William Salt Library, Stafford

[no shelfmark]

An exemplum signed on the title-page by Cotton and by Catherine Cotton (given mee by my Deare father). Late 17th century.

Inscribed in 1725 by John Beresford.

Recorded in Turner, p. 138.

*CnC 188: Charles Cotton, Plutarch. Lives [trans. by Thomas North] (London, 1656-7)

Recorded in Turner, p. 138.

M 527

Walton's autograph signature as witness on an indenture whereby Robert Tichborne and Thomas Grinsell of London, executors of the late Dame Margaret Temple, by virtue of her will dated 12 May 1617, grant the Mayor and Burgesses of Stafford the right to dispose as they see fit of Dame Margaret's bequest (£30 interest at the rate of 6% or more if possible) to the poor of Stafford, the text entirely in the professional secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe, 30 June 1635. 1635.

Recorded in The Compleat Angler 1653-1676, ed. Jonquil Bevan (Oxford, 1983), p. 3. Discussed, with facsimiles, in Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes (Oxford, 1998), pp. 72-4.

*WtI 16: Izaak Walton, Document(s)

Recorded in The Compleat Angler 1653-1676, ed. Jonquil Bevan (Oxford, 1983), p. 3. Discussed, with facsimiles, in Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes (Oxford, 1998), pp. 72-4.

M 593/2

Drayton's autograph signature as witness to an indenture, also signed by his patron Sir Walter Aston, concerning the sale to Aston of the manor of Coulton, Staffordshire, by members of the Gresley family, and its subsequent lease to certain of their servants, 31 May 1609. 1609.
*DrM 80: Michael Drayton, Document(s)

MS. 450

A MS volume. 17th century?
ff. 48r-55v
BrN 53.8: Nicholas Breton, The Passion of a Discontented Minde ('From silent night, true register of mones')

Copy of a 64-stanza version.

First published in London, 1601. Attributed to Breton in Robertson, pp. xcii-xcviii, but see also Doughtie, Lyrics from English Airs, pp. 613-15. Printed and firmly attributed to Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, in The Poems of Edward De Vere, Seventeenth Earl of Oxford, and of Robert Devereux, Second Earl of Essex, ed. Steven W. May, Studies in Philology, 77, No. 5 (Early Winter 1980), pp. 49-59 (No. 11) and pp. 94-106.

W G 5.7

A printed exemplum inscribed by Walton for Mrs Sarah Duffield.
*WtI 103: Izaak Walton, The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert (London, 1670)