Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
Gabrielis Harueij. 1582). 1582.
Recorded in David McKitterick's review of Stern,
Gabrielis Harueij. 1580. Mense Aprile) and annotations. 1580.
Recorded in David McKitterick's review of Stern,
Recorded in David McKitterick's review of Stern,
Katharine Philips her book. 1633.
Also inscribed on a flyleaf Katherine Philipps Orindina Bella
and Cat: Thorowgood Her Book ano 1688
Facsimile of the title-page in Hageman & Sununu,
Facsimile of the title-page in Hageman & Sununu,
MS 64/158
Given by William Moore.
Copy, as read out by the Lord Keeper.
First published in Simonds D'Ewes,
Beginning Since there can be no duer debt than princes' words...
. Hartley, I, 114-15 (2 texts).
Copy, headed
This MS cited in Hartley.
First published in Simonds D'Ewes,
Beginning Since there can be no duer debt than princes' words...
. Hartley, I, 114-15 (2 texts).
Copy, introduced by My Ls and others the co
First published in Simonds D'Ewes,
Version I. Beginning I love so evil counterfeiting and hate so much dissimulation that I may not suffer you depart...
. Hartley, I, 174-5 (Separate version
Version II. Beginning My lords and others, the Commons of this Assembly, although the lord keeper hath, according to order, very well answered in my name...
. Hartley, I, 172-3.
Copy, incomplete.
This MS cited in Hartley.
Brief speech beginning My right loving lords and you all, our right faithful and obedient subjects, we in the name of God....
. First published in Simonds D'Ewes,
MS 73/40
Given by William Moore.
Copy of a fifteen-stanza version, with some alterations and a line deleted, headed in another hand
This MS recorded in May,
First published, in a musical setting by John Dowland, in his
Copy, in a professional hand, described as Robertus Cotton Bruceum
Tract beginning What, besides self-regard, or siding faction, hath been...
Copy, in a professional hand, headed R. C. B.
Tract, the full title sometimes given as Sir, To give you as short an accompt of your desire as I can...
. First published in London, 1640.
Copy, in a cursive secretary hand, docketed in another hand of Sir Benjamin Rudyard
Speech beginning We are here upon a great business...
. Yale 1628, III, 127-9 and 133-4. Variants: III, 138-9, 141, 143, and 161. Variant version in Manning, pp. 126-8.
Copies of four letters by Ralegh, to James I (2), to Sir Robert Carr, and to Ralegh's wife (two copies of one letter).
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed
Ralegh's letter of 1618 to his cousin George, Lord Carew of Clopton (beginning
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed
A tract beginning If the ill success of this enterprise of mine had been without example...
. First published in
Copy, in a secretary hand.
c.1620.Transcripts of Ralegh's speech have been printed in his At the time of his death
: Manuscript Instability and Walter Ralegh's Performance on the Scaffold
Copy, in a secretary hand, untitled.
c.1620.First published in Richard Brathwayte,
This poem is ascribed to Ralegh in most MS copies and is often appended to copies of his speech on the scaffold (see
Copy, in a secretary hand, headed S W. R
Ralegh's note, 1618, denouncing false allegations, beginning I did never receive advise from my Lord Carew to make any escape, neither did I tell ytt Stukeley...
. First published in
Copy, headed
Sermon, beginning My worthy freinds & brethren of the Clergy, I did not send for you before, though I had a commission...
, first published in James Peller Malcolm,
Copy, in a non-professional cursive hand, on a single folio leaf of Verses by Dr W. Alabaster
This MS collated in Sutton.
First published in J.J. Smith,
Copy, in a non-professional cursive hand, on a single folio leaf of Verses by Dr W. Alabaster
This MS collated in Sutton.
First published in J.J. Smith,
Copy, in a non-professional cursive hand, subscribed Dr Alabaster
, on a single folio leaf of Verses by Dr W. Alabaster
Edited from this MS in Smith. ed? Sutton.
First published in J.J. Smith,
Copy, in a non-professional cursive hand, subscribed Verses by Dr W. Alabaster
First published in J.J. Smith,
MS 143/193
Copy, headed
MS 188/221
Docketed on the first page of text This booke was written by Edward [corrected in black ink to Edmund] Spencer Clarke of the Counsell of the province of Monster in Ireland in an
Given by William Moore.
This MS collated in Variorum.
This MS collated in Variorum.
First published in Sir James Ware,
Spenser's authorship of this View
is generally accepted, especially in light of the comparable views about Ireland in
MS 218/233
Copy, in a neat secretary hand, preceded by
First published [in London? 1596-7?]. Brown,
MS 291/274
Given by William Moore.
Early 17th century.This MS collated in Keble (see I, xlv) and in Houk.
First published in an incomplete form (with Book VI) in London, 1648. Some additions published in Nicholas Bernard, complete
edition of the
Copy, in double columns, headed
First published as
Copy, in double columns, the discourse dated 2 September 1626 and described as since by him reduced into writeinge
, followed (pp. 377-9) by the Council's Answers
, in
Speech beginning My Lords, Since it hath pleased this Honourable Table to command...
Copy, in double columns, the discourse dated 1621, in
Tract, the full title sometimes given as Sir, To give you as short an accompt of your desire as I can...
. First published in London, 1640.
Copy, in double columns, in
Tract beginning What, besides self-regard, or siding faction, hath been...
Copy, in double columns.
Tract beginning Most excellent Majesty, Wee your Lords Spirituall and Temporal, and the Commons of your Realm assembled...
Extracts, headed The word Lex, or Law, is not always taken alike, but is diversly & in an indifferent sense vsed...
First published in London, 1614.
MS 389/609
Inscribed names of John Paman
(p. 57), Rob Hare
(p. 81), Rob Toynton
(p. 294), and Henry Myrielle
(p. 656). Donated by William Moore by 1681.
Copy, in a neat predominantly secretary hand, the Latin version headed (p. 1)
First published in London, 1659. LACT,
Copy, in a neat predominantly italic hand.
c.1630.First published in London, 1641. Edited by Sir Robert Egerton Brydges (Lee Priory Press, Ickham, 1814).
Early 17th century.Copy, headed
Generally incorporated in accounts of Essex's execution and sometimes also of his behaviour the night before.
MS 547/595
Dedicated to William James, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, and to Martin Heton, Sub-dean.
c.1584.Unpublished. Discussed in Leicester Bradner,
Unpublished. Discussed in Leicester Bradner,
First published in London, 1579
. Variorum, Minor Poems, vol. I, 1-120.
MS 551/315
Inscribed (f. 3r) Mr Knight, May, 1644
Grants of arms by Camden as Clarenceux King of Arms, headed
MS 606/513
Inscribed (f. 3r) Mr Knight, May, 1644
Autograph letter signed, concerning Harington's pedigree, to Sir William Dethick, [14/24 June 1597].
1597.McClure, No. 6, pp. 66-7. The postscript in this letter is edited in Craig, p. 48.