited in Sorbière,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from London, 6[/16] February 1656/7.
Edited in Tönnies,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from London, 10[/20] February 1656/7.
Edited in Tönnies,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, [from London?], 23 January[/2 February] 1659/60.
Edited in Sorbière,
Copy.of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from London, 3[/13] March 1661/2.
Edited in Sorbière,
Letter by Hobbes, entirely in the hand of his amanuensis James Wheldon, to John Aubrey, from Chatsworth, 7[/17] September 1663.
Edited in Tönnies,
Copy of Hobbes's letter to John Aubrey, from Chatsworth, 7[/17] September 1663.
Recorded in Malcolm,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from Hardwick, 30 November[/10 December] 1663.
Edited in Sorbière,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, 19[/29] December 1663.
Edited in Tönnies,
Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from London, 7[/17] March 1663[/4].
Edited in Tönnies,
Letter by Hobbes, entirely in the hand of his amanuensis James Wheldon, 30 June/[10 July] 1664.
Edited (with the date erroneously given as 1661) in Tönnies,
Copy of Hobbes's letter to John Aubrey, from London, 30 July[/10 July] 1664.
Recorded in Malcolm,
Edited (with the addressee erroneously given as Mr Beale) in Molesworth,
Formal copy of Hobbes's letter to Mr Brooke, from Chatsworth, 20[/30] October 1668, which was read to the Royal Society on 10 December 1668.
Recorded in Malcolm,
Formerly among the Egerton-Warburton muniments at Arley Hall, Cheshire (dispersed in 1937).
Edited in Molesworth
Listed by E.G. Jacoby in Tönnies,
Edited in Molesworth,
Copy, in the hand of John Aubrey, of a letter by Hobbes, to Josias Pullen, Vice-President of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, from London, 1[/11] February 1672/3.
Edited from this MS in Clark, I, 377-8. Malcolm,
Copy of Hobbes's letter to Josias Pullen, Vice-President of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, from London, 1[/11] February 1672/3.
Recorded in Malcolm,
Copy, in the hand of Sir George Ent, of Hobbes's letter to Josias Pullen, Vice-President of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, from London, 1[/11] February 1672/3.
Compiled by Sir George Ent (1604-89), physician, a founding member of the Royal Society, to whom is addressed an inscription, sending the last item in the volume, on p. 226.
c.1674-80.Recorded in Malcolm,
Letter by Hobbes, entirely in the hand of his amanuensis James Wheldon, to John Aubrey, from Hardwick, 24 February[/16 March] 1674[/5].
Formerly Petty Papers, Vol. 6, 1st and 2nd series.
Cited in Quentin Skinner,
Copy, in Aubrey's hand, of Hobbes's letter to him, from Hardwick, 24 February[/16 March] 1674/5.
Edited from this MS Tönnies,
Copy of Hobbes's letter to John Aubrey, from Hardwick, 24 February[/16 March] 1674/5.
Recorded in Malcolm,
Letter by Hobbes, entirely in the hand of his amanuensis James Wheldon, including as an enclosure
Edited in George A. Aitken,
Letter by Hobbes, entirely in the hand of his amanuensis James Wheldon, to John Aubrey, from Hardwick, 5[/15] March 1677/8.
Edited in Clark, I, 378-9. Malcolm,
Copy of Hobbes's letter to John Aubrey, from Hardwick, 5[/15] March 1677/8.
Recorded in Malcolm,
Letter by Hobbes, entirely in the hand of his amanuensis James Wheldon, to William Crook, bookseller, from Chatsworth, 25 March[/4 April] 1679.
Edited in Clark, I, 379. Malcolm,
Copy of Hobbes's letter to William Crook, from Chatsworth, 25 March[/4 April] 1679.
Recorded in Malcolm,
Letter by Hobbes, entirely in the hand of his amanuensis James Wheldon, to John Aubrey, from Chatsworth, 25 March[/4 April] 1679.
Edited in Clark, I, 380. Malcolm,
Copy of Hobbes's letter to John Aubrey, from Chatsworth, 25 March[/4 April] 1679.
Recorded in Malcolm,
Letter by Hobbes, entirely in the hand of his amanuensis James Wheldon, to John Aubrey, from Chatsworth, 18[/28] August 1679.
Edited in Clark, I, 380-1. Malcolm,
Copy, in John Aubrey's hand, of Hobbes's letter to him, from Chatsworth, 18[/28] August 1679, omitting the first paragraph.
Recorded in Malcolm,
Copy of Hobbes's letter to John Aubrey, from Chatsworth, 18[/28] August 1679.
Recorded in Malcolm,
Autograph signature of Hobbes as witness to a bond, for the sum of £350 out of a total sum of £600, owed to Edmond Skory, drawn up by the London scrivener Leonard Willworth, signed by Sir William Cavendish, 4 March 1617/18.
Possibly the earliest known example of Hobbes's hand.
Among the archives of the Bagot family, of Blithfield Hall.
Mr Deputy [viz. John Ferrar] & Mr Hobbswere nominated to make on behalf of the Virginia Company, the MS in an unidentified hand and unsigned.
Among the Ferrar papers.
1623.This MS discussed in Noel Malcolm, in part at least, the earliest surviving work of Thomas Hobbes
Copy, in Birch's hand, of a petition by Hobbes to King Charles II, referring to Hobbe's extreme age
Edited in Molesworth,
Miscellaneous Extracts from Works by Hobbes
Extracts, including references on pp. 26 and 34.
Excerpta de origine boni et mali ex doctrina Hobbesii ubi de origine sociatum.