McGill University, Montreal, McLennan Library

MS 85 [MS M91 Bol. 85 (IV/86)]

Copy of an English translation, closely related to the 1647 edition of The Private Devotions, headed The Horologe, or Diall of Praier, and including A Praier vsed, by the R: R: L: A: before his Sermons, bearing the initials N.P. (?Nicholas Preston), 156 pages. c.1640-50.

Owned in 1903 by Henry Willett of Brighton.

This MS described in Brightman, p. lx.

AndL 49: Lancelot Andrewes, Preces privatae

This MS described in Brightman, p. lx.

First published in an English translation as The Private Devotions, ed. Humphrey Moseley (London, 1647). Selections of the original Greek and Latin version published in Verus Christianus, ed. David Stokes (Oxford, 1668). A more comprehensive version published as Preces privatae, Graece et Latine, ed. John Lamphire (London, 1675). Translated by F.E. Brightman as The Preces Privatae of Lancelot Andrewes (London, 1903).