Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris

Cinq cents de Colbert n° 466

A folio composite volume of state papers generally concerning diplomatic relations between England and France, in various hands.
ff. 73r-4v, 96r-8v
*CmW 137: William Camden, Collectanea ('')

Papers of William Camden, comprising (ff. 73-4v) a Latin tract in a professional hand with Camden's autograph heading De Curijs Ecclesiasticis Archiepi Cantuariensis ex libello de praerogatiuis sedis Cantuari; (f. 96v) an autograph tabulation of The Courtes of England, endorsed on f. 96 des courtes et officiers d'Angleterre, tiré du livre Intitulé politiae Angliae en Englois; and (ff. 97r-8v) an index of civil and ecclesiastical offices of the Realm (in Latin) in a professional hand with Camden's autograph heading Ex Libello de Politeia Angliae in vsum Dnae Reginae primo Regni anno conscripto; f. 73 endorsed with the date 1582.

ff. 89r-95r
SiP 184: Sir Philip Sidney, A Letter to Queen Elizabeth touching her Marriage with Monsieur ('')

Copy in a secretary hand, headed A discours of Syr Ph.S. to ye Q. Mty touching hir mariage wth Monsr, on thirteen folio pages, docketed in a different hand Discours de Syr P.S. Sur le mariage de la Re. Elizab. auec Monsieur.


Edited from this MS in Feuillerat. Collated in Duncan-Jones & Van Dorsten. Briefly described in Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes: Manuscripts and their Makers in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford, 1998), p. 275 (No. 3), with a facsimile of f. 89r on p. 117.

First published in Scrinia Caeciliana: Mysteries of State & Government (London, 1663) and in Cabala: sive Scrinia Sacra (London, 1663). Feuillerat, III, 51-60. Duncan-Jones & Van Dorsten, pp. 46-57.

This work and its textual transmission discussed, with facsimile examples, in Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes: Manuscripts and their Makers in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford, 1998), Chapter 4, pp. 109-46 (with most MSS catalogued as Nos 1-37, with comments on their textual tradition, in Appendix IV, pp. 274-80).

ff. 111r-16r
SiP 173: Sir Philip Sidney, Defence of the Earl of Leicester ('')

Copy, evidently transcribed from SiP 172, untitled, headed in another hand Apologie par le feu renome Cheualeir Ph. Sidney po le Cote de Leycester so oncle 1582.

This MS collated in Feuillerat, III, 333-4, and in Duncan-Jones & Van Dorsten. Facsimile of f. 111r in Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes: Manuscripts and their Makers in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford, 1998), p. 118.

First published in Arthur Collins, Letters and Memorials of State of the Sidney Family (London, 1746), I, 62-8. Feuillerat, III, 61-71. Duncan-Jones & Van Dorsten, pp. 129-41.

Cinq cents de Colbert n° 467

A folio composite volume of French state paper, including documents relating to Ralegh, in various hands.
ff. 67r-8v
RaW 814: Sir Walter Ralegh, Speech on the Scaffold (29 October 1618) ('')

Copy of the speech in a French translation, headed Dernieres parolles du Cheualier Raulegh, traduittes d'Anglois mot à mot.


Transcripts of Ralegh's speech have been printed in his Remains (London, 1657). Works (1829), I, 558-64, 691-6. VIII, 775-80, and elsewhere. Copies range from verbatim transcripts to summaries of the speech, they usually form part of an account of Ralegh's execution, they have various headings, and the texts differ considerably. For relevant discussions, see Anna Beer, Textual Politics: The Execution of Sir Walter Ralegh, Modern Philology, 94:1 (August 1996), 19-38, and Andrew Fleck, At the time of his death: Manuscript Instability and Walter Ralegh's Performance on the Scaffold, Journal of British Studies, 48:1 (January 2009), 4-28.

f. 68v
RaW 12: Sir Walter Ralegh, Euen such is tyme which takes in trust

Copy, headed These verses following were made by Sr. Walter Rauleigh the night before he dyed and left att the Gate howse.


Edited from this MS in Latham.

First published in Richard Brathwayte, Remains after Death (London, 1618). Latham, p. 72 (as These verses following were made by Sir Walter Rauleigh the night before he dyed and left att the Gate howse). Rudick, Nos 35A, 35B, and part of 55 (three versions, pp. 80, 133).

This poem is ascribed to Ralegh in most MS copies and is often appended to copies of his speech on the scaffold (see RaW 739-822).

f. 72r
RaW 733: Sir Walter Ralegh, Ralegh's Second Testamentary Note ('')

Copy of the text in a French translation, on a single leaf.


Ralegh's note, 1618, denouncing false allegations, beginning I did never receive advise from my Lord Carew to make any escape, neither did I tell ytt Stukeley.... First published in The Works of Sir Walter Ralegh, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1751), II, 280-1. Edwards (1868), II, 494-5.

Cinq cents de Colbert n° 488

A folio volume of French state papers, in various hands.
ff. 167r-8r
RaW 734: Sir Walter Ralegh, Ralegh's Second Testamentary Note ('')

Copy of the text in a French translation, headed Confession du Cheuallier Raulegh executé à Londres.


Ralegh's note, 1618, denouncing false allegations, beginning I did never receive advise from my Lord Carew to make any escape, neither did I tell ytt Stukeley.... First published in The Works of Sir Walter Ralegh, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1751), II, 280-1. Edwards (1868), II, 494-5.

fonds anglais n° 101

Copy, entitled Sodom, a play by the Earl of Rochester, apparently transcried from the Antwerp edition of 1684, on eighteen leaves. Early 18th century.

This MS discussed, with a facsimile of f. 10, in Edwards, BC (1976). The two prologues, two epilogues and final speech edited from this MS in Danchin, Prologues & Epilogues, II, 475-86.

RoJ 639: John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, Sodom and Gomorah

This MS discussed, with a facsimile of f. 10, in Edwards, BC (1976). The two prologues, two epilogues and final speech edited from this MS in Danchin, Prologues & Epilogues, II, 475-86.

First published (?) at Antwerp [i.e. London], (?)1684. The only known extant early printed exemplum is a probably early 18th-century octavo entitled Sodom, or the Gentleman Instructed. A Comedy. By the E. of R., sold at Sotheby's 16 December 2004, lot 54 (with facsimile pages in the sale catalogue), now in private ownership; reprinted in colour facsimile (Berlin: Antiquariat Ars Amandi, [2005]).

Edited from MS copies as Rochester's Sodom, ed. L.S.A.M. von Römer (Paris, 1904), and as Sodom (Olympia Press, Paris, [1957]). Love, pp. 302-33, in his Appendix Roffensis.

Of uncertain authorship. For discussions of authorship and texts, see notably Rodney M. Blaine, Rochester or Fishbourne: A Question of Authorship, RES, 22 (1946), 201-6; James Thorpe, New Manuscripts of Sodom, Princeton University Library Chronicle, 13 (Autumn 1951), 40-1; A.S.G. Edwards, Libertine Literature in Restoration England: Princeton MS AM 14401, BC, 25 (Autumn 1976), 354-68, and The Authorship of Sodom, PBSA, 71 (1977), 208-12; Larry Carver, The Texts and The Text of Sodom, PBSA, 73 (1979), 19-40; John D. Patterson, Does Otway ascribe Sodom to Rochester?, N&Q, 225 (August 1980), 349-51; J.W. Johnson, Did Lord Rochester Write Sodom?, PBSA, 81 (1987), 101-53; and Nicholas D. Nace, Some New Light on Sodom, BC, 63 (Winter 2014), 557-67.

fonds anglais n° 146

A MS volume.
pp. 6-9
RaW 1103: Sir Walter Ralegh, The Present Stat of Thinges as they now Stand betweene the three great Kingedomes, Fraunce, England, and Spaine ('')

Copy, ascribed to Ralegh.

A tract beginning These three great kingdoms as they now stand are to be compared to the election of a king of Poland.... First published in Lefranc (1968), pp. 590-5, and discussed pp. 586-90. The attribution to Ralegh subsequently doubted by Professor Lefranc (private communication). If the tract dates from 1623, as appears in one MS, it could not have been weitten by Ralegh.

pp. 166-75
RaW 828: Sir Walter Ralegh, Letter(s) ('')

Copies of letters by Ralegh.

fonds anglais n° 149

A folio volume of state letters and tracts, in various hands.
f. 73r
RaW 148: Sir Walter Ralegh, The Lie ('Goe soule the bodies guest')

Copy, untitled.

First published in Francis Davison, A Poetical Rapsodie (London, 1611). Latham, pp. 45-7. Rudick, Nos 20A, 20B and 20C (three versions), with answers, pp. 30-45.

This poem is attributed to Richard Latworth (or Latewar) in Lefranc (1968), pp. 85-94, but see Stephen J. Greenblatt, Sir Walter Ralegh (New Haven & London, 1973), pp. 171-6. See also Karl Josef Höltgen, Richard Latewar Elizabethan Poet and Divine, Anglia, 89 (1971), 417-38 (p. 430). Latewar's answer to this poem is printed in Höltgen, pp. 435-8. Some texts are accompanied by other answers.

ff. 75r-93r
RaW 728.2: Sir Walter Ralegh, Ralegh's Arraignment(s) ('')


Accounts of the arraignments of Ralegh at Winchester Castle, 17 November 1603, and before the Privy Council on 22 October 1618. The arraignment of 1603 published in London, 1648. For documentary evidence about this arraignment, see Rosalind Davies, The Great Day of Mart: Returning to Texts at the Trial of Sir Walter Ralegh in 1603, Renaissance Forum, 4/1 (1999), 1-12.

ff. 93v-102r
RaW 829: Sir Walter Ralegh, Letter(s) ('')

Copies of letters by Ralegh.

ff. 102v-4r
RaW 741: Sir Walter Ralegh, Speech on the Scaffold (29 October 1618) ('')


Transcripts of Ralegh's speech have been printed in his Remains (London, 1657). Works (1829), I, 558-64, 691-6. VIII, 775-80, and elsewhere. Copies range from verbatim transcripts to summaries of the speech, they usually form part of an account of Ralegh's execution, they have various headings, and the texts differ considerably. For relevant discussions, see Anna Beer, Textual Politics: The Execution of Sir Walter Ralegh, Modern Philology, 94:1 (August 1996), 19-38, and Andrew Fleck, At the time of his death: Manuscript Instability and Walter Ralegh's Performance on the Scaffold, Journal of British Studies, 48:1 (January 2009), 4-28.

fonds anglais n° 165

Copy, untitled, on seventeen folio leaves. Late 16th century.

This MS formerly Phillipps MS 22357.

PtG 2: George Puttenham, An Apology or True Defence of Her Majesty's Honourable and Good Renown

A treatise on the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, beginning There hath not happened since the memorie of man…. First published, as A Justification of Queene Elizabeth in relation to the Affaire of Mary Queene of Scottes, in Accounts and Papers relating to Mary Queen of Scots, ed. Allan J. Crosby and John Bruce, Camden Society, 93 (1867), pp. 67-134.

fonds Dupuy no 5

A composite volume of miscellaneous tracts and state papers, in various hands, mounted on guards.

Collected by Pierre Dupuy (1582-1651) and his brother Jacques (1591-1656), successively Gardes de la Bibliothèque du Roi.

ff. 3r-5v
BcF 296.5: Francis Bacon, Historia et inquisitio de animato et inanimato ('')

Copy, in the hand of an amanuensis who contributed to BcF 294.

Facsimile of f. 3r in Oxford Francis Bacon, XIII, lxi.

Edited by Graham Rees, with an English translation, in The Instauratio magna: Last Writings, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. XIII (Oxford, 2000), pp. 227-41.

ff. 7r-23v
BcF 295.5: Francis Bacon, Historia densi et rari ('')

Copy of an early version, in the hand of Nicolas Rigault (1577-1654), Garde de la Bibliothèque.

Edited from this MS by Graham Rees, with an English translation, in Oxford Francis Bacon, XIII, 1-34, with a facsimile of f. 38r on p. lxvi.

First published in Operum moralium et civilium, ed. William Rawley (London, 1638). Spedding, II, 227-305 (pp. 245-304). His translation in V, 337-400. Edited by Graham Rees in The Instauratio magna: Last Writings, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. XIII (Oxford, 2000), pp. 1-34 (early manuscript version, with an English translation), and pp. 35-169 (Rawley's printed version, with an English translation).

ff. 24r-37v
BcF 287: Francis Bacon, Abecedarium novum naturae ('')

Copy of the complete work, in the hand of Nicolas Rigault (1577-1654), Garde de la Bibliothèque.

Edited from this MS by Graham Rees in Oxford Francis Bacon, XIII, with a facsimile of f. 24r on p. lxiii. Discussed earlier by him in Bacon's Philosophy: Some New Sources with Special Reference to the Abecedarium Novum Naturae, in Francis Bacon: Terminologia e Fortuna nel XVII Secolo, ed. Marta Fattori (1984), pp. 233-44.

A four-page fragment published in Baconiana (London, 1679), p. 77; reprinted in Spedding, II, 85-8 (translation in V, 208-11). The full text edited by Graham Rees, with an English translation, in The Instauratio magna: Last Writings, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. XIII (Oxford, 2000), pp. 171-225.

f. 38r
BcF 304.5: Francis Bacon, Meditationes sacrae ('')

Copy of a French translation of the second of the Meditationes sacrae.

First published with Essayes (London, 1597). Spedding, VII, 227-42. His translation, pp. 243-54.

f. 39r-v
BcF 205.4: Francis Bacon, Essays or Counsels Civil and Moral ('')

Copy of Italian translations of the essays Of Religion and Of Superstition.

Ten Essayes first published in London, 1597. 38 Essaies published in London, 1612. 58 Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall published in London, 1625. Spedding, VI, 365-591. Edited by Michael Kiernan, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. XV (Oxford, 2000).

f. 40r-v
BcF 205.5: Francis Bacon, Essays or Counsels Civil and Moral ('')

Copy of French translations of the essays Of Religion and Of Superstition.

Ten Essayes first published in London, 1597. 38 Essaies published in London, 1612. 58 Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall published in London, 1625. Spedding, VI, 365-591. Edited by Michael Kiernan, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. XV (Oxford, 2000).

fonds français n° 2530

A MS volume.
ff. 129r-51r
BcF 680: Francis Bacon, Extracts ('')

Extracts from works by Bacon translated into French.

fonds français n° 2532

A MS volume. ?17th century.
ff. 1r-81r, 85r-106v, 108r-v
BcF 54.919: Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning ('')

Extracts, translated into French.

First published, as The Twoo Bookes of Francis Bacon. Of the proficience and aduancement of Learning, diuine and humane, in London, 1605. Spedding, III, 253-491. Edited by Michael Kiernan, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. IV (Oxford, 2000).

fonds français n° 2537

A MS volume.
ff. 82r, 90r
BcF 681: Francis Bacon, Extracts ('')

Extracts from works by Bacon translated into French.

fonds français n° 2548

A MS volume.
f. 187r
BcF 682: Francis Bacon, Extracts ('')

Extracts from works by Bacon translated into French.

fonds français n° 3283

A MS volume.
ff. 20r-3r
CmW 203: William Camden, Extracts ('')

French notes of Camden's explanation of some Saxon words.

fonds français n° 4142

A folio composite volume of French state papers, in various hands.
pp. 565-92
BcF 299: Francis Bacon, In felicem memoriam Elizabethae, Angliae Reginae ('')

Copy in the hand of an amanuensis, endorsed in another hand (p. 592) for ye l. Ambassador in france; the copy sent by Bacon to Sir George Carew; 28 pages (pp. 565-6, 589-92 blank).


Bacon's letter to Carew originally accompanying this memorial is cited in Spedding, VI, 283 (a copy is in the British Library, Add. MS 5503, ff. 41v-2r).

First published in Opuscula varia, ed. William Rawley (London, 1658). Spedding, VI, 281-303. His translation pp. 305-18.

fonds français n° 4745

A folio volume of French miscellaneous and state papers from 1315 to 1645, in a neat French hand, 218 leaves.

Originally owned by Pierre Séguier (1588-1672).

[unspecified page numbers]
BcF 205.6: Francis Bacon, Essays or Counsels Civil and Moral ('')

Copy of French translations of the essays Of Religion and Of Superstition.

Ten Essayes first published in London, 1597. 38 Essaies published in London, 1612. 58 Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall published in London, 1625. Spedding, VI, 365-591. Edited by Michael Kiernan, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. XV (Oxford, 2000).

ff. 5r-8r
BcF 296: Francis Bacon, Historia et inquisitio de animato et inanimato ('')

Copy, beginning Inquisitio de animis et vitis profunda est…; in a single hand, transcribed from BcF 296.5.

Early-mid-17th century.

Edited by Graham Rees, with an English translation, in The Instauratio magna: Last Writings, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. XIII (Oxford, 2000), pp. 227-41.

ff. 9r-38v
BcF 295: Francis Bacon, Historia densi et rari ('')

Copy, untitled, here beginning at the Tabula expansionis et coitionis materiae and ending …impostura & Imitatione fluxus et refluxus maris et omnium, in a single hand, transcribed from BcF 295.5.

Early-mid-17th century.

First published in Operum moralium et civilium, ed. William Rawley (London, 1638). Spedding, II, 227-305 (pp. 245-304). His translation in V, 337-400. Edited by Graham Rees in The Instauratio magna: Last Writings, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. XIII (Oxford, 2000), pp. 1-34 (early manuscript version, with an English translation), and pp. 35-169 (Rawley's printed version, with an English translation).

ff. 39r-62r
BcF 286: Francis Bacon, Abecedarium novum naturae ('')

Copy of the complete work, beginning Ocurrit mihi Interdum dictum non Insultum; in a single hand, transcribed from BcF 287.

Early-mid-17th century.

A four-page fragment published in Baconiana (London, 1679), p. 77; reprinted in Spedding, II, 85-8 (translation in V, 208-11). The full text edited by Graham Rees, with an English translation, in The Instauratio magna: Last Writings, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. XIII (Oxford, 2000), pp. 171-225.

fonds français n° 4996

A composite volume of tracts and Anglo-French treaties up to 1547.
ff. 208r-52r
MrT 31.5: Sir Thomas More, Historia Richardi Tertii ('')

Copy of the fullest version in Latin, in an accomplished hand.

Early-mid-16th century.

Edited principally from this MS in Yale, Vol. 15, with a facsimile of f. 230v facing p. cxxxvi. Discussed, in relation to other texts of the work, by Alison Hanham in The Texts of Thomas More's Richard III, Renaissance Studies, 21/1 (February 2007), 62-84, and Honing a History: Thomas More's Revisions of his Richard III, RES, NS 59 (2008), 197-218.

An unfinished work. The English version first published in The chronicle of Ihon Hardyng (London, 1543). The Latin version first published in Thomae Mori...omnia...latina opera (Louvain, 1565). Three versions in Yale, Vol. 2, pp. 1-93, 94-149, and Vol. 15, pp. 313-485, with English translations.

fonds français n° 5812

A folio volume of French state papers, in various hands.
ff. 82r-3r
RaW 735: Sir Walter Ralegh, Ralegh's Second Testamentary Note ('')

Copy of the text in a French translation, headed Escript et confession de Raulegh.


Ralegh's note, 1618, denouncing false allegations, beginning I did never receive advise from my Lord Carew to make any escape, neither did I tell ytt Stukeley.... First published in The Works of Sir Walter Ralegh, ed. Thomas Birch (London, 1751), II, 280-1. Edwards (1868), II, 494-5.

fonds français n° 6206

A composite volume of correspondence of Marin Mersenne (1588-1648), natural philosopher, assembled by his biographer Hilarion de Coste.
ff. 1r-4v
*HbT 118: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Letter in Latin, in the hand of an amanuensis with autograph corrections and signed by Hobbes, to Mersenne for Descartes, from Paris, [20/]30 March 1640/1.


Edited in Tönnies, Analekten, pp. 153-9. Malcolm, Correspondence, I, 102-13, Letter 34, with English translation.

f. 73r
*HbT 134: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Autograph letter signed by Hobbes, In French, to Mersenne, from St Germain, [9/]19 June 1648.


Edited in Tönnies, Analekten, pp. 174-5. Malcolm, Correspondence, I, 173-5, Letter 60, with English translation.

ff. 143r-4v
HbT 131: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Mersenne, from St Germain, [7/]17 February 1647/8.


Edited in Tönnies, Analekten, pp. 172-4; in Mersenne, Correspondance, XVI, 107-10. Malcolm, I, 165-6, Letter 57, with English translation.

fonds français n° 14849

Autograph calligraphic MS, vii + 57 pages + i (164 x 115mm.), dated 1 April 1601.

A presentation MS to Henri, Vicomte de Rohan (1579-1638), Huguenot leader, who became Duc de Rohan in 1603, with a prose Dedication to him in French, in various styles of script, with decoration, figures, and a self-portrait.


Owned in 1765 by D. de Rossi.

Scott-Elliot & Yeo, No. 16 (pp. 45-6), with a facsimile of the architectural title-page as Plate 15 (between pp. 42 and 43).

*InE 25: Esther Inglis, [Proverbs] Les Proverbes du Roy Salomon. De la main d'Esther Anglois françoise. A Lislebourg l'an, 1601

Scott-Elliot & Yeo, No. 16 (pp. 45-6), with a facsimile of the architectural title-page as Plate 15 (between pp. 42 and 43).

A French translation of the Book of Proverbs in the Bible, with other verses in French and Latin including some to the Viscomte de Rohan by Bartholomew Kello and some to Esther Inglis by Melville and Johnston.

fonds français n° 17874

A MS volume. ?17th century.

Once owned by Pierre Séguier, chancelier de France.

See Michèle Le Doeuff, Bacon chez les grands au siècle de Louis XIII, in Francis Bacon: terminologia e fortuna nel XVII secolo, ed. Marta Fattori (Rome, 1984), pp. 155-78 (p. 163).

ff. 144r-5r
BcF 205.7: Francis Bacon, Essays or Counsels Civil and Moral ('')

Copy of French translations of the essays Of Religion and Of Superstition.

Ten Essayes first published in London, 1597. 38 Essaies published in London, 1612. 58 Essayes or Counsels, Civill and Morall published in London, 1625. Spedding, VI, 365-591. Edited by Michael Kiernan, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. XV (Oxford, 2000).

fonds français n° 19001

ff. 156r-95r
BcF 83.8: Francis Bacon, Apology in Certain Imputations concerning the late Earl of Essex ('')

Extracts, translated into French.

First published in London, 1604. Spedding, X, 139-60.

fonds français n° 19092

BcF 305.6: Francis Bacon, Novum organum ('')

Extracts in a French translation, headed Methodes et conceptions de sieur Verulam chaner d'Angleterre.

First published in the unfinished Instauratio magna (London 1620). Spedding, I, 119-363.

fonds français n° 19879

A MS volume. ?17th century.
ff. 4r-19r
BcF 215.3: Francis Bacon, The History of the Reign of King Henry VII ('')

Extracts, translated into French.

First published in London, 1622. Spedding, VI, 23-245. Edited by Michael Kiernan, The Oxford Francis Bacon, Vol. VIII (Oxford, 2012), pp. 3-169.

fonds latin 1637

ff. 189r-90v
*HbT 136: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Autograph letter signed by Hobbes, in Latin, to Pierre Gassendi, from Paris, [12/]22 September 1649.


Edited (with date erroneously given as 21 September) in Gassendi, Opera omnia (Lyons, 1658), VI, p. 522A. Reprinted in Molesworth, Latin, V, 307. Malcolm, Correspondence, I, 178-9, Letter 62, with English translation.

fonds latin 6566A

Copy of an untitled and extensive Latin treatise by Hobbes, constituting a detailed critique of Thomas White's treatise De mundo (Paris, 1642) and containing early versions of a number of passages in De Corpore (see HbT 14-16), in two scribal hands, with corrections in the hand of Père Marin Mersenne (1588-1648), on 459 leaves (plus blanks). c.1643-5.

Formerly cited in IELM, II.i (1987) as HbT 36. Edited from this MS in Jacquot & Jones (1973); English translation by Jones published as Thomas White's De Mundo Examined (Bradford, 1976). Discussed earlier by Jean Jacquot in Notes on an Unpublished Work of Thomas Hobbes, Notes & Records of the Royal Society of London, 9 (1952), 188-95.

HbT 90: Thomas Hobbes, Thomas White's De Mundo Examined

Formerly cited in IELM, II.i (1987) as HbT 36. Edited from this MS in Jacquot & Jones (1973); English translation by Jones published as Thomas White's De Mundo Examined (Bradford, 1976). Discussed earlier by Jean Jacquot in Notes on an Unpublished Work of Thomas Hobbes, Notes & Records of the Royal Society of London, 9 (1952), 188-95.

fonds latin 8703

A MS volume.

Formerly owned by Charles-Maurice Le Tellier (1642-1710), Archbishop of Rheims.

f. 28v
MrT 55: Sir Thomas More, Letter to Martin Dorp ('')

Copy, in an accomplished italic hand.

Early 16th century.

Facsimile in Yale, Vol. 15, facing p. cxxi.

First published in Thomæ Mori Lucubrationes (Basle, 1563). Yale, Vol. 15, pp. 2-127, in Latin, with an English translation.

fonds latin 10352, Vol. II

ff. 79v-80r
HbT 123: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from Paris, [6/]16 May 1646.


Edited in Sorbière, Illustrium (1669), pp. 573(bis)-5(bis), and in Tönnies, Sorbière, pp. 67-8; in Robertson, pp. 304-5; and in Mersenne, XIV (1980), 280-1. Malcolm, I, 125-7, Letter 40, with English translation. Translation also in Warrender, De Cive: Latin, pp. 300-1.

ff. 80v-1r
HbT 124: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Sorbière, from Paris, 22 May/1 June 1646.


Edited in Tönnies, Sorbière, pp. 68-70; in Robertson, pp. 306-7; and in Mersenne, Correspondance, XIV (1980), 303-4. Malcolm, Correspondence, I, 131-3, Letter 42, with English translation. Translation also in Warrender, De Cive: Latin, pp. 302-3.

ff. 84v-5r
HbT 125: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Sorbière, from St Germain, [24 September/]4 October 1646.


Edited in Tönnies, Sorbière, pp. 193-4; in Robertson, pp. 307-8; and in Mersenne, Correspondance, XIV (1980), 504. Malcolm, I, 138-40, Letter 45, with English translation. Translation also in Warrender, pp. 304-5.

ff. 85v-6r
HbT 126: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Sorbière, from St Germain, [12/] 22 October 1646.


Edited in Tönnies, Sorbière, pp. 195-6; in Robertson, pp. 309-10; and in Mersenne, Correspondance, XIV (1980), 558. Malcolm, Correspondence, I, 141-4, Letter 46, with English translation. Translation also in Warrender, De Cive: Latin, pp. 305-6.

f. 87v
HbT 127: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from Paris, [1/]11 November 1646.


Tönnies, Sorbière, p. 196; in Robertson, p. 310; in Mersenne, Correspondance, XIV (1980), 603. Malcolm, I, 146-7, Letter 48, with English translation. English translation (with date erroneously given as 3 November) also in Warrender, pp. 307-8.

ff. 88v-9r
HbT 128: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Sorbière, from Paris, [18/]28 February 1646/7.


Edited in Tönnies, Sorbière, p. 197; in Robertson, pp. 310-11. Malcolm, Correspondence, I, 152-3, Letter 50, with English translation. Translation also in Warrender, De Cive: Latin, pp. 308-9.

ff. 91r-v
HbT 129: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from Paris, [12/]22 March 1646/7.


Edited in Tönnies, Sorbière, pp. 199-200; in Robertson, pp. 312-14. Malcolm, I, 155-9, Letter 52, with English translation. Translation also in Warrender, De Cive: Latin , pp. 310-12.

f. 93v
HbT 130: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from St Germain, [17/]27 November 1647.


Edited in Tönnies, Sorbière, pp. 206-7; in Robertson, pp. 314-15, and in Mersenne, Correspondance, XV (1983), 552-3. Malcolm, I, 163-4, Letter 56, with English translation. Translation also in Warrender, De Cive: Latin, pp. 314-15.

f. 100r
HbT 135: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from Paris, [4/]14 June 1649.


Edited in Sorbière, Illustrium (1669), pp. 571(bis)-2(bis); in Tönnies, Sorbière, pp. 207-8; and in Robertson, p. 315. Malcolm, Correspondence, I, 176-7, Letter 61, with English translation.

ff. 136v-7r
HbT 139: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from London 29 December[/8 January] 1656/7.


Edited in Sorbière, Illustrium (1669), pp. 575-1(bis); in Tönnies, Sorbière, pp. 209-10. Malcolm, Correspondence, I, 427-30, Letter 112, with English translation. English translation also in Warrender, De Cive: Latin , p. 315.

ff. 140r-1v
HbT 140: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from London, 6[/16] February 1656/7.


Edited in Tönnies, Sorbière, pp. 210-12. Malcolm, Correspondence, I, 442-6, letter 117, with English translation.

f. 141v
HbT 141: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from London, 10[/20] February 1656/7.


Edited in Tönnies, Sorbière, pp. 212-13. Malcolm, Correspondence, I, 447-8, Letter 118, with English translation.

f. 149r
HbT 142: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, [from London?], 23 January[/2 February] 1659/60.


Edited in Sorbière, Illustrium (1669), pp. 572(bis)-3(bis); in Tönnies, Sorbière, p. 213. Malcolm, Correspondence, II, 513-14, Letter 140, with English translation.

f. 158v
HbT 143: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy.of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from London, 3[/13] March 1661/2.


Edited in Sorbière, Illustrium (1669), pp. 590-1; in Tönnies, Sorbière, pp. 213-14. Malcolm, Correspondence, II, 525-6, Letter 146, with English translation.

ff. 177r-8r
HbT 146: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from Hardwick, 30 November[/10 December] 1663.


Edited in Sorbière, Illustrium (1669), pp. 575(bis)-7(bis); in Tönnies, Sorbière, pp. 216-17. Malcolm, Correspondence, II, 576-8, Letter 160, with English translation.

ff. 161v-2r
HbT 148: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, from London, 7[/17] March 1663[/4].


Edited in Tönnies, Sorbière, pp. 214-15. Malcolm, Correspondence, II, 596-9, Letter 164, with English translation.

ff. 162v-4r
HbT 147: Thomas Hobbes, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Hobbes, in Latin, to Samuel-Joseph Sorbière, 19[/29] December 1663.


Edited in Tönnies, Sorbière, pp. 215-16. Malcolm, Correspondence, II, 578-84, Letter 161, with English translation.

MS 18597

The liber amicorum of Nicolaus Engelhardt.
f. 70r
*SiR 65: Robert Sidney, Earl of Leicester, Liber amicorum ('')

Robert Sidney's autograph inscription while in Vienna, 11 August 1581.


This MS recorded in George Gömöri, Inscriptions by Philip and Robert Sidney in Alba Amicorum, N&Q, 50 (September 2004), 240-2.

[no shelfmark]

A printed exemplum of Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes (London, 1633) with MS notes on pp. 158-9 at the end of Mustapha in the hand of the editor, Sir Kenelm Digby (1603-65), recording an original reading for the Chorus Quintvs and noting that the Chorus Sacerdotvm is misplaced, &c. c.1633.

This item discussed in W. Hilton Kelliher, The Warwick Manuscripts of Fulke Greville, BMQ, 34 (1969-70), 107-21 (pp. 117-18, 121). Recorded in Wilkes, I, 206.

GrF 32: Fulke Greville, Mustapha, Chorus Sacerdotum

This item discussed in W. Hilton Kelliher, The Warwick Manuscripts of Fulke Greville, BMQ, 34 (1969-70), 107-21 (pp. 117-18, 121). Recorded in Wilkes, I, 206.

Wilkes, I, 297.