New York Public Library, Berg Collection

[no shelfmark]

Autograph inscription to William Boswell, in a presentation exemplum of the printed edition of 1624. c.1624.
*WoH 259.4: Sir Henry Wotton, The Elements of Architecture

First published in London, 1624.

[Westmoreland MS]

A folio volume of 79 poems by Donne and ten of his Paradoxes, in the cursive hand of Rowland Woodward (1573-1636/7), probably transcribed from two sources, unfoliated, 50 leaves.


Once owned by Francis Fane (1582/3-1628), first Earl of Westmorland, whose secretary Woodward was for a time. Owned after 1892 by Sir Edmund Gosse (1849-1928), writer. Sotheby's, 30 July 1928 (Gosse sale), lot 35.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980) as the Westmoreland MS: DnJ Δ 19. For facsimile pages, see DnJ 223 and DnJ 3149. Discussed in, inter alia, Don M. Ricks, The Westmoreland Manuscript and the Order of Donne's Holy Sonnets, SP, 63 (1966), 185-7; Patrick F. O'Connell, The Successive Arrangements of Donne's Holy Sonnets, PQ, 60 (1981), 323-42.

ff. [21v-2r]
DnJ 48: John Donne, The Anagram ('Marry, and love thy Flavia, for, shee')


Edited from this MS in Variorum, 2. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published as Elegie II in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 80-2 (as Elegie II). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 21-2. Shawcross, No. 17. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 217-18.

f. [48v]
DnJ 154: John Donne, Antiquary ('If in his Studie he hath so much care')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 52. Shawcross, No. 93. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5 (untitled and beginning If, in his study, Hamon hath such care), 8 (as Antiquary), and 11.

f. [35r]
DnJ 223: John Donne, As due by many titles I resigne


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 364-5, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 11. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

Facsimile in Sotheby's catalogue, 30 July 1928, lot 35.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. I, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 322 (as Holy Sonnets. I). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 6. Shawcross, No. 162. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 5, 11, 21, 103 (in four sequences).

f. [36v]
DnJ 238: John Donne, At the round earths imagin'd corners, blow


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 367, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 14. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. IV, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 325 (as Holy Sonnets. VII). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 8. Shawcross, No. 165. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 8, 14, 22, 106 (in four sequences).

f. [38v]
DnJ 334: John Donne, Batter my heart, three person'd God. for, you


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 370, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 18. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. X, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 328 (as Holy Sonnets. XIV). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 11. Shawcross, No. 171. Variorum, 7, Pt 1 (2005), pp. 18, 25.

ff. [14r-15v]
DnJ 372: John Donne, The Bracelet ('Not that in colour it was like thy haire')


Edited from this MS in Variorum, 2, with a facsimile of the first page on p. 4. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Eleg. XII. The Bracelet, in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 96-100 (as Elegie XI). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 1-4. Shawcross, No. 8. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 5-7.

f. [48r]
DnJ 527: John Donne, A burnt ship ('Out of a fired ship, which, by no way')

Copy, headed Nave arsa.

This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 75. Milgate, Satires, p. 50. Shawcross, No. 86. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 7 (as Nave arsa) and 10.

f. [48r]
DnJ 533: John Donne, Cales and Guyana ('If you from spoyle of th' old worlds farthest end')


Edited from this MS in Gosse. Collated in Grierson and in Milgate. Recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Gosse (1899), I, 47. Grierson, I, 76. Milgate, Satires, p. 51. Shawcross, No. 91. Variorum, 8 (1995), p. 7 (as Calez and Guyana).

f. [21r]
DnJ 624: John Donne, Change ('Although thy hand and faith, and good workes too')


Edited from this MS in Variorum, 2. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie III, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 82-3 (as Elegie III). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 19-20. Shawcross, No. 16. Variorum, 2 (2000), p. 198.

f. [16r-v]
DnJ 689: John Donne, The Comparison ('As the sweet sweat of Roses in a Still')


Edited from this MS in Variorum, 2. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 90-2 (as Elegie VIII). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 5-6. Shawcross, No. 9. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 51-2.

ff. [40r-1v]
DnJ 770: John Donne, La Corona ('Deigne at my hands this crown of prayer and praise')

Copy of the sequence of seven sonnets, headed The Crowne.

This MS collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 318-21. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 1-5. Shawcross, No. 160.

f. [37v]
DnJ 888: John Donne, Death be not proud, though some have called thee


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 368, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 16. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. VI, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 326 (as Holy Sonnets. X). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 9. Shawcross, No. 167. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 10, 16, 23, 107 (in four sequences).

f. [48v]
DnJ 893: John Donne, Disinherited ('Thy father all from thee, by his last Will')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 52. Shawcross, No. 94. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5 (untitled), 8 and 11.

f. [23r-v]
DnJ 1036: John Donne, Elegie on the L.C. ('Sorrow, who to this house scarce knew the way')


Edited from this MS in Variorum, 6. Collated in Grierson and in Gardner. Recorded in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie VI, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 287. Gardner, Elegies, p. 26 (as A Funeral Elegy). Variorum, 6 (1995), p. 103, as Elegia.

ff. [24r-5r]
DnJ 1153: John Donne, Epithalamion made at Lincolnes Inne ('The Sun-beames in the East are spred')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Shawcross, and in Milgate. Edited and discussed in Celestin J. Walby, The Westmoreland Text of Donne's First Epithalamium, John Donne Journal, 8 (1989), 17-35.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 141-4. Shawcross, No. 106. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 3-6. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 87-9.

f. [48r]
DnJ 1277: John Donne, Fall of a wall ('Vnder an undermin'd, and shot-bruis'd wall')

Copy, headed Caso d'un muro.

This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 76. Milgate, Satires, p. 51. Shawcross, No. 87. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 6 (untitled), 7 (as Caso d'vn muro), and 10 (as Fall of a Wall).

f. [35v]
DnJ 1300: John Donne, Father, part of his double interest


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 365, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 12. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. XII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 329 (as Holy Sonnets. XVI). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 12. Shawcross, No. 173. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 6, 12, 26, 110 (in four sequences).

f. [48r]
DnJ 1479: John Donne, Hero and Leander ('Both rob'd of aire, we both lye in one ground')


This MS collated in Grierson and in Milgate. Recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 75. Milgate, Satires, p. 50. Shawcross, No. 83. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 7 and 10.

f. [23r]
DnJ 1530: John Donne, His Picture ('Here take my picture. though I bid farewell')


Edited from this MS in Variorum, 2. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published as Elegie V in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 86-7 (as Elegie V). Gardner, Elegies, p. 25. Shawcross, No. 19. Variorum, 2 (2000), p. 264.

f. [36v]
DnJ 1603: John Donne, I am a little world made cunningly


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 366-7, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 14. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. V, in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 324 (as Holy Sonnets. V). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 13. Shawcross, No. 175. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 8, 14, 105 (in three sequences).

f. [37r]
DnJ 1609: John Donne, If faithfull soules be alike glorifi'd


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 368, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 15. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. VIII, in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 325 (as Holy Sonnets. VIII). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 14. Shawcross, No. 177.

f. [37r]
DnJ 1624: John Donne, If poysonous mineralls, and if that tree


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 367, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 15. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. V, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 326 (as Holy Sonnets. IX). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 8. Shawcross, No. 166. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 9, 15, 23, 107 (in four sequences).

f. [18r]
DnJ 1682: John Donne, Jealosie ('Fond woman, which would'st have thy husband die')


Edited from this MS in Variorum, 2. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie I, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 79-80 (as Elegie I). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 9-10. Shawcross, No. 11.

f. [49r]
DnJ 1704: John Donne, A Jeat Ring sent ('Thou art not so black, as my heart')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 65-6. Gardner, Elegies, p. 38. Shawcross, No. 73.

f. [48v]
DnJ 1721: John Donne, Klockius ('Klockius so deeply hath sworne, ne'r more to come')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 54. Shawcross, No. 99. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 6, 9 and 11.

f. [48r]
DnJ 1736: John Donne, A lame begger ('I am unable, yonder begger cries')

Copy, headed Zoppo.

This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Thomas Deloney, Strange Histories (London, 1607), sig. E6. Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 76. Milgate, Satires, p. 51. Shawcross, No. 88. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 7 (as Zoppo) and 10.

f. [48r]
DnJ 1887: John Donne, A licentious person ('Thy sinnes and haires may no man equall call')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Henry Fitzgeffrey, Satyres and Satyricall Epigram's (London, 1617). Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 52. Shawcross, No. 90. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 8 and 11.

f. [48v]
DnJ 1910: John Donne, The Lier ('Thou in the fields walkst out thy supping howers')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Sir John Simeon, Unpublished Poems of Donne, Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society, 3 (London, 1856-7), No. 3, p. 31. Grierson, I, 78. Milgate, Satires, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 95. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5 (untitled) and 8.

ff. [19v-20r]
DnJ 2201: John Donne, Loves Warre ('Till I have peace with thee, warr other men')


Edited from this MS in Shawcross and in Variorum, 2. Collated in Grierson and in Gardner.

First published in F.G. Waldron, A Collection of Miscellaneous Poetry (London, 1802), pp. 1-2. Grierson, I, 122-3 (as Elegie XX). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 13-14. Shawcross, No. 14. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 142-3.

f. [48v]
DnJ 2255: John Donne, Manliness ('Thou call'st me effeminat, for I love womens joyes')

Copy, untitled.

Edited from this MS by editors.

First published in The Complete Poems of John Donne, ed. Roger Bennet (Chicago, 1942). Milgate, Satires, p. 52. Shawcross, No. 101. Variorum, 8 (1995), p. 8 (as The Iughler).

f. [48v]
DnJ 2265: John Donne, Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus ('Like Esops fellow-slaves, O Mercury')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 78. Milgate, Satires, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 96. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5, 8 and 11.

f. [19r]
DnJ 2335: John Donne, Natures lay Ideot, I taught thee to love


Edited from this MS in Variorum, 2. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie VIII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 89-90 (as Elegie VII). Gardner, Elegies, p. 12. Shawcross, No. 13. Variorum, 2 (2000), p. 127.

f. [48r]
DnJ 2378: John Donne, Niobe ('By childrens births, and death, I am become')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 75. Milgate, Satires, p. 50. Shawcross, No. 85. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 7 and 10.

f. [35v]
DnJ 2393: John Donne, O might those sighes and teares return againe


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 365, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 12. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. III, in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 323 (as Holy Sonnets. III). Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 13-14. Shawcross, No. 176. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 6, 12, 104 (in three sequences).

f. [48v]
DnJ 2402: John Donne, An obscure writer ('Philo, with twelve yeares study, hath beene griev'd')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 98. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 6 (untitled), 9 and 11.

ff. [18v-19r]
DnJ 2448: John Donne, Oh, let mee not serve so, as those men serve


Edited from this MS in Variorum, 2. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie VII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 87-9 (as Elegie VI). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 10-11. Shawcross, No. 12. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 110-11.

f. [36r]
DnJ 2485: John Donne, Oh, my blacke Soule! now thou art summoned


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 366, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 13. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. II, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 323 (as Holy Sonnets. IV). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 7. Shawcross, No. 163. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 7, 21, 104 (in three sequences).

f. [39v]
DnJ 2487: John Donne, Oh, to vex me, contraryes meet in one


Edited from this MS by editors (Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 20).

First published in Gosse (1899), II, 371. Grierson, I, 331 (as Holy Sonnets. XIX). Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 15-16. Shawcross, No. 180. Variorum, 7, Pt 1 (2005), p. 20.

f. [22r-v]
DnJ 2502: John Donne, On his Mistris ('By our first strange and fatall interview')


Edited from this MS in Variorum, 2. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 111-13 (as Elegie XVI). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 23-4. Shawcross, No. 18. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 246-7.

f. [17r-v]
DnJ 2554: John Donne, The Perfume ('Once, and but once found in thy company')


Edited from this MS in Variorum, 2. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie IV, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 84-6 (as Elegie IV). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 7-9. Shawcross, No. 10. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 72-3.

f. [48v]
DnJ 2591: John Donne, Phryne ('Thy flattering picture, Phryne, is like thee')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 97. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5, 8 and 11.

f. [48r]
DnJ 2653: John Donne, Pyramus and Thisbe ('Two, by themselves, each other, love and feare')


This MS collated in Grierson and in Milgate. Recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 75. Milgate, Satires, p. 50. Shawcross, No. 84. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 7 and 10.

f. [48v]
DnJ 2669: John Donne, Raderus ('Why this man gelded Martiall I muse')

Copy, headed Martial: castratus.

This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 78. Milgate, Satires, p. 54. Shawcross, No. 103. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 9 and 11.

f. [48v]
DnJ 2674: John Donne, Ralphius ('Compassion in the world againe is bred')


This MS collated in Milgate and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 78. Milgate, Satires, p. 54. Shawcross, No. 100. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 6, 9 and 11.

ff. [4r-5r]
DnJ 2736: John Donne, Satyre I ('Away thou fondling motley humorist')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 145-9. Milgate, Satires, pp. 3-6. Shawcross, No. 1.

ff. [5v-6v]
DnJ 2766: John Donne, Satyre II ('Sir. though (I thank God for it) I do hate')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 149-54. Milgate, Satires, pp. 7-10. Shawcross, No. 2.

ff. [7r-8r]
DnJ 2798: John Donne, Satyre III ('Kinde pitty chokes my spleene. brave scorn forbids')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 154-8. Milgate, Satires, pp. 10-14. Shawcross, No. 3.

ff. [8v-11v]
DnJ 2828: John Donne, Satyre IV ('Well. I may now receive, and die. My sinne')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 158-68. Milgate, Satires, pp. 14-22. Shawcross, No. 4.

ff. [12r-13r]
DnJ 2861: John Donne, Satyre V ('Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe, Muse, nor they')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published (in full) in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 168-71. Milgate, Satires, pp. 22-5. Shawcross, No. 5.

f. [48r]
DnJ 2881: John Donne, A selfe accuser ('Your mistris, that you follow whores, still taxeth you')

Copy, untitled.

This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 76. Milgate, Satires, p. 52. Shawcross, No. 89. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 8 and 10.

f. [39r]
DnJ 2893: John Donne, Show me deare Christ, thy spouse, so bright and clear


Edited from this MS by editors (Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 19).

First published in Gosse (1899), II, 371. Grierson, I, 330 (as Holy Sonnets. XVIII). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 15. Shawcross, No. 179.

f. [39r]
DnJ 2894: John Donne, Since she whom I lov'd hath payd her last debt


Edited from this MS by all editors (in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 19).

First published in Edmund Gosse, Jacobean Poets (London, 1894). Gosse (1899), II, 370-1. Grierson, I, 330 (as Holy Sonnets. XVII). Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 14-15. Shawcross, No. 178.

f. [48r]
DnJ 2896: John Donne, Sir Iohn Wingefield ('Beyond th'old Pillers many have travailed')


Edited from this MS in Gosse, in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Gosse (1899), I, 51. Grierson, I, 76. Milgate, Satires, p. 51. Shawcross, No. 92. Variorum, 8 (1995), p. 8 (as Il Caualliere Gio: Wingefield).

f. [38r]
DnJ 3046: John Donne, Spit in my face you Jewes, and pierce my side


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 369, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 17. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. VII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 327 (as Holy Sonnets. XI). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 9. Shawcross, No. 168.

f. [26r-v]
DnJ 3061: John Donne, The Storme ('Thou which art I, ('tis nothing to be soe)')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published (in full) in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 175-7. Milgate, Satires, pp. 55-7. Shawcross, No. 109.

f. [36r]
DnJ 3143: John Donne, This is my playes last scene, here heavens appoint


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 366, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 13. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. III, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 324 (as Holy Sonnets. VI). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 7. Shawcross, No. 164. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 7, 22, 105 (in three sequences).

f. [35r]
DnJ 3149: John Donne, Thou hast made me, And shall thy worke decay?


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 364, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 11. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

Facsimile in Sotheby's catalogue, 30 July 1928, lot 35.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 322 (as Holy Sonnets. I). Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 12-13. Shawcross, No. 174. Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), pp. 5, 11, 103 (in three sequences).

f. [30v]
DnJ 3153: John Donne, To E. of D. with six holy Sonnets ('See Sir, how as the Suns hot Masculine flame')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 317. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 5-6. Shawcross, No. 161.

f. [20r-v]
DnJ 3171: John Donne, To his Mistris Going to Bed ('Come, Madam, come, all rest my powers defie')


Edited from this MS in Variorum, 2. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (London, 1669). Grierson, I, 119-21 (as Elegie XIX. Going to Bed). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 14-16. Shawcross, No. 15. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 163-4.

The various texts of this poem discussed in Randall McLeod, Obliterature: Reading a Censored Text of Donne's To his mistress going to bed, EMS, 12: Scribes and Transmission in English Manuscripts 1400-1700 (2005), 83-138.

ff. [33v-4r]
DnJ 3226: John Donne, To Mr B.B. ('Is not thy sacred hunger of science')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 212-13. Milgate, Satires, pp. 67-8. Shawcross, No. 126.

f. [31v]
DnJ 3235: John Donne, To Mr C.B. ('Thy friend, whom thy deserts to thee enchaine')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 208. Milgate, Satires, p. 63. Shawcross, No. 120.

f. [32r]
DnJ 3237: John Donne, To Mr E.G. ('Even as lame things thirst their perfection, so')


Edited from this MS by editors.

First published in Gosse (1899), I, 82. Grierson, I, 208-9. Milgate, Satires, p. 64. Shawcross, No. 121.

f. [34r]
DnJ 3245: John Donne, To Mr I.L. ('Blest are your North parts, for all this long time')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 213-14. Milgate, Satires, pp. 68-9. Shawcross, No. 127.

f. [33v]
DnJ 3254: John Donne, To Mr I.L. ('Of that short Roll of friends writ in my heart')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 212. Milgate, Satires, p. 67. Shawcross, No. 125.

f. [32v]
DnJ 3262: John Donne, To Mr R.W. ('If, as mine is, thy life a slumber be')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 209-10. Milgate, Satires, pp. 64-5. Shawcross, No. 122.

f. [33r]
DnJ 3265: John Donne, To Mr R.W. ('Kindly I envy thy songs perfection')


Edited from this MS by editors.

First published in Grierson (1912), I, 210-11. Milgate, Satires, p. 66. Shawcross, No. 123.

f. [31v]
DnJ 3266: John Donne, To Mr R.W. ('Mvse not that by thy mind thy body is led')


Edited this MS by editors.

First published in Grierson (1912), I, 207-8. Milgate, Satires, p. 63. Shawcross, No. 119.

f. [31r]
DnJ 3268: John Donne, To Mr R.W. ('Zealously my Muse doth salute all thee')


Edited from this MS by editors.

First published in Gosse (1899), I, 318. Grierson, I, 207. Milgate, Satires, p. 62. Shawcross, No. 118.

ff. [28v-9r]
DnJ 3287: John Donne, To Mr Rowland Woodward ('Like one who'in her third widdowhood doth professe')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 185-6. Milgate, Satires, pp. 69-70. Shawcross, No. 113.

f. [33r]
DnJ 3307: John Donne, To Mr S.B. ('O Thou which to search out the secret parts')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 211. Milgate, Satires, pp. 66-7. Shawcross, No. 124.

f. [29v]
DnJ 3318: John Donne, To Mr T.W. ('All haile sweet Poët, more full of more strong fire')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 203-5. Milgate, Satires, pp. 59-60. Shawcross, No. 114.

f. [31r]
DnJ 3344: John Donne, To Mr T.W. ('At once, from hence, my lines and I depart')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 206-7. Milgate, Satires, p. 62. Shawcross, No. 117.

f. [30r]
DnJ 3359: John Donne, To Mr T.W. ('Hast thee harsh verse, as fast as thy lame measure')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 205. Milgate, Satires, pp. 60-1. Shawcross, No. 115.

f. [30v]
DnJ 3367: John Donne, To Mr T.W. ('Pregnant again with th' old twins Hope, and Feare')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 206. Milgate, Satires, p. 61. Shawcross, No. 116.

f. [27r]
DnJ 3459: John Donne, To Sr Henry Wootton ('Here's no more newes then vertue, I may as well')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 187-8. Milgate, Satires, pp. 73-4. Shawcross, No. 111.

ff. [27v-8v]
DnJ 3488: John Donne, To Sr Henry Wotton ('Sir, more then kisses, letters mingle Soules')


This MS collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 180-2. Milgate, Satires, pp. 71-3. Shawcross, No. 112.

f. [38v]
DnJ 3872: John Donne, What if this present were the worlds last night?


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 370, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 18. Collated in Grierson, in Milgate, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. IX, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 328 (as Holy Sonnets. XIII). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 10. Shawcross, No. 170.

f. [38r]
DnJ 3884: John Donne, Why are wee by all creatures waited on?


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 369, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 17. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. VIII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 327 (as Holy Sonnets. XII). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 10. Shawcross, No. 169.

ff. [42r-7r]
DnJ 3943: John Donne, Wilt thou love God, as he thee! then digest


Edited from this MS in Gosse, II, 368-9, and in Variorum, 7 Pt 1 (2005), p. 16. Collated in Grierson, in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published, as Holy Sonnets. XI, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 329 (as Holy Sonnets. XV). Gardner, Divine Poems, p. 11. Shawcross, No. 172.

ff. [42r-7r]
DnJ 4074: John Donne, Paradoxes and Problems ('')

Copy of ten Paradoxes.

This MS discussed by Evelyn Simpson in RES, 10 (1934), 298-300. The Paradoxes largely edited from this MS in Peters.

Eleven Paradoxes and ten Problems first published in Juvenilia: or Certaine Paradoxes and Problemes (London, 1633). Twelve Paradoxes and seventeen Problems published in Paradoxes, Problems, Essayes (London, 1652). Two more Problems published in 1899 and 1927 (see DnJ 4073, DnJ 4089). Twelve Paradoxes and eighteen Problems reprinted in Paradoxes and Problemes by John Donne (London, 1923). Twelve Paradoxes (Nos XI and XII relegated to Dubia) and nineteen Problems (No. XI by Edward Herbert) edited in Peters.

[no shelfmark]

Autograph letter signed by Congreve, to Joseph Keally, from London, 21 August 1692. 1692.

Hodges, No. 2. Complete facsimile in Kathleen M. Lynch, A Congreve Gallery (Cambridge, Mass. 1951), after p. 32.

*CgW 74: William Congreve, Letter(s)

Hodges, No. 2. Complete facsimile in Kathleen M. Lynch, A Congreve Gallery (Cambridge, Mass. 1951), after p. 32.

[no shelfmark]

Autograph letter signed by Congreve, to Joseph Keally, from London, 23 May [1709]. 1709.

Hodges, No. 37. McKenzie, III, 173-4 (Letter 47).

*CgW 94: William Congreve, Letter(s)

Hodges, No. 37. McKenzie, III, 173-4 (Letter 47).

[no shelfmark]

Autograph letter signed by Congreve, to Jacob Tonson, [from Tunbridge, 15 August 1693]. 1693.

Sotheby's, 29 June 1925 (Tonson sale), 3rd day, lot 772.

Hodges, No. 58, pp. 91-2. McKenzie, III, 137-8 (Letter 3).

*CgW 78: William Congreve, Letter(s)

Hodges, No. 58, pp. 91-2. McKenzie, III, 137-8 (Letter 3).

[no shelfmark]

Autograph letter signed by Congreve, to Jacob Tonson, 20 August 1695. 1695.

Sotheby's, 29 June 1925 (Tonson sale), 3rd day, lot 773.

Hodges, No. 62, p. 98. McKenzie, III, 141-2 (Letter 6).

*CgW 79: William Congreve, Letter(s)

Hodges, No. 62, p. 98. McKenzie, III, 141-2 (Letter 6).

[no shelfmark]

A printed exemplum inscribed by Waller for Mr Fitch, also with a cancelled inscription by Walton to Dr [Michael] Honeywood, Dean of Lincoln. c.1670.
*WtI 78: Izaak Walton, The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert (London, 1670)

[no shelfmark]

A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Lady Ardglass. c.1675.
*WtI 104: Izaak Walton, The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert, 4th edition (London, 1675)

[no shelfmark]

An exemplum inscribed by Walton for his cozen Francis Hollinshed(?). c.1672.
*WtI 210: Izaak Walton, Wotton, Sir Henry. Reliquiae Wottonianae, [prefixed by Walton's Life of Wotton], 3rd edition (London, 1672)