University of Calgary

B 1235 L3 1680

Copy. Late 17th century.
HbT 57: Thomas Hobbes, The Last Sayings, or Dying Legacy of Mr. Thomas Hobbs of Malmesbury, who departed this life on Thursday, Decemb. 4. 1679

Various sayings by Hobbes chiefly taken from Leviathan. First published, as a broadside, in London, 1680.

Osborne Collection, Box/Files No. MsC 132-4 (Item 1, Accession No. 25/72.1.4)

Copy, in a secretary and italic hand, headed Obseruations Apon a Libell intituled; the declaracons of the causes of troubles prsupposed to be against England 1592, on eight folio leaves. c.1600.
BcF 140.5: Francis Bacon, Certain Observations made upon a Libel published this present year, 1592

A tract beginning It were just and honourable for princes being in war together, that howsever they prosecute their quarrels.... First published in Resuscitatio, ed. W. Rawley (London, 1657). Spedding, VIII, 146-208.

A letter to M. Critoy, Secretary of France, c.1589, A Letter on the Queen's religious policies, was later incorporated in Certain Observations made upon a Libel, and first published in Cabala, sive scrinia sacra (London, 1654), pp. 38-41.

Osborne Collection, Box/Files No. MsC 132.11 (Item 2, Accession No. 25/72.1.11)

Copy, in a 19-page folio copy, in a secretary hand, of Richard Verstegan's A Declaration of the True Causes of the Great Troubles...1592, disbound. c.1600.
RaW 384.6: Sir Walter Ralegh, An epitaph on the Earl of Leicester

First published as introduced ...yet immediately after his [Leicester's] death, a friend of his bestowed vpon him this Epitaphe and beginning Heere lies the woorthy warrier, in Richard Verstegan, A Declaration of the True Causes of the Great Troubles (London, 1592), p. 54, which is sometimes entitled Cecil's Commonwealth: see E.A. Strathmann in MLN, 60 (1945), 111-14. Listed but not printed in Latham, p. 172, who notes that the epitaph was quoted, from a text among William Drummond's papers, in Sir Walter Scott's Kenilworth (1821). Rudick, No. 46, p. 120.

Osborne Collection, Box/File No. MsC 132.2 (Item 4, Accession No. 25/72.1.2)

Copy, on two folio pages. Late 17th century.
ClE 120: Edward Hyde, First Earl of Clarendon, Impeachment Proceedings against Clarendon in 1667

Articles of Treason exhibited in Parliament against Clarendon, 14 November 1667 published in London, 1667. The Proceedings in the House of Commons touching the Impeachment of Clarendon 1667 published in London, 1700.

Osborne Collection, Box/Files No. MsC 132/30

Copy, in an italic hand, headed Mr Charles Sedley, his speech to the House of Commons December 1690, on one folio page. c.1690.
SeC 125: Sir Charles Sedley, Speeches

Seven speeches in The Works of Sir Charles Sedley, [London, 1702], pp. 1-21 (second pagination). The Works of the Honourable Sir Charles Sedley, Bat (2 vols, London, 1722), I, 225-38.