Pembroke College, Cambridge

4. 10. 24

Exemplum with autograph annotations.
*AndL 56: Lancelot Andrewes, Castro, Alfonsus de. Aduersus omnes haereses (Antwerp, 1556)

4. 11. 22-3

Andrewes's printed exemplum, once owned by John Foxe, with a few annotations also by Andrewes.

This MS recorded in Chambers, p. 112.

*AndL 58: Lancelot Andrewes, Hus, Jan, et al. Historia et monumenta, prima pars (Nuremberg, 1558)

This MS recorded in Chambers, p. 112.


Autograph annotations and marginalia. Late 16th century.

Stern, p. 203.

*HvG 40: Gabriel Harvey, Boccatius, Joannes [Decembrio, Pier Candido]. Compendium Romanae historiae, oppido quam succinctum, & jam primum in lucem editum (Strassburg, 1535)

Stern, p. 203.

LC. II.174

Copy, in the hand of Andrewes's secretary, Samuel Wright, given by Wright to Richard Drake, with Drake's annotations, and with further additions and corrections in another hand. c.1626-48.

This MS described in Brightman, pp. xvi-xviii.

AndL 45: Lancelot Andrewes, Preces privatae

This MS described in Brightman, pp. xvi-xviii.

First published in an English translation as The Private Devotions, ed. Humphrey Moseley (London, 1647). Selections of the original Greek and Latin version published in Verus Christianus, ed. David Stokes (Oxford, 1668). A more comprehensive version published as Preces privatae, Graece et Latine, ed. John Lamphire (London, 1675). Translated by F.E. Brightman as The Preces Privatae of Lancelot Andrewes (London, 1903).

LC. II.178-9

Andrewes's printed exemplum, given to him by Dr Thomas Watts, with Andrewes's autograph annotations in Greek.

This item recorded in Chambers, p. 109, and in Preces Privatae, ed. F.E. Brightman (London, 1903), pp. xiv-xv. Facsimile of the title-page, with Andrewes's signature, in Welsby, facing p. 47.

*AndL 57: Lancelot Andrewes, Demosthenes. Orations (Basle, 1547)

This item recorded in Chambers, p. 109, and in Preces Privatae, ed. F.E. Brightman (London, 1903), pp. xiv-xv. Facsimile of the title-page, with Andrewes's signature, in Welsby, facing p. 47.

[no shelfmark]

Copy of the orphan lectures, largely in two secretary hands, inscribed Docter Andrewes Sermons in Paules 1591...And in St Gyles 1597. 1598. 1599, 276 folio leaves. c.1620.

Inscribed This booke I giue unto my Grand Nephew Mr John Cholmeley for ever signed Daniel Hollingworth and later August 8. 1754. Given by Nicolas Styleman (of Snetsham in Norf.) Esqr. to John Jones. Owned before the 1960s by the Presbyterian Seminary of Carmarthenshire, Wales. Later in the collection of Ivan Roots (1921-2015), professor of history at the University of Exeter. Acquired by Pembroke College in 2013.

This MS discussed, with facsimile examples, in P.G. Stanwood, Lancelot Andrewes's Orphan Lectures: The Exeter Manuscript, EMS, 13 (2006), 35-46. Reprinted and expanded, with a partial transcription, as P.G. Stanwood, Peter McCullough, and Ray Siemens, Lancelot Andrewes's Orphan Lectures: The Exeter Manuscript, Early Modern Literary Studies Texts Series 2 (2011); with a complete digital facsimile prepared by Ray Siemens, with Karin Armstrong, Gerry Watson, Mike Elkink, and Greg Newton.

AndL 6.5: Lancelot Andrewes, Orphan lectures late 1590s

This MS discussed, with facsimile examples, in P.G. Stanwood, Lancelot Andrewes's Orphan Lectures: The Exeter Manuscript, EMS, 13 (2006), 35-46. Reprinted and expanded, with a partial transcription, as P.G. Stanwood, Peter McCullough, and Ray Siemens, Lancelot Andrewes's Orphan Lectures: The Exeter Manuscript, Early Modern Literary Studies Texts Series 2 (2011); with a complete digital facsimile prepared by Ray Siemens, with Karin Armstrong, Gerry Watson, Mike Elkink, and Greg Newton.

First published as Apospasmatia SACRA: or A Collection of posthumous and orphan lectures (London, 1657).

[no shelfmark]

MS of a Latin version by Theodore Bathurst (c.1587-1652), Latin poet and clergyman, beginning Forte puer (nec enim titulo potiore misellus, with a draft dedication to Samuel Harsnett, Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge, in Bathurst's hand, bound with a printed exemplum of Spenser's work (1579 edition). c. 1608-16.

Written between c.1608 and 1616. Published in the 1653 edition of Spenser's poems. Discussed in Leicester Bradner, The Latin Translations of Spenser's Shepheardes Calender, MP, 33 (1935-6), 21-6.

SpE 27.91: Edmund Spenser, The Shepheardes Calender

Written between c.1608 and 1616. Published in the 1653 edition of Spenser's poems. Discussed in Leicester Bradner, The Latin Translations of Spenser's Shepheardes Calender, MP, 33 (1935-6), 21-6.

First published in London, 1579. Variorum, Minor Poems, vol. I, 1-120.

[no shelfmark]

Walton's exemplum. Mid-17th century.
*WtI 153: Izaak Walton, Donne, John. Deaths Duell (London, 1633)

[no shelfmark]

Walton's exemplum.

Bound with Donne's Deaths Duell (London, 1633) and also with five other Sermons by Donne, 1622-6, which bear no independent evidence of Walton's ownership.

*WtI 160: Izaak Walton, Donne, John. Six Sermons (London, 1634)