Exeter College, Oxford
MS 92
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed
Edited from this MS (as Text ii) in Hartley. Cited in
First published (from a lost MS) in
Version I. Beginning Do I see God's most sacred, holy Word and text of holy Writ drawn to so divers senses...
. Hartley, I, 471-3 (Text i).
Version II. Beginning My lords, Do I see the Scriptures, God's word, in so many ways interpreted...
. Hartley, I, 473-5 (Text ii).
MS 100
Copy, headed at the side
Speech. Yale 1628, II, 58-60, two parallel versions: (1) beginning This is the crisis of parliaments...
; (2) beginning It is the goodness of God and the favour of the King...
; II, 68, third version, beginning If we be thankful, all is well. By this we shall know whether parliaments will live or die...
; II, 73, fourth, brief reported version, beginning We are not now upon the bene esse of our kingdom but the esse...
Copy, headed at the side
Speech beginning The best thanks we can return his Matie for his gracious and religious answer...
Copy of a speech, headed at the side
Speech beginning I hold the same ground still that I brought with me...
Copy, headed at the side
Speech beginning We are here upon a great business...
. Yale 1628, III, 127-9 and 133-4. Variants: III, 138-9, 141, 143, and 161. Variant version in Manning, pp. 126-8.
Copy, headed
Speech beginning We have been long about framing of words for a strong law...
. Yale 1628, III, 172. Variant versions: III, 175, 179, 180, 181-2.
Copy, headed
A brief speech beginning I am sorry that that which I have said...
Copy, headed
Speech beginning Justice ought to be a great favourer of the Innocent...
Copy, headed
Speech beginning I would we were as ready to reward as punish...
MS 113
Inscriptions include (f. 1v) John Charles Jones
and Thomas Stockton
and (f. 2r) W. G.
Copies of five speeches by Bacon, including his inaugural speech as Lord Chancellor, 7 May 1617, and his speeches to Sir John Denham, to Serjeant Hutton, and to Sir William Jones, 19 May 1617.
Copy of 100 ordinances, headed
First published as No decree shall be reversed, altered, or explained, being once under the Great Seale...
. Spedding, VII, 755-74 (mentioning, on p. 757, having seen some MSS and editions
of this work but without specifying them or his copy-text).
Copies of Bacon's submissions on 19 March 1620/1 and 22 April 1621.
The Humble Submissions and Supplications Bacon sent to the House of Lords, on 19 March 1620/1 (beginning I humbly pray your Lordships all to make a favourable and true construction of my absence...
); 22 April 1621 (beginning It may please your Lordships, I shall humbly crave at your Lordships' hands a benign interpretation...
); and 30 April 1621 (beginning Upon advised consideration of the charge, descending into mine own conscience...
), written at the time of his indictment for corruption. Spedding, XIV, 215-16, 242-5, 252-62.
MS 127
Copy of five speeches by Bacon, including his inaugural speech as Lord Chancellor, 7 May 1617, and his speeches to Sir John Denham, to Serjeant Hutton and to Sir William Jones, 19 May 1617.
Copy of Version II, headed
Edited from this MS (as Text ii) in Hartley (pp. 254-8).
First published in Robert Cecil,
Version I. Beginning When I remember the bottomless depth of God's great benefits towards me...
. Hartley, II, 254-8 (Text ii, a summary) and II, 261 (cited only, as Text iv).
Version II. Beginning The bottomless graces and immeasurable benefits bestowed upon me by the Almighty...
. Hartley, II, 247-53 (Text i).
Version III. Beginning My lords and gentlemen, I cannot but accept with much kindness this your petition, wherein I perceive the great love you bear towards me...
. Hartley, II, 259-60 (Text iii).
MS 137
MS 139
Copy, ascribed to Sr. Rob Cotton
in a later hand.
Speech beginning My Lords, Vpon the occasions delivered by the Gentlemen, your Lordships have heard...
Copy, in two secretary hands, of the dedicatory epistle to King James and of the beginning of the dialogue, described as written in the Tower of London by Sir Walter Raleigh...In Anno 1610
, subscribed in a later hand Perlegi et pro Libitu Excerpsi Aug. 5. 1697. W. K.
, incomplete.
A treatise, with a dedicatory epistle to James I beginning Those that are suppressed and hopeless are commonly silent ...
, the dialogue beginning Now, sir, what think you of Mr. St. John's trial in the Star-chamber?...
. First published as Midelburge
and Hamburg
[i.e. London], 1628).
MS 166
servantThomas Combe, and of Harington's brother Francis, viii + 226 quarto pages, in contemporary vellum with ties. c.1585.
This MS recorded in Peck, p. 226, and the Directions in the Margent
This MS recorded in Peck, p. 226, and the Directions in the Margent
First published as
MS 173
Copy, untitled, on three separate sheaves of paper in different secretary hands, subscribed vita Thomae Mori p Roperio
First published in London, 1626. Edited, as
First published in
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, here ascribed on a title-page to Sr Ro: C: B:
Tract beginning What, besides self-regard, or siding faction, hath been...
9K 1520
Sum Nicolai Vdalli Magnes amoris modestia 1524. 1524.
Owned in 1530 by William Cholwell, Fellow of Exeter College; in 1535 by John Dotyn, Fellow and Rector of Exeter College, and donated by him in 1561.
Juhász-Ormsby, No. 2.
Juhász-Ormsby, No. 2.
[no shelfmark]
Izaak: Walton, given me by my worthy friend, the author…1657, and by me to Mr. Derbyshire, 1682.
NB. in his Will Walton stated, I give to Mr. Darbishire the Sermons of Mr. Antony Faringdon, or of dor. Sanderson, which my executor thinks fit
[no shelfmark]
Izaak Walton; also with a note
The legacy of Mr. I. walton, 1683/84. c.1674.
[no shelfmark]
Izaak: Walton. giuen to me by Mr Marryot. may. 9°. 1663, also with a note (perhaps by Samuel Conant)
And given to me by Mr Isaac Walton not long before his death: & sent to me fr. 1663.o his son soone after his death