St John's College, Oxford

MS 13

Copy, including the dedicatory epistle to Arlington, in the hand of an amanuensis, with Hobbes's autograph corrections, 90 folio leaves. c.1668.

Ex dono Car. Wheatley, 1706.

Edited from this MS in Tönnies.

*HbT 8: Thomas Hobbes, Behemoth or The Long Parliament

Edited from this MS in Tönnies.

First published, as The History of the Civil Wars of England, ([in London], 1679). Molesworth, English, VI, 161-418. Edited by Ferdinand Tönnies (London, 1889). 2nd edition, with introduction by M.M. Goldsmith, (London, 1969), and reprinted with an introduction by Stephen Holmes (Chicago & London, 1990).

MS 216

Copy, in two hands. c.1590-1625.

This MS collated in The Works of George Peele, ed. Alexander Dyce, 2 vols (London, 1828), and in Horne.

PlG 8: George Peele, Polyhymnia

This MS collated in The Works of George Peele, ed. Alexander Dyce, 2 vols (London, 1828), and in Horne.

First published in London, 1590. Edited by D.H. Horne in Prouty, I, 231-43.

[no shelfmark]

A printed exemplum of the first edition [1647], with seveal MS corrections probably made in the printing house. c.1647.

Recorded in Charles Morgenstern's note John Sparrow's Manuscript Corrections in Two Issues of Donne's Biathanatos, The Book Collector, 21 (1972), 557.

DnJ 4054.8: John Donne, Biathanatos

Recorded in Charles Morgenstern's note John Sparrow's Manuscript Corrections in Two Issues of Donne's Biathanatos, The Book Collector, 21 (1972), 557.

First published in London, [1647]. Reprinted in facsimile, ed. J.W. Hebel (New York, 1930). Edited by Michael Rudick and M. Pabst Bettin (New York, 1982) and by Ernest W. Sullivan II (Newark, NJ, 1984).

A. 1. 25

Autograph annotations and marginalia.

Stern, p. 208.

*HvG 59: Gabriel Harvey, Davies, Richard. A funerall sermon preached the xxvi. day of the buriall of the right honourable walter earle of essex and ewe (London, 1577)

Stern, p. 208.

B. 2. 28

A printed exemplum, inscribed (title-page verso) William Browne. Early 17th century.

Edwards, No. 17.

BrW 257.5: William Browne of Tavistock, Gower, John. Confessio amantis (London, 1532)

Edwards, No. 17.

B. 5. 25

A perfected proof-sheet, for sig 4K1r-v (pp. 629-30), for the fourth printed edition (Oxford, 1632).

Used as the rear endpaper in a printed exemplum of Meric Casaubon, De quatuor linguis (London, 1650).


Recorded in Jan Moore, p. 79.

BuR 1.6: Robert Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy

Recorded in Jan Moore, p. 79.

First published in Oxford, 1621. Edited by A.R. Shilleto (introduced by A.H. Bullen), 3 vols (London, 1893). Edited variously by Thomas C. Faulkner, Nicolas K. Kiessling, Rhonda L. Blair, J.B. Bamborough, and Martin Dodsworth, 6 vols (Oxford, 1989-2000).

K. 1. 5

A corrected proof-sheet, for sigs 3Y2v-3r (pp. 546, 547 misprinted as 548), for the fourth printed edition (Oxford, 1632).

Used as the front endpaper in a printed exemplum of Xanthopulus Nicephorus Callistus, Ecclesiasticæ historiæ libri duodeviginti (Paris, 1630), vol. I.


Recorded in Jan Moore, p. 80.

BuR 1.7: Robert Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy

Recorded in Jan Moore, p. 80.

First published in Oxford, 1621. Edited by A.R. Shilleto (introduced by A.H. Bullen), 3 vols (London, 1893). Edited variously by Thomas C. Faulkner, Nicolas K. Kiessling, Rhonda L. Blair, J.B. Bamborough, and Martin Dodsworth, 6 vols (Oxford, 1989-2000).


A printed exemplum of Donne's Poems (London, 1633), bound with a printed exemplum of Pseudo-Martyr (London, 1610), in modern red morocco.

Later owned by Rev. Nathaniel Crynes (1685/6-1745), of Coventry, fellow of St John's College, a large part of whose library came from that of Thomas Rawlinson (1681-1725).

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980), as the Crynes Volume: DnJ Δ 67.

The volume as a whole
DnJ 4160: John Donne, Poems ('')

A printed exemplum of Donne's Poems (London, 1633), the text neatly corrected or emended throughout in a single modern hand, recording variant readings (most probably derived from MS sources) for 36 poems.

The MS annotations apparently made by Frank G. Gordon (1874-1968). Some of the readings agreeing with the Dobell and O'Flahertie MSS (Harvard, fMS Eng 966.4 and Harvard MS Eng 966.5), some others representing an early version of certain of the Satyres.

p. 47
DnJ 74: John Donne, The Anagram ('Marry, and love thy Flavia, for, shee')

Lines 53-4 (omitted from the printed text) added in MS.

First published as Elegie II in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 80-2 (as Elegie II). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 21-2. Shawcross, No. 17. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 217-18.

p. 49
DnJ 2576: John Donne, The Perfume ('Once, and but once found in thy company')

Lines 7-8 (omitted from the printed text) added in MS and with MS emendation in line 29.

First published, as Elegie IV, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 84-6 (as Elegie IV). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 7-9. Shawcross, No. 10. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 72-3.

p. 53
DnJ 1049: John Donne, Elegie on the L.C. ('Sorrow, who to this house scarce knew the way')

MS emendations in lines 21-2.

First published, as Elegie VI, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 287. Gardner, Elegies, p. 26 (as A Funeral Elegy). Variorum, 6 (1995), p. 103, as Elegia.

p. 53
DnJ 2470: John Donne, Oh, let mee not serve so, as those men serve

MS emendation in line 6.

First published, as Elegie VII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 87-9 (as Elegie VI). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 10-11. Shawcross, No. 12. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 110-11.

pp. 56-8
DnJ 3086: John Donne, The Storme ('Thou which art I, ('tis nothing to be soe)')

MS emendations to the title and lines 20-1, 30, 54, 66.

First published (in full) in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 175-7. Milgate, Satires, pp. 55-7. Shawcross, No. 109.

p. 60
DnJ 569: John Donne, The Calme ('Our storme is past, and that storms tyrannous rage')

MS emendations in line 44.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 178-80. Milgate, Satires, pp. 57-9. Shawcross, No. 110.

p. 61
DnJ 3505: John Donne, To Sr Henry Wotton ('Sir, more then kisses, letters mingle Soules')

MS emendations in line 4.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 180-2. Milgate, Satires, pp. 71-3. Shawcross, No. 112.

p. 67
DnJ 1086: John Donne, Elegie on the Lady Marckham ('Man is the World, and death th' Ocean')

Lines 44-5 (omitted from the printed text) added in MS in Crynes volume.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 279-81. Shawcross, No. 149. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 55-9. Variorum, 6 (1995), pp. 112-13.

p. 70
DnJ 1026: John Donne, Elegie on Mris Boulstred ('Death I recant, and say, unsaid by mee')

MS emendation in line 32.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 282-4. Shawcross, No. 150. Milgate, Epithalamions, p. 59-61. Variorum, 6 (1995), pp. 129-30.

p. 75
DnJ 3299: John Donne, To Mr Rowland Woodward ('Like one who'in her third widdowhood doth professe')

MS emendations in line 31.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 185-6. Milgate, Satires, pp. 69-70. Shawcross, No. 113.

p. 79
DnJ 3537: John Donne, To the Countesse of Bedford ('Reason is our Soules left hand, Faith her right')

MS emendation in line 36.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 189-90. Milgate, Satires, pp. 90-1. Shawcross, No. 134.

p. 94
DnJ 3328: John Donne, To Mr T.W. ('All haile sweet Poët, more full of more strong fire')

MS emendation in line 23.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 203-5. Milgate, Satires, pp. 59-60. Shawcross, No. 114.

p. 165 [i.e. 195]
DnJ 1471: John Donne, The good-morrow ('I wonder by my troth, what thou, and I')

MS emendations in lines 3, 20-1.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 7-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 70-1. Shawcross, No. 32.

p. 169 [i.e. 199]
DnJ 3121: John Donne, The Sunne Rising ('Busie old foole, unruly Sunne')

MS emendation in line 6.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 11-12. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 72-3. Shawcross, No. 36.

p. 192
DnJ 516: John Donne, The broken heart ('He is starke mad, who ever sayes')

MS emendation in line 21.

Lines 1-16 first published in A Helpe to Memory and Discourse (London, 1630), pp. 45-6. Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 48-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 51-2. Shawcross, No. 29.

p. 180
DnJ 1946: John Donne, The Litanie ('Father of Heaven, and him, by whom')

MS emendation in line 153.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 338-48. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 16-26. Shawcross, No. 184.

p. 193
DnJ 3749: John Donne, A Valediction: forbidding mourning ('As virtuous men passe mildly away')

MS emendation to the title.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 49-51. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 62-4. Shawcross, No. 31.

p. 201
DnJ 2182: John Donne, Loves Usury ('For every houre that thou wilt spare mee now')

MS variant version of the third stanza (lines 17-24).

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 13-14. Gardner, Elegies, p. 44. Shawcross, No. 38.

p. 207
DnJ 3020: John Donne, Song ('Sweetest love, I do not goe')

MS emendation of line 21.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 18-19. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 31-2. Shawcross, No. 42.

p. 208
DnJ 1856: John Donne, The Legacie ('When I dyed last, and, Deare, I dye')

MS emendations (of punctuation) in lines 1-4.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 20. Gardner, Elegies, p. 50. Shawcross, No. 43.

p. 210
DnJ 1337: John Donne, A Feaver ('Oh doe not die, for I shall hate')

MS emendations in line 23.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 21. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 61-2. Shawcross, No. 44.

p. 212
DnJ 452: John Donne, Breake of day (''Tis true, 'tis day. what though it be?')

MS emendation in line 15.

First published in William Corkine, Second Book of Ayres (London, 1612), sig. B1v. Grierson, I, 23. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 35-6. Shawcross, No. 46.

p. 214
DnJ 3794: John Donne, A Valediction: of my name, in the window ('My name engrav'd herein')

MS emendation in line 4.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 25-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 64-6. Shawcross, No. 49.

pp. 218-19
DnJ 3681: John Donne, Twicknam garden ('Blasted with sighs, and surrounded with teares')

MS emendations in lines 12, 15, 18, 20, 26.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 28-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 83-4. Shawcross, No. 51.

p. 222
DnJ 679: John Donne, Communitie ('Good wee must love, and must hate ill')

MS variant version of lines 23-4.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 32-3. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 33-4. Shawcross, No. 53.

p. 223
DnJ 2122: John Donne, Loves growth ('I scarce beleeve my love to be so pure')

MS emendations in lines 9-10.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 33-4. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 76-7. Shawcross, No. 54.

p. 226
DnJ 756: John Donne, Confined Love ('Some man unworthy to be possessor')

MS emendations in lines 11, 16.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 36. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 34-5. Shawcross, No. 56.

p. 228
DnJ 3854: John Donne, A Valediction: of weeping ('Let me powre forth')

MS emendations in lines 8, 15.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 38-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 69-70. Shawcross, No. 58.

pp. 229-30
DnJ 1984: John Donne, Loves Alchymie ('Some that have deeper digg'd loves Myne then I')

MS alternative title (Mummie).

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 39-40. Gardner, Elegies, p. 81. Shawcross, No. 59.

p. 230
DnJ 1375: John Donne, The Flea ('Marke but this flea, and marke in this')

MS emendations in line 5.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 40-1. Gardner, Elegies, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 60.

pp. 277-8
DnJ 1268: John Donne, The Extasie ('Where, like a pillow on a bed')

MS emendations in lines 2, 4, 9.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 51-3. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 59-61. Shawcross, No. 62.

pp. 296-7
DnJ 1114: John Donne, Elegie upon the Death of Mistress Boulstred ('Language thou art too narrow, and too weake')

MS emendations to the title and line 44.

First published, as Elegie, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 284-6 (as Elegie. Death). Shawcross, No. 151 (as Elegie: Death). Milgate, Epithalmions, pp. 61-3. Variorum, 6 (1995), pp. 146-7.

pp. 329-32
DnJ 2785: John Donne, Satyre II ('Sir. though (I thank God for it) I do hate')

MS emendations and variant readings in lines 2-3, 6, 22, 25-7, 32-4, 36, 41, 49-50, 54, 62-3, 77, and 98, and lines 69-70 and 74-5 (omitted from the printed text) added in MS.

This MS recorded in Milgate, pp. liii(n), 129.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 149-54. Milgate, Satires, pp. 7-10. Shawcross, No. 2.

pp. 333-6
DnJ 2814: John Donne, Satyre III ('Kinde pitty chokes my spleene. brave scorn forbids')

MS emendations in lines 11, 32, 75, 77, 79-80, 82, 95.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 154-8. Milgate, Satires, pp. 10-14. Shawcross, No. 3.

p. 341
DnJ 2847: John Donne, Satyre IV ('Well. I may now receive, and die. My sinne')

Lines 134-6 (omitted from the printed text) added in MS.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 158-68. Milgate, Satires, pp. 14-22. Shawcross, No. 4.

pp. 346, 348-9
DnJ 2876: John Donne, Satyre V ('Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe, Muse, nor they')

MS emendations in lines 58, 66, 68, 72, 76, 91.

First published (in full) in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 168-71. Milgate, Satires, pp. 22-5. Shawcross, No. 5.