Lancelot Andrewes


(1) Sermons and Lectures

Concio ad clerum in synodo provinciali Cantuariensis provinciae ad D. Pauli. 20 February 1592/3

First published in Opuscula quaedam posthuma (London, 1629). LACT, Opuscula (1852), pp. 29-31.

AndL 1

Copy, in a formal italic hand, the heading in another hand.

In: A quarto composite volume of ecclesiastical tracts and sermons, in various hands, in modern quarter-calf.
AndL 2

Extracts, in an italic hand, on a single folio leaf, folded in double columns, headed Ex concione Mri Dris Andrewes ad Clerum habitâ Londini in æde Divi Pauli in Comitije Pananglije. ao 1592, docketed Mr Goodwin.

In: A folio composite volume of state letters and papers, in various hands, 226 leaves (plus blanks), in modern half-calf on cloth boards gilt.

Bookplate of Shelburne.

Edited from this MS in John Strype, The Life and Acts of John Whitgift, 3 vols (Oxford, 1822), III, 293-6.

AndL 3

Copy by Hawes of an English translation, with a separate title-page, A Sermon of Lancelot Andrews, then DD. afterwards Bishop of Winchester preached in Latin in St Pauls Church 20th of ffeb: to the Clergy of the Province of Canterbury assembled in Convocation in ye Raign of Queen Elizabeth A: D: 1593. now made English.

In: A folio composite volume of autograph sermons by the nonjuror bishop Samuel Hawes, 142 leaves (including blanks), in 18th-century half-calf. c.1700-10.
De usuris, theologica determinatio [10 May 1585]

See AndL 16.

De jurejurando ε'πάκτω, theologica determinatio [July 1591]

See AndL 15.

A Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine (The Moral Law Expounded) [after 1578]

See AndL 42.

Sermons on Matthew iv. 6

First published, mistakenly attributed to Cosin (as Sermons IV and V), in The Works of John Cosin, Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology, I (Oxford, 1843), 58-83.

AndL 3.5

Copy of two sermons by Andrewes on the Temptation of Christ, preached probably in 1592 (during the plague that closed the London theatres), in a minute secretary hand, on eleven pages of six leaves. Early-mid-17th century.

In: An octavo composite volume of sermons chiefly by John Cosin (1595-1672), Bishop of Durham, mainly in his hand and one other's, most of the sermons dating from 1622 to 1655, the leaves unnumbered, in vellum boards.

Inscribed (inside the front cover) ex dono Georgij Smith, and presented to the Cathedral in 1740.

Edited from this MS in Cosin (1843).

Sermons on the Sixth and Seventh Commandments. 17 February 1593/4 - 28 July 1594


AndL 4

Rough notes, in a cursive secretary hand, of three sermons on the 6th Commandment and of nine sermons on the 7th Commandment, preached by Andrewes at St Giles, Cripplegate, between 17 February 1593/4 and 28 July 1594.

In: A quarto composite volume of state and religious tracts and sermons, in various hands, 233 leaves, in contemporary vellum boards.
AndL 4.5

Extracts from Bishop Andrews on the Commandments, in Drake's hand.

In: An octavo commonplace book, in several hands, 198 leaves, in contemporary calf with traces of ties.

Compiled in part by William Drake, MP (1606-69), of Shardeloes, near Amersham, Buckinghamshire.


Later in the library of Charles Kay Ogden (1889-1957), psychologist, linguist, and book collector.

Drake's commonplace books discussed in Stuart Clark, Wisdom Literature of the Seventeenth Century: A Guide to the Contents of the Bacon-Tottel Commonplace Books, Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 6, Part 5 (1976), 291-305; 7, Part 1 (1977), 46-73, and in Kevin Sharpe, Reading Revolutions (New Haven & London, 2000).

Sermons for Christmas and Easter


AndL 5

Copy of six sermons, probably preached at Court before Queen Elizabeth between 1588 and 1603.

In: An octavo volume of theological works, in two or more predominantly italic hands, written from both ends, 189 leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary calf. Mid-17th century.

Later owned by David Baxter. Sotheby's, 19 July 1994, lot 3. Formerly Cambridge University Library MS Add. 7976.

Westminster Lectures


AndL 6

Copy of twelve lectures on the Elements and Grounds of Religion, probably preached to schoolboys at Westminster when Andrewes was Dean there between 1601 and 1605.

In: An octavo volume of theological works, in two or more predominantly italic hands, written from both ends, 189 leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary calf. Mid-17th century.

Later owned by David Baxter. Sotheby's, 19 July 1994, lot 3. Formerly Cambridge University Library MS Add. 7976.

Orphan lectures late 1590s

First published as Apospasmatia SACRA: or A Collection of posthumous and orphan lectures (London, 1657).

AndL 6.5
Copy of the orphan lectures, largely in two secretary hands, inscribed Docter Andrewes Sermons in Paules 1591...And in St Gyles 1597. 1598. 1599, 276 folio leaves. c.1620.

Inscribed This booke I giue unto my Grand Nephew Mr John Cholmeley for ever signed Daniel Hollingworth and later August 8. 1754. Given by Nicolas Styleman (of Snetsham in Norf.) Esqr. to John Jones. Owned before the 1960s by the Presbyterian Seminary of Carmarthenshire, Wales. Later in the collection of Ivan Roots (1921-2015), professor of history at the University of Exeter. Acquired by Pembroke College in 2013.

This MS discussed, with facsimile examples, in P.G. Stanwood, Lancelot Andrewes's Orphan Lectures: The Exeter Manuscript, EMS, 13 (2006), 35-46. Reprinted and expanded, with a partial transcription, as P.G. Stanwood, Peter McCullough, and Ray Siemens, Lancelot Andrewes's Orphan Lectures: The Exeter Manuscript, Early Modern Literary Studies Texts Series 2 (2011); with a complete digital facsimile prepared by Ray Siemens, with Karin Armstrong, Gerry Watson, Mike Elkink, and Greg Newton.

A sermon preached at the spittle by M Andrewes the wednesday in Easter weeke. April. 10. 1588

First published, as A Sermon Preached at Saint Maries Hospital, on the X. of April, being Wednesday in Easter-weeke, A.D. MDLXXXVIII, in XCVI Sermons (London, 1629). Lancelot Andrewes, Selected Sermons and Lectures, ed. Peter McCullough (Oxford, 2005), pp. 40-81, 243-64.

AndL 6.8


In: A folio volume of four sermons preached in 1588, in a neat predominantly secretary hand, 67 leaves, in vellum. c.1588.

Bookplate of the Earl of Westmoreland, 1856.

Edited from this MS in McCullough, pp. 243-64.

Sermon 5 At Sundry Times, &c., preached at Whitehall, 23 november 1600, on Jeremiah 23.6

First published in XCVI Sermons (London, 1629). LACT, Sermons, V (1843), 104-26.

AndL 7

Copy, in a secretary hand.

In: A quarto composite volume of sermons, in several hands, ii + 272 leaves, in old calf (rebacked).

Once owned by William Sancroft (1617-93), Archbishop of Canterbury, manuscript collector, with (f. [iiv] his table of contents.

Sermon 4 Of Repentance and Fasting, Ash-Wednesday 1618/9, on Joel ii. 12, 13

First published in XCVI Sermons (London, 1629). LACT, Sermons, I (1841), 356-74. Lancelot Andrewes, Sermons, ed. G.M. Story (Oxford, 1967), pp. 119-42.

AndL 8

Copy, closely written in a small hand.

In: A duodecimo volume of sermons and theological tracts, in two hands, written from both ends, 138 leaves, in vellum. Early 17th century.

This MS recorded (but not collated) in Story, p. xlix.

Sermon 5 of Repentance and Fasting, Ash Wednesday 1620/1, on Matthew vi. 16

First published in XCVI Sermons (London, 1629). LACT, Sermons, I (1841), 375-97.

AndL 9


In: A duodecimo volume of sermons and theological tracts, in two hands, written from both ends, 138 leaves, in vellum. Early 17th century.
Sermon 6 Of Repentance and Fasting, Ash-Wednesday 1621/2, on Matthew vi. 16

First published in XCVI Sermons (London, 1629). LACT, Sermons, I (1841), 398-416.

AndL 10


In: A duodecimo volume of sermons and theological tracts, in two hands, written from both ends, 138 leaves, in vellum. Early 17th century.
Sermon 13 Of the Resurrection, Easter 1618, on 1 Corinthians xi. 16

First published as A Sermon on Easter Day (London, 1618). LACT, Sermons, II (1841), 404-28.

AndL 11

Copy, in the neat mixed hand of Samuel Wright.

In: A quarto composite volume of ecclesiastical tracts and sermons, in different hands, possibly associated with Lancelot Andrewes, 98 leaves, in quarter-calf marbled boards.

Inscribed on the last page (f. 98v) by Andrewes's secretary samMVel. WrIght of LonDon 1616.

This MS discussed, with facsimiles of ff. 36r, 40v and 44v, in P.J. Klemp, Betwixt the Hammer and the Anvill: Lancelot Andrewes's Revision Techniques in the Manuscript of His 1620 Easter Sermon, PBSA, 89/2 (June 1995), 149-82.

Sermon 14 Of the Resurrection, Easter 1620, on John xx. 11-17

First published as A Sermon on Easter Day (London, 1620). LACT, Sermons, III (1841), 3-22. Lancelot Andrewes, Sermons, ed. G.M. Story (Oxford, 1967), pp. 192-217.

AndL 12

Copy, in a predominantly secretary hand, possibly that of Samuel Wright.

In: A quarto composite volume of ecclesiastical tracts and sermons, in different hands, possibly associated with Lancelot Andrewes, 98 leaves, in quarter-calf marbled boards.

Inscribed on the last page (f. 98v) by Andrewes's secretary samMVel. WrIght of LonDon 1616.

This MS discussed, with facsimiles of ff. 36r, 40v and 44v, in P.J. Klemp, Betwixt the Hammer and the Anvill: Lancelot Andrewes's Revision Techniques in the Manuscript of His 1620 Easter Sermon, PBSA, 89/2 (June 1995), 149-82.

This MS recorded (but not collated) in Story, p. xlix.

Sermons on the Resurrection
AndL 12.2

Notes taken out of Dr Andrewes booke of Sermons Bpp: of Winchester of the Resurrection. 1 pet. 1. 3. 4. leafe 493., beginning Blessed bee God the father of or Lord Jesus....

In: Copy of Certaine Collections of the Right honble: Elizabeth late Countesse of Huntingdon for her owne private vse, 31 quarto leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum, gnawed by rodents.

A compilation of prayers and devotional meditations, in a single predominantly secretary hand.

AndL 12.4

Notes taken out of Dr Andrewes booke of Sermons, Bpp: of winchester of the resurrection 1 pet. 1. 3. 4 leafe 193.

In: Copy of Certaine Collections of the Right Honble: Elizabeth late Countesse of Huntingdon for her owne private vse, 33 quarto leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum, heavily damp-stained.

A compilation of prayers and devotional meditations, transcribed in a professional rounded hand by or for Edward Sandys and with his dedicatory address For the now Rt Honble Elizabeth Countess of Huntingdon July 20th 1676.

AndL 12.5

Notes taken out of Dr Andrewes Booke of Sermons, Bpp: of Winchester of the Resurection. 1 pet. 1.3.4. leafe 493.

In: Copy of Certaine Collections of the Right Honble: Elizabeth late Countesse of Huntingdon for her owne private vse, 30 quarto leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum, mutilated.

A compilation of prayers and devotional meditations, in a single rounded hand.

AndL 12.7

Notes taken out of Dr Andrewes booke of Sermons Bpp: of Winchester of the Resurrection. 1 pet. 1. 3. 4. leaf. 493., beginning Blessed bee God the ffather of or Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his aboundant mercy....

In: Copy of Certaine Collections of the right honble: Elizabeth late Countesse of Huntingdon for her owne private vse, 29 quarto leaves (plus blanks), in vellum.

A compilation of prayers and devotional meditations, in a single mixed hand.


Discussed, with a facsimile of f. 1r, in Victoria E. Burke, Materiality and Form in the Seventeenth-Century Miscellanies of Anne Southwell, Elizabeth Hastings, and Jane Truesdale, EMS, 16 (2011), 219-41.

Sermon preached at Westminster, Whit-Sunday, 23 May 1602, on John 16: 7


AndL 12.9

Manningham's notes on the sermon as heard by him.

In: A duodecimo diary and notebook of extracts, in a single small secretary hand, 133 leaves, dated from January 1601/2 to April 1603, in modern quarter crushed morocco on cloth boards gilt.

Compiled by John Manningham (c.1575-1622), lawyer, of the Middle Temple.

The Diary edited by John Bruce, Camden Society 99 (London, 1868). The Diary of John Manningham of the Middle Temple 1602-1603, ed. R.P. Sorlien (Hanover, NH, 1976). Facsimiles of f. 12r in DLB, vol. 62, Elizabethan Dramatists, ed. Fredson Bowers (Detroit, 1987), p. 318, and of f. 29v in The British Inheritance: A Treasury of Historic Documents, ed. Elizabeth Hallam and Andrew Prescott (London, 1999), p. 44.

This MS discussed in P.J. Klemp, John Manningham's Diary and a Lost Whit-Sunday Sermon by Lancelot Andrewes, Studies in Bibliography, 54 (2001), 137-55.



AndL 13

Copy of Sermons by Bish: Andrewes, in probably four hands, comprising three sermons and five sets of sermon-notes (one a fragment), the texts from Philemon (2: 5-8), Hebrews (10: 28-9), Romans (4: 25; 13: 11-14), John (20: 22-3; 5: 14), Psalms (107: 6), and Luke (15: 1-7).

In: A folio composite volume of tracts and papers, in various hands, 250 leaves, in modern leather.
AndL 13.2

Extracts from Good Friday sermons.

In: A large quarto volume of meditations, in a single italic hand, 332 pages (plus over 100 blank pages), in contemporary calf gilt. c.1686-1703?


AndL 13.4

A series of extracts, headed Bishop Andrewes Sermons.

In: A quarto commonplace book, in Latin and English, in a predominantly secretary hand throughout, written from both ends, 130 leaves (including many blanks after f. 57), in contemporary vellum. c.1634-7.

Inscribed inside the front cover Philip Broome 10th Novembr 1634.

*AndL 13.5

Autograph notes and heavily revised drafts of two Court sermons, Of the Right and Power of Calling Assemblies (for the second Hampton Court Conference, 1606), and for the Gunpowder Plot Anniversiary in 1606.

In: A quarto autograph notebook by Andrewes, in Latin, Greek and Hebrew, on Politia Israelis Pphana seu ciuilis and on Ministerium Novi Testamenti, 147 leaves (plus blanks), in old calf. c.1600s.

Inscribed (f. 103r) By me S C. Old pressmark C. 2. 21.

AndL 13.7

Extracts, in a cursive italic hand, headed Out of Dr Andrewes his Sermons.

In: An octavo commonplace book, in several hands, 198 leaves, in contemporary calf with traces of ties.

Compiled in part by William Drake, MP (1606-69), of Shardeloes, near Amersham, Buckinghamshire.


Later in the library of Charles Kay Ogden (1889-1957), psychologist, linguist, and book collector.

Drake's commonplace books discussed in Stuart Clark, Wisdom Literature of the Seventeenth Century: A Guide to the Contents of the Bacon-Tottel Commonplace Books, Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 6, Part 5 (1976), 291-305; 7, Part 1 (1977), 46-73, and in Kevin Sharpe, Reading Revolutions (New Haven & London, 2000).

AndL 13.8

Extracts, headed Dr Andrewes, beginning All things haue a time saith Salomon Eccles. 3.1....

In: A sextodecimo commonplace book of extracts, in two or more cursive hands, written from both ends, 102 leaves, in contemporary calf. c.1640s-60s.

Owned by William Drake, MP (1606-69), of Shardeloes, near Amersham, Buckinghamshire. Later in the library of Charles Kay Ogden (1889-1957), psychologist, linguist, and book collector.

(2) Miscellaneous Works

Collections concerning the Sign of the Cross

Unpublished (as a collection of extracts). Recorded in Welsby, p. 82.

AndL 14

Extracts in Latin from the works of Tertullian, Cyprian, and Origen, in a roman hand, with annotations in another italic hand, an inscription in yet another hand at the foot of f. 201v Dr Androwes collections out of some fathers concerning the signe of the Crosse. 1605, on six pages of four folio leaves.

In: A folio composite volume of papers relating to the Reformation in England, in various hands, 220 leaves, mounted on guards, in modern morocco.

Bookplate of John Fuller Russell.

De jurejurando ε'πάκτω, theologica determinatio

Andrewes's 1591 Cambridge thesis relating to the swearing of oaths, first published in Richard Cosin, An Apologie for Sundrie Proceedings by Iurisdiction Ecclesiasticall, 2nd edition (London, 1593), pp. 242-55. Opuscula quaedam posthuma (London, 1629). LACT, Opuscula (1852), pp. 95-115.

AndL 15

Copy of a free translation into English, following (on pp. 1-23) a tract (by Thomas Cartwright (1535-1603)) entitled A defence of the conduct of the Puritan ministers…; headed Vnto this treatise this Answeare is made in the Name and behalfe of the Bishopps and the high Commission by docter Andrewes... and beginning Whether it be lawfull by the lawe of god, for the magistrate to require an oathe of the defendant....

In: A MS volume containing two tracts by Thomas Cartwright and Lancelot Andrewes and a letter by Archbishop Grindal, 64 quarto pages in all, bound in a vellum deed. c.1590s.


This MS recorded in HMC 78, Hastings MSS, I (1928), 430-1.

De usuris, theologica determinatio

First published in Opuscula quaedam posthuma (London, 1629). LACT, Opuscula (1852), pp. 117-50.

AndL 16

Copy, in a professional italic hand, a few annotations in another hand, with a title-page ...De Vsura, etiam lege humana permissa. Authore Lanceloto Andrews; proposita... in Scholis publicis pro asseguedo Baccalaureatus in S.S. Theologia gradu Cantabrigiæ decimo Kalendas Maij. 1585o. c.1585.

In: A quarto composite volume of miscellaneous tracts and papers, in various hands, 243 leaves, in modern calf gilt.

This MS collated in LACT.

A Discourse against Second Marriage after Divorce

First published in LACT, Minor Works (1854), pp. 106-10.

AndL 17
In: Composite volume of papers belonging to Sir William Herrick (1562-1653) and his family in Leicestershire, iv + 320 leaves. c.1619-26.

Once owned, and indexed, by J.G. Nichols. Hoffmann and Freeman's sale catalogue No. 25 (1968), part of item 27.

AndL 18

Copy, lacking the last leaf (for which see AndL 19).

In: A folio composite volume of state letters and tracts, 176 leaves.
AndL 19

The last leaf of AndL 18.

In: A folio composite volume of papers on canon law, 320 leaves.
AndL 20

Copy, in Starkey's hand, headed A Discourse written by Doctor Androwes Bishop of Ely against seaconde marriage after sentence of Diuorce wth a formor match the Partis then Liuing in Ano. 1601.

In: A folio volume of state papers, tracts and verse, in professional secretary hands, predominantly that of Ralph Starkey (c.1569-1628), antiquary, and including the Feathery Scribe, 349 leaves, in 19th-century half-morocco. c.1624-8.

Afterwards owned by Sir Simonds D'Ewes, Bt, MP (1602-50), diarist and antiquary. Inscribed (f. 2r) G Hewett.

Briefly described in Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes: Manuscripts and their Makers in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford, 1998), pp. 227-8 (No. 27).

Edited from this MS in LACT.

AndL 20.5

Copy, untitled, slightly imperfect.

In: A folio composite collection of state papers and tracts, chiefly relating to matrimonial matters, in various hands, c.538 leaves, now bound in two volumes (ff. 1-302, and ff. 303-538).
AndL 21

Copy, in a secretary hand, as by Dr. Andrewes Bp of Ely, (now of Winton), and subscribed Lancelot Ely Ano. 1601. Early 17th century.

In: A quarto composite volume of theological tracts, in various hands, 524 leaves, in modern calf gilt.
AndL 22


In: A quarto composite volume of MSS.

Volume XXIV of the collections of White Kennett (1660-1728), Bishop of Peterborough, historian.

Late 17th century.

The text corrected from this MS in LACT.

AndL 23

Copy, on six leaves.

In: A composite volume of twenty tracts, in 19th-century half-calf.

Not available for examination for conservation reasons.

AndL 24

Copy, headed A discourse written by Doctor Androwes Byshop of Elie against second mariage after sentence of diuorce wth a former match the parties then liuing: in Anno, 1601.

In: A folio volume of state tracts and papers relating chiefly to Privy Council matters, in several largely professional secretary hands, 266 leaves, in half-vellum marbled boards. c.1620s-30s.

Sotheby's, 15 March 1895, lot 207. In the library of Herbert Somerton Foxwell (1849-1936), economist and bibliographer.

Form for Consecrating Church Plate

First published in LACT, Minor Works (1854), pp. 159-63.

AndL 25

Copy, in a small neat italic hand, headed A coppie of the forme vsed by the Lo: Bishop of Elye in Consecrating the newe Church plate of the Cathedrall Church of Worcr.

In: A quarto composite volume of ecclesiastical and state letters and papers, in various hands and paper sizes, 315 pages, in later black morocco gilt.

Collected by, and partly in the hand of, William Sancroft (1617-93), Archbishop of Canterbury.

Among collections of Henry Wharton (1664-94), William Sancroft's chaplain (in 1688-9).

Edited from this MS in LACT.

AndL 26

Copy, in a mixed hand, headed The order of Consecrateinge plate for the Altar, unascribed, on a pair of conjugate folio leaves.

In: A large folio composite volume of ecclesiastical tracts and papers, in various hands, 100 leaves, in half red morocco on cloth boards gilt.

This MS collated in LACT.

AndL 27

Copy, in a roman hand, headed Order of Consecrating Plate for the Altar, unascribed, on five pages of two pairs of conjugate folio leaves. Mid-17th century.

In: A large folio composite volume of ecclesiastical tracts and papers, in various hands, 100 leaves, in half red morocco on cloth boards gilt.
Form of Consecration of a Church and Churchyard

First published in London, 1659. LACT, Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine (1846), pp. 307-33.

AndL 28

Copy in two hands, headed Consecratio et dedicatio Capellæ Jesu cum cæmeterio eiusdem, in vasto solo, dicto Ridgway Heath, iuxta Southamptoniam.

In: A quarto composite volume of ecclesiastical tracts and sermons, in various hands, in modern quarter-calf.
AndL 29

Copy, headed (with insertions in another hand) Consecratio [et Dedicatio] Capelle Jesu [cum Cemiterio &c.] juxta Southampton[ione] cum Cemeterio ejusdem, in vasto solo Ridgeway Heath…Sept. 17. 1620.

In: A quarto volume of theological and state tracts, written from both ends, the first part (ff. 1r-131r) chiefly in the hand of John Overall (1561-1619), Bishop of Norwich, ii + 131 leaves at one end, x + 132 leaves (plus a number of blanks) at the other. Mid-17th century.

Once owned by John Moore (1646-1714), Bishop of Norwich and Ely.

AndL 30

Copy, in a neat predominantly secretary hand, the Latin version headed (p. 1) The Conseruation of Jesus Chapell neer Southampton by the Rt Reverend father in God Lancelot Lo: Bp of Winchester, the English and Latin version headed (p. 5) Consecratio et Dedicatio Capelle Jesu cum cæmeterio eiusdem in vasto solo dicto Ridgeway Heath iuxta Southtampton [sic].

In: A quarto composite volume of state and ecclesiastical tracts, speeches and letters, in several professional hands, 653 pages (including blanks), in contemporary vellum boards.

Inscribed names of John Paman (p. 57), Rob Hare (p. 81), Rob Toynton (p. 294), and Henry Myrielle (p. 656). Donated by William Moore by 1681.

Judgment of the Lambeth Articles

First published in Articuli Lambethani (London, 1651). LACT, Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine (1846), pp. 287-300.

AndL 31

Copy, headed Sententia dris Andrews episcopi Wintoniensis de Articulis Lambethanis….

In: A quarto composite volume of ecclesiastical papers, in various hands, i + 76 leaves, in contemporary calf.

Among collections of Francis Cherry (1665-1713), of Shollesbrooke, Berkshire, nonjuror.

AndL 32

Copy, in a secretary hand, headed Articuli Lambethani exhibiti per D: Whitakeru, Nov: 20. 1595. Annexa et eoru Censura Theses exhibitæ. Early 17th century.

In: A quarto composite volume of theological and parliamentary tracts and a play, in various hands, 186 leaves, in quarter red morocco.

Bookplate of Sir John Dolben, second Baronet (1684-1756), of Finedon, Northamptonshire, clergyman. Purchased from Sotheran, 13 June 1893.

AndL 32.5

Copy, headed Articuli Lambethani.

In: A large quarto theological miscellany, in English and Latin, 177 leaves, in modern half-morocco.

Volume III of the collections of Dr James Wedderburn (1585-1639), Bishop of Dunblane.

AndL 33

Copy, headed Historia de articulis Lambethanis exhibitis per D. Whitakerum. Nov. 20, 1595.; imperfect.

In: A quarto composite volume of MSS, 119 leaves. c.1600.
AndL 33.5

Copy, in an italic hand, headed Historia de Articulis Lambethanis.

In: A small quarto composite volume of ecclesiastical tracts, in several hands, 77 leaves, in 19th-century half-morocco.

Parts once owned by Sir Henry Spelman (1563/4-1631), historian and antiquary. Later owned by Dawson Turner (1775-1858), banker, botanist, and antiquary. Puttick & Simpson, 6 June 1859 (Turner sale), lot 150, to Coleman. Bookplate of Charles Golding (1865). Purchased in 1925 from Lange.

The Manner of Induction prescribed by Bishop Andrewes

First published in LACT, Minor Works (1854), p. 164.

AndL 34

Copy, in an italic hand, headed The Manner of Induction præscribed by ye R: Reud Lancelot Andrewes Bp of Chichester, Ely & Winchester.

In: A quarto composite volume of ecclesiastical and state letters and papers, in various hands and paper sizes, 315 pages, in later black morocco gilt.

Collected by, and partly in the hand of, William Sancroft (1617-93), Archbishop of Canterbury.

Among collections of Henry Wharton (1664-94), William Sancroft's chaplain (in 1688-9).

Edited from this MS in LACT.

Manuductio ad theologiam polemicam


AndL 35

Copy of notes on the scriptures, in Latin, unascribed.

In: An octavo volume of theological works, in two or more predominantly italic hands, written from both ends, 189 leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary calf. Mid-17th century.

Later owned by David Baxter. Sotheby's, 19 July 1994, lot 3. Formerly Cambridge University Library MS Add. 7976.

Ministerium Novi Testamenti

See AndL 43.

The Moral Law Expounded

See AndL 42.

Notes on the Book of Common Prayer

First published in William Nicholls, A Comment on the Book of Common Prayer (London, 1710). LACT, Minor Works (1854), pp. 141-58.

AndL 36

Copy in two hands, headed Notes found in Bp. Andrews Seruice-booke: written with his owne hand, on leaves bound at the end.

In: A printed Book of Common Prayer (1625), with a note (f. 9r) in the hand of Humphrey Wanley (1672-1726) claiming (erroneously) that the volume is annotated by Bishop John Cosin. Mid-17th century.

Once owned by Thomas Baker (1656-1740).

This MS described and collated in LACT.

AndL 37

Copy, headed Notes found in Bishop Andrew Seruice Booke, written with his owne hand.

In: A small quarto volume of tracts, 42 leaves, dated at the end 12 April 1638. c.1638.
AndL 38
Some of the text of Andrewes's Notes incorporated in Cosin's copious annotations in his exemplum of The Book of Common Prayer (1619), a large folio, in dark morocco on wooden boards with metal clasps, the volume prepared by him and his chaplain William Sancroft for a new edition. 1660-1.

In the library of John Cosin (1595-1672), Bishop of Durham. Formerly S.R.5.F.3.

Edited (apparently) in part from this MS in Nicholls. Described and collated in LACT.

AndL 39

Copy, in an italic hand, headed IHS. Some few notes found in a Common prayer booke wch Bp Andrewes used, written with his owne hand.

In: A folio guardbook of ecclesiastical and state papers, in various hands and paper sizes, 939 pages, in half black morocco gilt.

Comprising mainly papers of William Laud (1573-1645), Archbishop of Canterbury.

This MS described and collated in LACT.

AndL 40
Notes in the minute hand of William Sancroft (1617-93), Archbishop of Canterbury, on the Book of Common Prayer, vi + 566 quarto pages (the majority blank), in contemporary calf.

Largely transcribed out of Mr [John] Hayward's booke of Coton. wch were partly his owne collections, & ptly taken out of Bp Andrewes his owne service booke, written in ye Margin wth his owne hand, to whch is prfixed Wint or W. for Winchester of wch he was Bp.

Mid-late 17th century.
AndL 40.5
Copy of Andrewes's notes, among other MS notes in a printed exemplum of The Book of Common Prayer (Cambridge, 1635).

Possibly in the hand of Mr More [? William Moore (1590-1659), of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge University Librarian], from whom the volume was purchased by John Covel (1638-1722), diplomat and Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge.

Mid-late 17th century.

Bonham's, 27 June 2006, lot 382, with a facsimile page in the sale catalogue.

AndL 41
MS. 17th century.

Owned in 1710 by the Rev. C. Neil, vicar of Northallerton, North Yorkshire.

Edited partly from this MS in Nicholls (1710): see LACT, p. 143.

Paraphrase on the Lords Prayer


AndL 41.5

Copy, headed Dr: Androes Paraphrase on the Lords prayer, beginning If any be distrest, & faine would gather some comfort, let him hast vnto -- our ffather.

In: An octavo miscellany of verse and prose, closely written in possibly several minute predominantly secretary hands, 291 leaves (ff. 212-16 bound out of order after f. 24), in modern calf. c.1640s.

Inscribed (f. 1r) Joseph Hall (not the bishop). Later owned by John Payne Collier (1789-1883), literary scholar, editor and forger, who has entered in pseudo-17th-century secretary script copies of various ballads on ff. 39r-41r, 107v-79r, 181r-v, 227r-8v, 243r-6r, as well as adding foliation (1-284) before the more recent foliation (1-291, used below). Quaritch's sale catalogue of English Literature (August-November 1884), item 22350, Collier's transcript of the MS made c.1860 being item 22352. Formerly Folger MS 2071.7.

Discussed, with facsimile examples, in Giles E. Dawson, John Payne Collier's Great Forgery, SB, 24 (1971), 1-26.

A Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine

First published in London, 1630. A version published as The Moral Law expounded (London, 1642). Another version printed, from the Author's own copy, London, 1650. LACT (1841).

AndL 42
Copy, headed Bishop Andrewes on the Ten commandments; incomplete (going as far as p. 848 of the edition of 1642), on 324 folio leaves. Mid-17th century.
AndL 42.5

Extracts from Andrewes's works, most notably from A Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine, including entries on pp. 71, 86, 202, 288, 386, 445, 449, 451bis, 452, 569, 593, and 646 (rev.).

In: A folio commonplace book of entries arranged under subject headings, in a single hand, written from both ends, 652 pages (plus some unnumbered), in modern cloth. Mid-17th century.

A modern pencil note on a flyleaf claims to identify the compiler as one Raworth.

Politia Israelis


*AndL 43

Systematic autograph notes on biblical chronology relating to government.

In: A quarto autograph notebook by Andrewes, in Latin, Greek and Hebrew, on Politia Israelis Pphana seu ciuilis and on Ministerium Novi Testamenti, 147 leaves (plus blanks), in old calf. c.1600s.

Inscribed (f. 103r) By me S C. Old pressmark C. 2. 21.

A Prayer used by Andrewes before his Sermons

Versions appear, as The forme of Prayer used by Bishop Andrews after the opening of the Text and as Another Exhortation to Prayer, used by Bishop Andrewes after his opening of the Text, in Private Devotions (London, 1647), pp. 152-61, 161-6. These are edited and collated in P.J. Klemp, Lancelot Andrewes's Prayer before Sermon: A Parallel-Text Edition, Bodleian Library Record, 11 (1985), 300-19 (cols 2 and 3).

AndL 43.5

Copy, headed Bp. Andrews's prayer before Sermon in Q: Elizabeth's reign.

In: A folio composite volume of ecclesiastical papers, in various hands, 369 leaves, in contemporary calf. Early 18th century.

Compiled by, and partly in the hand of, the Rev. John Lewis (1675-1747), of Margate, antiquary.

Edited from this MS in Klemp (col. 1).

AndL 43.8

Copy, in a neat mixed hand, of A Prayer vsed by ye R.R.-L.A. before his Sermons, beginning That to what end the holy word of God was by him ordeined....

In: An octavo devotional miscellany, 53 leaves (paginated 19-124), in contemporary vellum boards.

Donated by Ed. Rud, S. T. P., Trin: Coll; Cant: Soc: 1717.

Edited from this MS in Klemp (col. 4).

Preces privatae

First published in an English translation as The Private Devotions, ed. Humphrey Moseley (London, 1647). Selections of the original Greek and Latin version published in Verus Christianus, ed. David Stokes (Oxford, 1668). A more comprehensive version published as Preces privatae, Graece et Latine, ed. John Lamphire (London, 1675). Translated by F.E. Brightman as The Preces Privatae of Lancelot Andrewes (London, 1903).

AndL 44
Copy in the hand of an amanuensis, incomplete, 188 pages (169-88 blank), in vellum.

Given by Andrewes in 1626 to William Laud (1573-1645), later Archbishop of Canterbury. Later owned by one J. Mandevile (name inscribed p. 188); by W. Bristow (fl.1760s), bookseller or auctioneer in Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, London; and by R.G. Livingstone, whose daughter Isobel Henrietta bequeathed it to the Bodleian in 1969.


Edited from this MS in The Greek Devotions of Lancelot Andrewes, ed. Peter Goldsmith Medd (London, 1892). Described in Brightman, pp. xiii-xv.

AndL 45
Copy, in the hand of Andrewes's secretary, Samuel Wright, given by Wright to Richard Drake, with Drake's annotations, and with further additions and corrections in another hand. c.1626-48.

This MS described in Brightman, pp. xvi-xviii.

AndL 46
Copy, transcribed from Samuel Wright's copy in its original state. c.1626-48.

Formerly in the Barham Library belonging to the Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge.

This MS described in Brightman, p. xviii.

AndL 47
Copy of a version of Preces privatae, partly in Latin, partly in English, in two hands, xvi + 126 pages, in old reversed calf.

Prepared by Gilbert Sheldon (1598-1677), Archbishop of Canterbury, for the Shirley family of Staunton Harold, Leicestershire, when he was chaplain there, pages 1-75 in his hand; pages 77-126 in another, formal mixed, hand and including (p. 119) prayers for Sir Seymour Shirley (1647-67) when he was a boy.


Item 597 in a sale catalogue of Messrs Bull and Auvache, London. Bookstamp and inscription of William H. Wade-Gery, Bushmead, Willesden. Afterwards owned by David Baxter. Sotheby's, 19 July 1994, lot 4. Formerly Cambridge University Library MS Add. 7977.

This MS the most complete version known and including much unpublished material. Facsimile of two pages in Sotheby's sale catalogue.

AndL 48

Copy of a series of Latin prayers constituting Pars tertia of the Preces, in a mixed roman and secretary hand, inscribed (f. 1r) Ex manu propria Lancelloti Andrews wintoniensis olim Episcopi, sicut a fide dignis accepi, with an illuminated coat of arms (f. 2r), 44 octavo leaves (plus numerous blanks), in contemporary calf lettered on each cover in gilt V M, with remains of metal clasps.

Early-mid-17th century.

This MS described in Brightman, p. xviii.

AndL 48.5
Copy, on five quarto pages. 18th century.

Later in the Oxford library of John Sparrow (1906-92), literary scholar and book collector.

AndL 49
Copy of an English translation, closely related to the 1647 edition of The Private Devotions, headed The Horologe, or Diall of Praier, and including A Praier vsed, by the R: R: L: A: before his Sermons, bearing the initials N.P. (?Nicholas Preston), 156 pages. c.1640-50.

Owned in 1903 by Henry Willett of Brighton.

This MS described in Brightman, p. lx.

AndL 49.5

Extracts, in English and Latin. Early 18th century.

In: A folio composite volume of state and legal tracts and other papers, in various hands, 404 leaves, in half-calf.
Quaestionis nunquid per jus Divinum magistratui

See AndL 15.

Responsiones ad Petri Molinaei epistolas tres

First published in Opuscula quaedam posthuma (London, 1629). LACT, Opuscula (1852), pp. 173-216 (pp. 175-92).

AndL 50

Copy (with copies of Molin's Latin epistles to Andrewes, 1618).

In: A quarto volume of theological and state tracts, written from both ends, the first part (ff. 1r-131r) chiefly in the hand of John Overall (1561-1619), Bishop of Norwich, ii + 131 leaves at one end, x + 132 leaves (plus a number of blanks) at the other. Mid-17th century.

Once owned by John Moore (1646-1714), Bishop of Norwich and Ely.

A Speech delivered in the Star-chamber against the two Judaical opinions of M. Traske

First published in Opuscula quaedam posthuma (London, 1629). LACT, Minor Works (1854), pp. 81-94.

AndL 51

Copy, in a secretary hand, headed in another hand Concerninge abstinence fro meats & Observation of ye Jewes Sabboth. Against Trask. by Dr Andrewes B: of Elye.

In: A quarto composite volume of ecclesiastical tracts and sermons, in various hands, in modern quarter-calf.
AndL 52

Copy, headed Against Traskes trash.

In: A quarto volume of theological and state tracts, written from both ends, the first part (ff. 1r-131r) chiefly in the hand of John Overall (1561-1619), Bishop of Norwich, ii + 131 leaves at one end, x + 132 leaves (plus a number of blanks) at the other. Mid-17th century.

Once owned by John Moore (1646-1714), Bishop of Norwich and Ely.

A Speech delivered in the Star-Chamber, concerning Vows, in the Countess of Shrewsbury's Case

First published in Opuscula quaedam posthuma (London, 1629). LACT, Minor Works (1854), pp. 95-105.

AndL 53

Copy, in a secretary hand, the heading in another hand.

In: A quarto composite volume of ecclesiastical tracts and sermons, in various hands, in modern quarter-calf.
AndL 54


In: A quarto volume of theological and state tracts, written from both ends, the first part (ff. 1r-131r) chiefly in the hand of John Overall (1561-1619), Bishop of Norwich, ii + 131 leaves at one end, x + 132 leaves (plus a number of blanks) at the other. Mid-17th century.

Once owned by John Moore (1646-1714), Bishop of Norwich and Ely.

*AndL 54.5

An autograph narrative outline based on AndL 43.

In: A quarto autograph notebook by Andrewes, in Latin, Greek and Hebrew, on Politia Israelis Pphana seu ciuilis and on Ministerium Novi Testamenti, 147 leaves (plus blanks), in old calf. c.1600s.

Inscribed (f. 103r) By me S C. Old pressmark C. 2. 21.

A basis for the 1641 edition of A Summary View.

A Summary View of the Government both of the Old and New Testament

First published (as a work edited by Archbishop James Ussher from Andrewes's rude Draughts) in Certain briefe Treatises, written by divers learned men, concerning the ancient and modern Government of the Church (Oxford, 1641). In LACT, Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine (1846), pp. 335-62.

See also AndL 43.

AndL 55
Copy, in a cursive italic hand, 21 quarto leaves (plus five blanks), with two title-pages.

The first reading The Forme [Ecclesiasticall Politie deleted] of [the deleted] Church Government Before & After [& After deleted] Christ As it is expressed in the Old & New Testament. The Copie of Bp Andr work as he left it; the second (deleted) title-page reading A Summary view of ye Governemt of The Commonwealth & Church among ye Israelites in ye Old Testamt And of the Governmt of ye Church planted by Christ & his Aples in ye new Testamt written by ye Rt. Rd. father Bishop Andrews.

Early 17th century.

Inscribed John Simpson 1640.

Tortura torti

First published in London, 1609.

AndL 55.2


In: A quarto composite volume of state and religious tracts and sermons, in various hands, 233 leaves, in contemporary vellum boards.
AndL 55.4

Extracts, partly in double columns.

In: A quarto academic notebook, in Latin and English, in two or more hands, 186 leaves, in contemporary limp vellum. c.1614.

Among scribbling on f. 1r is twice inscribed the name Nicolas Dudson, possibly Nicholas Dochen (d.1619), Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford.

AndL 55.5

Extracts, in Latin, the first headed Bishop: Andrews. ad Card: Bell:: Apolog: Responsio. p. 11.; the second De Reliquiis: Epis; Andr: Resp: Bett: p. 47:.

In: An octavo notebook of largely ecclesiastical prose and some verse, chiefly in Latin, English and French, in a cursive italic hand, possibly a second hand on ff. 59r-66r, written from both ends, 96 leaves (including some blanks), in contemporary calf, with metal clasps.

Compiled probably by an English cleric in France, who writes (f. 1v) I came to Maule. Aug. 16th at night, 1656 and (f. 16r) records visiting Lord Hatton at his house in St Germains, Paris, where he is shown books and manuscripts, on 1 August NS 1656.


Christie's, 27 March 1985, lot 154.

AndL 55.6

Extracts from sermons, in the hand of the fourth Earl of Bedford, headed Andres at St Martins and again Andres (both indexed by a scribe in the table of headings as by Dr Andrewes).

In: A folio commonplace book, in several hands, written from both ends, with a table of subject headings, begun 7 March 1624/5, 358 pages of text (plus blanks),

Chiefly in the rugged italic hand of Francis Russell, MP (1593-1641), fourth Earl of Bedford, politician, partly in the rounded secretary hand of an amanuensis and two others.


Recorded in HMC, 2nd Report (1871), Appendix, p. 1.

AndL 55.7

Extracts from Andrewes's sermons.

In: A folio volume of verse and prose extracts, those on pp. 321-7 headed Observables of a Miscellaneous Nature, those on pp. 367-77 Witty Sentences, in a single cursive secretary hand, 377 pages (including numerous blanks), in reversed brown calf.

Among the family collection established by Christopher Mickleton (1612-69), Durham attorney, and by his eldest son James (1638-93), lawyer and antiquary, which was later incorporated in the collections of Gilbert Spearman (1675-1738), lawyer and antiquary.

AndL 55.8

Extracts from various works by Bp Andrews, including (ff. 26v-7r) Sermon .5. of ye Gunpoud: Treason Pg 938; (f. 27v) Sermon of worshipping Imaginations pg 26. 27; (f. 28r) Of Worshipping Angells; (f. 30br-v) Serm: of ye Resurrection. pg. 385...388...391; (f. 33v) Agst Worshiping Serm: p. 8. and ist Sermon of ye Nativity pg. 8; (ff. 37v-8r) Of Preaching...epist: to ye King, before Bp Andrew's Sermons; (f. 40r) ist Serm: on ye Nativitie. p. 6-7. - et 4.5.; and (f. 40v) Of ye Verity Of ye Xtian Religion...2 sermon pg X.

In: A quarto composite commonplace book of extracts chiefly from religious works, in probably several hands, one predominating, ff. 115r-27r occupied by a sporadic journal for 1715-21 in later hands, 131 leaves (including blanks), in old half-calf.

Compiled by Dr Thomas Lewis (d.1746), of the Royal College of Physicians.


Marginalia in Printed Books and Manuscripts

Castro, Alfonsus de. Aduersus omnes haereses (Antwerp, 1556)
*AndL 56
Exemplum with autograph annotations.
Demosthenes. Orations (Basle, 1547)
*AndL 57
Andrewes's printed exemplum, given to him by Dr Thomas Watts, with Andrewes's autograph annotations in Greek.

This item recorded in Chambers, p. 109, and in Preces Privatae, ed. F.E. Brightman (London, 1903), pp. xiv-xv. Facsimile of the title-page, with Andrewes's signature, in Welsby, facing p. 47.

Hus, Jan, et al. Historia et monumenta, prima pars (Nuremberg, 1558)
*AndL 58
Andrewes's printed exemplum, once owned by John Foxe, with a few annotations also by Andrewes.

This MS recorded in Chambers, p. 112.


AndL 59

Autograph letter signed, to Sir Francis Walsingham, 24 May 1589.

In: A folio composite volume of original letters, in various hands.

Edited in LACT, Minor Works (1854), pp. xxxix-xl. Facsimile in Chris Fletcher et al., 1000 Years of English Literature: A Treasury of Literary Manuscripts (British Library, 2003), p. 49.

AndL 60

Copy of a letter by Andrewes, to Dr Henry Parry, on the death of Richard Hooker, 7 November 1600.

In: A quarto commonplace book, in two hands, compiled by John Blackbourne, MA (1683-1741), nonjuror bishop. Early 18th century.

Edited in The Works of Richard Hooker (Oxford, 1793). Reprinted in LACT, Minor Works (1854), pp. xl-xli. Yale edition of Hooker, Volume 3, pp. xiii-xiv.

*AndL 61
Autograph letter signed, to Sir Robert Cecil, 22 August 1601. 1601

Synopsis printed in HMC 9, Salisbury MSS, XI (1906), 355.

AndL 62
Autograph letter signed, to Sir George More, 3 December 1603.

Among the Loseley Papers of the More family. Formerly at Loseley Park, Vol. XII, No. 115.

*AndL 63

Autograph letter signed by Andrewes, to Abraham Hartwell, from Lambeth, 30 November 1604.

In: A folio composite volume of original papers of the Society of Antiquaries, in various hands, 221 leaves, in modern half-morocco on cloth boards gilt.

Edited in LACT, Minor Works (1854), pp. xli-xlii. Facsimile in IELM, I.i (1980), p. 5.

*AndL 64

Autograph letter signed, to Mr Field, 16 August 1605.

In: A folio composite volume of letters by bishops and miscellaneous ecclesiastical papers, in various hands.

Volume XV of the papers of the Scudamore family, of Hom-Lacy and Ballingham, Herefordshire.

*AndL 65

Autograph letter signed, to Mr Field, 26 September 1605.

In: A folio composite volume of letters by bishops and miscellaneous ecclesiastical papers, in various hands.

Volume XV of the papers of the Scudamore family, of Hom-Lacy and Ballingham, Herefordshire.

*AndL 66

Autograph letter in Latin, signed (Eliensis), to Isaac Casaubon, [1612].

In: A folio composite volume of letters sent to Isaac Casaubon (1559-1614), French classical scholar, in various hands, 288 leaves, in modern half-morocco.

Edited in LACT, Minor Works (1854), pp. xlii-xliv.

*AndL 67
Autograph letter signed, to Sir Thomas Lake. 27 July 1612. 1612.
*AndL 68

Autograph letter in Latin, signed (Eliensis), to Isaac Casaubon, 8 September 1612.

In: A folio composite volume of letters sent to Isaac Casaubon (1559-1614), French classical scholar, in various hands, 288 leaves, in modern half-morocco.

Edited in LACT, Minor Works (1854), pp. xliv-xlv.

*AndL 69

Autograph letter signed, to Sir Dudley Carleton, 24 February 1612/13.

In: A folio guard-book of independent Jacobean state papers, stamped foliation 1-264.
AndL 70

Copy of a letter by Lancelot Andrewes, to Daniel Heinsius, [1614].

In: A folio volume of correspondence of the scholar Isaac Casaubon (1559-1614).

Edited in LACT, Minor Works (1854), pp. xlv-xlvii.

*AndL 71
Autograph letter signed, to Sir John Ogle, 22 May 1614. 1614.
*AndL 72
Autograph letter signed, to Matthias Taylor, 24 May 1615. 1615.
*AndL 73
Autograph letter signed, to Sir Dudley Carleton, from Whitehall, 2 April 1621. 1621.

Facsimile in P.J. Klemp, Betwixt the Hammer and the Anvill: Lancelot Andrewes's Revision Techniques in the Manuscript of His 1620 Easter Sermon, PBSA, 89/2 (June 1995), 149-82 (p. 161).

AndL 74

Copy of a letter by Andrewes to his Archdeacon, 15 August 1622.

In: A folio volume of letters and state papers, in various professional hands, one secretary hand predominating, with a table of contents, 354 leaves, in black leather gilt. c.1630s.
AndL 75

Copy of a letter by Andrewes to his Archdeacon, 15 August 1622.

In: A folio composite volume of state letters and papers, in several professional secretary hands, with (ff. 1r-12v) a Tabula of contents, 315 leaves (including blanks), in old calf gilt.

Stamped crest on the cover of the Finch family, Earls of Winchilsea.

Published in Cabala (London, 1663), p. 112. Reprinted in LACT, Minor Works (1854), pp. xlix-l.

AndL 76

Copy of a letter by Andrewes to his Archdeacon, 15 August 1622.

In: A folio composite volume of state letters, parliamentary speeches and other papers, in various hands and paper sizes, 283 leaves, in 19th-century diced calf gilt.

Volume 9 of the papers of Sir John Eliot (1592-1632), politician.

Among the papers of the Eliot family, Earls of St Germans, of Port Eliot, Cornwall.

Recorded (as Vol. 9) in HMC, 1st Report (1870), Appendix, p. 42.

AndL 77

Copy, headed The Bishopp of Winchesters letter to the Archdeacon, to the same effect., dated from ffarneham 15th of August 1622.

In: A quarto volume of state letters, in a single professional hand, xxvi + c.955 pages (misnumbered around pp. 895-6), including a table of contents (and plus numerous blanks), in contemporary calf gilt, remains of ties. c.1630s.
AndL 78

Copy of Andrewes's letter to the Archdeacon, 15 August 1622.

In: A folio volume of state letters and papers, in several professional secretary hands, 1050 pages (plus a 24-page Tabula of contents at the end), in calf. c.1630s.

Formerly MS F. 2. 20.

*AndL 79
Autograph letter signed by Andrewes, to James Ussher, 11 June 1623.

In one of the folio volumes of correspondence written partly by G.J. Vossius (1577-1649), Dutch classical scholar and theologian.

*AndL 80

Autograph letter signed by Andrewes, to Mr Fenton, from Waltham, 6 August 1624.

In: A folio composite volume of letters and papers, many once belonging to Lancelot Andrewes (including letters to him by Casaubon, Peter du Moulin, Grotius and others), some belonging to Dr Joseph Colston, in various hands and paper sizes, 334 leaves.
*AndL 81
Autograph letter signed by Andrewes, to Sir Edward Conway, 4 November 1625. 1625.
*AndL 82
Autograph letter signed, to the Privy Council, 8 December 1625. 1625.
*AndL 83

An academic letter in Latin, to Lord Burghley, supporting a petition to Queen Elizabeth, signed by Andrewes and others, 23 April 1590.


Facsimile in Alfred Fairbank and Bruce Dickins, The Italic Hand in Tudor Cambridge (London, 1962), Plate 24.


AndL 84

Autograph verse inscription, several lines, signed by Andrewes as Bishop of Ely, dated July 1616.

In: A small square album, or liber amicorum, of miscellaneous autograph inscriptions and coloured coats of arms, belonging to Johannes Opsimathes, of Moravia, 223 leaves, in contemporary vellum.
*AndL 85

A joint letter to Lord Burghley, concerning Mr Mountagues booke, signed by Andrewes and other bishops, 16 January 1625/6.

In: A folio composite volume of state letters, most addressed to George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, in various hands, 483 leaves (plus list of contents), in modern half-morocco.
*AndL 86

Document signed.

In: A file of miscellaneous autograph signatures.
*AndL 87
Document signed. Early 17th century.
*AndL 88
Document signed by Andrewes. Early 17th century.
*AndL 89
Privy Council documents and other joint letters of state, the signatories including Andrewes (Ely). Early 17th century.
*AndL 90
Privy Council documents and other joint letters of state, signed by Andrewes.
*AndL 91
Privy Council documents and other joint letters of state, signed by Andrewes.
*AndL 92
Privy Council documents and other joint letters of state, signed by Andrewes.
*AndL 93
Privy Council documents and other joint letters of state, signed by Andrewes.
*AndL 94
Privy Council documents and other joint letters of state, signed by Andrewes.
*AndL 95
Privy Council documents and other joint letters of state, signed by Andrewes.
AndL 96
A registered copy of Andrewes's last will and testament, dated 16 February 1626/7. 1627.

Edited in LACT, Minor Works (1854), pp. c-cxix.

AndL 97

Copy of Andrewes's last will and testament.

In: A folio composite volume of letters by bishops and miscellaneous ecclesiastical papers, in various hands.

Volume XV of the papers of the Scudamore family, of Hom-Lacy and Ballingham, Herefordshire.

AndL 98

Copy of Andrewes's last will and testament, in two secretary hands, undated.

In: A folio composite volume of state and legal tracts, papers and speeches, in several hands, with (f. 4r) an Index of contents, 338 leaves, in 19th-century half-morocco gilt.