Bacon MS 4187
Autograph letter signed, to Lady Anne Drury, [c. January 1608/9?].
Bacon MS 4199
Drafts on a single leaf.
An autograph draft by Donne for a letter by Sir Robert and Lady Drury to Robert Carr, Viscount Rochester, c.December 1611.
An autograph draft by Donne for a letter by Sir Robert and Lady Drury to Sir David Murray, c. December 1611.
Bacon MS 4202
An autograph draft by Donne for a letter by Lady Drury to the Duchesse de Bouillon, [June 1612].
Facsimile in R.C. Bald, Donne & the Drurys (Cambridge, 1959), Plate VI facing p. 101.
Facsimile in R.C. Bald, Donne & the Drurys (Cambridge, 1959), Plate VI facing p. 101.
Bacon MS 4203
A copy in Donne's hand, probably made for Sir Robert Drury, of a letter by Robert Carr, Viscount Rochester, to Henry Howard, Earl of Nottingham, 8 October [1612].
Facsimile in The Sir Nicholas Bacon Collection: An Exhibition at the Joseph Regenstein Library of the University of Chicago (April-June 1972), p. 79.
Facsimile in The Sir Nicholas Bacon Collection: An Exhibition at the Joseph Regenstein Library of the University of Chicago (April-June 1972), p. 79.
Miscellaneous Manuscript Collection / Bacon, Francis [ca. 1621 April 22]
Copy of Bacon's supplication 21 April 1621, in a professional italic hand, on the first three rectos of two unbound pairs of conjugate folio leaves, once folded as a letter or packet, endorsed on the eighth page in another hand 1621 / Submission de Mil: Chanceler faite au Parlemt
BcF 517:
Francis Bacon,
Bacon's Humble Submissions and Supplications
The Humble Submissions and Supplications Bacon sent to the House of Lords, on 19 March 1620/1 (beginning I humbly pray your Lordships all to make a favourable and true construction of my absence...
); 22 April 1621 (beginning It may please your Lordships, I shall humbly crave at your Lordships' hands a benign interpretation...
); and 30 April 1621 (beginning Upon advised consideration of the charge, descending into mine own conscience...
), written at the time of his indictment for corruption. Spedding, XIV, 215-16, 242-5, 252-62.
MS 109
A small quarto composite volume of ecclesiastical tracts, in several hands, 77 leaves, in 19th-century half-morocco.
Parts once owned by Sir Henry Spelman (1563/4-1631), historian and antiquary. Later owned by Dawson Turner (1775-1858), banker, botanist, and antiquary. Puttick & Simpson, 6 June 1859 (Turner sale), lot 150, to Coleman. Bookplate of Charles Golding (1865). Purchased in 1925 from Lange.
ff. 22r-7v.
AndL 33.5:
Lancelot Andrewes,
Judgment of the Lambeth Articles
Copy, in an italic hand, headed Historia de Articulis Lambethanis.
Early-mid-17th century.
First published in Articuli Lambethani (London, 1651). LACT, Pattern of Catechistical Doctrine (1846), pp. 287-300.
MS 115
Copy of an abbreviated version, closely written in a single cursive predominantly secretary hand, transcribed from a printed edition, imperfect, lacking the beginning and end, c.240 folio leaves, in vellum boards, inscribed on the cover in red ink Acts and Monuments of the Christian Martrs.
Early 17th century.
Coppenheim & Co., sale catalogue No. II (1924), item 160.
FxJ 1:
John Foxe,
Actes and Monuments
First published (complete) in London, 1563. Edited by Josiah Pratt, 8 vols (London, 1853-70).
MS 220
A folio volume of antiquarian tracts on parliament, largely in one secretary hand, ii + 60 leaves, in contemporary vellum gilt.
Once owned by Richard St George (d.1635), Clarenceux Ling of Arms. Sir Henry St George sale, London, 27 November 1738, lot 209. Purchased in 1928 from Dobell.
ff. 54v-8r
CmW 80:
William Camden,
Of the Antiquity of Parliaments in England
Copy, headed The Antiquitie of Parliamts in England written by Mr William Cambden, Authour of the Brittania.
A tract beginning That there were such like assemblies as parliaments now are, before the Romans arrival here...
. First published in Sir John Doddridge et al., The Several Opinions of Sundry Learned Antiquaries...touching...the High Court of Parliament in England (London, 1658). Hearne (1771), I, 303-6.
ff. 59r-60v
CtR 73:
Sir Robert Cotton,
The Antiquitie of Parliaments
Copy, headed The Antiquitie of Parliamt in England Written by some Anonymous Antiquary.
A tract beginning As touching the nature of the Right Courte of Parliament, It is nothing else but the Kinges greate councell...
. Ascribed to Cotton in MS sources.
MS 262
Copy, in a professional predominantly secretary hand, unascribed, 82 quarto pages, in contemporary limp vellum, with traces of ties.
Early 17th century.
Middle Hill bookplate of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 22. Phillipps sale 1893, lot 279, to Ellis. In the library of Sir Thomas Brooke. Sale of Sir John A. Brooke, London, 1921, lot 750, to Last. Purchased in 1926.
CtR 32:
Sir Robert Cotton,
An Answer made by Command of Prince Henry, to Certain Propositions of Warre and Peace
A treatise beginning Frames of Policy, as well as works of Nature, are best preserved from the same grounds...
., written in 1609. First published London, 1655. Also published as Warrs with Forregin Princes Dangerous to oyr Common-Wealth: or, reasons for Forreign Wars Answered (London, 1657); as An Answer to such Motives as were offer'd by certain Military-Men to Prince Henry, inciting him to affect Arms more than Peace... (London, 1665); and as A Discourse of Foreign War (London, 1690).
MS 264
A quarto volume comprising speeches in Parliament 1640-40/1, in a single mixed hand, 52 leaves, in modern cloth.
Later owned by Edward Dowden (1843-1913), and with a tipped-in letter to him about the MS by David Masson, 4 May 1875. Dowden sale, London 9 June 1914, to Dobell. Purchased in 1928.
ff. 19r-13r
WaE 797:
Edmund Waller,
Speech in the House of Commons, 22 April 1640
Copy, headed Mr Waller's speech in Parliament April. 15 1640.
A speech beginning I will use no preface, as they do who prepare men to something to which they would persuade them …
First published in two variant editions, as A Worthy Speech Made in the house of commons this present Parliament 1641 and as An Honorable and Learned Speech made by Mr Waller in Parliament respectively (both London, 1641). In Proceedings of the Short Parliament of 1640 (1977), pp. 306-8. It is doubted whether Waller actually delivered this speech in Parliament, though He may have prepared and circulated the speech in manuscript to impress contemporaries
ff. 27r-30r
RuB 174:
Sir Benjamin Rudyerd,
Speech in the House of Commons, ?7 November 1640
Copy, headed Sr Beniamine Rudder's speech in Parliamt. Nov: 1640.
Speech (variously dated 4, 7, 9 and 10 November 1640) beginning We are here assembled to do God's business and the King's...
. First published in The Speeches of Sr. Benjamin Rudyer in the high Court of Parliament (London, 1641), pp. 1-10. Manning, pp. 159-65.
f. 36r
RuB 184:
Sir Benjamin Rudyerd,
Speech in the House of Commons, 29 December 1640
Copy, headed Sr Beniamine Ruddierd's speech in Parliamt. 29o. decemb: 1640.
Speech beginning The principal part of this business is money...
. Manning, pp. 166-7.
MS 551
A quarto verse miscellany, in possibly one neat rounded hand, entitled A Collection of Miscellany Poems on Different Subjects To which is subjond pastorals by Mr Philips 1730, ii + 37 leaves, in half-calf marbled boards.
f. 1r
LeN 11.8:
Nathaniel Lee,
The Rival Queens: or, The Death of Alexander the Great
Copy of Roxana's speech, beginning Away, begone and give a Whirlewind room, headed A Description of passion in its purity without mixture of Reason from Nath: Lees Alexander
First published in London, 1677. Stroup & Cooke, I, 211-83.
MS 553
A folio verse miscellany, in possibly two neat rounded hands, 366 pages plus a five-page index, dated at the end Finis August ye. 6th 1717
DrJ 397:
John Dryden,
Various extracts and copies, notably on pp. 25, 44-5, 104-5, 332-49, 189-90, 189-90.
CoA 297:
Abraham Cowley,
Various extracts and copies, notably on pp. 2, 4, 44, 47-9, 196, 206, 222, 225-6, 229, 242, 253, 264, 270, 273-5, 280, 282, 286, 350-4.
pp. 6-8
DeJ 22:
Sir John Denham,
A Dialogue between Sir John Pooley and Mr. Thomas Killigrew
('To thee, Dear Thom. my self addressing')
First published in Poems and Translations (London, 1668). Banks, pp. 103-6.
p. 15
OtT 29:
Thomas Otway,
Eight lines of verse, headed Woman and beginning Thou art Woman! a true Copy of ye first, subscribed Otway
p. 19
MnJ 143:
John Milton,
p. 52
DeJ 7.1:
Sir John Denham,
Cato Major
('Though all the Actions of your Life are crown'd')
Extracts, fourteen lines headed Covetousness in Old Age and beginning Of Ages Avarice I cannot see, subscribed Denham
pp. 81-6
MaA 154:
Andrew Marvell,
A Dialogue between the Two Horses
('Wee read in profane and Sacred records')
First published in The Second Part of the Collection of Poems on Affairs of State (London, 1689). Margoliouth, I, 208-13, as probably Marvell's
. POAS, I, 274-83, as anonymous. Rejected from the canon by Lord.
pp. 88-92
RoJ 104.53:
John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester,
The History of Insipids
('Chaste, pious, prudent, Charles the Second')
Copy, subscribed Rochester
See Vivian de Sola Pinto in The History of Insipids: Rochester, Freke, and Marvell, MLR, 65 (1970), 11-15 (and see also Walker, p. xvii). Rejected by Vieth, by Walker, and by Love.
p. 110
DoC 191:
Charles Sackville, Sixth Earl of Dorset,
On the Countess of Dorchester (III)
('Proud with the spoils of royal cully')
Copy, headed On ye. Countess of D--r.
This MS collated in POAS.
First published in A Collection of Miscellany Poems, by Mr. Brown (London, 1699). POAS, V (1971), 384-5. Harris, pp. 43-4. In most texts the poem runs directly on from the previous poem on the Countess of Dorchester (DoC 173-85).
pp. 114-18
RoJ 537:
John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester,
Tunbridge Wells
('At five this morn, when Phoebus raised his head')
Copy, subscribed Rochester
First published in Richard Head, Proteus Redivivus: or the Art of Wheedling (London, 1675). Vieth, pp. 73-80. Walker, pp. 69-74. Love, pp. 49-54.
p. 141
MaA 268:
Andrew Marvell,
Upon Blood's Attempt to Steal the Crown
('When daring Blood, his rents to have regain'd')
Copy, headed On Blood's stealing ye. Crown.
First published as a separate poem in Poems on Affairs of State (London, 1697). POAS, I, 78. Lord, p. 193. Smith, p. 414.
This poem also appears as lines 178-85 of The Loyal Scot (see MaA 191-8 and Margoliouth, I, 379, 384).
pp. 153-4
DrJ 131:
John Dryden,
Prologue To the Opera [Albion and Albanius]
('Full twenty years and more, our lab'ring Stage')
First published (on a leaf also issued separately) in Albion and Albanius (London, 1685). Kinsley, I, 456-8. California, XV, 14-15. Hammond & Hopkins, II, 421-3.
pp. 154-6
DrJ 132:
John Dryden,
Prologue to the Opera [King Arthur] Spoken by Mr. Betterton
('Sure there's a Dearthy of Wit in this dull Town')
First published in later exempla of King Arthur: or, The British Worthy (London, 1691). Kinsley, II, 564-5. Hammond & Hopkins, III, 248-52.
p. 160
BrW 206.8:
William Browne of Tavistock,
On the Countess Dowager of Pembroke
('Underneath this sable herse')
Copy of lines 1-6, headed On ye Countess of Penbroke.
First published in William Camden, Remaines (London, 1623), p. 340. Brydges (1815), p. 5. Goodwin, II, 294. Browne's authorship supported in C.F. Main, Two Items in the Jonson Apocrypha, N&Q, 199 (June 1954), 243-5.
p. 183
VaJ 8:
Sir John Vanbrugh,
To a Lady More Cruel than Fair
('Why d'ye with such Disdain refuse')
Copy, subscribed Vanbrook
First published, ascribed to Mr Vanbrook
, in Poetical Miscellanies: The Fifth Part (London, 1704), pp. 245-6.
pp. 198-9
DrJ 110:
John Dryden,
The Prologue at Oxford, 1680
('Thespis, the first Professor of our Art')
First published in Nathaniel Lee, Sophonisba, 2nd edition (London, 1681). Miscellany Poems (London, 1684). Kinsley, I, 211-12. California, I, 160-1. Hammond & Hopkins, I, 413-16.
p. 200
CgW 25:
William Congreve,
('When Lesbia first I saw so heavn'ly Fair')
First published in Poetical Miscellanies: The Fifth Part [by John Dryden et al.] (London, 1704). Summers, IV, 79. Dobrée, pp. 284-5. McKenzie, II, 369.
p. 201
CgW 13:
William Congreve,
A Hue and Cry after Fair Amoret
('Fair Amoret is gone astray')
Copy, subscribed Congreve
First published, in a musical setting by John Eccles and attributed to Congreve, in a broadsheet (1698). Works (London, 1710). Summers, IV, 74. Dobrée, p. 284 (as Amoret). McKenzie, II, 369.
Also attributed to Charles Sackville, Earl of Dorset: see The Poems of Charles Sackville, Sixth Earl of Dorset, ed. Brice Harris (New York and London, 1979), pp. 182-3.
p. 201
CgW 37:
William Congreve,
('Alas! what Pains, what racking Thoughts he proves')
Copy, headed A song and here beginning Ah! wt pains, wt racking thoughts he proves.
First published in Works (London, 1710). Summers, IV, 75. Dobrée, p. 241 and McKenzie, II, 322 (both as Absence and beginning Ah! what Pains, what racking Thoughts he proves
). Musical setting by Henry Purcell published in The Works of Henry Purcell, XXV (London, 1928), pp. 4-8.
p. 203
CgW 40:
William Congreve,
('I Look'd, and I sigh'd, and I wish'd, and I wish'd I cou'd speak')
Copy, subscried Congreve
First published in Poetical Miscellanies: The Fifth Part [by John Dryden et al.] (London, 1704). Summers, IV, 75. Dobrée, pp. 239-40. McKenzie, II, 320.
pp. 207-8
DrJ 157:
John Dryden,
Prologue to the University of Oxford
('Discord, and Plots which have undone our Age')
First published in Miscellany Poems (London, 1684). Kinsley, I, 374-5. California, I, 164-5. Hammond & Hopkins, I, 371-3.
p. 208
RoJ 393:
John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester,
('Give me leave to rail at you')
Copy of part of the poem, headed Kindness.
This MS recorded in Vieth, Gyldenstolpe.
First published (first stanza only) in Songs for i 2 & 3 Voyces Composed by Henry Bowman [London, 1677]. Both stanzas in Poems on Several Occasions (Antwerp
, 1680). The second stanza only (beginning Kindness has resistless Charms
) also in Valentinian (London, 1685). Vieth, pp. 10-11. Walker, pp. 20-1. Love, p. 18.
Some texts accompanied by Lady Rochester's Answer to the poem (beginning Nothing adds to love's fond fire
), her autograph of which is in University of Nottingham, Pw V 31, f. 15r. It is edited in Vieth, p. 10; in Walker, pp. 21-2, 154; in Kissing the Rod, ed. Germaine Greer et al. (London, 1988), pp. 230-2; and in Love, pp. 18-19.
pp. 213-14
DrJ 159:
John Dryden,
Prologue to the University of Oxford
('Tho' Actors cannot much of Learning boast')
First published in Miscellany Poems (London, 1684). Kinsley, I, 375-6. California, I, 155-6. Hammond & Hopkins, I, 304-5.
pp. 219-20
DrJ 134:
John Dryden,
Prologue to the Princess of Cleves
('Ladies! (I hope there's none behind to hear,)')
First published in Miscellany Poems (London, 1684). Kinsley, I, 380-1. California, II, 188-9. Hammond & Hopkins, II, 146-7.
pp. 220-1
DrJ 39:
John Dryden,
Epilogue to the Princess of Cleves
('A Qualm of conscience brings me back agen')
First published in Miscellany Poems (London, 1684). Kinsley, I, 381-2. California, II, 189-90. Hammond & Hopkins, II, 147-8.
p. 229
RoJ 375:
John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester,
('At last you'll force me to confess')
Copy of an eight-line version headed A song, beginning Too late alas! I must confess, and ascribed to Rochester
First published, as an additional stanza to the song While on those lovely looks I gaze, in A New Collection of the Choicest Songs (London, 1676). Vieth, p. 13. Walker, p. 22. Love, p. 32. An eight-line version beginning Too late, alas! I must confess published in Examen Poeticum (London, 1693), in Vieth, p. 174, and in Walker, p. 22.
pp. 231-2
DrJ 129:
John Dryden,
Prologue To The Duke of Guise. Spoken by Mr. Smith
('Our Play's a Parallel: The Holy League')
This MS collated in POAS.
First published (with two Epilogues) in London, 1682. The Duke of Guise (London, 1683). Kinsley, I, 326-7. POAS, III (1968), 274-7. Danchin, IV, 432-6. Hammond & Hopkins, II, 135-9.
pp. 232-4
DrJ 33:
John Dryden,
Epilogue [to The Duke of Guise] Spoken by Mrs. Cooke
('Much Time and Trouble this poor Play has cost')
First published (with the Prologue and Another Epilogue) in London, 1682. The Duke of Guise (London, 1683). Kinsley, I, 327-8. Hammond & Hopkins, II, 139-42.
pp. 235bis-6
DrJ 21:
John Dryden,
Epilogue To Don Sebastian, King of Portugall Spoken betwixt Antonio and Morayma
('I Quak'd at heart for fear the Royal Fashion')
First published in Don Sebastian, King of Portugal (London, 1690). Kinsley, II, 555-6. California, XV, 218-19. Hammond & Hopkins, III, 230-1.
pp. 237-8
DrJ 20:
John Dryden,
Epilogue [to Amphitryon] spoken by Phaedra. Mrs. Mountfort
('I'm thinking, (and it almost makes me mad,')
First published in Amphitryon. or, The Two Socia's (London, 1690
). Kinsley, II, 559-60. California, XV, 317-18. Hammond & Hopkins, III, 237-8.
p. 241
RoJ 226:
John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester,
On Rome's pardons
('If Rome can pardon sins, as Romans hold')
First published in Poems on Several Occasions (Antwerp
, 1680). Vieth, pp. 161-2. Walker, pp. 127-8, among Poems Possibly by Rochester. Love, p. 247, among Disputed Works.
p. 248
DrJ 111:
John Dryden,
Prologue for the Women, when they Acted at the Old Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields
('Were none of you Gallants e're driven so hard')
First published in Miscellany Poems (London, 1684). Kinsley, I, 377. California, I, 144. Hammond & Hopkins, I, 266-7.
p. 249
DrJ 252:
John Dryden,
The Conquest of Granada by the Spaniards: In Two Parts, Part I, Act IV, scene ii, lines 122-49. Song
('Wherever I am, and whatever I doe')
California, XI, 69-70. Kinsley, I, 132-3. Hammond & Hopkins, I, 239-40.
pp. 259-60
DrJ 155:
John Dryden,
Prologue [to The Spanish Fryar]
('Now Luck for us, and a kind hearty Pit')
First published in The Spanish Fryar or, The Double Discovery (London, 1681). Kinsley, I, 206-7. Hammond & Hopkins, I, 417-20.
pp. 265-6
DrJ 121:
John Dryden,
Prologue To Amphitryon. or, The Two Sosia's Spoken by Mrs. Bracegirdle
('The lab'ring Bee, then his sharp Sting is gone')
First published in Amphitryon. or, The Two Socia's (London, 1690
). Kinsley, II, 558-9. California, XV, 227-8. Hammond & Hopkins, III, 234-6.
pp. 271-2
DrJ 124:
John Dryden,
Prologue To Don Sebastian King of Portugal Spoken by a Woman
('The Judge remov'd, tho he's no more My Lord')
First published in Don Sebastian, King of Portugal (London, 1690). Kinsley, II, 553-4. California, XV, 73-4. Hammond & Hopkins, III, 226-9.
MS 554
A quarto composite verse miscellany, in one or possibly two hands, 56 pages (including blanks), in 19th-century boards.
Early-mid-18th century.
Formerly among the papers of the Fairfax family, of Leeds Castle, Kent. Fairfax sale at Leeds Castle, 1843, to Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 11141. 1898 Phillipps sale, lot 479, to W. A. Lindsay. His sale London, 14 February 1927, lot 671, to Dobell. Dobell & Radford's sale catalogue The Ingatherer, No. 11 (1930), item 209.
pp. 9-10
JnB 362.5:
Ben Jonson,
A Nymphs Passion
('I love, and he loves me again')
Copy, headed A Nymph's Passion by Ben Jonson.
First published in The Vnder-wood (vii) in Workes (London, 1640). Herford & Simpson, VIII, 147-8.
p. 11
MaA 3:
Andrew Marvell,
Damon the Mower
('Heark how the Mower Damon Sung')
Copy, as by Andrew Marvell, Esqr
First published in Miscellaneous Poems (London, 1681). Margoliouth, I, 44-7. Lord, pp. 41-4. Smith, pp. 136-9.
p. 16
ChM 1:
Mary, Lady Chudleigh,
The Elevation
('O how ambitious is my Soul')
Copy, headed The Elevation, by Lady Chudly.
First published in Poems on Several Occasions (London, 1703). Ezell, p. 78.
pp. 31-42
WaE 402:
Edmund Waller,
The Passion of Dido for Aeneas
('Meanwhile the Queen fanning a secret fire')
Copy of lines 1-414, unascribed.
First published complete, by Humphrey Moseley, as The Passion of Dido for Aeneas, as it is incomparably exprest in the Fourth Book of Virgil, Translated by Edmund Waller and Sidney Godolphin Esqrs (London, 1658), where it is stated that the translation was done (all but a very little) by …Mr. Sidney Godolphin
. Complete text in The Poems of Sidney Godolphin, ed. William Dighton (Oxford, 1931), pp. 31-55. Godolphin was responsible for the first 454 lines. Waller for the next 131 lines (455-585), beginning All this her weeping sister does repeat
which might possibly be his revision of part of Godolphin's translation of the whole. while the last 113 lines (586-699, beginning Aurora now, leaving her watry bed
) are unassigned but probably also Godolphin's. The portion definitely by Waller is reprinted separately in Waller's Poems (London, 1664), pp. 185-92, and reprinted in Thorn-Drury, II, 29-33.
MS 558
A quarto miscellany, in a single predominantly italic hand, inscribed (f. ir) in another hand A Collection of Religious Poems &c. by an uncertain Author. Some are borrowed from Dr. J. Watts. There is another vol. larger Quarto
, iii + 299 leaves, in modern cloth.
Early 18th century.
Adam Clarke, sale catalogue (1835), p. 84, item 172. His sale London, 20 June 1836, lot 361. Thomas Thorpe's sale catalogue (1836), item 1027, to Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 9616 = 21542. Dobell & Radford's sale catalogue The Ingatherer, No. 11 (1930), item 211.
f. 227r-v
RaW 162.5:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
The Lie
('Goe soule the bodies guest')
Copy, in double columns, headed An Errand to the Soul, unascribed.
First published in Francis Davison, A Poetical Rapsodie (London, 1611). Latham, pp. 45-7. Rudick, Nos 20A, 20B and 20C (three versions), with answers, pp. 30-45.
This poem is attributed to Richard Latworth (or Latewar) in Lefranc (1968), pp. 85-94, but see Stephen J. Greenblatt, Sir Walter Ralegh (New Haven & London, 1973), pp. 171-6. See also Karl Josef Höltgen, Richard Latewar Elizabethan Poet and Divine, Anglia, 89 (1971), 417-38 (p. 430). Latewar's answer
to this poem is printed in Höltgen, pp. 435-8. Some texts are accompanied by other answers.
MS 559
A folio composite miscellany chiefly of poems on affairs of state, in probably several hands, entitled A Collection of all the Secret Poems & Lampoons wrote during the Reigne of the late King William, 72 pages, in modern quarter-calf marbled boards.
p. 15
DrJ 231:
John Dryden,
Upon the Death of the Viscount Dundee
('O Last and best of Scots! who didst maintain')
Copy, headed On dundee 1689 by Mr Dryden.
This MS collated in California.
First published in Poetical Miscellanies: The Fifth Part (London, 1704). Poems on Affairs of State…Part III (London, 1704). Kinsley, IV, 1777. California, III, 222. Hammond & Hopkins, III, 219.
pp. 46-7
DoC 293:
Charles Sackville, Sixth Earl of Dorset,
A True Account of the Birth and Conception of a Late Famous Poem call'd The Female Nine
('When Monmouth the chaste read those impudent lines')
This MS collated in POAS and in Harris.
First published in POAS, V (1971), 211-13. Harris, pp. 25-7.
MS 586
A quarto miscellany of verse and prose, relating to history and classical literature, in possibly a single hand with variation over a period, 160 pages, in modern cloth.
Inscribed (p. 156), probably by the compiler, Richard Oram his Booke Annoque Domini 170[].
pp. 69-70, 72-85
DrJ 173.6:
John Dryden,
The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis
('Still shall I hear, and never quit the Score')
A series of extracts from the prologues and the satires Englished by Mr Dryden
, including Satires 3, 4, 6, 10.
First published (…together with the Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus
) in London, 1693
[i.e. 1692] (as By Mr. Dryden, and Several other Eminent Hands
, Dryden's contribution being the prefatory Discourse concerning Satire and Satires I, III, VI, X and XVI). Kinsley, II, 599-740 (Dryden's contributions). California, IV, 2-252 (Dryden's contributions). Hammond & Hopkins, IV, 3-137.
pp. 71, 87-99
DrJ 177.3:
John Dryden,
The Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus
('I never did on cleft Parnassus dream')
Substantial extracts from the prologue and Satire 1 Englished by Mr John Dryden
First published in London, 1693
. California, IV, 253-361.
pp. 85-6
CgW 46.3:
William Congreve,
To Mr. Dryden, On his Translation of Persius
('As when of Old Heroique Story tells')
Copy, subscribed W: Con:
First published in John Dryden, The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis (London, 1693 [i.e. 1692]). Charles Gildon, Miscellany Poems upon Several Occasions (London, 1692). Summers, IV, 23-4. Dobrée, pp. 252-3. McKenzie, II, 335-6.
MS 592
Copy, in a professional italic hand, 125 large folio pages (plus two blank leaves), in modern cloth.
Inscribed (f. ir) Katherine Brudenell
OrR 35:
Roger Boyle, Baron Broghill and Earl of Orrery,
First performed on the London stage 3 April 1665. First published, as Mustapha, The Son of Solyman the Magnificent, London, 1668. Clark, I, 225-304.
MS 639
A commonplace book compiled by Richard Porson (1758-1805).
p. 84
BuS 1.7:
Samuel Butler,
('Sir Hudibras his passing worth')
Part I first published in London, 1663
[i.e. 1662]. Part II published in London, 1664
[i.e. 1663]. Part III published in London 1678
[i.e. 1677]. the whole poem first published in London, 1684. Edited by John Wilders (Oxford, 1967).
MS 690
A small pocket notebook (11.5 x 5.5 cm.), largely in one small hand, unpaginated, in contemporary calf.
Probably compiled by Patrick Senhouse (fl.1712-34): his inscription Patricious Senhouse 1722
Also inscribed Humphray Senhouse
. Together with another commonplace book probably compiled by Patrick Senhouse (Patt Senhouse 1720
), an octavo in contemporary limp vellum, also inscribed John Senhouse
[unnumbered page]
RoJ 217.6:
John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester,
On Rome's pardons
('If Rome can pardon sins, as Romans hold')
Copy, headed On Rooms Pardons, here beginning If room can Pardon sins as papists hold.
First published in Poems on Several Occasions (Antwerp
, 1680). Vieth, pp. 161-2. Walker, pp. 127-8, among Poems Possibly by Rochester. Love, p. 247, among Disputed Works.
[unnumbered pages]
RoJ 269.5:
John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester,
On the Women about Town
('Too long the wise Commons have been in debate')
First published in Poems on Affairs of State (London, 1704). Vieth, pp. 46-7. Walker, pp. 68-9, as Lampoone. Love, p. 42, as Lampoone by the Earle of Rochester.
[unnumbered pages]
DoC 316.5:
Charles Sackville, Sixth Earl of Dorset,
The Debauchee
('I rise at eleven, I dine about two')
First published in Poems on Several Occasions, By the Right Honourable, the E. of R[ochester] (Antwerpen
[i.e. London], 1680). Vieth, Attribution, pp. 169-70. The Poems of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, ed. Keith Walker (Oxford, 1984), p. 130 (as Regime d'viver among Poems possibly by Rochester
). Discussed in Harris, pp. 186-7.
MS 786
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, entitled A Breife Declaracon Concerning the vse of the Lawe, unascribed, 43 folio leaves, in modern cloth.
BcF 759:
Francis Bacon,
The Use of the Law
A discourse beginning The use of the Law consisteth principally in these two things...
. Spedding, VII, 459-504 (and discussed pp. 302, 453-7). Probably by Sir Robert Forster (1589-1663), judge.
MS 824
A quarto volume of works by or relating to Sir Walter Ralegh, largely in a single stylish hand, with later additions after f. 106v probably in another hand, 113 leaves (ff. 29v-106v blanks), in contemporary calf.
Probably chiefly in the hand of Andrew Card, who inscribes f. 5r Ex libris Andreæ Card 1674
Bookplate of Richard Cranmer [i.e. Richard Dixon (d.1828), of the manor of Mitcham, Surrey, who claimed descent from Archbishop Cranmer.
f. 7r-25v
RaW 728.27:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Ralegh's Arraignment(s)
Accounts of Ralegh's arraignments in 1603 and 1618.
Accounts of the arraignments of Ralegh at Winchester Castle, 17 November 1603, and before the Privy Council on 22 October 1618. The arraignment of 1603 published in London, 1648. For documentary evidence about this arraignment, see Rosalind Davies, The Great Day of Mart
: Returning to Texts at the Trial of Sir Walter Ralegh in 1603, Renaissance Forum, 4/1 (1999), 1-12.
f. 26r-v
RaW 987:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Copy of Ralegh's letter to his wife.
f. 27r-v
RaW 445:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
The passionate mans Pilgrimage
('Giue me my Scallop shell of quiet')
Copy, headed Sir Walter Raws: Pilgramage.
First published with Daiphantvs or The Passions of Loue (London, 1604). Latham, pp. 49-51. Rudick, Nos 54A, 54B and 54C (three versions, pp. 126-33).
This poem rejected from the canon and attributed to an anonymous Catholic poet in Philip Edwards, Who Wrote The Passionate Man's Pilgrimage?, ELR, 4 (1974), 83-97.
f. 27v
RaW 50:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Euen such is tyme which takes in trust
Copy, headed Sir W: Rawleighs Epitaph made by himselfe.
First published in Richard Brathwayte, Remains after Death (London, 1618). Latham, p. 72 (as These verses following were made by Sir Walter Rauleigh the night before he dyed and left att the Gate howse). Rudick, Nos 35A, 35B, and part of 55 (three versions, pp. 80, 133).
This poem is ascribed to Ralegh in most MS copies and is often appended to copies of his speech on the scaffold (see RaW 739-822).
f. 27v
RaW 312:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Sir W. Raleigh, On the Snuff of a Candle the night before he died
('Cowards fear to Die, but Courage stout')
Copy, headed Sir W: Raw: on ye Snuffe of a Candle ye night before he Dyed.
First published in Remains (London, 1657). Latham, p. 72. Rudick, No. 55, p. 133.
ff. 28r-9r
RaW 772:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
Speech on the Scaffold (29 October 1618)
Copy, headed Sir Walter Rawleighs Speech Imediately before he was Beheaded.
Transcripts of Ralegh's speech have been printed in his Remains (London, 1657). Works (1829), I, 558-64, 691-6. VIII, 775-80, and elsewhere. Copies range from verbatim transcripts to summaries of the speech, they usually form part of an account of Ralegh's execution, they have various headings, and the texts differ considerably. For relevant discussions, see Anna Beer, Textual Politics: The Execution of Sir Walter Ralegh, Modern Philology, 94:1 (August 1996), 19-38, and Andrew Fleck, At the time of his death
: Manuscript Instability and Walter Ralegh's Performance on the Scaffold, Journal of British Studies, 48:1 (January 2009), 4-28.
f. 107r
RoJ 126.5:
John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester,
Impromptu on Louis XIV
('Lorraine you stole. by fraud you got Burgundy')
Copy of a version headed Thus [Englished deleted] Paraphras'd by an English gen and beginning Lorain hee stole; by fraud hee gott Burgundy, following a Latin version headed in the margin Sett in some remarkable places att Paris, all under the general heading To the French King 1684.
First published in The Agreeable Companion (London, 1745). Vieth, p. 21. Walker, p. 121, as [On Louis XIV]. See also A.S.G. Edwards, Rochester's Impromptu on Louis XIV, N&Q, 219 (November 1974), 418-19.
f. 113r
ShW 46:
William Shakespeare,
Extracts from Polonius's speech to Laertes (I, iii, 59-69, 75-8), headed Advice to a Young man, here beginning Give thy thought noe tongue, and subscribed Sh:
First published in London, 1603.
MS 870
A quarto volume of state and antiquarian tracts, in a single professional secretary hand, 92 leaves, in old calf gilt.
G.N. Last's sale catalogue 200 (1934), item 773.
ff. 1r-53v
RaW 584:
Sir Walter Ralegh,
A Dialogue between a Counsellor of State and a Justice of the Peace
Copy, as Written by Sr Walter Raleighe
A treatise, with a dedicatory epistle to James I beginning Those that are suppressed and hopeless are commonly silent ...
, the dialogue beginning Now, sir, what think you of Mr. St. John's trial in the Star-chamber?...
. First published as The Prerogative of Parliaments in England (Midelburge
and Hamburg
[i.e. London], 1628). Works (1829), VIII, 151-221.
ff. 64r-6v
CmW 81:
William Camden,
Of the Antiquity of Parliaments in England
Copy, untitled, subscribed Willm Camden
A tract beginning That there were such like assemblies as parliaments now are, before the Romans arrival here...
. First published in Sir John Doddridge et al., The Several Opinions of Sundry Learned Antiquaries...touching...the High Court of Parliament in England (London, 1658). Hearne (1771), I, 303-6.
MS 873
A small quarto miscellany chiefly of verse, in several neat hands, 61 leaves (including a number of blanks), in contemporary calf.
Early 18th century.
ff. 18v-17v rev.
BcF 255.5:
Francis Bacon,
A Prayer, or Psalm
Copy, headed A Prayer or Psalm made by Ld. Bacon Ld. Chancelor of England.
First published in Remaines (London, 1648). Spedding, XIV, 229-31.
MS 878
A folio volume of state tracts, in several professional hands, 176 leaves (plus a few blanks), in contemporary vellum with metal clasps.
In various professional hands, including those of the Feathery Scribe
and Ralph Starkey.
Item 142 in an unidentified sale catalogue.
Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes: Manuscripts and their Makers in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford, 1998), p. 222 (No. 16).
ff. 90r-8v
CtR 130:
Sir Robert Cotton,
A Briefe Discovrse concerning the Power of the Peeres and Commons of Parliament in point of Judicature
Copy, in a professional rounded mixed hand, as Written by Sr: Robert Cotton knight & Barronet to Sr: Edward Mountague Anno Domini 1621
, subscribed R: C: B:
Tract, the full title sometimes given as A Brief discourse prouinge that the house of Comons hath Equall power with the Peeres in point of Judicature written by Sr Rob: Cotton to Sr Edward Mountague Ano Dni. 1621, beginning Sir, To give you as short an accompt of your desire as I can...
. First published in London, 1640. Cottoni posthuma (1651), pp. [341]-351.
ff. 99r-113v
CtR 48:
Sir Robert Cotton,
An Answer to Certain Arguments raised from Supposed Antiquity, and urged by some Members of the lower House of Parliament, to prove that Ecclesiasticall Lawes ought to be Enacted by Temporall Men
Copy, in a professional rounded mixed hand, as Written by Sr: Robert Cotton knight & Baronett
Tract beginning What, besides self-regard, or siding faction, hath been...
. Cottoni posthuma (1651), pp. [203]-217.
ff. 114r-18v
CtR 460:
Sir Robert Cotton,
A Speech Made by Sir Rob Cotton Knight and Baronet, before the Lords of his Majesties most Honorable Privy Covncel, At the Councel Table being thither called to deliver his Opinion touching the Alteration of Coyne. 2. Sept. [1626]
Copy, in the secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
, with some alterations in another hand, headed A: Speech Deliuered by Sr: Robte Cotton, knight, and Barronett att the Councell Table the < > daye of September, 1626: Touchinge debaseinge of Coyne:.
Followed, in the same scribe's hand, by related texts: (ff. 119r-21r: see CtR 436), (ff. 121v-2r) Questions proposed to the Marchants Myntmaisters, and Goldsmithes Conscerninge the Alteracon of Silver Monyes; and (ff. 122v-3r) The State of Goulde and Silver as it is att this prsent The ffirst of September 1626.
Facsimile of f. 117v in Beal, In Praise of Scribes, p. 97.
The tract on ff. 121v-2r is in Cottoni Posthuma (1651), pp. 302 -3. That on ff. 122v-3r is apparently unpublished.
Speech beginning My Lords, Since it hath pleased this Honourable Table to command...
. Cottoni posthuma (1651), pp. [283]-294, with related texts (The Answer of the Committees Appointed...2 September 1626 and Questions to be proposed, etc.) on pp. 295-307. W.A. Shaw, Writers on English Monetary History, pp. 21-38.
ff. 119r-21r
CtR 436:
Sir Robert Cotton,
Sr Robert Cottons Speeche to his matie: on Sonday ye .3. of September at the Councell table aboute the alteracion of the moneys. 1626
Copy, in the secretary hand of the Feathery Scribe
, headed In the presence Off the Kinge att Whitehall: Certayne: generall Rules Collected Conscerninge Monye, and Bullyon, out of the Late consultacon att Cort by Sr: Robte Cotton.
Speech, beginning Gold and silver haue a twofoeld estimacon in extrinsicke as they are moneyes...
, relating to Cotton's principal speech on coinage. Cottoni Posthuma (1651), pp. 303-7.
ff. 124r-9v
CtR 495:
Sir Robert Cotton,
That the Soveraignes Person is Required in the Great Covncells, or Assemblies of the State, aswell at the Consultations as at the Conclusions
Copy, in the secretary hand of Ralph Starkey (c.1569-1628), antiquary, as written by Sr Robarte Cotton knight & Baronet in Januarie. 1623
, and subscribed Ro: Cotton
Tract beginning Since at these Assemblies few Diaries, or exact Iournall Books are remaining...
. First published as A Treatise, shewing that the Soveraignes Person is Required in the great Councells or Assemblies of the State, aswell at the Consultations as at the conclusions, London, 1641. Cottoni posthuma (1651), pp. [41]-57.
ff. 132r-5v
CtR 381:
Sir Robert Cotton,
A Remonstrance of the Treaties of Amitie and Marriage before time, and of late, of the House of Austria and Spaine, with the Kinges of England, to advance themselves to the Monarchy of Europe
Copy, in a professional secretary hand, headed A declaration against the Spanish Match penned by Sir Robert Cotton by the command of King James during the Parliament 1624, Ann: 22 Jac:.
Tract beginning Most excellent Majesty, Wee your Lords Spirituall and Temporal, and the Commons of your Realm assembled...
. Cottoni posthuma (1651), pp. [91]-107.
PR 2297.L8 160
An exemplum of the fourth printed edition [1603-7] with numerous MS annotations, recording entrance and exits, music, stage effects, and some deleted and additional text, evidently used as a prompt book by a London theatrical company, imperfect, lacking the original title-page, a small quarto, in modern calf gilt.
Early 17th century.
Later owned by Frederick Locker-Lampson (1821-95), poet.
Recorded in Grosart, XIV, 2. Described, with facsimile pages, in Charles Read Baskerville, A Prompt Copy of A Looking Glass for London and England, MP, 30 (1932-3), 29-51.
GrR 8:
Robert Greene,
A Looking Glasse for London and England
Recorded in Grosart, XIV, 2. Described, with facsimile pages, in Charles Read Baskerville, A Prompt Copy of A Looking Glass for London and England, MP, 30 (1932-3), 29-51.
First published London, 1594. Grosart, XIV, 1-113. Edited by W.W. Greg, Malone Society (Oxford, 1932). See also Berta Sturman, A Date and a Printer for A Looking Glasse for London and England, Q4, SB, 21 (1968), 248-53.