Leeds Archives
TN/Corr. 5/82
Among the archives of the Ingram family, of Temple Newsam.
Among papers of the Irwin family, of Temple Newsam. Formerly TN/F7.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, in a rough cursive hand, untitled, here beginning
First published in Internally unlike his manner
. Morris & Withington, p. 66, among Poems probably by Cleveland
. The attribution to Cleveland is dubious. The epitaph is also attributed to Clement Paman: see
Copy, untitled, on one side of a single folio leaf. Late 17th century.
First published in J.R.,
Copy, in a professional hand, with various alterations, headed
Another copy, with some alterations, on three pages of a pair of conjugate folio leaves, endorsed
Formerly BF. B. 3. From the Bacon Frank papers, of Campsall Hall, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 448.
Extracts relating to Pontefract, transcribed by Richard Frank (1698-1762), Yorkshire antiquary, from the papers of Nathaniel Johnston (1629?-1705), political theorist and antiquary, of Pontefract, and dated 1752.
Inscribed To my euer honored good Cosen Sr John Reresby Barronett these prsent
: i.e. presented to Sir John Reresby, first Baronet (1611-46), royalist, of Thribergh Hall.
Among the muniments of Lord Mexborough, descended from the Savile family formerly of Methley Hall, near Pontefract, West Yorkshire. Formerly MX 237.
Cited in Mexborough MS
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in William Camden,
Copy, headed
First published in Alfonso Ferrabosco,
First published in
Copy, headed
. First published in Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition
as possibly by William Baker. Poems attributed to Donne in MSS
. Also ascribed to James Shirley.
A shorter version, beginning
Copy of lines 27-8, headed
First published, as
Copy, untitled.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Hazlitt (1870), p. 28. Dunlap. p. 131.
Copy, untitled, subscribed in a different ink Tho: Harding
First published, in a musical setting, in Orlando Gibbons, What is our life?
Copy, untitled.
First published in
Copy, untitled and here beginning
First published in
Copy, untitled.
First published, as
Copy, headed R Hericke
First published in
Copy, untitled.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, with a correction in another hand, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Walter Porter,
Copy, headed Jo: Donne
First published in
Copy, headed
First published (stanzas 1-2), in a musical setting, in Walter Porter,
Copy, untitled.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed Geo: Morley
Copy, untitled and here beginning
First published, in
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed Ben: Johnson
First published in
Copy, headed Jo: Donne
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Shawcross.
First published in Henry Fitzgeffrey, Satyres and Satyricall Epigram's (London, 1617).
Copy, untitled and here beginning
First published (complete) in
Copy, headed
First published in William Camden,
Copy, headed
First published in William Camden,
Copy, headed
First published (omitting lines 25-48) in (from a MS collection) which bears the signature of Jerom Terrent
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published as an independent couplet in William Camden,
This couplet, which was subject to different versions over the years, is in fact lines 5-6 of a twelve-line poem beginning
Copy, headed
A six-line (epitaph) version is ascribed to the Countesse of Faukland
in two MS copies. In some sources it is followed by a further 44 lines (elegy) beginning
Both sets of verse were first published, as separate but sequential poems, in
Copy, untitled and here beginning
First published in John Benson's 4to edition of Jonson's poems (1640) and in
Copy, headed
First published in Brydges (1815), p. 75.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published, as R
; in Poems attributed to Donne in MSS
; and in
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 35-6. Forey pp. 40-1.
First published in
Copy, untitled.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Walter Porter,
Copy, headed in a different hand
First published, in a musical setting by Henry Lawes, in
First published, as
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed Hen: Blount:
First published in
Copy, headed Jo Grange
First published in J.G.
. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition
as by John Grange.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published (Nos. 3 and 4) in John Benson's 4to edition of Jonson's poems (1640) and (all poems) in
Copy, headed
Herford & Simpson, VIII, 277-81.
Copy, headed
First published in
First published in
Copy, untitled.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published, in a musical setting by William Webb, in John Playford,
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Martin (1956), p. 420. Patrick, pp. 68-9.
Copy of lines 17-24, untitled and here beginning
edited from this ms in Beal? check
First published (in an incomplete 24-line version) in Truest
Version of Ben Jonson's Rochester's
Copy, headed Ben: Johnson
First published in London, 1616. Herford & Simpson, V, 139-272.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
Pembroke's Poems
Copy, headed WS
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, untitled.
First published in
Copy, headed Sr Water Ralegh
Edited from this MS in
First published in
Copy, headed
. First published in Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition
as possibly by William Baker. Poems attributed to Donne in MSS
. Also ascribed to James Shirley.
A shorter version, beginning
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed John Donne
First published in
The various texts of this poem discussed in Randall McLeod,
Copy, headed
Lines 1-16 first published in
Copy, headed John Dunne
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in London, 1625. Herford & Simpson, VII, 701-29 (p. 727).
Copy, following (on f. 64v) William Burlase's
First published in John Benson's 4to edition of Jonson's poems (1640) and in
Copy, headed Jo: Grange
First published in Chambers (1912), pp. 33-5. Brown, pp. 30-1.
Copy, headed
First published in
. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition
as by Henry Reynolds.
Copy, untitled.
First published (in a two-stanza version) in John Dowland,
Copy, untitled and immediately following on from John Dun
First published in William Corkine,
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, with corrections in a different ink, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Stay, lovely Boy, why fly'st thou mee
). Musical settings by John Wilson in Henry Lawes,
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed W Strode
First published in
Copy, headed
First published, as
Copy, in double columns, headed
Osborn, p. 301.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in [John Gough], P.
. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition
as possibly by Walton Poole.
Copy, headed Ben Johnson
First published in John Benson's 4to edition of Jonson's poems (1640) and in
Copy, headed
First published in John Donne,
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed R. C
First published in
The poem is usually followed in MSS by Dr Daniel Price's Answer
(So to dead Hector boyes may doe disgrace
), and see also
Copy, headed R C
First published in
Copy, headed Fra: Beaumont
First published in Sir Thomas Overbury,
Copy, untitled, here beginning B J
First published in
Sr Robert Cotton, on eleven large folio leaves (plus two blanks), frayed and stained, unbound. c.1630s.
Among the muniments of Lord Mexborough, descended from the Savile family formerly of Methley Hall, near Pontefract, West Yorkshire.
Treatise, written c.1614 and Presented to King James
, beginning Wearied with the lingering calamities of Civil Arms...
. First published in London, 1627.
Among the muniments of Lord Mexborough, descended from the Savile family formerly of Methley Hall, near Pontefract, West Yorkshire. Formerly MX 269.
Ralegh's letter of 1618 to his cousin George, Lord Carew of Clopton (beginning
Copy, headed
Ralegh's note, 1618, denouncing false allegations, beginning I did never receive advise from my Lord Carew to make any escape, neither did I tell ytt Stukeley...
. First published in