Izaak Walton


The Angler's Song
('As inward low breed outward tak')

First published in The Compleat Angler (London, 1653).

WtI 1
Copy, on three pages of two sextodecimo leaves evidently extracted from a notebook. Mid-17th century.
An Elegie upon Dr Donne
('Our Donne is dead; England should mourne, may')

First published in John Donne, Poems (London, 1635), pp. [397-9].

WtI 2

Adapted extracts.

In: A quarto miscellany of verse and prose, in a single italic hand, entitled Gospell Obseruations & Religius manifestations, 370 pages, in contemporary calf.

Entirely in the hand of Robert Overton (1608/9-1678/9), parliamentarian army officer, whose signature appears on a flyleaf. Prepared as a memorial and tribute to his wife, Ann Gardiner (d.1665), and written when in prison, either on Jersey or in the Tower of London.


Inscribed inside the front cover Saml Atkins Wykeham and inside the rear cover 17 Feby 1879. Purchased this Book of Prescot Bookseller. Upper Arcade. Bristol...Edwd G. Doggett.

This volume discussed extensively, with facsimile examples (of pp. 85-6, 151-2, 162, 166, 190-2), in David Norbrook, This blushinge tribute of a borrowed muse: Robert Overton and his Overturning of the Poetic Canon, EMS, 4 (1993), 220-66.


The Complete Angler

First published in London, 1653.

WtI 3

Numerous extracts.

In: A series of extracts, entitled The Art of Angling Augmented, or Extractions out of several Authors concerning Fish and Fishing, etc. ... gathered out of Mr. Walton and others, 37 duodecimo leaves (the first numbered 53). 1664.

Recorded in The Compleat Angler 1653-1676, ed. Jonquil Bevan (Oxford, 1983), p. 20.

WtI 4

Extracts, with a title-page: Mr. Isaac Walton's Compleat Angler or the Contemplative Mans Recreation.

In: An octavo composite miscellany of verse and prose, in English and Latin, relating to angling, 284 pages (lacking pp. 161-84), in quarter-calf marbled boards.

In several neat, small, chiefly italic hands, one on pp. 1-203 that of Nathaniel Bridges, of Magdalen College, Oxford, whose inscription on f. [iiir] is dated 1694.

c.1691-early 18th century.

Bookplate of George Weare Braikenridge, Broomwell House. A flyleaf is inscribed by him, November 1834, The Book belonged to the late Dr. Nathl. Bridges Lecturer of St Mary Radcliffe & St Nicholas in the City of Bristol & purchased out of a private sale of his library at his decease. Other names inscribed after p. 212 including William Trumbu[ll], Joseph Brampton 1691, and Hen Sacheverell / Coll. Magd.. A later bookplate inside the lower cover: Gift of Daniel B. Fearing of Newport, 1915.

WtI 5
A Fac-simile Copy, in Manuscript, of the First Edition of The Compleat Angler (1653). 17th century?.

Sotheby's, 20 December 1838 (Rev. H.S. Cotton sale), lot 158, to Rodd.

WtI 5.5
A MS digest of the work. 17th century?.

Recorded in The Compleat Angler 1653-1676, ed. Jonquil Bevan (Oxford, 1983), p. 20.

Life of John Hales

Unfinished and unpublished.

*WtI 6

Memoranda about John Hales, writ from Mr ffaringdons Copie, partly autograph, partly in the hand of an amanuensis, headed The Authours Life, on two folio leaves.

In: A folio composite volume of miscellaneous letters and papers in various hands, collected by John Walker (1674-1747), Prebendary of Exeter, 502 leaves.

Recorded in The Poems of Henry King, ed. Margaret Crum (Oxford, 1965), p. 21.

*WtI 7

Autograph draft memoranda about John Hales (a continuation of WtI 11), written for William Fulman for his projected biography of Hales, on both sides of a folio leaf, 20 October 1673.

In: A quarto volume of collections in the hand of William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary, 127 leaves. Mid-late 17th century.

Edited and discussed in John Butt, Izaak Walton's Collections for Fulman's Life of John Hales, MLR, 29 (1934), 267-73. Facsimile page in IELM, II.ii (1993), Facsimile XXI, after p. xxi.

Life of John Donne

See WtI 65-69, WtI 165.

Life of Mr. George Herbert

First published in London, 1670.

WtI 8

Extracts, variously headed How to cure ye Comon People of contemning ye Clergy, How to dye unto Sin, and How to live unto God, subscribed respectively Walton's life of Mr George Herbert. p. 310, Id: pg. 390, and Bl: 4. 6.

In: A quarto composite commonplace book of extracts chiefly from religious works, in probably several hands, one predominating, ff. 115r-27r occupied by a sporadic journal for 1715-21 in later hands, 131 leaves (including blanks), in old half-calf.

Compiled by Dr Thomas Lewis (d.1746), of the Royal College of Physicians.

The Life of Mr. Richard Hooker

See WtI 70-74.


*WtI 9
Autograph letter signed by Walton, to Mrs Dorothy Smith, from Worcester, 21 March 1661/2. 1662.

Edited in HMC 36, Ormonde NS III (1904), pp. 14-15. Facsimile in The Houghton Library 1942-1967 (1967), p. 54. Limited facsimile edition also edited as Good Mrs. Smith: A Letter from Izaak Walton ([Cambridge, Mass., 1948]).

*WtI 10
Autograph letter signed, to Edward Ward, [from London], 26 November 1670. 1670.

Edited in [Anon], Unpublished Letter of Izaak Walton, N&Q, 2nd Ser. 20 (17 May 1856), 385; in Waltoniana (1878); in E. Marston, Thomas Ken and Izaak Walton (London, 1908), pp. 155-7; and in Keynes (1929), pp. 591-2.

*WtI 11

Autograph letter signed by Walton, to Richard Marriot, concerning Walton's proposed Life of John Hales, 24 August 1673.

In: A quarto volume of collections in the hand of William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary, 127 leaves. Mid-late 17th century.

Edited in Waltoniana (1878); in Keynes (1929), pp. 592-3; and in John Butt, Izaak Walton's Collections for Fulman's Life of John Hales, MLR, 29 (1934), 267-73 (pp. 267-8).

*WtI 12

Autograph letter signed by Walton, to John Aubrey, a memorandum about Ben Jonson and others, 22 November 1680.

In: A folio composite autograph manuscript of the first part of Brief Lives by John Aubrey (1626-97), 121 largely folio leaves, in vellum within modern boards. c.1679/80-1681.

Edited in Waltoniana (1878); in Keynes (1929), pp. 603-4; and in John Aubrey, Brief Lives, ed. Andrew Clark, 2 vols (Oxford, 1898), II, 15-16. Aubrey's accompanying notes on Jonson (f. 108r) edited in Ben Jonson, ed. C.H. Herford and Percy & Evelyn Simpson, I (Oxford, 1925), 181.

*WtI 13

Autograph letter signed by Walton, from Farnham Castle, 26 May 1683, subscribed to an autograph letter by George Morley, Bishop of Winchester, which Walton sent on to Wood.

In: A composite volume of letters sent to Anthony Wood, in various hands, i + 355 leaves.


*WtI 14
Walton's autograph signature as witness to the will of Nicholas Hare of the Inner Temple, also witnessed by Walton's brother-in-law Thomas Grinsell, 19 December 1621.

This will was proved 7 January 1621/2: a probate copy PROB 11/139/1.


Recorded in Jonquil Bevan, Izaak Walton's The Compleat Angler The Art of Recreation (Brighton, 1988), p. 7.

*WtI 15
Walton's autograph signature in a General Register, recording his application for a licence to marry Rachel Floud, 27 December 1626. 1626.

Recorded in Henry H. Gibbs, Izaak Walton, N&Q, 4th Ser. 12 (15 November 1873), 382-4, and in E. Marston, Thomas Ken and Izaak Walton (London, 1908), pp. 101-2.

*WtI 16
Walton's autograph signature as witness on an indenture whereby Robert Tichborne and Thomas Grinsell of London, executors of the late Dame Margaret Temple, by virtue of her will dated 12 May 1617, grant the Mayor and Burgesses of Stafford the right to dispose as they see fit of Dame Margaret's bequest (£30 interest at the rate of 6% or more if possible) to the poor of Stafford, the text entirely in the professional secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe, 30 June 1635. 1635.

Recorded in The Compleat Angler 1653-1676, ed. Jonquil Bevan (Oxford, 1983), p. 3. Discussed, with facsimiles, in Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes (Oxford, 1998), pp. 72-4.

*WtI 17

Walton's autograph signature as a Vestryman in approval of the Churchwardens' accounts, 28 June 1641.

In: Churchwarden's account book for St Dunstan in the West, 1628-44.

Formerly Guildhall library MS 2968/3.

These accounts recorded in Nicolas, I, clix-clxi.

*WtI 18
Autograph endorsement by Walton (Mr: Noells deide of halfhead ffirst of may. 1655) on a conveyance by Walter Noell of property in Halfhead to Walton, 1 May 1655. 1655.
*WtI 19
Autograph docketing (five lines) and endorsement by Walton (tytell to halfhed by mr milward) on a letter written and signed by Robert Milward and addressed To his honor'd friend Mr Isaacke Walton to be left at Mr Maryotts a Stationers Shoppe in St Dunstan's Church yarde, 14 May 1655. 1655.
*WtI 20
Walton's autograph signature on an indenture for his sale of the Black Boy, in a street between Temple Bar and Drury Lane, to Richard Startyn of St Mary Savoy in the Strand, 19 May 1655. 1655.
WtI 21
Extensive autograph endorsements by Walton, one of about eight lines signed apparently on 25 June 1655, another of three lines dated 25 August 1670, and with six additional autograph notes identifying other signatories, on a lease of property in Halfhead by Walter Noell to Thomas Whitgreave and Walter Worsewicks, 25 June 1655. 1655-70.
*WtI 22
Walton's autograph endorsements (Major Sariant knowes him [i.e. Corr. Swillivan], The ffirst deide of halfhed inrolde 1655. Inrold, nouember 16°. 1655. doctor Benet: a mr of Chansery his hand to it), on a four-part conveyance of property in Halfhead between Walter Noell, Robert Lloyd, Robert Roe and John Sargeant, and Walton, 16 November 1655. 1655.
*WtI 23
Walton's autograph endorsement (This is a Writing Concerning halfhead. 28 Novr 1655) on a recovery of property in Halfhead by John Sargeant and William Smith from Robert Lloyd and Robert Roe, 28 November 1655. 1655.
*WtI 24
Walton's autograph ignature as a witness to an indenture relating to a sale by him, Mary Fitzwilliams, Walter Heveningham and Ralph Smythe of property in Blymhill, Brynton and Creswell, Staffordshire, 2 December 1658. 1658.

Recorded (as communicated by Thomas B. Chinn, of Lichfield, Esq.) in Nicolas, I, clxiii-clxiv.

*WtI 25
Walton's autograph signature as a witness to an indenture between Walter Fowler of St Thomas, Staffordshire, and Edward Parkshouse of Nether Swarnall, Staffordshire, and John Asteley of Worcester, for the sale of land in Bradley, Staffordshire, 5 October 1659. 1659.

Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 429 (1929), item 195.

*WtI 26
Walton's autograph signature as a witness to a bond and obligation by Walter Fowler, Robert Pickin and Brian Lane of Staffordshire, for payment of £1,000 to John Gough of Bushbury, 25 October 1659. 1659.

Later owned by E.M. Dring. Sotheby's, 18 July 1991, lot 165, to Quaritch, with a facsimile of the signatures in the sale catalogue.

*WtI 27
Walton's autograph endorsement (mr Walter Noell.3o. Aprill. — 1660 — 1660) on a conveyance of property in Halfhead by Walter Noell to Walton, 3 April 1660. 1660.
*WtI 28
Signature on an indenture also signed by Walter Noell, a tenancy agreement with William Parker and Brian Lane concerning property in Halfhead, 27 May 1660. 1660.
*WtI 29
Walton's autograph endorsement (A Writing Concerning Halfhed) on a recovery of property in Halfhead by Brian Lane and Laurence Gaywood from William Parker, 28 November 1660. 1660.
*WtI 30
Autograph document (also incorporating Walton's signature in the text), a disclaimer by John Meison of Halfhead and Walter Noell of Hilcott of the right to use the backyard of Meison's house (now occupied by Richard Mitten) as a thoroughfare, this right having been questioned by Walton, recent purchaser of the house and yard in question, signed by Walter Noell and witnessed by William Hawkins and Brian Lane, [1660]. 1660.

Later owned by Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), American industrialist, banker and book collector. American Art Association, New York, sale catalogue, 11 March 1946 (Perry sale), lot 540, with a facsimile in the catalogue.

*WtI 32
Walton's autograph endorsements (one of three lines, others identifying the marks of the signatories Walter Bowring and James Worthington, each of them mr Waltons man) on a conveyance of property in Halfhead by Walter Noell to Walton in accordance with the indenture of 3 April 1660, 8 May 1661. 1661.
*WtI 33
Autograph affidavit signed by Walton, about land in Halfhead, 23 October 1676. 1676.

Edited in Keynes (1929), p. 601. Facsimile in E. Marston, Thomas Ken and Izaak Walton (London, 1908), p. 116.

*WtI 35
Walton's autograph signature as witness, on an assignment of a judgment debt by Anne Hannah King (daughter-in-law of Henry King, Bishop of Chichester) and Mr Butler to Thomas Lee, 3 May 1677. 1677.
*WtI 36
Walton's autograph endorsement (three lines, referring to Mr Noell) on a mutilated leaf used as a wrapper and later endorsed, on 5 November 1694, by Canon Isaac Walton, [undated]. Late 17th century.
*WtI 37
Walton's autograph last Will and testament, begun 9 August and finished and signed before witnesses on 24 October 1683, proved 4 February 1683/4. 1683.

Edited (with errors) in Nicolas, I, ciii-cviii. Reprinted in Keynes (1929), pp. 605-9. Edited from the original in Ernest G. Marriott, Izaak Walton 1593-1683 (London, 1987), pp. 17-20. Unfolding facsimile in The Compleat Angler, ed. George A. B. Dewar, 2 vols (London, 1902), after p. xliv.

WtI 38
A registered copy of Walton's last will and testament, 24 October 1683, proved 4 February 1683/4. 1684.

Inscribed or Presentation Exempla of Printed Works by Walton

The Compleat Angler (London, 1653)
*WtI 39
A detached autograph inscription by Walton, ffor Mada[m] Jed Maynard, my very good cozen. I:W..

Mounted as part of a design by Thomas Gosden for the title-page of an edition of The Compleat Angler — accompanied by a printed proof impression of this design and a detached signature of Charles Cotton (above its facsimile).

17th century.

Formerly MS Osborn Vault Shelves Walton.

*WtI 40
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for [Anthony] Farindon.

Facsimile of the inscription in Sotheran's sale catalogue Bibliotheca Pretiosa (1907), item 438, facing p. 88.

*WtI 41
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for the Honorable Lady Jane Leigh.

Recorded in N &Q, 13 September 1924, p. 200, as being in the Henry Jadis sale at Sotheby's, 3 March 1828, but there is no mention of it in the sale catalogue.

The Compleat Angler (London, 1655)
*WtI 42
An exemplum bearing on three of the four flyleaves notes in the handwriting of the author, two of them bearing date of 1656. 1656.

Anderson Auction Company, New York, 25 February 1909 (H.W. Poor sale, Part IV), lot 944.

*WtI 43
An exemplum with Walton's autograph notes. c.1655.

Sotheby's, 30 March 1882, lot 1459.

The Compleat Angler, 3rd edition (London, 1661)
*WtI 44
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for his friend Honest Will Iles. c.1661.

Sotheby's New York, 1 May 1990 (H. Bradley Martin sale), lot 3300, with facsimile of the inscription in the sale catalogue.

*WtI 45
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mrs Anne King. c.1661.

Sotheby's, 20 December 1838 (Rev. H.S. Cotton sale), lot 156, to Rodd. Sotheby's, 9 May 1898 (Earl of Ashburnham sale, 6th day), lot 3931, to Nattali.

The Life of Dr. Sanderson, late Bishop of Lincoln (London, 1678)
*WtI 46
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Dr Richard Allstree.

Recorded in W.G. Hiscock, A Christ Church Miscellany (Oxford, 1946), p. 10.

*WtI 47
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for his godson Birch, with a few autograph corrections to the printed text.

Facsimiles of the inscription (the name sometimes mistranscribed as Vivre or Vivere) in Sotheby's sale catalogue, 16 July 1984, lot 19, and in Rodolphe L. Coigney, Izaak Walton: A New Bibliography 1653-1987 (New York, 1989), facing p. 395 (recorded p. 387).

*WtI 48
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for John Fitzwilliam. c.1678.
*WtI 49
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mrs Anne King. c.1678.
*WtI 51
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton For Mr John…I.W., with a few autograph corrections to the printed text. c.1678.

Recorded in Rodolphe L. Coigney, Izaak Walton: A New Bibliography 1653-1987 (New York, 1989), p. 387.

*WtI 52
An exemplum inscribed by Walton for mr [? ]ley. Late 17th century.

Anderson Auction Company, New York, 19 November 1908 (H.W. Poor sale, Part I), lot 1018, with an unclear facsimile of the inscribed title-page in the sale catalogue.

*WtI 53
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for the Earl of Clarendon. c.1678.

Sotheran's sale catalogue Bibliotheca Pretiosa (1907), item 438, with a facsimile of the inscription facing p. 88.

*WtI 54
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for his Coz[en] Lewin. c.1678.

Puttick & Simpson's, 28 January 1891, lot 272, to Sotheran.

*WtI 55
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for John Lloyde. c.1678.

Sotheby's, 14 March 1956 (J.W. Hely-Hutchinson sale), Lot 626B, to Maggs. Maggs's sale catalogue No. 937 (Autumn 1971), item 146, with a facsimile of the inscribed title-page as Plate 11. H.P. Kraus, New York, sale catalogue No. 103, item 49.

*WtI 56
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for John Millington. c.1678.

Sotheby's, 30 January 1914 (John Pearson sale), lot 574, to Maggs.

*WtI 57
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mr More. c.1678.

Sotheby's, 9 April 1902 (Lt.-Col. Edward George Hibbert sale), lot 885, to Quaritch.

*WtI 58
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for [John Pearson], Bishop of Chester. c.1678.

T. Kerslake, Bristol, sale catalogue Second Part Scarce and Curious Books Printed and Manuscript, [c.1820s-40s], item 3150. Francis Edwards's sale catalogue No. 700 (1950), item 495.

*WtI 59
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for John Perrin. c.1678.

Maggs's sale catalogue No. 937 (Autumn 1971), item 147.

*WtI 60
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Bishop Spratt. c.1678.

Sotheby's, 14 February 1917 (Col. W.F. Prideaux sale, 12th day), lot 3685, to Edwards. Sotheby's, 9 February 1982, lot 362, unsold.

*WtI 61
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mr [John] Swynfen. c.1678.

Sotheby's, 7 August 1854 (William Pickering sale, 10th day), lot 3076, to Stevens.

Recorded in Nicolas, I, xxiv.

*WtI 62
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for his cozen Tomlins. c.1678.

Sotheran's sale catalogue No. 995 (March 1986), item 114.

*WtI 63
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Dr [Charles] Trumbull. c.1678.

Hodgson's, 19 February 1920, lot 576. Anderson Galleries, New York, 5 March 1923, lot 503 (the recipient erroneously identified as Sir William Trumbull, Secretary of State).

*WtI 64
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for his cozen Williams. c.1678.

Sotheby's, 30 November 1898 (Edward Snow sale), lot 581, to Maurice.

The Life of John Donne (London, 1658)
WtI 65
An exemplum with Walton's autograph corrections. c.1658.
WtI 66
An exemplum with Walton's autograph corrections. c.1658.
*WtI 67
An exemplum with Walton's autograph corrections. c.1658.
*WtI 68
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mr Comerford. c.1658.

Sotheby's, 7 August 1854 (William Pickering sale), lot 1145. Sotheby's, 23 February 1870 (Rev. Thomas Corser sale, 4th day), lot 836, to Lilly.

WtI 69
An exemplum inscribed in an unidentified hand Unus ex libris Edmi Pytt. ex Dono Isaaci Walto[n]. Mid 17th century.

Sotheby's, 7 August 1854 (William Pickering sale), lot 1146. Sotheran's sale catalogue Bibliotheca Pretiosa (1907), item 438.

The Life of Mr. Richard Hooker (London, 1665)
*WtI 70
A printed exemplum inscribed by Waller for his Sister Beacham. c.1665.

Sotheby's. 7 August 1854 (William Pickering sale), lot 2012. Hodgson's, 31 March 1915, lot 85, to Manning.

*WtI 71
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Dr Philip King. c.1665.

Christie's, 15 April 1981, Lot 158, to Burgess, with a facsimile of the inscription in the sale catalogue. Sotheran's catalogue No. 995 (March 1986), item 113.

*WtI 72
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Seth Ward, Bishop of Exeter, dated by Ward January 1664/5. 1665.

Sotheby's. 7 August 1854 (William Pickering sale), lot 2013. Sotheby's, 14 March 1956 (J.W. Hely-Hutchinson sale), lot 626A, to Keinbusch.

*WtI 73
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Dr Warmestry, Dean of Worcester. c.1665.

Puttick & Simpson's, 7 February 1895, 2nd day, lot 464, to Pickering.

*WtI 74
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Sir Richard Chaworth.
The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert (London, 1670)
*WtI 75
An exemplum of an unspecified edition of the Lives inscribed by Walton ffor my Cozen Roe. Late 17th century.

Owned in 1808 by L.S. Hawkins, Esq.

Facsimile of the inscription in The Complete Angler, ed. Sir John Hawkins (London, 1808), frontispiece.

*WtI 75.5
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Anthony Wood, with Wood's note that the last four lives were given to him by the author on St James's day [26 July] 1670. 1670.

Complete facsimile published by the Scolar Press (Menston, 1969).

*WtI 76
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for [John Fell], Bishop of Oxford. c.1670.
*WtI 77
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Dr Richard Allstree.

Recorded in W.G. Hiscock, A Christ Church Miscellany (Oxford, 1946), p. 10.

*WtI 78
A printed exemplum inscribed by Waller for Mr Fitch, also with a cancelled inscription by Walton to Dr [Michael] Honeywood, Dean of Lincoln. c.1670.
*WtI 79
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for [Humphrey Henchman], Bishop of London. c.1670.
*WtI 81
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mr Danvers. c.1670.
*WtI 82
A printed exemplum signed by Walton (Iz. Wa) and with his autograph corrections.

Ownership signature of J. Greene on the title-page and bookplate of Henry Andrews Ingraham. Sotheby's, 13 December 1990, lot 13.

*WtI 83
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mrs Austen.

Later in the Oxford library of John Sparrow (1906-92), literary scholar and book collector.

*WtI 84
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for John Barlow. c.1670.

Sotheby's, 18 June 1897 (H. Spencer Smith sale), lot 656, to Pickering. Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 15 October 1946, lot 529.

*WtI 85
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Richard Bailie. c.1670.

Pickering & Chatto's sale catalogue for 1899, item 3402.

*WtI 86
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for his Sister Ms Mar[tha]. Beacham. c.1670.

Sotheby's, 12 August 1854 (William Pickering sale, 12th day), lot 3659, to Streaker. NB. Lot 3664 in this sale (sold to Lilly) was an exemplum of the fourth edition (1675) inscribed Martha Beacham her Book.

*WtI 87
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for his brother [John] Chalkhill. c.1670.

Sotheby's, 20 December 1838 (Rev. H. S. Cotton sale), lot 183, to Jote.

*WtI 88
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mr [John] Fitzwilliam, [Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford]. c.1670.

Sotheby's, 18 July 1916, lot 340, to Jenkins.

*WtI 89
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mr Galbin. c.1670.

Recorded in N&Q, 27 September 1924, p. 230, as having been sold at Sotheby's, 23 February 1921, but there is no mention of it in the sale catalogue.

*WtI 90
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Annie Hawkins (Walton's sister). two inscriptions deleted. c.1670.

Sotheby's, 8 November 1916, lot 315, to Maggs. American Art Association, New York, 7 November 1934, lot 342.

*WtI 91
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Dr [Michael] Honeywood, Dean of Lincoln. c.1670.

Sotheby's, 18 June 1904 (Isham sale), lot 348, to Edwards.

*WtI 92
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Richard Morley. c.1670.

Sotheby's, 14 December 1981, lot 150, to Quaritch, with a facsimile of the inscription in the sale catalogue.

*WtI 93
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mr Mowbray. c.1670.

Francis Edwards's sale catalogue No. 700 (1950), item 494.

*WtI 94
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mrs Lutie [or Julia] Norton. c.1670.

Sotheby's, 12 August 1854 (William Pickering sale, 12th day), lot 3658, to Stevens. Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 15 October 1946, lot 530.

*WtI 95
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mrs. Oliver Whitby.

Quaritch's sale Catalogue of English Literature (August-November 1884), item 23235.

*WtI 96
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for my Oncle Mr. John R. c.1670.

Sotheby's, 12 August 1854 (William Pickering sale, 12th day), lot 3655, to Brooks.

*WtI 97
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Sir John Robinson. c.1670.

Sotheby's, 23 March 1907 (William C. Van Antwerp sale), lot 236, to Thomas.

*WtI 98
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Lady Margaret, Countess of Salisbury. c.1670.

Sotheby's, 27 June 1912, lot 409, to Sabin. American Art Association, New York, 4 December 1935, lot 427, with a facsimile of the inscription in the sale catalogue.

*WtI 99
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for John Swynfen. c.1670.

Pickering & Chatto, A Catalogue of Old and Rare Books, [c.1910?], p. 575, item 392a.

*WtI 100
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Lady Witgreave. c.1670.

Christie's, New York, 18 November 1988 (John F. Fleming sale), lot 356.

*WtI 101
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mr Roff.

Christie's, 3 March 2004 (Halsted B. Vander Poel sale), lot 36.

*WtI 102
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Walter, Lord Aston of Tixall, with a note by Aston dated 14 June 1671. 1671.

Sotheby's, 7 November 1899 (Tixall sale), lot 712, to Sabin. Recorded in Nicolas, I, lxxvi-lxxvii.

*WtI 103
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mrs Sarah Duffield.
The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, 4th edition (London, 1675)
*WtI 104
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Lady Ardglass. c.1675.
*WtI 105
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Charles Beaumont. c.1675.
*WtI 106
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for William Chetwynd. c.1675.

Peter Murray Hill's sale catalogue No. 72 (1960), item 51, with an illustration of a page bearing Walton's impression of Donne's seal.

*WtI 107
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for John Lillie, the inscription deleted. c.1675.

Later in the Oxford Library of John Sparrow (1906-1992), literary scholar and book collector. Christie's, 21 October 1992, lot 289, to Rota.

*WtI 110
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mrs Abraham Hublond. c.1675.

Later in the Oxford library of John Sparrow (1906-92), literary scholar and book collector.

*WtI 111
An exemplum with Walton's presentation unscription to Lady Bowles.

Recorded in Marvin Spevack, The Library at Hughenden Manor, The Book Collector, 59/4 (Winter 2010), p. 565.

*WtI 112
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mr Baynes. c.1675.

Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 696 (1951), item 320.

*WtI 113
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mr Garrard. c.1675.

Sotheby's, 12 August 1854 (William Pickering sale, 12th day), lot 3663, to Toovey.

*WtI 114
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mr Holman. c.1675.

Pickering & Chatto's sale catalogue for 1900, item 2093.

*WtI 116
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Matthew Kenrick (Walton's first wife's cousin), dated by Kenrick 7 August 1675. 1675.

Sotheby's, 20 July 1864 (George Daniel sale), lot 1732, to Lilly. Sotheby's, 22 June 1920 (Huth sale, Part IX), lot 7901, to Francis Edwards.

*WtI 117
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Jack Markham. c.1675.

Sotheran's sale catalogue Bibliotheca Pretiosa (1907), item 441. Later in the library of John Buxton.

*WtI 118
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Lord Maynard. c.1675.

Puttick & Simpson's, 11 December 1895 (W. Pennant sale), lot 186, to Pickering.

*WtI 119
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mrs Neideham (with copy of a letter from Donne written on fly-leaf). c.1675.

Sotheby's, 8 June 1894, lot 231, to Pickering.

*WtI 120
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Sir Joseph Sheldon (a small portion of the inscription cut off). c.1675.

Sotheby's, 3 May 1895 (Christopher Framingham sale), lot 15, to Pickering. Sotheby's, 5 June 1961 (Apsley Cherry-Garrard sale), lot 274, to Sawyer.

*WtI 121
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mr Spedwall, Binder. c.1675.

Christie's, 16 March 1888 (Earl of Aylesford sale), lot 1771.

*WtI 122
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for his Cozen Mrs Williams. c.1675.

Sotheby's, 29-30 February 1932 (library of Lord Hillingdon, of Wakefield Lodge, Potterspury, Northamptonshire), lot 446, to Joseph, with a facsimile of the inscription in the sale catalogue.

*WtI 123
An exemplum allegedly with an autograph inscription of Walton, and the corrections of the errata, in his handwriting. Late 17th century.

Sotheby's, 11 June 1894 (Birket Foster sale), lot 20, to Pearson.

*WtI 124
An exemplum with a three-word autograph inscription (unsigned). Late 17th century.

Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 15 October 1946, lot 531.

WtI 125
An exemplum with the contemporary inscription Ex libris Elizabeth Chas…ex Dono Author. Late 17th century.

Sotheran's sale catalogue Bibliotheca Pretiosa (1907), item 442.

Love and truth (London, 1680)
*WtI 126
Archbishop Sancroft's exemplum, with some autograph corrections by Walton. c.1680.

Recorded in Nicolas, I, c.

The Universal Angler, 5th edition (London, 1676)
*WtI 127
An exempum signed Izaak Walton on the title-page. c.1676.

Probably the Alfred Denison exemplum sold at Sotheby's, 17 July 1933, lot 231.

Facsimile of the title-page in Jonquil Bevan, Some Books from Izaak Walton's Library, The Library, 6th Ser. 2 (1980), 259-63 (Plate II).

*WtI 128
A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mrs Wallop, dated from Farnham Castle, 19 December 1678. 1678.

Facsimiles of the inscription in Nicolas, I, xcix; in Keynes (1929), pp. 602-3; and in British Literary Autographs, Series I, ed. Verlyn Klinkenborg et al. (New York, 1981), No. 37.

Books Allegedly from Walton's Library

Aleman, Mateo. The Rogue: or, The Life of Guzman de Alfarache, [trans. James Mabbe] (Oxford, 1630)
WtI 129
Walton's exemplum.

John Pearson's sale catalogue 200 Books from the Libraries of …Book-collectors [undated, but before 1914], item 41.

Ashmole, Elias. The Institution, Laws & Ceremonies of the most Noble Order of the Garter (London, 1672)
WtI 130
Walton's exemplum. c.1672.
Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations, [trans. Meric Casaubon], 2nd edition (London, 1635)
*WtI 131
Exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton on flyleaf; also signed in 1674 by Canon Isaac Walton. c.1674.
Bacon, Francis. Essayes (London, 1625)
*WtI 132
Exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton on title-page. 17th century.
Bacon, Francis. Two Bookes of the…Advancement of Learning (Oxford, 1633)
WtI 133
Walton's exemplum with his name on the title-page and his son's autograph on the fly-leaf. The latter bears the date of 1683-4. c.1683.

Anderson Galleries, New York, 10 November 1919 (Samuel P. Avery sale), lot 57.

Baddeley, Richard. The Boy of Bilson (London, 1622)
*WtI 134
An exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton on the title-page.

Bound with other printed works, including theological works by William Forde, Theophilus Higgons, Pierre Du Moulin the Elder, John Lawrence, Robert Harris, Anthony Cade, John Rawlinson, George Meriton, and Samuel Buggs, 1607-25 [STC 11176, 13456, 7319, 15325, 12840?, 4329, 20773a, 17838, and 402], which bear no independent evidence of Walton's ownership but for the initials I. W. blind-stamped on the cover.

Bede (The Venerable). History of the Church of Englande (Antwerp, 1565)
*WtI 135
Walton's exemplum.

Recorded in Moelwyn I. Williams, A Directory of Rare Book and Special Collections in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland (London, 1985), p. 183b.

La Bible qui est Toute la Saincte Escriture du Vieil et du Nouveau Testament (Geneva, 1608)

See CnC 167.

Book of Common Prayer (London, 1639)
*WtI 136
An exemplum with Walton's autograph memoranda on family births and deaths, including his epitaph on his wife Ann, dated from 22 August 1640 to 20 April 1662. 1640-62.

The memoranda edited in Keynes (1929), pp. 583-4. Facsimiles in Greg, English Literary Autographs, Plate LXXXVII, and in Facsimiles of Royal, Historical and Literary Autographs in the British Museum (1899), No. 97.

Calvin, Jean. The Institution of Christian Religion, trans. Thomas Norton (London, 1582)
*WtI 137
An exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton on the title-page; also signed by Canon Isaac Walton. Early-mid 17th century.
Camerarius, Philippus. The Living Librarie, [trans. John Molle] (London, 1621)
*WtI 138
An exemplum inscribed on the front pastedown Izaak: Walton given mee by my very good ffrend mar Henry ffeild July 29 1634; also signed in 1674 by Canon Isaac Walton. 1634.
Camus, Jean Pierre. Admirable Events, [trans. Susan Du Verger] (London, 1639)
*WtI 139
An exemplum inscribed ffor my dere Cozen Mirs Sarah Tomlins. Iz. Wa. To be left at Cozen Lloydes, to be Convayede by the next opertunity. Mid-17th century.

Sotheby's, 20 October 1959, lot 44, to Sawyer, with a facsimile of the inscription in the sale catalogue. Sawyer's sale catalogue No. 261 (April 1962), item 205, with a facsimile.

Chamberlayne, Edward. Angliae Notitiae: or, the Present State of England (London, 1677)
*WtI 140
Walton's exemplum; also signed in 1683/4 by Canon Isaac Walton. Late 17th century.

Sotheby's, 14 March 1956 (J.W. Hely-Hutchinson sale), lot 626C, to Keinbusch.

Chamberlayne, Edward. Angliae Notitiae: or, the Present State of England (London, 1682)
*WtI 141
Walton's exemplum.

Sotheby's, 7 August 1854 (William Pickering sale, 3rd day), lot 772, to Bumstead.

Charron, Pierre. Of Wisdome, trans. Samson Lennard (London, [1608])
*WtI 142
An exemplum inscribed on the verso of the half-title Izaak Walton Price — 4s. 6 — nour. 17°: 1652; also signed by Canon Isaac Walton. 1652.
Chemnitius, Martinus. A Substantial and Godly Exposition of…the Lords Praier (Cambridge, 1598)
*WtI 143
Walton's exemplum. Early-mid-17th century.

Sotheby's, 7 August 1854 (William Pickering sale, 3rd day), lot 784, to Tupling.

Constable, Henry. The Catholike Moderator, [trans. from Cardinal Jacques Davy du Perron] (London, 1623)
*WtI 144
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walt[on] on the title-page.

Bound with five other printed religious pamphlets of 1605-25, including works by William Barlow, Sir Edward Hoby, Francis Rogers, and Henry Mason (STC 21177; 13539; 1457; 17602), both covers blindstamped with the initials I W.

Mid-17th century.
Cotta, John. The Infallible True and Assured Witch (London, 1624)
*WtI 145
A fragment, comprising the title-page and dedication leaf only, inscribed Izaak Walton on the title-page.

Bound with other printed works, including theological works by William Forde, Theophilus Higgons, Pierre Du Moulin the Elder, John Lawrence, Robert Harris, Anthony Cade, John Rawlinson, George Meriton, and Samuel Buggs, 1607-25 (STC 11176, 13456, 7319, 15325, 12840?, 4329, 20773a, 17838, and 4022), which bear no independent evidence of Walton's ownership but for the initials I. W blind-stamped on the cover.

Sotheby's sale catalogue, 10 July 1986, lot 31, with a facsimile of the signature in the sale catalogue.

Cotton, Charles. The Wonders of the Peake (London, 1681)
*WtI 146
An exemplum inscribed by Walton Izaak Walton, given me by Mr. Cotton. August 30, 1681 and with Walton's copious corrections or emendations (notably on pp. 26, 37, 40-1, 48-9, 63, and 66). 1681.

Sotheby's, 20 December 1838 (the Rev. H.S. Cotton sale), lot 72, to Bagster. According to a 19th-century note in an exemplum of this edition in Derby Central Library (4810), Walton's exemplum came from the library of J.C. Grove Esq. sold at Leighs 1794: i.e. Leigh & Sotheby's, 10 February 1794 (library of William Chafin Grove, of Zeals, Wiltshire), lot 1354, to [Richard] Heber.

Covell, William. A Modest and Reasonable Examination of Some Things in Use in the Church of England (London, 1604)
*WtI 147
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton on the title-page.

Bound with other printed pamphlets, including works by Christopher Dow (with initials of I.W. (probably Walton's son) on title), William Barlow, and Dr John Gauden, 1637-62 (STC 7090, 1459, and Wing G352), which otherwise apparently bear no independent evidence of Walton's ownership.

Mid-17th century.

Pickering's catalogue for 1900, item 2107.

Cowley, Abraham. Works, 4th edition (London, 1674)
*WtI 148
An exemplum inscribed on the title-page Izaak Walton .1682.; also signed by Canon Isaac Walton. 1682.
Cowper, William. Heaven Opened, 3rd edition (London, 1613)
*WtI 149
An exemplum inscribed on the title-page Liber Izaak Wallton; also signed in 1674 by Canon Isaac Walton. c.1674.
Cranmer, George. Concerning the New Church Discipline ([Oxford], 1642)
*WtI 150
Walton's copy with his handwriting on the title and interlineations, this work later incorporated as an appendix to his Life of Hooker.

Christie's, 19 April 1967, lot 32, to Pickering & Chatto.

Daniel, Samuel. Civile Wars (London, 1609)
*WtI 151
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton 1654, with various autograph annotations, including an early draft of Walton's dedication to George Morley, Bishop of Winchester, of his The Life of Dr. Sanderson (1678). Late 17th century.
Denton, William. The Burnt Child dreads the Fire (London, 1675)
*WtI 152
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walto[n] giuen by the Author may .21°. 167[ ].

Bound with five printed pamphlets by Daniel Whitby, Ezerel Tonge [= Thomas Morton], Thomas Barlow, Bishop of Lincoln, William Sherlock, and one other, 1679-87 (Wing W1739, M2839, B839-41, S3285 and unidentified), most of which are signed by Canon Isaac Walton.

Donne, John. Deaths Duell (London, 1633)
*WtI 153
Walton's exemplum. Mid-17th century.
Donne, John. Essayes in Divinity (London, 1651)
*WtI 154

Walton's exemplum, signed and annotated by him.

Mid-17th century.

Peter Murray Hill's sale catalogue No. 72 (1960), item 47, with a facsimile of a page with one of Walton's autograph annotations. J.C. Lynn Angling collection.

Donne, John. Letters to Severall Persons of Honours (London, 1651)
*WtI 155
An exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton on the second flyleaf and Izaak: Walton on the title-page, with numerous autograph corrections in the text (see esp. pp. 25, 42, 47, 51, 55, 60, 69, 134, 206, and possibly the pointing hands on pp. 48, 93, 96, 109); also signed by Canon Isaac Walton in 1683/4.

Walton's autograph annotations discussed in J. E. Butt, Walton's Copy of Donne's Letters (1651), RES, 8 (1932), 72-4.

Donne, John. Poems (London, 1633)
WtI 156
An exemplum, with a note by J.G. Heckscher, This is supposed to have been Izaak Walton's copy. Mid-17th century.

Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 18 April 1941 (A. Edwaed Newton sale), lot 566.

Donne, John. Poems (London, 1650)
*WtI 157
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton. Giuen me by mr Marryot the 7°. of nouember 1650 and with autograph corrections in the printed text. 1650.

Sotheby's, 15 February 1932, lot 56, and 17 July 1933, lot 228, with facsimiles of the inscription in both sale catalogues.

Donne, John. Poems (London, 1669)
*WtI 158
Walton's exemplum. Late 17th century.

A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue English Poetry to 1700 (1941), item 277.

Donne, John. A Sermon of Commemoration of the Lady Da[n]vers (London, 1627)
*WtI 159
An exemplum signed by Walton on the title-page. c.1627.

Facsimile of the inscribed title-page in Robert H. Taylor Collection, Princeton University Library Chronicle, 38 (1977), Plate 8, after p. 96.

Donne, John. Six Sermons (London, 1634)
*WtI 160
Walton's exemplum.

Bound with Donne's Deaths Duell (London, 1633) and also with five other Sermons by Donne, 1622-6, which bear no independent evidence of Walton's ownership.

Donne, John. LXXX Sermons (London, 1640)
*WtI 161
Exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton (blotched) on the title-page.

NB. Walton bequeathed one volume of Donne's sermons to Dr Hawkins.

*WtI 162
An exemplum with Walton's autograph inscription to his aunt Mrs Susanna Cranmer.

Later in the library of Robert Borthwick Adam (1863-1940), American book collector. Incorporated in the library of Donald and Mary Hyde (Lady Eccles): Hyde Collection, Life 2.5.363.

Recorded in The R.B. Adam Library, 3 vols (London & New York, 1929), with a facsimile of the inscription in vol. III, after p. 252.

Draxe, Thomas. The Worldes-Resurrection (London, 1608)
*WtI 163
Exemplum inscribed on the title-page Izaak: Walton price — 6d.

Bound with other printed works including theological works by William Forde, Theophilus Higgons, Pierre Du Moulin the Elder, John Lawrence, Robert Harris, Anthony Cade, John Rawlinson, George Meriton, and Samuel Buggs, 1607-25 (STC 11176, 13456, 7319, 15325, 12840?, 4329, 20773a, 17838, and 4022), which bear no independent evidence of Walton's ownership but for the initials I. W blind-stamped on the cover.

Duppa, Brian. The Soules Soliloquie and Conference with Conscience (London, 1648)
*WtI 164
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton, given me by the Author, January 7th, 16—.

Bound with other printed pamphlets, including works by Christopher Dow (with initials of I.W. (probably Walton's son) on title), William Barlow, and Dr John Gauden, 1637-62 (STC 7090, 1459, and Wing G352), which otherwise apparently bear no independent evidence of Walton's ownership.

Mid-17th century.

Pickering's sale catalogue for 1900, item 2107.

Eusebius, Socrates and Evagrius. The Ancient Ecclesiasticall Histories of the First Six Hundred Years after Christ (London, 1636)
*WtI 165
An exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton on the title-page and, on the verso of the first flyleaf, some twenty-nine lines of autograph notes used for his The Life of John Donne. c.1636.

The notes edited (with errors) in Nicolas, I, clv-clvi, and in Keynes (1929), pp. 579-80.

Farindon, Anthony. XXX Sermons (London, 1647 [i.e. 1657])
*WtI 166
A printed exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton, given me by my worthy friend, the author…1657, and by me to Mr. Derbyshire, 1682.

NB. in his Will Walton stated, I give to Mr. Darbishire the Sermons of Mr. Antony Faringdon, or of dor. Sanderson, which my executor thinks fit.

Farindon, Anthony. Forty Sermons (London, 1663)
*WtI 167
A printed exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton. giuen to me by Mr Marryot. may. 9°. 1663, also with a note (perhaps by Samuel Conant) And given to me by Mr Isaac Walton not long before his death: & sent to me fro his son soone after his death. 1663.
Farindon, Anthony. Fifty Sermons (London, 1674)
*WtI 168
A printed exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton; also with a note The legacy of Mr. I. walton, 1683/84. c.1674.
Flatman, Thomas. Poems and Songs, 3rd edition (London, 1682)
*WtI 169
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton July 3°. 1682. giuen me, by the author. 1682.

Sotheby's, 20 March 1854 (William Pickering sale), lot 1399.

Facsimile of the inscription in Garnett & Gosse (1903), III, 45.

Fuller, Thomas. Abel Redevivus (London, 1651)
*WtI 170
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton on the title-page. c.1651.
Fuller, Thomas. The Church History of Britain (London, 1656)
*WtI 171
Walton's exemplum. c.1656.
Godwin, Thomas. Moses and Aaron, 3rd edition (London, 1628)
*WtI 172
An exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton on the title-page, ex Æde Christi Oxo added in another hand to resignify Canon Isaac Walton, the date 1669 also present.

Bound with an exemplum of Thomas Godwin, Romanae Historiae Anthologia, 3rd edition (Oxford, 1620), heavily annotated in another hand.

Mid-late 17th century.

This volume came to Salisbury Cathedral later than 1816.

Hales, John. Golden Remains (London, 1673)
*WtI 173
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton. given me by Mr [Robert] paulet [publisher]. Feb. 13° 1673. 1673.
Hammond, Henry. The Christians Obligations to Peace & Charity (London, 1649)
*WtI 174
An exemplum inscribed Izaak. Walton on a flyleaf, Ten Sermons. at the top of the title-page, and numerous small autograph corrections in the text incorporating changes as listed on the errata leaf on sig. A4v. Mid-17th century.
Herne, Samuel. Domus Carthusiana (London, 1677)
*WtI 175
An exemplum signed Izaak Walton and also by Canon Isaac Walton. Late 17th century.

Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 4 March 1946, lot 272.

Heylyn, Peter. Microcosmus, or A Little Description of the Great World (Oxford, 1621)
*WtI 176
An exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton on the title-page.
Heylyn, Peter. The Parable of the Tares Expounded & Applyed (London, 1659)
*WtI 177
An exemplum inscribed on the title-page Izaak Walton Giuen me may 28: 1659 by mr: Rich Marryot; also signed by Canon Isaac Walton. Late 17th century.
Hooker, Richard. Of the Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie (London, 1617)
*WtI 178
Walton's exemplum. Early 17th century.
Hooker, Richard. Of the Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie (London, 1666)
*WtI 179
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton on a flyleaf, and Izaak: Walton on the first decorative title-page. Late 17th century.
Howell, James. Som Sober Inspections made into the Carriage and Consults of the Late Long Parlement, 2nd edition (London, 1656)
*WtI 180
Walton's exemplum. Late 17th century.

Sotheby's, 20 November 1899 (Lord Rendlesham sale), lot 1461, to Pearson.

James I, King of England, Workes (London, 1616)
*WtI 181
An exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton on the title-page. Mid-17th century.
Johnston, John. Historia naturalis de piscibus et cetis (Frankfurt, [c.1650])
*WtI 182
An exemplum inscribed Solus Deus ptector Meus W., apparently in the handwriting of Izaak Walton. Mid-17th century.

Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 15 October 1946, lot 525.

Jonson, Ben. Execration against Vulcan (London, 1640)
*WtI 183
An exemplum signed Izaak Walton on the title-page. Mid-17th century.
King, John (Bishop of London). Lectures upon Ionas (London, 1618)
*WtI 184
An exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton on a flyleaf; also signed in 1674 by Canon Isaac Walton. Mid-17th century.

Recorded [by Dean Arthur M. Coon], with a facsimile of the signature, in Seventeenth-Century News, 6 (1948), p. 5.

Littleton, Adam. Sixty One Sermons (London, 1680)
*WtI 185
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton. giuen by Mr Marryot. Janur 1679. 1680.

Sotheby's, 17 July 1933 (Alfred Denison sale), lot 228, to Dobell, with a facsimile of the inscription in the sale catalogue. Peter Murray Hill's sale catalogue No. 72 (1960), item 48.

Malherbe, François de. Recueil des plus beaux vers (Paris, 1638)

See CnC 185.

Montaigne, Michel. Essayes, [trans. John Florio] (London, 1613)
*WtI 186
An exemplum signed Izak Wallton; also signed by Canon Isaac Walton. Early-mid-17th century.

Phillip J. Pirages's sale catalogues No. 13 (1988), item 318, and No. 17 (July 1990), item 316.

Mornay, Philippe de. A Worke concerning the Trunesse of Christian Religion (London, 1617)
*WtI 187
An exemplum inscribed on the title-page Izaak: walton July: 5: 1621. 1621.
Ovid. Ovid's Metamorphosis, [trans. George Sandys] (London, 1626)
*WtI 188
An exemplum inscribed on a flyleaf Izaak Walton price: 5s. Early-mid-17th century.
Pembroke, William Herbert, Earl of, and Benjamin Ruddier. Poems [ed. John Donne the Younger] (London, 1660)
*WtI 189
Walton's exemplum. Late 17th century.
Perkins, William. The Whole Treatise of the Cases of Conscience (London, 1619)
*WtI 190
An exemplum inscribed Izak: Walton — 1620 on the title-page; also inscribed on a flyleaf by Canon Isaac Walton I: Walton ex Æde Xti Oxon. Mid-17th century.
Pindar, William. A Sermon (London, 1677)
*WtI 191
An exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton on the title-page, and with an autograph correction on p. 16.

This tract bound with six other printed pamphlets by James I, Sir Edward Lake, Gilbert Burnet (4), and the anonymous The Jesuites Intrigues, 1616-89 (STC 14368; Wing L188, J717, B5869, B5873 or B5876, B5842), one of which, Lake's Memoranda: touching the Oath Ex Officio (London, 1662) signed by Canon Isaac Walton.

This volume was donated to Salisbury Cathedral in 1837 by Herbert Hawes, a collateral descendant of Walton.

Raymond, John. An Itinerary (London, 1648)
*WtI 192
Walton's exemplum. Mid-17th century.
Reynolds, Edward. A Treatise of the Passions and Faculties of the Soule of Man (London, 1640)
*WtI 193
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton on the title-page. Mid-17th century.
Sanderson, Robert. Fourteen Sermons (London, 1657)
*WtI 194
A printed exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton, June 25°, 1658 and with substantial autograph annotations about Sanderson.

Bound with Sanderson'sTwenty Sermons (London, 1656).


Peter Murray Hill's sale catalogue No. 72 (1960), item 50, with facsimile examples of Walton's annotations. Maggs's sale catalogue No. 643 (1937), item 1592, with a facsimile example of the annotations.

One annotation edited in Nicolas, I, xcv-xcvi, and in Keynes (1929), p. 587. [NB. the Sermons…of dor. Sanderson are mentioned in Walton's will.]

Sanderson, Robert. Sermons
WtI 195

Walton's signature on a detached leaf purporting to come from an edition of Sanderson's sermons.

In: A file of miscellaneous autograph signatures.
Sarpi, Paolo. The Historie of the Councel of Trent (London, 1629)
*WtI 196
An exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton given me by Mr John King Septer. 12°. 1669. 1669.
Shute, Josiah. Divine Cordials (London, 1644)
*WtI 197
A printed exemplum inscribed on the title-page Izaak Walton. Mid-17th century.
Sibbes, Richard. Bowels Opened, 3rd edition (London, 1648)
*WtI 198
An exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton on the title-page, an autograph couplet Off this blest man, let this Just praise be giuen: / Heauen was in him, before he was in Heauen at the top of the frontispiece. Mid-17th century.

NB. Walton bequeathed two other books by Sibbes: to my son Izaak I give Docr Sibbs his Soules Conflict, and to my doughter his Brewsed Reide.

Sibbes, Richard. The Returning Backslider, 3rd edition (London, 1650)
*WtI 199
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton on the title-page as also his autograph couplet of this blest man let this Just praise be giuen,/heauen, was in him, before he was in heauen. Mid-17th century.

The autograph couplet here edited in Waltoniana (1878) and in Keynes (1929), p. 584.

Sibbes, Richard. The Saints Cordialls, (London, 1658)
*WtI 200
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton 1682 on the title-page. Mid-late 17th century.
Skeffington, Sir John. The Heroe of Lorenzo, [trans. from Baltasar Gracian y Morales] (London, 1652)
*WtI 201
A printed exemplum, the work with a preface by I.W., attributed to Walton, with Walton's autograph signature Izaak Walton on the title-page and on a flyleaf. Mid-17th century.
Spotswood, John. The History of the Church of Scotland (London, 1655)
*WtI 202
An exemplum inscribed Izaak: Walton given me by my honored and Reverend friend, my lord the: Bishop of Salisbury who wrote the authors life.

Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York, 14 October 1946, lot 527, with a facsimile of the inscription as frontispiece in the sale catalogue.

Sprat, Thomas. Observations on Monsieur de Sorbier's Voyage into England (London, 1665)
*WtI 203
Walton's exemplum. Late 17th century.

Formerly in the Pleadwell Collection, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Symson, Patrick. The Historie of the Church (London, 1624)
*WtI 204
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton on a flyleaf. Mid-17th century.
[Tomkins, Thomas]. The New Distemper, or the Dissenters Usual Plea for Comprehension, Toleration and the Renouncing of the Covenant (London, 1680)
*WtI 205
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton, Aprill 1681. 1681.

Sotheby's, 7 August 1854 (William Pickering sale), lot 3417. Sotheran's sale catalogue Bibliotheca Pretiosa (1907), item 583.

Wadsworth, James. The Copies of Certaine Letters (London, 1624)
*WtI 206
An exemplum with the early signature Izaak Walton on the title-page.

Bound with five other religious pamphlets of 1605-25, including works by William Barlow, Sir Edward Hoby, Francis Rogers, and Henry Mason (STC 21177; 13539; 1457; 17602), both covers blindstamped with the initials I W.

Early-mid-17th century.
Walsh, Peter. Prospect of the State of Ireland (London, 1682)
*WtI 207
An exemplum inscribed Izaak Walton. giuen me June. 28. by the Author mr peter Welch; also signed by Canon Isaac Walton in 1683/4. c.1682.

American Art Association, 26 January 1922, lot 36, with a reduced facsimile of the inscription in the sale catalogue.

White, Francis. A Replie to Iesuit Fishers Answere (London, 1624)
*WtI 208
An exemplum inscribed I.W. 1627 pr. 10s. 1627.

Sotheby's, 28 June 1858 (Philip Bliss sale), lot 4796. Willis & Sotheran's sale catalogue for 1859, item 9283. Puttick & Simpson's, 23 November 1868, lot 1467, to Westell.

Wotton, Sir Henry. Reliquiae Wottonianae, [prefixed by Walton's Life of Wotton], (London, 1651)
*WtI 209
An exemplum inscribed by Walton To my most worthy and Honord ffrend mrs. digbie…. c.1651.

Sotheby's, 7 August 1854 (William Pickering sale), lot 3729, with a facsimile of the inscription in the sale catalogue. Sotheran's sale catalogue Bibliotheca Pretiosa (1907), item 438, with a facsimile of the inscription facing p. 88.

Wotton, Sir Henry. Reliquiae Wottonianae, [prefixed by Walton's Life of Wotton], 3rd edition (London, 1672)
*WtI 210
An exemplum inscribed by Walton for his cozen Francis Hollinshed(?). c.1672.
*WtI 211
An exemplum inscribed by Walton for Dr Thomas Gumble (d.1676), Prebendary of Worcester, this inscription deleted and the volume given instead to Canon Isaac Walton who inscribed it on 8 August 1673. c.1672.

Sotheby's, 16 June 1964, lot 672, to Maggs.

*WtI 212
An exemplum inscribed by Walton ffor my dafter [Anne] Hawkins; Iz. Wa.. c.1672.

Sotheby's, 5 March 1934, lot 18, to Maggs. Sotheby's, 7 March 1853 (Dawson Turner sale), lot 3102. Maggs's sale catalogue No. 1063 (1985), item 535. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 1165, item 180, with a facsimile of the inscribed frontispiece.

*WtI 213
An exemplum inscribed by Walton For Honest Will. Iles. c.1672.

Maggs's sale catalogue No. 505 (1928), item 2424.

WtI 214
An exemplum inscribed Jasp. Nedham. Sent me by Mr. Iz. Walton. May 10. 1672. 1672.

Quaritch's sale catalogue English Books before 1701 (October 1983), item 42.