Aberdeen University Library
Macbean Collection
This MS recorded in Brown, I, 397, and in Brown,
This MS recorded in Brown, I, 397, and in Brown,
First published, anonymously, in London, 1687. Foxcroft, II, 361-78. Brown, I, 250-64.
MS 28
Compiled by Andrew Melville (1593-1640), Doctor in the Song School of Aberdeen in 1621-36.
c.1621-40.Owned in 1886 by John Anderson, London.
Selectively edited in
Copy of an eight-stanza version, headed
Edited from this MS in Walker, pp. 56-7.
First published, as two poems (one comprising stanzas 1-4, 6 and 8. the other stanzas 9-12) in a musical setting, in William Byrd,
MS 29
Including 18 poems by Corbett and 59 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode.
c.1630s.Inscribed on a flyleaf Elizabeth Lane hir booke
and, among scribbling on another flyleaf, Johannes Finch
. P.J. Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 341.
Cited in Elizabeth Lane MS
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
The poem is usually followed in MSS by Dr Daniel Price's Answer
(So to dead Hector boyes may doe disgrace
), and see also
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
First published in
Some texts accompanied by an A ballad late was made
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
An exemplum of None of Dr Corbets
and an attribution to John Harris of Christ Church.
First published in William Camden,
Copy, headed
Copy, headed
First published (omitting the last four lines) in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Milgate.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published, as
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 82-5. Forey, pp. 124-7.
Copy, headed
Unpublished. Forey, pp. 35-7.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
Unpublished. Forey, p. 129.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 111-14. Forey, pp. 89-91.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy of Patrico's blessing of the King's senses, headed
Herford & Simpson, lines 1329-89. Greg, Windsor version, lines 1129-89.
For a parody of this song, see
Copy, headed
First published (Nos. 3 and 4) in John Benson's 4to edition of Jonson's poems (1640) and (all poems) in
Copy, headed
Herford & Simpson, VIII, 277-81.
Copy of the second couplet, here beginning
First published in Dobell (1907), p. 44. Forey, p. 210.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 66-8. Forey, pp. 112-13.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), p. 66. Forey, pp. 115-16.
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 68-70. Forey, pp. 121-3.
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 86-7. Forey, p. 124.
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), p. 87. Forey, p. 123.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
Unpublished. Forey pp. 83-5.
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 103-4. Forey, pp. 94-5.
Copy, headed
First published (omitting lines 25-48) in (from a MS collection) which bears the signature of Jerom Terrent
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed Alias. W: S:
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 20-1.
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 21-4. Forey, pp. 1-5.
Copy, headed
First published (omitting lines 7-10) in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 52-3. Forey, p. 52.
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), p. 53. Forey, p. 52.
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 73-5. Forey, pp. 130-2.
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 71-3. Forey, pp. 118-21.
Copy, headed
Unpublished. Forey, p. 130.
Copy, headed
First published in
MS texts usually begin Like to the rolling of an eye
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), p. 55. Forey, p. 109.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in William Camden,
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 9-10. Forey, pp. 99-101.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published, in a musical setting, in Orlando Gibbons, What is our life?
Copy, headed
Copy, headed
First published in John Donne,
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
A version, ascribed to John Hoskyns, first published in William Camden,
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published, as R
; in Poems attributed to Donne in MSS
; and in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Stay, lovely Boy, why fly'st thou mee
). Musical settings by John Wilson in Henry Lawes,
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published, as
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 11-12. Forey, pp. 77-9.
Copy, headed
First published in Walter Porter,
Copy, headed
First published, in a musical setting by Henry Lawes, in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published, in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published as
Copy, headed
First published, prefixed to
For a discussion of the authorship and different texts of this poem, see Charles B. Gullans,
Copy, prefixed by
First published in
This poem was probably written by Sir Robert Ayton. For a discussion of the authorship and the different texts see Gullans, pp. 318-26 (also printed in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
The various texts of this poem discussed in Randall McLeod,
Copy of lines 21-30, headed
First published (all ten poems) in
Copy, headed
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), p. 6. Forey, p. 76.
Copy, headed
First published in William Corkine,
Copy of a two-stanza version, headed
First published (in a two-stanza version) in John Dowland,
Copy, headed
Listed but not printed in Latham, p. 174.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed W. S.
added in a later hand.
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 48-9. Listed, without text, in Forey, p. 340.
Copy of the Passionate Lord's song, headed
Bowers, VII, 468-9. This song first published in
For William Strode's answer to this song (which has sometimes led to both songs being attributed to Strode) see
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
Unpublished. Forey, pp. 86-8.
Copy, ascrbed to W: S:
Unpublished. Forey, pp. 19-21.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First stanza first published in Loe on my necke…
) first published in
Copy of the fourth couplet, here beginning
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
Unpublished. Forey, p. 33.
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 35-6. Forey pp. 40-1.
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 38-9. Forey, p. 44.
Copy of the third stanza, headed
Third stanza (beginning Voutchsafe my Pris'ner thus to be
) and fourth stanza (beginning When you putt on this little bande
) first published in
Copy, headed
Unpublished. Forey, pp. 135-6.
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 36-7. Forey, pp. 44-6.
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 101-2. Forey, pp. 15-16.
Copy, headed
Lines 15-20 (beginning Oft when I looke I may descrie
) first published in Thomas Carew,
Copy, ascribed to W: S.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
MS 185
Compiled by Robert Parkyn (d.1569), curate of Adwick-le-Street, Yorkshire.
1555.This MS collated in Yale.
First published in
MS 1047
Acquired in 1934.
First published, as
MS 2538
Probably owned (before 1905) by Miss H.M. Paterson, of Birkwood, Banchory, a descendant of Fraser.
Copy, based on the edition of 1652 with additions, written as part of Fraser's description of Holland, where he travelled in 1659.
This MS discussed in Van Strien.
First published as