Tixall MS 2
A small quarto volume of verse, lacking a cover.
17th century.
Formerly among the papers of the Aston family, of Tixall, Staffordshire.
Selectively edited (as his Second Division: Poems by the Honourable Mrs Henry Thimelby), in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 83-106.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 1:
Gertrude Thimelby,
Contented Poverty
('You that are worldly wise, and vanely boast')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), pp. 88-9.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 2:
Gertrude Thimelby,
An Epitaph on a Sweet Little Boy of Sir William Persall
('Stay, courteous passenger, this stone')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), pp. 105-6.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 4:
Gertrude Thimelby,
Mrs Thimelby, on the Death of Her Only Child
('Dear infant, 'twas thy mother's fault')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), pp. 85-6.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 5:
Gertrude Thimelby,
No Love like that of the Soule
('Some froward heretickes in love ther bee')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), pp. 95-6.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 6:
Gertrude Thimelby,
On Faire Mrs Hall Dying in her Prime
('How soone these faire and forward springs')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), p. 98.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 8:
Gertrude Thimelby,
To Cannall, in Mourning
('What all in black! all mourning! O that wee')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), pp. 100-1.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 9:
Gertrude Thimelby,
To her Husband, on New-Years-Day, 1651
('How swiftly time doth passe away')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), p. 86.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 10:
Gertrude Thimelby,
To H--- T---
('Nature, nor art, (should both contest)')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), pp. 89-90.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 11:
Gertrude Thimelby,
To Mr E--- T---, who holds Selfe-Love in all our Actions
('Selfe-love in all? sure I am not awake!')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), pp. 90-2.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 12:
Gertrude Thimelby,
To my Brother and Sister Aston, on their Wedding-Day, being absent
('They whom unlucky accidents remove')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), p. 94.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 13:
Gertrude Thimelby,
To Sir William and My Lady Persall, upon the Death of theire and our Deare Mall
('We are too much concern'd to dry your teares')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), pp. 103-4.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 14:
Gertrude Thimelby,
To Sir William and My Lady Persall, uppon the Death of their Little Franke
('Happy parents, mourne no more')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), pp. 99-100.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 15:
Gertrude Thimelby,
To the Lady Elizabeth Thimelby, on New-Yeares-Day, 1655, Looking dayly for here Sonne from Travaile
('Past is the winter absence of the sunne')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), pp. 104-5.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 16:
Gertrude Thimelby,
To the Lady Southcot, on her Wedding-Day
('If mongst the happy number this day crowd')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), pp. 101-2.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 17:
Gertrude Thimelby,
Upon a Command to Write on my Father
('Teares I could soone have brought unto this hearse')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), pp. 92-3.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 18:
Gertrude Thimelby,
Upon the Lady Persalls Parting with her Daughter without Teares
('You who a mistick patche's losse can mourne')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), p. 97.
[unspecified page numbers]
ThG 19:
Gertrude Thimelby,
Uppon the Returne from our Friends in Staffordshire
('What? has our progresse from kind friend to friend')
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), p. 87.
Tixall MS 3
A folio verse miscellany, in vellum.
Late 17th century?
Inscribed on the front cover William Turner his booke, 1662
and, on the rear paste-down Catherine Gage's Booke: i.e. Catherine Gage, Lady Aston (d.1720). Formerly among the papers of the Aston family, of Tixall, Staffordshire.
Poems selectively edited from this MS (as his Third Division: Poems Collected by the Right Honourable Lady Aston) in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 107-205.
[unspecified page numbers]
RaW 187:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Like to a Hermite poore
('Like to a Hermite poore in place obscure')
Edited from this MS, as Despair, in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 115-16. Recorded in Latham, p. 104.
First published in Brittons Bowre of Delights (London, 1591). Latham, pp. 11-12. Rudick, Nos 57A and 57B (two versions, pp. 135-6).
[unspecified page numbers]
ShJ 174:
James Shirley,
The Contention of Ajax and Ulysses for the Armour of Achilles, Act III, Song
('The glories of our blood and state')
Edited from this MS, as A Moral Song in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 122-3.
Gifford & Dyce, VI, 396-7. Armstrong, p. 54. Musical setting by Edward Coleman published in John Playford, The Musical Companion (London, 1667).
[unspecified page numbers]
Copy of the song The delights of the bottle, and the charmes of good wine.
Edited from this MS, as Another [song], in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 133-4.
First published in London, 1675. Summers, II, 271-340 (pp. 311, 318, 338).
[unspecified page numbers]
B&F 188:
Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher,
Valentinian, V, ii, 13-22. Song
('Care-charming Sleep, thou easer of all woes')
Edited from this MS, as To Sleep, in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 134-5.
Dyce, V, 297. Bullen, IV, 302. Bowers, IV, 360-1.
[unspecified page numbers]
RoJ 5.8:
John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester,
Against Constancy
('Tell me no more of constancy')
Edited from this MS, as Inconstancy in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 143-4.
First published in A New Collection of the Choicest Songs (London, 1676). Vieth, pp. 83-4. Walker, pp. 42-3. Love, p. 34, as Songe of the Earle of Rochesters.
[unspecified page numbers]
DaW 100:
Sir William Davenant,
Macbeth, II, [v]. Song
('Let's have a dance upon the Heath')
Edited from this MS, as The Witches Song, in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 144-5.
Dramatic Works, V, 348. Gibbs, pp. 263-4. Spencer, pp. 105-6.
[unspecified page numbers]
DrJ 285:
John Dryden,
Secret-Love, or The Maiden-Queen, Act IV, scene ii, lines 23-38. Song
('I feed a flame within which so torments me')
Edited from this MS, as Concealed Love, in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 146-8.
California, IX (1966), p. 177. Kinsley, I, 108. Day, pp. 6-9. Hammond & Hopkins, I, 105.
[unspecified page numbers]
PsK 580:
Katherine Philips,
Pompey. A Tragedy, Act III, scene iv. Song
('From lasting and unclouded Day')
Copy of the song by Pompey's ghost.
Edited from this MS, as Pompey's Ghost, in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 164-6.
A recitative air sung by Pompey's ghost. Saintsbury, pp. 611-12. Thomas, I, 244-5, poem 120. Thomas, III, 55-6. This song originally set to music by Dr Peter Pett (1630-99).
[unspecified page numbers]
LeN 16:
Nathaniel Lee,
Theodosius: or, The Force of Love, Act III, scene ii, lines 1-20. Song.
('O, Chrysostom! look down and see')
Copy of the Votaries' chorus.
Edited from this MS, as The Royal Nun, in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 166-8.
Stroup & Cooke, II, 267-8.
Tixall MS 4
A miscellaneous collection of MS verse, totally unconnected with each other, and written on backs of letters, or other scraps of paper
17th century.
Formerly among the papers of the Aston family, of Tixall, Staffordshire.
Selectively edited (as his Fourth Division: Miscellaneous Poems) in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 207-324.
[unspecified item number]
DrJ 108:
John Dryden,
On the Marriage of the Fair and Vertuous Lady, Mrs Anastasia Stafford, with that Truly Worthy and Pious Gent. George Holman, Esq. A Pindarique Ode
('When nature, in our northern hemisphere')
Edited from this MS in Clifford; thence in Kinsley and in California.
First published in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 207-12. Kinsley, IV, 1804-6. California, III, 204-7. Hammond & Hopkins, III, 193-8.
[unspecified item number]
WaE 782:
Edmund Waller,
When he was at Sea
('Whilst I was free I wrote with high conceit')
Edited from this MS, as Mr Waller when he was at Sea, in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), p. 219.
First published in Philip Neve, Cursory Remarks on some of the Ancient English Poets (London, 1789), pp. 70-1. Thorn-Drury, I, 75.
[unspecified item number]
EtG 14:
Sir George Etherege,
Ephelia to Bajazet
('How far are they deceived who hope in vain')
Edited from this MS, as Ephelia, in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 220-2.
First published in Female Poems On several Occasions: Written by Ephelia (London, 1679). Thorpe, pp. 9-10. Harold Love's edition of Rochester (1999), pp. 94-5.
[unspecified item number]
RoJ 620:
John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester,
A Very Heroical Epistle in Answer to Ephelia
('Madam. / If you're deceived, it is not by my cheat')
Edited from this MS, as An Epistle in Answer to Ephelia, in Clifford, Tixall Poetry (1813), pp. 223-5.
First published in the broadside A Very Heroical Epistle from My Lord All-Pride to Dol-Common (London, 1679). Poems on Several Occasions (Antwerp
, 1680). Vieth, pp. 113-15. Walker, pp. 112-14. Love, pp. 95-7.
[unspecified item number]
ThG 7:
Gertrude Thimelby,
On Saint Catherines Day
('You glorious saint, tho borne of royall blood')
Copy, subscribed Gert. Aston
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), p. 226.
[unspecified item number]
PsK 224:
Katherine Philips,
An ode upon retirement, made upon occasion of Mr. Cowley's on that subject
('No, no, unfaithfull World, thou hast')
Edited from this MS, as Upon Mr Abraham Cowley's Retirement. Ode, in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 234-8.
First published, as Ode. On Retirement, in Poems, by Several Persons (Dublin, 1663), pp. 45-8 [apparently unique extant exemplum Folger C6681.5]. as Upon Mr. Abraham Cowley's Retirement. Ode in Poems (1664), pp. 237-42. Poems (1667), pp. 122-4. Saintsbury, pp. 575-7. Thomas, I, 193-5, poem 77.
[unspecified item number]
DrJ 271:
John Dryden,
The Indian Emperour, or, The Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards, Act IV, scene iii, lines 1-16. Song
('Ah fading joy, how quickly art thou past')
Edited from this MS, as Song, in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), p. 348
[i.e. 248].
Kinsley, I, 41. California, IX, 83-4. Hammond & Hopkins, I, 96.
[unspecified item number]
HaW 1:
William Habington,
Cupio dissolvi. Paule
('The soule which doth with God unite')
Edited from this MS in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 254-5.
First published in Castara (London, 1634). Allott, pp. 147-9.
[unspecified item number]
SiP 69:
Sir Philip Sidney,
The Epitaph
('His being was in her alone')
Edited from this MS, as On Argalus and Parthenia, Epitaph, in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), p. 276.
First published in Arcadia (London, 1593), a blank space having been left for this epitaph in the edition of 1590. Ringler, p. 241.
[unspecified item number]
ThG 3:
Gertrude Thimelby,
From a Sick Poetesse to Mrs St George, on her Feeding the Swans
('Two freezing winters, and one summer's heat')
Edited from this MS in Tixall Poetry.
First published in Tixall Poetry (1813), pp. 287-8.
[unspecified item number]
WoH 218:
Sir Henry Wotton,
A Description of the Country's Recreations
('Quivering fears, heart-tearing cares')
Edited from this MS, as Rusticatio Religiosi in Vacantiis, in Arthur Clifford, Tixall Poetry (Edinburgh, 1813), pp. 297-300, whence collated in Hannah.
First published in Reliquiae Wottonianae (London, 1651), pp. 531-3, subscribed Ignoto
, among Poems Found among the Papers of S. H. Wotton
. Described in Izaak Walton, The Complete Angler (London, 1653), pp. 239-40, as a Copy printed amongst Sir Henry Wottons Verses, and doubtless made either by him, or by a lover of Angling. Hannah (1845), pp. 55-9.