Lincolnshire Archives Office

ANC 7/131

Document signed. Early 17th century.
*AndL 87: Lancelot Andrewes, Document(s)

Anc 15/B/4

A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, largely in a neat italic hand, with additions by others, iii + 232 pages (some pages excised), in contemporary vellum. c.1688.

Inscribed John Brownlowe His Booke: i.e. (? Sir John Brownlow, third Baronet, 1659-97). Among the muniments of the Earl of Ancaster.

pp. 7-12
DrJ 43.9: John Dryden, An Essay upon Satire ('How dull and how insensible a beast')

Copy, with sidenotes identifying persons satirized.

A satire written in 1675 by John Sheffield, Earl of Mulgrave, but it was widely believed by contemporaries (including later Alexander Pope, who had access to Mulgrave's papers) that Dryden had a hand in it, a belief which led to the notorious assault on him in Rose Alley on 18 December 1679, at the reputed instigation of the Earl of Rochester and/or the Duchess of Portsmouth.

First published in London, 1689. POAS, I (1963), pp. 396-413.

The authorship discussed in Macdonald, pp. 217-19, and see John Burrows, Mulgrave, Dryden, and An Essay upon Satire, in Superior in His Profession: Essays in Memory of Harold Love, ed. Meredith Sherlock, Brian McMullin and Wallace Kirsop, Script & Print, 33 (2009), pp. 76-91, where is it concluded, from stylistic analysis, that Mulgrave had by far the major hand. Recorded in Hammond & Hopkins, V, 684, in an Index of Poems Excluded from this Edition.

pp. 13-14
DoC 51: Charles Sackville, Sixth Earl of Dorset, Colon ('As Colon drove his sheep along')

Copy, headed A Satyr on Women about Towne, imperfect at the end.

First published in Poems on Affairs of State (London, 1697). POAS, II (1965), 167-75. Harris, pp. 124-35.

pp. 41-4
MaA 157: Andrew Marvell, A Dialogue between the Two Horses ('Wee read in profane and Sacred records')

Copy, headed Introduccon. A Dialogue Betweene the 2 Statues.

First published in The Second Part of the Collection of Poems on Affairs of State (London, 1689). Margoliouth, I, 208-13, as probably Marvell's. POAS, I, 274-83, as anonymous. Rejected from the canon by Lord.

p. 76
DoC 132: Charles Sackville, Sixth Earl of Dorset, My Opinion ('After thinking this fortnight of Whig and of Tory')


First published in Miscellaneous Works, Written by…George, late Duke of Buckingham (London, 1704-5). POAS, II (1965), 391-2. Harris, pp. 55-6.

p. 99
DrJ 40: John Dryden, Epilogue [to The Unhappy Favourite] ('We Act by Fits and Starts, like drowning Men')

Copy, headed Epilogue.

First published in John Banks, The Unhappy Favourite: or The Earl of Essex (London, 1682). Miscellany Poems (London, 1684). Kinsley, I, 245-6. California, II, 182-3. Hammond & Hopkins, I, 429-32.

p. 106
DoC 326.9: Charles Sackville, Sixth Earl of Dorset, Dorsetts Lamentation for Moll Howards Absence ('Dorset no gentle Nimph can find')


Recorded in Harris, p. 55, as obviously not by Dorset.

pp. 117-18
MaA 242: Andrew Marvell, The Statue in Stocks-Market ('As cities that to the fierce conquerors yield')

Copy, headed On the Statue in the Stocks Markett.

First published in A Collection of Poems on Affairs of State (London, 1689). Margoliouth, I, 188-90. POAS, I, 266-9. Lord, pp. 193-6. Smith, pp. 416-17.

p. 125
DrJ 130: John Dryden, Prologue To The Duke of Guise. Spoken by Mr. Smith ('Our Play's a Parallel: The Holy League')

Copy, headed The Epilogue to the Play of the duke of Guyse.

First published (with two Epilogues) in London, 1682. The Duke of Guise (London, 1683). Kinsley, I, 326-7. POAS, III (1968), 274-7. Danchin, IV, 432-6. Hammond & Hopkins, II, 135-9.

pp. 127, 129
EtG 104: Sir George Etherege, Mrs. Nelly's Complaint ('If Sylla's ghost made bloody Catiline start')


First published in Miscellaneous Works, Written by…Buckingham, Vol. I (London, 1704). Thorpe, pp. 62-4.

F.L. MISC/1/5

Copy, in a cursive secretary hand, with interlineations and corrections in another hand, 24 quarto pages, imperfect, unbound. Early-mid-17th century.

Possibly the MS in Thorpe's Catalogue of upward of fourteen hundred manuscripts (1836), item 8; later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1782-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 9519.

BeJ 16: Sir John Beaumont, Bosworth Field

First published in Bosworth-field: with a taste of the variety of other poems, left by Sir John Beaumont, ed. Sir John Beaumont the Younger (London, 1629). Grosart, pp. 23-63. Sell, pp. 66-83.

Holywell 83/6

LT. & D. 1626/11

Autograph letter signed by Donne, to John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, 22 August 1626. 1626.

Facsimile in Bald, Life, facing p. 567.

*DnJ 4139: John Donne, Letter(s)

Facsimile in Bald, Life, facing p. 567.

MON 21/12/1

Copy of a speech by Bacon in Chancery, on a large sheet of paper, 1607. Early 17th century.

Among papers of principally the Monson family, Barons Monson, of Burton by Lincoln.

BcF 391: Francis Bacon, Speech(es)

Monson 26/III/4

CmW 102.12: William Camden, Remaines of a Greater Worke concerning Britaine

First published, dedicated to Sir Robert Cotton, in London, 1605. 2nd edition (with additions) London, 1614. 3rd edition (with a few further additions) London, 1623. Edited by R.D. Dunn (Toronto, Buffalo & London, 1984).

Worsley MS 35

Extracts. 17th century.
BcF 305.8: Francis Bacon, Novum organum

First published in the unfinished Instauratio magna (London 1620). Spedding, I, 119-363.