John Grange


'A Lover once I did espy'

First published, in a musical setting, in Playford, Select Musicall Ayres and Dialogues (1652), I, 12. Poems (1660), pp. 86-7, beginning A Restless Lover I espy'd, superscribed P.. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition, and in Krueger's Appendix II list of poems by John Grange.

GrJ 1

Copy, untitled and here beginning A Louer once I did espy, in a musical setting by Henry Lawes.

In: A folio songbook, 121 leaves (including c.20 blanks and an index), in contemporary calf (rebacked).

Including ten poems by Carew and twelve poems by or attributed to Herrick, in musical settings, predominantly in a single hand (ff. 2r-63v, 92r-9r, 100r, with a change of style on ff. 64r-5v and in the index probably by the same hand), with 18th-century additions on ff. 81v-7v, 89r-v and 145v-53r, and scribbling elsewhere.


Later owned by Colonel W.G. Probert, of Bevills, Bures, Suffolk. Sold by Quaritch in 1937.

Cited in IELM, II.i (1987), as the Probert MS: CwT Δ 4, HeR Δ 1. Discussed and analysed in John P. Cutts, A Bodleian Song-Book: Don. C. 57, M&L, 34 (1953), 192-211. Also briefly discussed in George Thewlis, Some Notes on a Bodleian Manuscript, M&L, 22 (1941) 32-5, and in Willa McClung Evans, Shakespeare's Harke Harke ye Larke, PMLA, 60 (1945), 95-101 (with a facsimile of f. 78r). A facsimile of the volume in English Song 1600-1675, ed. Elise Bickford Jorgens, Vol. 6 (New York & London, 1987).

GrJ 2

Copy, in Lawes's musical setting, untitled.

In: A large folio volume of autograph vocal music by Henry Lawes (1596-1662), ix + 184 leaves, in modern black morocco gilt.

Comprising over 300 songs and musical dialogues by Lawes, probably written over an extended period (c.1626-62) in preparation for his eventual publications, including settings of 38 poems by Carew, fourteen poems by or attributed to Herrick, and fifteen by Waller.

Mid-17th century.

Bookplates of William Gostling (1696-1777), antiquary and topographer; of Robert Smith, of 3 St Paul's Churchyard; and of Stephen Groombridge, FRS (1755-1832), astronomer. Later owned, until 1966, by Miss Naomi D. Church, of Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. Formerly British Library Loan MS 35.

Recorded in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Henry Lawes MS: CwT Δ 16; HeR Δ 3; WaE Δ 11. Discussed, with facsimile examples, in Pamela J. Willetts, The Henry Lawes Manuscript (London, 1969). Facsimiles of ff. 42r, 78r, 80r, 84r, 111r and 169r in The Poems and Masques of Aurelian Townshend, ed. Cedric C. Brown (Reading, 1983), pp. 59, 60, 62, 64, 66 and 117. Also discussed in Willa McClung Evans, Henry Lawes: Musician and Friend of Poets (New York and London, 1941), and elsewhere. A complete facsimile of the volume in English Song 1600-1675, ed. Elise Bickford Jorgens, Vol. 3 (New York & London, 1986).

GrJ 3

Copy, headed Sonnett, here beginning A restless louer I espy'd.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, written in two styles of hand (A: ff. 2r, after first six lines, to 64v; B: ff. 2r, first six lines, 64v-91v, 92v-4r), possibly both in the same hand, with an Index (ff. 93r-4r), 94 leaves, in modern half-morocco.

Including 22 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 13 poems by King, and 24 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and probably associated with Christ Church, Oxford.


Inscribed names including (f. 93v, in court hand) ffrancis Baskeruile: i.e. probably the Francis Baskerville who married Margaret Glanvill in 1635 and was in 1640 MP for Marlborough, Wiltshire. Other scribbling including (f. 1r) accounts referring to Wanborough, Wiltshire; (f. 9v) Elizabeth White; (f. 54v) William Walrond his booke 1663; (f. 92r) accounts dated 1658; and (f. 94r) John Wallrond. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.

Recorded in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Baskerville MS: CwT Δ 20, KiH Δ 10, StW Δ 13. Facsimile examples of ff. 55r and 68r in Mary Hobbs, Early Seventeenth-Century Verse Miscellany Manuscripts (Aldershot, 1992), Plate 6, after p. 86.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 4


In: A quarto verse miscellany, in one or more secretary hands, with (ff. 244r-54r) a first-line index, 254 leaves, in modern half-morocco, poems on ff. 34v and 242v dated 1637.

Including 91 poems and some prose works by John Donne and fourteen poems by Thomas Carew.


Among the collections of Richard Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville (1776-1839), first Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, of Stowe House, near Buckingham, largely derived from the collection of the antiquary Thomas Astle (1735-1803), which in turn chiefly derived from Astle's father-in-law, the Essex historian Philip Morant (1700-70) (see DnJ Δ 15). Later owned by Bertram, fourth Earl of Ashburnham (1797-1878).

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980) and II.i (1987), as Stowe MS II: DnJ Δ 44 and Stowe MS: CwT Δ 22.

GrJ 5

Copy, untitled.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, in several hands, a neat mixed hand predominating up to f. 55r, 151 leaves (including a few blanks), in contemporary calf. c.1730.

Inscribed (in another hand) on the front pastedown Thomas Boydell. Formerly Folger MS 4108.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 5.3

Copy, untitled.

In: Two folio leaves of MS verse, in double columns, in a neat roman hand, at the end of a printed exemplum of Thomas Campion's The First Booke of Ayres (London, [1613?]) bound with The third and fourth booke of Aires (London, [1617]), in panelled calf. Mid-17th century.

Sotheby's, 16-19 June 1930, lot 326, to Quaritch. From the library of Sir Robert Leicester Harmsworth, first Baronet, MP (1870-1937).

GrJ 5.5


In: A quarto verse miscellany, including ten poems by Carew and one of doubtful authorship, in a single neat non-professional hand, 72 leaves (plus a later index). c.1643-50s.

Later owned by the Newcastle antiquarian collectors John Bell (1783-1864) and Robert White (1802-74).

Cited in IELM, II.i (1987), as the Bell-White MS, CwT Δ 30. Described, with facsimiles of ff. 30r and 56v, in T.G.S. Cain, The Bell/White MS: Some Unpublished Poems, ELR, 2 (1972), 260-70.

GrJ 6

Copy, headed Another sonnett and here beginning A restles louer I espide.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, including fifteen poems by Donne, with a title-page Miscellanies Or A Collection of Diuers Witty and pleasant Epigrams, Adages, poems Epitaphes &c for the recreation of ye ouertravelled sences: 1630 Robert Bishop, in a single mixed hand, probably associated with the University of Oxford, 306 pages, in old calf. c.1630.

Owned and probably compiled by Robert Bishop. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9549. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue, English Poetry to 1700 (1941), item 187.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980) as the Bishop MS: DnJ Δ 59. Edited in David Coleman Redding, Robert Bishop's Commonplace-Book: An Edition of a Seventeenth Century Miscellany (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1960) [Mic 60-3608].

GrJ 7

Copy, untitled.

In: A folio formal verse miscellany, in a single rounded hand, 259 pages (plus a three-page index), in modern boards.

The contents, the latest of which (on pp. 203-7) can be dated to a marriage that took place in November 1656, reflect the taste of Interregnum Royalist sympathisers.

c.Late 1650s.

Formerly in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 4001. Sotheby's, 29 June 1946, lot 164, to Myers. Then in the library of Charles Kay Ogden (1889-1957), psychologist, linguist, and book collector.

GrJ 8

Copy, untitled.

In: A folio formal verse miscellany, comprising c.406 poems, many of them song lyrics, in various neat hands, compiled probably over a period, 8 blank leaves (pp. [i-xvi]) + 10 unnumbered pages of poems (pp. [xvii-xxvi]) + 9 numbered pages (pp. 1-9) + ff. [9v]-151v + 12 leaves at the end blank but for a poem on the penultimate page (f. [11v]), in contemporary calf gilt.

Once erroneously associated with Thomas Killigrew (1612-83), whose hand does not appear in the volume.

Mid-17th century-c.1702.

Inscribed (f. [ir]) Sr Robert Killigrew / 1702. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 9070. Sotheby's, 19 May 1897, lot 455.

Discussed, with a facsimile example, in Nancy Cutbirth, Thomas Killigrew's Commonplace Book?, Library Chronicle of the University of Texas at Austin, NS No. 13 (1980), 31-8.

GrJ 9

Copy, headed Cant: 8, here beginning A restless lover I did espy, imperfect.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, 54 leaves, imperfect (chewed by rodents), lacking covers.

Compiled by Herbert Aston (1613-88/9), poet, son of Walter Aston, Baron Aston of Forfar (1584-1639), of Tixall, Staffordshire, diplomat.


Inscribed on f. iv Her: Aston [monogram] the 29 of July an: D: 1634.

GrJ 10

Copy, here beginning A Restless Lover I espy'd.

In: A duodecimo verse miscellany, in several hands, showing communal use, 161 pages (plus blanks), in contemporary calf. Late 17th century.

Formerly Chest II, No. 21.

'Be not proud, 'cause fair and trim'

First published, in a musical setting, in Henry Lawes, Second Book of Ayres and Dialogues (1655), p. 10, ascribed to John Grange. Poems (1660), pp. 59-60, where the stanzas by Man are superscribed P. and those by Woman superscribed R.. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition as probably by John Grange.

GrJ 11

Copy, untitled.

In: A folio composite volume of separate MSS of verse and some prose, in various secretary and italic hands, written over an extended period, with a table of contents (f. 3r-v), 186 leaves.

Comprising papers of the Skipwith family of Cotes, Leicestershire, including 60 poems by John Donne (and one Problem), the text related in part to the Edward Smyth MS (DnJ Δ 45); also 15 poems (and second copies of two) by Henry King; and 19 poems (and two of doubtful authorship) by Carew.


Including poems ascribed to William Skipwith (? Sir William Skipwith, d.1610, or his grandson, William, or possibly a cousin, William Skipwith, of Ketsby, Lincolnshire, fl.1633); to Sir Henry Skipwith (fl.1609-52); and to Thomas Skipwith, and several poems by Donne's friend Sir Henry Goodyer (1571-1627), to whom a branch of the Skipwith family was related by marriage. Later owned by Robert Sherard (1719-99), fourth Earl of Harborough. Sotheby's, 10 June 1864, lot 605, to Boone.

This MS is the curious folio volume lent to John Nichols (1745-1826) by the late Lord Harborough and cited in Nichols's account of the Skipwith family in his History of Leicestershire, 4 vols (1795-1815), III, part i (1800), 367.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980) and II.i (1987), as the Skipwith MS: DnJ Δ 21; CwT Δ 14; KiH Δ 8. Also described in Mary Hobbs's thesis, pp. 119-29 (see KiH Δ 6). For Sir William Skipwith and his literary connections, see James Knowles, Marston, Skipwith and The Entertainment at Ashby, EMS, 3 (1992), 137-92 (esp. pp. 171-2).

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 11.5


In: A duodecimo verse miscellany in several hands, written from both ends, 46 leaves, in contemporary calf. Mid-17th century.

Inscribed names (on front paste-down and f. 1r) of Fra: Norreys (? Sir Francis Norris (1609-69)) and Hen. Balle. Purchased from J. Harvey 8 December 1877.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 12

Copy, in Lawes's musical setting.

In: A large folio volume of autograph vocal music by Henry Lawes (1596-1662), ix + 184 leaves, in modern black morocco gilt.

Comprising over 300 songs and musical dialogues by Lawes, probably written over an extended period (c.1626-62) in preparation for his eventual publications, including settings of 38 poems by Carew, fourteen poems by or attributed to Herrick, and fifteen by Waller.

Mid-17th century.

Bookplates of William Gostling (1696-1777), antiquary and topographer; of Robert Smith, of 3 St Paul's Churchyard; and of Stephen Groombridge, FRS (1755-1832), astronomer. Later owned, until 1966, by Miss Naomi D. Church, of Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. Formerly British Library Loan MS 35.

Recorded in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Henry Lawes MS: CwT Δ 16; HeR Δ 3; WaE Δ 11. Discussed, with facsimile examples, in Pamela J. Willetts, The Henry Lawes Manuscript (London, 1969). Facsimiles of ff. 42r, 78r, 80r, 84r, 111r and 169r in The Poems and Masques of Aurelian Townshend, ed. Cedric C. Brown (Reading, 1983), pp. 59, 60, 62, 64, 66 and 117. Also discussed in Willa McClung Evans, Henry Lawes: Musician and Friend of Poets (New York and London, 1941), and elsewhere. A complete facsimile of the volume in English Song 1600-1675, ed. Elise Bickford Jorgens, Vol. 3 (New York & London, 1986).

This MS collated in Krueger.

GrJ 13

Copy, headed A Dialogue, subscribed J Grange.

In: A quarto miscellany of epitaphs and poems, in several hands, the main collection of verse (ff. 46-147) in a single hand and including 54 poems by Donne (all subscribed J. D.) and fourteen poems by or attributed to Herrick, 158 pages (plus index). c.1630s.

Once owned by the Sir Henry Spelman (1563/4-1641), historian and antiquary, and later by Dawson Turner (1775-1858), banker, botanist, and antiquary. Puttick & Simpson's, 6 June 1859 (Turner sale), lot 164. Afterwards owned by Sir George Grey (1812-98), Governor of Australia, New Zealand and Cape Colony. Formerly MS Grey 2 a 11.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980) and II.i (1987), as the Grey MS: DnJ Δ 60 and HeR Δ 6. Facsimile of p. 119r (HeR 355) in L.F. Casson, The Manuscripts of the Grey Collection in Cape Town, The Book Collector, 10 (Spring 1961), 147-55 (facing p. 153).

GrJ 13.5

Copy, headed A Dialogue.

In: A quarto formal verse miscellany, in a single professional secretary hand, 83 pages, in modern quarter-calf. c.1630s.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 13.8

Copy, headed A Dialogue betwixt a Man and a woman.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, including seventeen poems by Donne and fifteen by Strode, the main part in a single hand, 334 pages (but pp. 3-4 extracted, and including a later index).

Possibly compiled by one W: H:: i.e. probably William Holgate (1618-46), of Queens' College, Cambridge, with late 17th-century additions apparently made by other members of the Holgate family, of Saffron Walden and Great Bardfield, Essex.

c.1630s [-late 17th-century].

Owned in the early 18th century by John Wale, who supplied the index on pp. 330-3. Owned before 1927 by Col. W.G. Carwardine-Probert, of Bures, Suffolk (descendant of the Holgate family).

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980), as the Holgate MS: DnJ Δ 58 and StW Δ 22. Briefly discussed in W.G.P., Verses by Francis Beaumont, TLS (15 September 1921), p. 596, and in E.K. Chambers, William Shakespeare, 2 vols (Oxford, 1930), II, 222-4. Also discussed, with facsimiles on pp. 68 and 70 of pp. 181 and 13, in Michael Roy Denbo, Editing a Renaissance Commonplace Book: The Holgate Miscellany, in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, III, ed. W. Speed Hill (Tempe, AZ, 2004). pp. 65-73. For facsimile pages see DnJ 2931 and ShW 25. Complete microfilm in the Essex Record Office (T/A 98).

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 13.9


In: A quarto verse miscellany, including fifteen poems by Donne, with a title-page Miscellanies Or A Collection of Diuers Witty and pleasant Epigrams, Adages, poems Epitaphes &c for the recreation of ye ouertravelled sences: 1630 Robert Bishop, in a single mixed hand, probably associated with the University of Oxford, 306 pages, in old calf. c.1630.

Owned and probably compiled by Robert Bishop. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9549. A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue, English Poetry to 1700 (1941), item 187.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980) as the Bishop MS: DnJ Δ 59. Edited in David Coleman Redding, Robert Bishop's Commonplace-Book: An Edition of a Seventeenth Century Miscellany (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1960) [Mic 60-3608].

This MS recorded in Krueger.

'Black cypress veils are shrouds of night'

An Answer to Corbett's To the Ladyes of the New Dresse (CoR 595-629), first published in Witts Recreations (London, 1640). The Poems of Richard Corbett, ed. J.A.W. Bennett and H.R. Trevor-Roper (Oxford, 1955), p. 91. Listed as by John Grange in Krueger.

GrJ 14

Copy, headed Their Answer, in a pair of quarto conjugate leaves (ff. 173r-4v).

In: A large folio composite volume of verse, in various largely secretary hands, 327 leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary calf.

Collected, and partly written, by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.

Betagraph of the watermark in f. 29 in Ted-Larry Pebworth, Towards a Taxonomy of Watermarks, in Puzzles in Paper: Concepts in Historical Watermarks, ed. Daniel W. Mosser, Michael Saffle and Ernest W. Sullivan, II (London, 2000), pp. 229-42 (p. 239).

GrJ 14.5

Copy, headed Their Answere.

In: A large folio composite verse miscellany, chiefly folio, partly quarto, 243 pages, in contemporary calf.

Including 18 poems by Carew and two of doubtful authorship, compiled by Nicholas Burghe (d.1670), Royalist Captain during the Civil War and one of the poor Knights of Windsor in 1661 (references to I Nicholas Burgh occurring on ff. 165r, with the date 3d of June 1638, and 166r, and his name partly in cipher on other pages); predominantly in his hand, with some later additions in other hands.


Afterwards owned by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.

Cited in IELM, II.i (1987), as the Burghe MS: CwT Δ 1.

GrJ 15

Copy, headed The answer by a gentlewoman.

In: An octavo miscellany of verse and some prose, in five hands, one predominating on ff. 8v-130r, ii + 166 leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary calf.

Compiled in part (ff. 131v-66r) by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.

GrJ 16

Copy, headed in the margin The Ladies answere.

In: A folio verse miscellany, comprising nearly 250 poems, in five hands, vii + 135 leaves (with a modern index), in contemporary calf gilt (rebacked), with remains of clasps.

Including 16 poems (plus second copies of two) by Carew, 19 poems by or attributed to Herrick (and second copies of six of them), 23 poems (plus second copies of two and four of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, 18 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and eleven poems by Waller.


Inscribed on a flyleaf Peeter Daniell and his initials stamped on both covers. Later scribbling including the names Thomas Gardinor, James Leigh and Pettrus Romell. Owned in 1780 by one A. B. when it was given to Thomas Percy (1768-1808), later Bishop of Dromore. Sotheby's, 29 April 1884 (Percy sale), lot 1. Acquired from Quaritch, 1957.

Cited in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Daniell MS: CwT Δ 5, HeR Δ 2, RnT Δ 1, StW Δ 5, WaE Δ 9. Briefly discussed in Margaret Crum, An Unpublished Fragment of Verse by Herrick, RES, NS 11 (1960), 186-9. A facsimile of f. 22v in Marcy L. North, Amateur Compilers, Scribal Labour, and the Contents of Early Modern Poetic Miscellanies, EMS, 16 (2011), 82-111 (p. 106). Betagraphs of the watermark in f. 65 in Ted-Larry Pebworth, Towards a Taxonomy of Watermarks, in Puzzles in Paper: Concepts in Historical Watermarks, ed. Daniel W. Mosser, Michael Saffle and Ernest W. Sullivan, II (London, 2000), pp. 229-42 (p. 241).

GrJ 17

Copy, headed Ther answer.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, including 13 poems by Donne and 14 poems by Corbett, in several hands, probably associated with Oxford University, written from both ends, 102 leaves, in 17th-century calf. c.1630s.

Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson (or just possibly Lamson). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980) and II.i (1987), as the Lawson MS: DnJ Δ 37 and CoR Δ 2.

GrJ 18

Copy, headed The Answer.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, compiled by the writer Robert Codrington (1602-65) of Magdalen College, Oxford, 360 pages (including stubs of extracted leaves on pp. 297-328 and blanks, plus index), in contemporary calf.

Including 16 poems by Carew and 13 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Written in three hands: i.e. A (Codrington's hand, including his own poems) on pp. 1-283, 349-55; B on pp. 284-9; and C on pp. 289-348, 356-60; dated (pp. 1-22) Anno Dom: 1638 and The 30th of May. 1638.


Acquired from Blackwell's, 1962.

Cited in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Codrington MS: CwT Δ 7 and StW Δ 7.

GrJ 19

Copy, headed The Answer to these.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, in two or more hands, 95 leaves (plus blanks), including two Indexes, in contemporary vellum.

Compiled by an Oxford University man, possibly a member of St John's College.


A receipt (f. 104r) by John Weston recording payment from his brother Ed: Weston, 3 May 1714. The name John Saunders inscribed on the final leaf.

GrJ 20

Copy, headed The Answer.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, in English and Latin, including 37 poems by Donne, in several hands, written from both ends, 279 leaves (including numerous blanks, mostly in ff. 42r-140r), with stubs of extracted leaves, in contemporary calf.

Compiled in part by the Oxford printer Christopher Wase (1627-90), fellow of King's College, Cambridge.

Mid-17th century.

Later owned by John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, and his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980), as the Wase MS: DnJ Δ 39.

GrJ 21

Copy, headed The Ladyes Answer.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, predominantly in a single hand, vi + 98 leaves, in calf.

Probably compiled by a member of New College, Oxford.


Some tipped-in notes by Richard Rawlinson.

GrJ 22

Copy, headed Their Answer.

In: A quarto composite miscellany of verse, in English and Latin, compiled by William Sancroft (1617-93), Archbishop of Canterbury, who lived in Cambridge as student and Fellow of Emmanuel College from 1633 to 1651, ii + 115 leaves, in calf.

Comprising three separate units: ff. 1r-96v all in Sancroft's hand; ff. 97r-104r in a second hand; and ff. 105r-9r in a third hand.

Including (on ff. 2-23, 27ar-v, 70) 94 Latin poems ascribed to Crashaw (including three of doubtful authorship) and (on ff. 29-41, 43v, 44v-58, 60v, 62v-5v, 67-70v, 72-3, 95-6) 101 English poems (plus a second copy of one of them) attributed to him (including one of doubtful authorship) and (on f. 16r-v) one Greek poem attributed to him; a list of contents on the first page beginning Mr. Crashaw's poems transcrib'd fro his own copie, before the were printed; among wch are some not printed….

c.1640s [and later].

Cited in IELM as the Sancroft MS: CrR Δ 1. Crashaw edited in part from this MS, and collated, in Grosart, in Waller and in Martin (cited as T or T5), and discussed in Waller, pp. vi-ix, and in Martin, pp. lviii-lxxiii. Folios 28-34v, 38v-41, 44v, 52v-6 reproduced in facsimile in Steps to the Temple (1970).

GrJ 23

Copy, headed The Answer.

In: A quarto composite volume of verse, in several hands (the 22 or 23 poems by Carew on ff. 2r-22r in a single hand), with later additions dated 1731-3 by one G. Broughton on ff. 1r and after 44r, a reference to St John's College, Cambridge (in 1731) on f. 83v, 93 leaves (plus blanks), in 19th-century half black morocco. c.1630s [-1733].

G. Broughton is possibly William (Gulielmus) Broughton (b.1684/5), of Trinity College, Cambridge (one of whose Latin verse compilations was copied in 1704-6 by Richard Robinson in Trinity College, Cambridge, MS 0.6.1 (James 1497). Also the name Jo: Tweedy is inscribed several times on f. 81r. Owned before 1841 by one W. Potter.

Cited in IELM, II.i (1987), as the Tweedye MS: CwT Δ 10.

GrJ 24

Copy, headed The Ladyes Answer.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, in a single predominantly italic hand, 49 leaves, outer leaves imperfect, in modern calf gilt.

Including twenty poems by Carew, eleven poems by Crashaw on ff. 10-30 passim, and fifteen poems by Strode.


Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1834), item 728. Acquired from C. Booth, October 1857.

Cited in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Thorpe MS: CwT Δ 12, CrR Δ 3, StW Δ 9.

GrJ 25

Copy, headed The Answer.

In: A duodecimo verse miscellany, in generally small mixed hands, ii + 40 leaves, in 19th-century embossed black leather. c.1640s.

Later owned by Thomas Rodd (1796-1849), bookseller; by Richard Heber (1774-1833), book collector; and by the Rev. Philip Bliss (1787-1857), antiquary and book collector. Sotheby's, 21 August 1858 (Bliss sale), lot 190.

GrJ 26

Copy, headed The Ladies and Gentlewns Answer, dated 1 April 1633.

In: A small quarto diary, in a single secretary hand, 89 leaves, bound with a separately acquired continuation or companion MS (ff. 90r-153r, now Add. MS 28640), in modern half-morocco.

Compiled by the Rev. John Rous (1584-1644), incumbent of Santon Downham, Suffolk, and relating, retrospectively, chiefly to public events and to literary texts in circulation in 1625-42.


Later owned by Dawson Turner (1775-1858), banker, botanist and antiquary. Turner sale, 7 June 1859, lot 253. The second MS purchased at Sotheby's, 15-25 March 1871 (library of the bookseller Joseph Lilly).

The first MS edited in full in Diary of John Rous, incumbent of Santon Downham, Suffolk, from 1625 to 1642, ed. Mary Anne Everett Green, Camden Society No. 66 (1856).

Green, pp. 71-2.

GrJ 27

Copy, headed The Ladies answere.

In: An octavo miscellany of verse, academic exercises and other material, in English and Latin, almost entirely in a single hand, 134 leaves, in contemporary vellum.

Inscribed by the compiler (f. 133v) Anthony Scattergood His booke: i.e. Anthony Scattergood (1611-87), theologian, of Trinity College, Cambridge. Volume XXXII of the Scattergood papers.


Also inscribed (f. 130v) Elisabeth Scattergood her Booke 1667/8. Booklabel of Henry Huth (1815-78), book collector.

GrJ 28

Copy, headed The Ladies answer to Dr Corbet.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, in two styles of italic, the last poem (f. 93v) added in a later hand, 93 leaves (plus ten blanks), in modern quarter-morocco gilt.

Including 14 poems by Donne, six poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Carew, ten poems by Habington and 13 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Randolph. Owned and possibly compiled by Arthur Capell (1631-83), second Earl of Essex, whose name is inscribed in red ink (1*), in a similar roman hand to that on ff. 1r-19r. He married (1653) Elizabeth Percy (1636-1718), daughter of Algernon, tenth Earl of Northumberland; she was therefore the great niece of Habington's mother-in-law, Eleanor Percy, sister of the ninth Earl of Northumberland.

Mid-17th century.

Later among the collections of Robert Harley (1661-1724), first Earl of Oxford, and his son, Edward (1689-1741), second Earl of Oxford.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980) and II, i-ii (1987-93), as the Capell MS: DnJ Δ 43, CwT Δ 17, and RnT Δ 3. Discussed in Geoffrey Tillotson, The Commonplace Book of Arthur Capell, MLR, 27 (1932), 381-91.

GrJ 29

Copy, headed The Ladies answere.

In: An octavo miscellany, 47 leaves, the greater part (ff. 1r-26, 42r-5v) in a single small mixed hand, with other hands on ff. 27r-41r, including a Catalogus Librorum on ff. 29v-40r, and accounts c.1705 on ff. 46v-7r, in black morocco gilt.

Compiled principally by Henry George, while a student at Christ's College, Cambridge.


Inscribed (f. 1*v) Meliora Spero dum Spiro / Henricus George / nec ut mortale / quod opto.

GrJ 30

Copy, headed The Answer.

In: An octavo notebook of extracts, chiefly verse, compiled by one or two University of Cambridge men, 69 leaves (plus numerous blanks), in contemporary calf. c.1653-60s.
GrJ 31

Copy, headed The Ladies Answer.

In: A folio volume of state tracts, speeches, and verse, closely written from both ends in a single hand, 260 pages, lacking a number of pages and some fragments (pp. 25-38, 48-64) now removed to MS Gg. 4. 13*, in quarter-calf. Mid-17th century.
GrJ 32

Copy, headed Their Answere.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, in English and Latin, predominantly in a single hand (up to f. 34v), with additions in four subsequent hands (ff. 37-50v), 50 leaves, in vellum.

Compiled for the most part by a University of Oxford man, with (f. 1r-v) a list of contents.


Once owned by one John Faith, and by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.

Formerly cited as Corpus Christi College, MS E.i.33.

GrJ 33

Copy, headed The ladies answer.

In: A quarto miscellany of verse and prose, including parliamentary speeches, in several largely secretary hands, 165 leaves (plus blanks), in contemporary vellum, stamped with the monogram TSB, within modern half-calf on marbled boards.

Inscribed (inside the front cover) Thomas Bowdler his booke wrytten wth his owne bloode 1634 and, in engrossed and decorated lettering, Thomas Bowdler his booke Ao Do: 1635, his name occurring several times elsewhere: the MS probably compiled in part by him.

GrJ 34

Copy, headed The Ladies & gentlewomens aunsweare to Doctor Corbett.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, in a single neat secretary hand, probably associated with Oxford and afterwards with the Inns of Court, 73 leaves (plus a few blanks and a modern index).

Including 40 poems by Strode and two poems of doubtful authorship.


Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9510. (Phillipps sale, lot 1015.) Owned c.1903 by Bertram Dobell (1842-1914). Percy Dobell's sale catalogue No. 68 (1941), item 342. Formerly MS 4201. 27. 1.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Dobell MS II: StW Δ 19. Formerly Folger MS 1.27.42.

GrJ 35

Copy, headed The Answer, subscribed John Grange.

In: A large quarto verse miscellany, 76 leaves, in old vellum wrappers within modern quarter red morocco on marbled boards.

Part I, including some Welsh, comprises sixteen leaves, all (but for f. 15r-v) in the cursive hand of William Jordan, schoolmaster of Denbigh or Caernarvon, whose name (Gulielmus Jordan) is inscribed, the dates 1680-83 occurring.

Part II comprises 60 leaves, ff. 1-50v in a neat italic hand, ff. 51r-60r in several other cursive hands.


The vellum wrapper on Part II bears notes on a debt by William Jordan in 1674 relating to Evan Thomas and Mr Richard Wilkinsn in pepper street. Formerly Folger MS 1669.2.

GrJ 36

Copy, headed The Ladies answere.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, with later accounts on the last page dated June 1658, 1* + 238 pages (including stubs of extracted pages 191-6, plus numerous blanks), in old calf (rebacked).

Including 11 poems by Carew and 14 poems by Randolph.


Inscribed Jane Wheeler and Tho: Oliver Busfield. Francis Quarles's poem (pp. 209-11) To ye two partners of my heart Mr John Wheeler, and Mr Symon Tue. Item 96 in an unidentified sale catalogue. Formerly Folger MS 2071.6.

A Jo. Wheeler signed the Christ Church, Oxford, disbursement books for 1641-3 (xii, b.85 and 86).

Cited in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Wheeler MS: CwT Δ 25 and RnT Δ 7.

GrJ 37

Copy, headed The Ladys reply.

In: MS. 17th century.

Recorded in HMC, 7th Report, Part I (1879), Appendix, p. 508. A set of microfilms of the Verney Papers is in the British Library (M/636/1-60).

'Blind beauty! If it be a loss'

First published in Poems (1660), pp. 67-9, headed Sonnet. P.. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition as probably by John Grange.

GrJ 37.1

Copy, headed A Louer not haueinge ye hart to speak to his Mrs would haue had her vnderstand his mynde by his Lookes.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, written in two styles of hand (A: ff. 2r, after first six lines, to 64v; B: ff. 2r, first six lines, 64v-91v, 92v-4r), possibly both in the same hand, with an Index (ff. 93r-4r), 94 leaves, in modern half-morocco.

Including 22 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 13 poems by King, and 24 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and probably associated with Christ Church, Oxford.


Inscribed names including (f. 93v, in court hand) ffrancis Baskeruile: i.e. probably the Francis Baskerville who married Margaret Glanvill in 1635 and was in 1640 MP for Marlborough, Wiltshire. Other scribbling including (f. 1r) accounts referring to Wanborough, Wiltshire; (f. 9v) Elizabeth White; (f. 54v) William Walrond his booke 1663; (f. 92r) accounts dated 1658; and (f. 94r) John Wallrond. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.

Recorded in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Baskerville MS: CwT Δ 20, KiH Δ 10, StW Δ 13. Facsimile examples of ff. 55r and 68r in Mary Hobbs, Early Seventeenth-Century Verse Miscellany Manuscripts (Aldershot, 1992), Plate 6, after p. 86.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 37.2

Copy, headed To his Mistrisse.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, in three hands, including eight poems by Randolph (one twice), 102 leaves, in modern half-morocco gilt.

Fols 1r-93v, 95r-100v in the hand of Peter Calfe (1610-67), son of a Dutch merchant in London (whose name is inscribed on a flyleaf: f. 1*); f. 94r-v in an unidentified hand, and ff. 101v-2r in that of Peter Calfe's son, Peter Calfe the Younger (d.1693).


Later owned by John, Baron Somers (1651-1716), Lord Chancellor, and afterwards by Edward Harley (1689-1741), second Earl of Oxford. Inscribed (f. 1r) Janu. 6. 1738/9.

Cited in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), together with British Library, Harley MS 6917 with which it was once bound, as the Calfe MS: CwT Δ 18; KiH Δ 9; RnT Δ 4.

GrJ 37.4

Copy, untitled.

In: A folio verse miscellany, in a single probably professional rounded hand (except for a poem on f. 81r and later scribbling); ii + 81 leaves, in contemporary calf gilt.

Including 16 poems by or attributed to Herrick and 24 poems by Randolph (plus two of doubtful authorship). This MS related to HeR Δ 2 and to RnT Δ 1.

c. late 1630s.

Inscriptions including (on a flyleaf) Anthony St John/ Ann: St John/ 1640 Bletso: i.e. Anthony St John (1618-73), of Christ's College, Cambridge, fourth son of Oliver, fourth Baron St John and first Earl of Bolingbroke (c.1584-1646), of Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, and Anthony's wife, Ann Kensham (married 1639); (flyleaf) Oliver Beeesfor[d]; and (f. 81v) John Watts. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 13187. Sotheby's, 6 June 1910, lot 672, to Quaritch. Item 1415 in an unidentified sale.

Cited in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the St John MS: HeR Δ 4 and RnT Δ 8. Complete microfilm at the University of Birmingham, Shakespeare Institute (Mic S 72).

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 37.6

Copy, untitled.


A folio verse miscellany, including 15 poems by Donne, f. 162r-v in a rounded italic hand, ff. 164r-74v in a slightly erratic italic hand, ff. 175r-279v in a neat formal italic hand (also responsible for the index on ff. 2r-11v), this miscellany constituting ff. 162r-279v of a single folio volume containing also Part I (DnJ Δ 15), ii + 279 leaves in all (lacking one or more leaves at the end), in old blind-stamped calf (rebacked).


Formerly MS G. 2.21.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980), as the Dublin MS (II): DnJ Δ 61.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 37.7


In: A quarto verse miscellany, including ten poems by Carew and one of doubtful authorship, in a single neat non-professional hand, 72 leaves (plus a later index). c.1643-50s.

Later owned by the Newcastle antiquarian collectors John Bell (1783-1864) and Robert White (1802-74).

Cited in IELM, II.i (1987), as the Bell-White MS, CwT Δ 30. Described, with facsimiles of ff. 30r and 56v, in T.G.S. Cain, The Bell/White MS: Some Unpublished Poems, ELR, 2 (1972), 260-70.

GrJ 37.8

Copy, untitled.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, 54 leaves, imperfect (chewed by rodents), lacking covers.

Compiled by Herbert Aston (1613-88/9), poet, son of Walter Aston, Baron Aston of Forfar (1584-1639), of Tixall, Staffordshire, diplomat.


Inscribed on f. iv Her: Aston [monogram] the 29 of July an: D: 1634.

GrJ 37.9


In: A duodecimo verse miscellany, in several hands, showing communal use, 161 pages (plus blanks), in contemporary calf. Late 17th century.

Formerly Chest II, No. 21.

'Come you swarms of thoughts and bring'

First published in Poems: Written by Wil. Shakespeare. Gent. (London, 1640), as An Allegoricall allusion of melancholy thoughts to Bees, subscribed I. G. Listed in Krueger.

GrJ 38

Copy, untitled.

In: A folio verse miscellany, comprising nearly 250 poems, in five hands, vii + 135 leaves (with a modern index), in contemporary calf gilt (rebacked), with remains of clasps.

Including 16 poems (plus second copies of two) by Carew, 19 poems by or attributed to Herrick (and second copies of six of them), 23 poems (plus second copies of two and four of doubtful authorship) by Randolph, 18 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and eleven poems by Waller.


Inscribed on a flyleaf Peeter Daniell and his initials stamped on both covers. Later scribbling including the names Thomas Gardinor, James Leigh and Pettrus Romell. Owned in 1780 by one A. B. when it was given to Thomas Percy (1768-1808), later Bishop of Dromore. Sotheby's, 29 April 1884 (Percy sale), lot 1. Acquired from Quaritch, 1957.

Cited in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Daniell MS: CwT Δ 5, HeR Δ 2, RnT Δ 1, StW Δ 5, WaE Δ 9. Briefly discussed in Margaret Crum, An Unpublished Fragment of Verse by Herrick, RES, NS 11 (1960), 186-9. A facsimile of f. 22v in Marcy L. North, Amateur Compilers, Scribal Labour, and the Contents of Early Modern Poetic Miscellanies, EMS, 16 (2011), 82-111 (p. 106). Betagraphs of the watermark in f. 65 in Ted-Larry Pebworth, Towards a Taxonomy of Watermarks, in Puzzles in Paper: Concepts in Historical Watermarks, ed. Daniel W. Mosser, Michael Saffle and Ernest W. Sullivan, II (London, 2000), pp. 229-42 (p. 241).

GrJ 39

Copy, headed To his Thoughts, subscribed John Grange.

In: A folio verse miscellany, in a single professional secretary hand associated with the playhouse and possibly inns of court (also responsible for ChG 12.5, HyT 5, and MiT 6), 97 leaves, with a first-line Index at the end, in contemporary vellum boards.

Including fourteen poems by James Shirley, generally ascribed to him, and eleven poems by Strode (and two of doubtful authorship).


Inscribed (on the front paste-down) My cousin chute gaue me this book out of his father study at the vine Hampshire (following the same statement in French), indicating that the MS was owned by, and possibly originally compiled for, the family of Chaloner Chute, MP (c.1595-1659), Speaker of the house of Commons, who acquired The Vyne, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, in 1653. Later owned by Sir William Tite (1798-1873), architect. Sotheby's, 30 May 1874, lot 2343. Bookplate of William Horatio Crawford, of Lakelands, Cork, book collector. Sotheby's, 21 March 1891 (Crawford sale), lot 2493.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Chute MS: ShJ Δ 2 and StW Δ 11. Briefly discussed, with a facsimile of f. 34v (see ShJ 96 and ShJ 100) in Mary Hobbs, Early Seventeenth-Century Verse Miscellanies and their Value for Textual Editors, EMS, 1 (1989), 192-210 (pp. 200-1, 209-10 n. 40). Discussed, with facsimiles of ff. 53r and 80r, in Arthur F. Marotti, Chaloner Chute's Poetical Anthology (British Library, Additional MS 33998) as a Cosmopolitan Collection, EMS, 16 (2011), 82-111 (p. 99).

GrJ 40

Copy, headed An allegoricall Allusion of Melancholy thoughts to b-- [deleted], subscribed John Grange.

In: A large quarto verse miscellany, 76 leaves, in old vellum wrappers within modern quarter red morocco on marbled boards.

Part I, including some Welsh, comprises sixteen leaves, all (but for f. 15r-v) in the cursive hand of William Jordan, schoolmaster of Denbigh or Caernarvon, whose name (Gulielmus Jordan) is inscribed, the dates 1680-83 occurring.

Part II comprises 60 leaves, ff. 1-50v in a neat italic hand, ff. 51r-60r in several other cursive hands.


The vellum wrapper on Part II bears notes on a debt by William Jordan in 1674 relating to Evan Thomas and Mr Richard Wilkinsn in pepper street. Formerly Folger MS 1669.2.

GrJ 41

Copy, untitled.

In: A folio verse miscellany, in a single probably professional rounded hand (except for a poem on f. 81r and later scribbling); ii + 81 leaves, in contemporary calf gilt.

Including 16 poems by or attributed to Herrick and 24 poems by Randolph (plus two of doubtful authorship). This MS related to HeR Δ 2 and to RnT Δ 1.

c. late 1630s.

Inscriptions including (on a flyleaf) Anthony St John/ Ann: St John/ 1640 Bletso: i.e. Anthony St John (1618-73), of Christ's College, Cambridge, fourth son of Oliver, fourth Baron St John and first Earl of Bolingbroke (c.1584-1646), of Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, and Anthony's wife, Ann Kensham (married 1639); (flyleaf) Oliver Beeesfor[d]; and (f. 81v) John Watts. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 13187. Sotheby's, 6 June 1910, lot 672, to Quaritch. Item 1415 in an unidentified sale.

Cited in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the St John MS: HeR Δ 4 and RnT Δ 8. Complete microfilm at the University of Birmingham, Shakespeare Institute (Mic S 72).

GrJ 42

Copy, headed A discontented louer, subscribed John Done.

In: An oblong quarto verse miscellany, in a single neat hand, written with the volume tilted with the spine to the top, 167 pages (plus blanks), in elaborately tooled green morocco gilt.

Including ten poems by Carew and twelve poems by Strode (and two poems of doubtful authorship).


The initials M W stamped on each cover: i.e. M[aidstone] and W[inchilsea]. Evidently compiled by or for Sir Thomas Finch, Viscount Maidstone and Earl of Winchilsea (who succeeded to the peerage in 1633 and died in 1634). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue English Poetry to 1700 (1941), item 190.

The MS came to Rosenbach with a printed exemplum of William Wishcart, An Exposition of the Lord's Prayer (London, 1633), and the two clearly share the same provenance. The printed volume is similarly bound, with the initials M W; it is inscribed Lord Winchilsea for Mr Locker 1634; it bears the late 17th-century signatures of Stephen Locker and Alexander Campbell, and the bookplates of Captain William Locker (1731-1800) and Edward Hawke Locker (1777-1849).

Cited in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Winchelsea MS: CwT Δ 33 and StW Δ 25.

GrJ 43

Copy, headed An Allegoricall allusion of melancholy thoughts to Bees.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, in a single predominantly italic hand, 152 leaves (paginated 1-34, thereafter foliated 35-169), plus index, in modern red leather.

Including 85 poems (and second copies of two) by Thomas Carew.


Inscriptions including Horatio Carey 1642 te deus pardamus [viz. Horatio Carey (1619-ante 1677), eldest son of Sir Richard Carey (1583-1630) and great-grandson of Sir Henry Carey (1524?-96), first Baron Hunsdon ], Thomas Arding, Thomas Arden, William Harrington, Thomas John, John Anthehope and Clement Poxall. Later owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 8270. Bookplates of John William Cole and of the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue English Poetry to 1700 (1941), item 194.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980), as the Carey MS: CwT Δ 34. Briefly discussed in Gary Taylor, Some Manuscripts of Shakespeare's Sonnets, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 68 (1985), 210-46 (pp. 220-4). Discussed, with facsimile pages, in Scott Nixon, The Manuscript Sources of Thomas Carew's Poetry, EMS, 8 (2000), 186-224 (pp. 188, 191-2).

'I said the thing for which I woe'

Unpublished? Listed in Krueger.

GrJ 44

Copy, untitled and subscribed Granger.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, in several hands, ii + 318 pages (pp. 103-290 largely blank).

Including many poems by Sidney Godolphin (1610-43), poet and courtier, and associated with the circle of Lucius Cary (1609/10-1643), second Viscount Falkland, politician and author, of Great Tew, Oxfordshire.

c.late 1630s-early 1640s.
'Not that I wish my Mistris'

First published in Wits Recreations Augmented (London, 1641), sig. V7v. John Playford, Select Ayres and Dialogues (1652), Part II, p. 28. Poems (1660), pp. 79-81, unattributed. Prince d'Amour (1660), p. 123, ascribed to J.G.. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition as by John Grange.

GrJ 45

Copy, headed On the Choyce of his Mrs and here beginning O Not yt I my Mrs wish, imperfect at the end.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, including 13 poems by Donne and 14 poems by Corbett, in several hands, probably associated with Oxford University, written from both ends, 102 leaves, in 17th-century calf. c.1630s.

Inscribed (f. 101v) Henry Lawson (or just possibly Lamson). Thomas Thorpe, sale catalogue (1836), item 1185. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9257. Sotheby's, 15 June 1896 (Phillipps sale), lot 862. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 164 (1896), item 64.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980) and II.i (1987), as the Lawson MS: DnJ Δ 37 and CoR Δ 2.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 46

Copy, untitled.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, compiled by the writer Robert Codrington (1602-65) of Magdalen College, Oxford, 360 pages (including stubs of extracted leaves on pp. 297-328 and blanks, plus index), in contemporary calf.

Including 16 poems by Carew and 13 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode. Written in three hands: i.e. A (Codrington's hand, including his own poems) on pp. 1-283, 349-55; B on pp. 284-9; and C on pp. 289-348, 356-60; dated (pp. 1-22) Anno Dom: 1638 and The 30th of May. 1638.


Acquired from Blackwell's, 1962.

Cited in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Codrington MS: CwT Δ 7 and StW Δ 7.

GrJ 47

Copy, headed Discription of a wisht mistris.

In: A quarto composite volume of four MSS, in English and Latin, iii + 187 leaves, in vellum boards.

Part B (ff. 16d-86v): A quarto miscellany of poems and letters, in several hands, compiled by William Elyott (a nephew of Sir Simonds D'Ewes). c.1640-55.

Part C (ff. 86 bis-120r): A quarto verse miscellany compiled by Thomas Axton, M.A. (b.1699/1700), of Trinity College, Cambridge. c.1718-22.

Part C sold at the Thomas Rawlinson sale in March 1733/4, lot 289.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 48

Copy, untitled.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, in English and Latin, including 37 poems by Donne, in several hands, written from both ends, 279 leaves (including numerous blanks, mostly in ff. 42r-140r), with stubs of extracted leaves, in contemporary calf.

Compiled in part by the Oxford printer Christopher Wase (1627-90), fellow of King's College, Cambridge.

Mid-17th century.

Later owned by John Somers (1651-1716), Baron Somers, Lord Chancellor, and his brother-in-law Sir Joseph Jekyll (1662-1738), lawyer and politician.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980), as the Wase MS: DnJ Δ 39.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 49

Copy, untitled.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, almost entirely in a single neat secretary hand, the first page formally inscribed To the righte honoble: the Lorde Thomas Darcy Viscount Colchester (c.1565-1640, Viscount Colchester from 1621 to 1626), 191 leaves, in modern half-morocco.

Including 27 poems (and second copies of two poems) by Thomas Carew and three of doubtful authorship.

This MS largely transcribed in British Library, Add. MS 21433. The hand occurs also in British Library, Harley MS 3910, between ff. 112v and 120v, and is possibly associated with the Inns of Court.


Scribbled inscriptions including (f. 1r) Mr John Bowyer; (f. 2r) Jeronomus ffox; and (f. 3r) William Ralph Baesh.

Cited in IELM, II.i (1987), as the Colchester MS: CwT Δ 13.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 50

Copy, headed Choyce of a Mistresse.

In: A folio verse miscellany, in a single professional secretary hand associated with the playhouse and possibly inns of court (also responsible for ChG 12.5, HyT 5, and MiT 6), 97 leaves, with a first-line Index at the end, in contemporary vellum boards.

Including fourteen poems by James Shirley, generally ascribed to him, and eleven poems by Strode (and two of doubtful authorship).


Inscribed (on the front paste-down) My cousin chute gaue me this book out of his father study at the vine Hampshire (following the same statement in French), indicating that the MS was owned by, and possibly originally compiled for, the family of Chaloner Chute, MP (c.1595-1659), Speaker of the house of Commons, who acquired The Vyne, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, in 1653. Later owned by Sir William Tite (1798-1873), architect. Sotheby's, 30 May 1874, lot 2343. Bookplate of William Horatio Crawford, of Lakelands, Cork, book collector. Sotheby's, 21 March 1891 (Crawford sale), lot 2493.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Chute MS: ShJ Δ 2 and StW Δ 11. Briefly discussed, with a facsimile of f. 34v (see ShJ 96 and ShJ 100) in Mary Hobbs, Early Seventeenth-Century Verse Miscellanies and their Value for Textual Editors, EMS, 1 (1989), 192-210 (pp. 200-1, 209-10 n. 40). Discussed, with facsimiles of ff. 53r and 80r, in Arthur F. Marotti, Chaloner Chute's Poetical Anthology (British Library, Additional MS 33998) as a Cosmopolitan Collection, EMS, 16 (2011), 82-111 (p. 99).

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 51


In: A duodecimo verse miscellany in several hands, written from both ends, 46 leaves, in contemporary calf. Mid-17th century.

Inscribed names (on front paste-down and f. 1r) of Fra: Norreys (? Sir Francis Norris (1609-69)) and Hen. Balle. Purchased from J. Harvey 8 December 1877.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 51.5


In: A quarto miscellany of verse and some prose, predominantly in a single secretary hand, written from both ends, 179 leaves, in 19th-century half blue morocco gilt. c.1640s.

Inscribed (f. 179r) This is Sr. Thomas Meres [or ? Maiors] Book: i.e. probably Sir Thomas Meres (1634-1715), of Kirton, Lincolnshire. Later bookplate of the Rev. John Curtis. Purchased from Mrs Ann Austin Curtis 12 October 1889.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 51.8

Copy, in Lawes's musical setting.

In: A large folio volume of autograph vocal music by Henry Lawes (1596-1662), ix + 184 leaves, in modern black morocco gilt.

Comprising over 300 songs and musical dialogues by Lawes, probably written over an extended period (c.1626-62) in preparation for his eventual publications, including settings of 38 poems by Carew, fourteen poems by or attributed to Herrick, and fifteen by Waller.

Mid-17th century.

Bookplates of William Gostling (1696-1777), antiquary and topographer; of Robert Smith, of 3 St Paul's Churchyard; and of Stephen Groombridge, FRS (1755-1832), astronomer. Later owned, until 1966, by Miss Naomi D. Church, of Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. Formerly British Library Loan MS 35.

Recorded in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Henry Lawes MS: CwT Δ 16; HeR Δ 3; WaE Δ 11. Discussed, with facsimile examples, in Pamela J. Willetts, The Henry Lawes Manuscript (London, 1969). Facsimiles of ff. 42r, 78r, 80r, 84r, 111r and 169r in The Poems and Masques of Aurelian Townshend, ed. Cedric C. Brown (Reading, 1983), pp. 59, 60, 62, 64, 66 and 117. Also discussed in Willa McClung Evans, Henry Lawes: Musician and Friend of Poets (New York and London, 1941), and elsewhere. A complete facsimile of the volume in English Song 1600-1675, ed. Elise Bickford Jorgens, Vol. 3 (New York & London, 1986).

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 52

Copy, untitled, subscribed Mr Jo: Grange.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, largely in a predominantly secretary hand, another hand on ff. 85r-7v, 95v-6r, xiii pages + 104 leaves (including blanks, but lacking ff. 7-9, 54-5, 95), with a table of contents (pp. 1-6), in modern calf, gilt-edged.

Compiled by University or Inns of Court men.

The extracted fols 7, 8 and 54 are now Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2757, Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2216, and Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2217 respectively. The extracted fol. 9 is now Folger MS V.a.505, p. 27.


Inscribed (f. [104v] Thomas White His Book May ye 20 Anno Domine 1691. Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps and in his library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1.21.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 53

Copy, untitled.

In: A sextodecimo pocket miscellany, ff. 3r-53r in a single hand, other hands and scribbling on ff. 1r-2r, 54v, 87v-90v, 90 leaves in all (including blanks ff. 55r-87r), in contemporary calf, with remains of clasps.

Including 12 poems by Carew.


Inscribed Richard Archard his booke Amen 1650; Richard Archard his penn Amen 1657; to Mr Satars[?] towads the Casting of ye lead 1657; Tho: Wise; John Smith of halmortaine and I…went to Thornebury; and Edward Watt. Bookplate of William Harris Arnold.

Cited in IELM, II.i, as the Archard MS: CwT Δ 24.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 54

Copy, untitled.

In: A sextodecimo miscellany of verse and topographical prose, probably in a single small cursive hand, 78 leaves, written from both ends, Part I foliated 1r-33r, Part II foliated 1r-45r, in old calf. c.1650s-60s.

Inscribed (Part I, f. 1r) Mr John Oldhams Booke [i.e. the poet John Oldham (1653-83)]. Inscribed (Part II, f. 1r) James Bateman [(b.1633/4) of Christ's College, Cambridge], and Robert Pierrepont [either the son of Col. Francis Pierrepont, M.P. (d.1659), or the third Earl of Kingston (1650/1-82), of Holme-Pierrepoint, Nottinghamshire, Oldham's patron]. Formerly Folger MS 621.1.

Described in F.P. Hammond, A Commonplace Book owned by John Oldham, N&Q, 224 (December 1979), 515-18.

GrJ 55

Copy, headed Song, subscribed John: Grange.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, with later accounts on the last page dated June 1658, 1* + 238 pages (including stubs of extracted pages 191-6, plus numerous blanks), in old calf (rebacked).

Including 11 poems by Carew and 14 poems by Randolph.


Inscribed Jane Wheeler and Tho: Oliver Busfield. Francis Quarles's poem (pp. 209-11) To ye two partners of my heart Mr John Wheeler, and Mr Symon Tue. Item 96 in an unidentified sale catalogue. Formerly Folger MS 2071.6.

A Jo. Wheeler signed the Christ Church, Oxford, disbursement books for 1641-3 (xii, b.85 and 86).

Cited in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Wheeler MS: CwT Δ 25 and RnT Δ 7.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 55.5

Copy, headed Choyce of a Mistresse.

In: An octavo miscellany of verse and prose, closely written in possibly several minute predominantly secretary hands, 291 leaves (ff. 212-16 bound out of order after f. 24), in modern calf. c.1640s.

Inscribed (f. 1r) Joseph Hall (not the bishop). Later owned by John Payne Collier (1789-1883), literary scholar, editor and forger, who has entered in pseudo-17th-century secretary script copies of various ballads on ff. 39r-41r, 107v-79r, 181r-v, 227r-8v, 243r-6r, as well as adding foliation (1-284) before the more recent foliation (1-291, used below). Quaritch's sale catalogue of English Literature (August-November 1884), item 22350, Collier's transcript of the MS made c.1860 being item 22352. Formerly Folger MS 2071.7.

Discussed, with facsimile examples, in Giles E. Dawson, John Payne Collier's Great Forgery, SB, 24 (1971), 1-26.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 56

Copy, untitled.

In: A quarto miscellany, in several hands, written over a period, 80 leaves (plus 67 blanks and stubs of numerous extracted leaves), in contemporary vellum gilt.

Compiled by or for Sir Henry Cholmley, brother of Sir Hugh Cholmley (1600-57), the ascription by my brother Sr Hugh Cholmley (1600-57) inserted on f. 19r in a cursive hand responsible for entries on ff. 3r-12v, 15v-29r, 41r-v, 75v-7r, the contents including twelve poems by Thomas Carew and poems by members of the circle of Lucius Cary (1610?-43), second Viscount Falkland, of Great Tew, Oxfordshire, by the St Leger family of Ulcombe, Kent, and by Sir William Twysden of Kent.


Later bookplate of Henry B. Humphrey.

Recorded in IELM, II.i (1987), as the Cholmley MS: CwT Δ 27.

GrJ 57

Copy, untitled.

In: A folio verse miscellany, in a single probably professional rounded hand (except for a poem on f. 81r and later scribbling); ii + 81 leaves, in contemporary calf gilt.

Including 16 poems by or attributed to Herrick and 24 poems by Randolph (plus two of doubtful authorship). This MS related to HeR Δ 2 and to RnT Δ 1.

c. late 1630s.

Inscriptions including (on a flyleaf) Anthony St John/ Ann: St John/ 1640 Bletso: i.e. Anthony St John (1618-73), of Christ's College, Cambridge, fourth son of Oliver, fourth Baron St John and first Earl of Bolingbroke (c.1584-1646), of Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, and Anthony's wife, Ann Kensham (married 1639); (flyleaf) Oliver Beeesfor[d]; and (f. 81v) John Watts. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 13187. Sotheby's, 6 June 1910, lot 672, to Quaritch. Item 1415 in an unidentified sale.

Cited in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the St John MS: HeR Δ 4 and RnT Δ 8. Complete microfilm at the University of Birmingham, Shakespeare Institute (Mic S 72).

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 58

Copy, headed A Marrid mans description on his Mrs.

In: A small quarto verse miscellany, almost entirely in a single, minute non-professional italic hand, probably someone associated with Oxford University, comprising 180 pages now all separated and mounted, interleaved, in 19th-century calf. c.late 1630s.

Later in the libraries (with bookplates) of the book collector Richard Heber (1774-1833); of the bibliographer and antiquary Joseph Haslewood (1769-1833); of the biographer and literary editor Alexander Chalmers (1759-1834); and of the antiquary Edward King (1795-1837), Viscount Kingsborough (his sale by Charles Sharpe in Dublin, 1 November 1842, lot 577).

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 59

Copy, headed A Discription of a wisht Mrs, here beginning Not that I could wish my Mistrisse, and subscribed Jo Grange.

In: A folio verse miscellany, including 26 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Thomas Carew and poems by Henry King, in several hands, 92 leaves, plus an inserted gathering of eleven leaves after f. 82v (ff. [82a-82k]), but including stubs of some extracted leaves (ff. 74-8, 94-5), in contemporary vellum.

Inscribed To my euer honored good Cosen Sr John Reresby Barronett these prsent: i.e. presented to Sir John Reresby, first Baronet (1611-46), royalist, of Thribergh Hall.


Among the muniments of Lord Mexborough, descended from the Savile family formerly of Methley Hall, near Pontefract, West Yorkshire. Formerly MX 237.

Cited in IELM, II.i (1987), as the Mexborough MS: CwT Δ 29.

GrJ 60

Copy, headed Choice of a Mistriss.

In: A duodecimo pocket commonplace book of chiefly religious verse and prose, in English and Latin, in a single minute hand, 238 pages, in contemporary calf with traces of metal clasps.

Inscribed on the first page Thomas Weld his Book. An. dom. 1669: i.e. owned and compiled, perhaps partly while at Harvard University, by the Rev. Thomas Weld (1653-1702), first minister of the First Church of Dunstable, Massachusetts.


Later inscription (p. 45) Stephen Pearse's Book July 30th 1794.

GrJ 61


In: Music book compiled by Lady Margaret Wemyss, daughter of David, second Earl of Wemyss (1610-79), in contemporary vellum. c.1640s.
GrJ 62

Copy, subscribed finis J. Grange.

In: A quarto miscellany of epitaphs and poems, in several hands, the main collection of verse (ff. 46-147) in a single hand and including 54 poems by Donne (all subscribed J. D.) and fourteen poems by or attributed to Herrick, 158 pages (plus index). c.1630s.

Once owned by the Sir Henry Spelman (1563/4-1641), historian and antiquary, and later by Dawson Turner (1775-1858), banker, botanist, and antiquary. Puttick & Simpson's, 6 June 1859 (Turner sale), lot 164. Afterwards owned by Sir George Grey (1812-98), Governor of Australia, New Zealand and Cape Colony. Formerly MS Grey 2 a 11.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980) and II.i (1987), as the Grey MS: DnJ Δ 60 and HeR Δ 6. Facsimile of p. 119r (HeR 355) in L.F. Casson, The Manuscripts of the Grey Collection in Cape Town, The Book Collector, 10 (Spring 1961), 147-55 (facing p. 153).

GrJ 63

Copy, in a musical setting.

In: A folio music book, containing 327 songs, in three largely secretary hands, with a Cattalogue of contents, 229 leaves.

Owned (in 1659) and partly compiled by the composer John Gamble (d.1687), with some misnumbering.


Later owned by Edward Francis Rimbault (1816-76), organist and author. Acquired in 1888.

A complete facsimile is in English Song 1600-1675, ed. Elise Bickford Jorgens, Vol. 10 (New York & London, 1987). Discussed in Charles W. Hughes, John Gamble's Commonplace Book, M&L, 26 (1945), 215-29.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 64

Copy, untitled.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, in a single neat secretary hand, 204 pages, in old calf.

Including ten poems by Carew (and two of doubtful authorship) and 24 poems by Randolph.


Thomas Thorpe, Catalogue of upwards of fourteen hundred manuscripts (1836), item 1030. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9282. Subsequently in the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, and art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue English Poetry to 1700 (1941), item 188.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Rosenbach MS I: CwT Δ 31 and RnT Δ 10. The complete volume edited in Howard H. Thompson, An Edition of Two Seventeenth-Century Manuscript Poetical Miscellanies (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1959) (Rosenbach Library Mic 59-4669).

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 65

Copy, headed On his Mrs: what he would haue her to be, subscribed John Grange.


A folio verse miscellany, including 15 poems by Donne, f. 162r-v in a rounded italic hand, ff. 164r-74v in a slightly erratic italic hand, ff. 175r-279v in a neat formal italic hand (also responsible for the index on ff. 2r-11v), this miscellany constituting ff. 162r-279v of a single folio volume containing also Part I (DnJ Δ 15), ii + 279 leaves in all (lacking one or more leaves at the end), in old blind-stamped calf (rebacked).


Formerly MS G. 2.21.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980), as the Dublin MS (II): DnJ Δ 61.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 66


In: A quarto verse miscellany, including ten poems by Carew and one of doubtful authorship, in a single neat non-professional hand, 72 leaves (plus a later index). c.1643-50s.

Later owned by the Newcastle antiquarian collectors John Bell (1783-1864) and Robert White (1802-74).

Cited in IELM, II.i (1987), as the Bell-White MS, CwT Δ 30. Described, with facsimiles of ff. 30r and 56v, in T.G.S. Cain, The Bell/White MS: Some Unpublished Poems, ELR, 2 (1972), 260-70.

GrJ 67

Copy, untitled.

In: A folio formal verse miscellany, comprising c.406 poems, many of them song lyrics, in various neat hands, compiled probably over a period, 8 blank leaves (pp. [i-xvi]) + 10 unnumbered pages of poems (pp. [xvii-xxvi]) + 9 numbered pages (pp. 1-9) + ff. [9v]-151v + 12 leaves at the end blank but for a poem on the penultimate page (f. [11v]), in contemporary calf gilt.

Once erroneously associated with Thomas Killigrew (1612-83), whose hand does not appear in the volume.

Mid-17th century-c.1702.

Inscribed (f. [ir]) Sr Robert Killigrew / 1702. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 9070. Sotheby's, 19 May 1897, lot 455.

Discussed, with a facsimile example, in Nancy Cutbirth, Thomas Killigrew's Commonplace Book?, Library Chronicle of the University of Texas at Austin, NS No. 13 (1980), 31-8.

'O bury not this dead child: lett him lie'


GrJ 68

Copy, headed On the death of a childe, subscribed Jo: Grange.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, written in two styles of hand (A: ff. 2r, after first six lines, to 64v; B: ff. 2r, first six lines, 64v-91v, 92v-4r), possibly both in the same hand, with an Index (ff. 93r-4r), 94 leaves, in modern half-morocco.

Including 22 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 13 poems by King, and 24 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and probably associated with Christ Church, Oxford.


Inscribed names including (f. 93v, in court hand) ffrancis Baskeruile: i.e. probably the Francis Baskerville who married Margaret Glanvill in 1635 and was in 1640 MP for Marlborough, Wiltshire. Other scribbling including (f. 1r) accounts referring to Wanborough, Wiltshire; (f. 9v) Elizabeth White; (f. 54v) William Walrond his booke 1663; (f. 92r) accounts dated 1658; and (f. 94r) John Wallrond. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.

Recorded in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Baskerville MS: CwT Δ 20, KiH Δ 10, StW Δ 13. Facsimile examples of ff. 55r and 68r in Mary Hobbs, Early Seventeenth-Century Verse Miscellany Manuscripts (Aldershot, 1992), Plate 6, after p. 86.

'On this swelling bank, once proud of its burden'

First published, in a musical setting, in Henry Lawes, Second Book of Ayres and Dialogues (1655), p. 15, ascribed to Mr IG. Listed in Krueger.

GrJ 69

Copy, in a musical setting.

In: A large folio volume of autograph vocal music by Henry Lawes (1596-1662), ix + 184 leaves, in modern black morocco gilt.

Comprising over 300 songs and musical dialogues by Lawes, probably written over an extended period (c.1626-62) in preparation for his eventual publications, including settings of 38 poems by Carew, fourteen poems by or attributed to Herrick, and fifteen by Waller.

Mid-17th century.

Bookplates of William Gostling (1696-1777), antiquary and topographer; of Robert Smith, of 3 St Paul's Churchyard; and of Stephen Groombridge, FRS (1755-1832), astronomer. Later owned, until 1966, by Miss Naomi D. Church, of Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. Formerly British Library Loan MS 35.

Recorded in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Henry Lawes MS: CwT Δ 16; HeR Δ 3; WaE Δ 11. Discussed, with facsimile examples, in Pamela J. Willetts, The Henry Lawes Manuscript (London, 1969). Facsimiles of ff. 42r, 78r, 80r, 84r, 111r and 169r in The Poems and Masques of Aurelian Townshend, ed. Cedric C. Brown (Reading, 1983), pp. 59, 60, 62, 64, 66 and 117. Also discussed in Willa McClung Evans, Henry Lawes: Musician and Friend of Poets (New York and London, 1941), and elsewhere. A complete facsimile of the volume in English Song 1600-1675, ed. Elise Bickford Jorgens, Vol. 3 (New York & London, 1986).

'Since every man I come among'

First published in Poems (1660), pp. 53-4. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition as by John Grange.

GrJ 70

Copy, untitled, with a deleted subscription Granger.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, in several hands, ii + 318 pages (pp. 103-290 largely blank).

Including many poems by Sidney Godolphin (1610-43), poet and courtier, and associated with the circle of Lucius Cary (1609/10-1643), second Viscount Falkland, politician and author, of Great Tew, Oxfordshire.

c.late 1630s-early 1640s.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 71

Copy, in a secretary hand, untitled.

In: A folio composite volume of state tracts and miscellaneous verse and prose, in various hands, 69 leaves, in modern half-morocco gilt.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 71.5

Copy, in Lawes's musical setting.

In: A large folio volume of autograph vocal music by Henry Lawes (1596-1662), ix + 184 leaves, in modern black morocco gilt.

Comprising over 300 songs and musical dialogues by Lawes, probably written over an extended period (c.1626-62) in preparation for his eventual publications, including settings of 38 poems by Carew, fourteen poems by or attributed to Herrick, and fifteen by Waller.

Mid-17th century.

Bookplates of William Gostling (1696-1777), antiquary and topographer; of Robert Smith, of 3 St Paul's Churchyard; and of Stephen Groombridge, FRS (1755-1832), astronomer. Later owned, until 1966, by Miss Naomi D. Church, of Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. Formerly British Library Loan MS 35.

Recorded in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Henry Lawes MS: CwT Δ 16; HeR Δ 3; WaE Δ 11. Discussed, with facsimile examples, in Pamela J. Willetts, The Henry Lawes Manuscript (London, 1969). Facsimiles of ff. 42r, 78r, 80r, 84r, 111r and 169r in The Poems and Masques of Aurelian Townshend, ed. Cedric C. Brown (Reading, 1983), pp. 59, 60, 62, 64, 66 and 117. Also discussed in Willa McClung Evans, Henry Lawes: Musician and Friend of Poets (New York and London, 1941), and elsewhere. A complete facsimile of the volume in English Song 1600-1675, ed. Elise Bickford Jorgens, Vol. 3 (New York & London, 1986).

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 72

Copy, untitled and here beginning Since all men that I come among, subscribed John Grange.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, largely in a predominantly secretary hand, another hand on ff. 85r-7v, 95v-6r, xiii pages + 104 leaves (including blanks, but lacking ff. 7-9, 54-5, 95), with a table of contents (pp. 1-6), in modern calf, gilt-edged.

Compiled by University or Inns of Court men.

The extracted fols 7, 8 and 54 are now Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2757, Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2216, and Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2217 respectively. The extracted fol. 9 is now Folger MS V.a.505, p. 27.


Inscribed (f. [104v] Thomas White His Book May ye 20 Anno Domine 1691. Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps and in his library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1.21.

GrJ 73

Copy, headed Mr Iohn Grange his Ballet, subscribed Jo: Grange.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, largely in a predominantly secretary hand, another hand on ff. 85r-7v, 95v-6r, xiii pages + 104 leaves (including blanks, but lacking ff. 7-9, 54-5, 95), with a table of contents (pp. 1-6), in modern calf, gilt-edged.

Compiled by University or Inns of Court men.

The extracted fols 7, 8 and 54 are now Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2757, Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2216, and Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2217 respectively. The extracted fol. 9 is now Folger MS V.a.505, p. 27.


Inscribed (f. [104v] Thomas White His Book May ye 20 Anno Domine 1691. Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps and in his library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1.21.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 74

Copy, untitled.

In: A quarto miscellany, in several hands, including a number of culinary receipts, 255 leaves (including over 65 blanks), written from both ends (Part I, in a rounded italic hand: ff. 1r-117r:; Part II: ff. 1*r-72r), in old calf.

Inscribed (Part II, f. 1*r) A booke of verses collected by mee RDungaruan: i.e. Richard Boyle (1612-98), Viscount Dungarvon and later Earl of Burlington.


Also inscribed Mary Helerd. Subsequently owned by James Tyrrell (1642-1718), historical writer, and by Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1782-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 15745. Formerly Folger MS 46. 2.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 74.5

Copy, untitled, here beginning Since all men that I come among.

In: A folio verse miscellany, in a single probably professional rounded hand (except for a poem on f. 81r and later scribbling); ii + 81 leaves, in contemporary calf gilt.

Including 16 poems by or attributed to Herrick and 24 poems by Randolph (plus two of doubtful authorship). This MS related to HeR Δ 2 and to RnT Δ 1.

c. late 1630s.

Inscriptions including (on a flyleaf) Anthony St John/ Ann: St John/ 1640 Bletso: i.e. Anthony St John (1618-73), of Christ's College, Cambridge, fourth son of Oliver, fourth Baron St John and first Earl of Bolingbroke (c.1584-1646), of Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, and Anthony's wife, Ann Kensham (married 1639); (flyleaf) Oliver Beeesfor[d]; and (f. 81v) John Watts. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 13187. Sotheby's, 6 June 1910, lot 672, to Quaritch. Item 1415 in an unidentified sale.

Cited in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the St John MS: HeR Δ 4 and RnT Δ 8. Complete microfilm at the University of Birmingham, Shakespeare Institute (Mic S 72).

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 75

Copy, headed J: G: his Ballet.

In: A quarto formal verse miscellany, in a single professional secretary hand, 83 pages, in modern quarter-calf. c.1630s.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 75.5

Copy, untitled.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, in a single neat secretary hand, 204 pages, in old calf.

Including ten poems by Carew (and two of doubtful authorship) and 24 poems by Randolph.


Thomas Thorpe, Catalogue of upwards of fourteen hundred manuscripts (1836), item 1030. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9282. Subsequently in the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, and art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue English Poetry to 1700 (1941), item 188.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Rosenbach MS I: CwT Δ 31 and RnT Δ 10. The complete volume edited in Howard H. Thompson, An Edition of Two Seventeenth-Century Manuscript Poetical Miscellanies (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1959) (Rosenbach Library Mic 59-4669).

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 75.8


In: A quarto verse miscellany, including ten poems by Henry King, perhaps almost entirely written over a period in a single secretary hand with slightly varying styles, 54 leaves, in limp vellum. c.1636-40s.

The name of the possible compiler John Pike inscribed on f. 1r: i.e. possibly a member of the Pike family of Cambridge (one John Pike (d.1677) matriculating at Peterhouse in 1662).

Cited in IELM, II.i (1987) as the Pike MS: KiH Δ 12. Described in Mary Hobbs's thesis (see KiH Δ 6), pp. 143-7.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 76

Copy, untitled, here beginning Since ev'ry one I come among.

In: A folio formal verse miscellany, in a single rounded hand, 259 pages (plus a three-page index), in modern boards.

The contents, the latest of which (on pp. 203-7) can be dated to a marriage that took place in November 1656, reflect the taste of Interregnum Royalist sympathisers.

c.Late 1650s.

Formerly in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 4001. Sotheby's, 29 June 1946, lot 164, to Myers. Then in the library of Charles Kay Ogden (1889-1957), psychologist, linguist, and book collector.

GrJ 76.5

Copy, untitled.

In: A folio formal verse miscellany, comprising c.406 poems, many of them song lyrics, in various neat hands, compiled probably over a period, 8 blank leaves (pp. [i-xvi]) + 10 unnumbered pages of poems (pp. [xvii-xxvi]) + 9 numbered pages (pp. 1-9) + ff. [9v]-151v + 12 leaves at the end blank but for a poem on the penultimate page (f. [11v]), in contemporary calf gilt.

Once erroneously associated with Thomas Killigrew (1612-83), whose hand does not appear in the volume.

Mid-17th century-c.1702.

Inscribed (f. [ir]) Sr Robert Killigrew / 1702. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), book and manuscript collector: Phillipps MS 9070. Sotheby's, 19 May 1897, lot 455.

Discussed, with a facsimile example, in Nancy Cutbirth, Thomas Killigrew's Commonplace Book?, Library Chronicle of the University of Texas at Austin, NS No. 13 (1980), 31-8.

GrJ 76.8

Copy, headed Cant: 21 and here beginning Since all men that I come among.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, 54 leaves, imperfect (chewed by rodents), lacking covers.

Compiled by Herbert Aston (1613-88/9), poet, son of Walter Aston, Baron Aston of Forfar (1584-1639), of Tixall, Staffordshire, diplomat.


Inscribed on f. iv Her: Aston [monogram] the 29 of July an: D: 1634.

'Sir, such my fate was, that I had no store'

First published in Poems (1660), pp. 63-4, as Benj. Rudier To the Prince At his Return from Spain. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition as by John Grange.

GrJ 77


In: A verse miscellany, i + 25 leaves. c.1640.

Owned before 1959 by the Lingard-Guthrie family.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 78

Copy, headed J Grange, to the Prince at his returne from Spaine.

In: A quarto formal verse miscellany, in a single professional secretary hand, 83 pages, in modern quarter-calf. c.1630s.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 79

Copy, headed Vppon Prince Charles his cominge home out of Spaine: 1623:, and subscribed I: G:.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, including seventeen poems by Donne and fifteen by Strode, the main part in a single hand, 334 pages (but pp. 3-4 extracted, and including a later index).

Possibly compiled by one W: H:: i.e. probably William Holgate (1618-46), of Queens' College, Cambridge, with late 17th-century additions apparently made by other members of the Holgate family, of Saffron Walden and Great Bardfield, Essex.

c.1630s [-late 17th-century].

Owned in the early 18th century by John Wale, who supplied the index on pp. 330-3. Owned before 1927 by Col. W.G. Carwardine-Probert, of Bures, Suffolk (descendant of the Holgate family).

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980), as the Holgate MS: DnJ Δ 58 and StW Δ 22. Briefly discussed in W.G.P., Verses by Francis Beaumont, TLS (15 September 1921), p. 596, and in E.K. Chambers, William Shakespeare, 2 vols (Oxford, 1930), II, 222-4. Also discussed, with facsimiles on pp. 68 and 70 of pp. 181 and 13, in Michael Roy Denbo, Editing a Renaissance Commonplace Book: The Holgate Miscellany, in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, III, ed. W. Speed Hill (Tempe, AZ, 2004). pp. 65-73. For facsimile pages see DnJ 2931 and ShW 25. Complete microfilm in the Essex Record Office (T/A 98).

'Sure thou framed were by art'

First published in Henry Lawes, Third Book of Ayres and Dialogues (1658), ascribed to Mr John Grange. Listed in Krueger.

GrJ 80

Copy, in a musical setting, headed Words Jno Grange and subscribed collected 1580 by J. Lawes.

In: A square-shaped folio volume of vocal and instrumental music, in two or more cursive italic hands, written from both ends, with (ff. 1v-2v, 96v rev) a table of contents, 97 leaves, in modern half red morocco. c.1760s.

Bookplate of Edmund Thomas Warren Horne, publisher, and probably the compiler. Puttick & Simpson's, 24 April 1873.

GrJ 81

Copy, in Lawes's musical setting, untitled.

In: A large folio volume of autograph vocal music by Henry Lawes (1596-1662), ix + 184 leaves, in modern black morocco gilt.

Comprising over 300 songs and musical dialogues by Lawes, probably written over an extended period (c.1626-62) in preparation for his eventual publications, including settings of 38 poems by Carew, fourteen poems by or attributed to Herrick, and fifteen by Waller.

Mid-17th century.

Bookplates of William Gostling (1696-1777), antiquary and topographer; of Robert Smith, of 3 St Paul's Churchyard; and of Stephen Groombridge, FRS (1755-1832), astronomer. Later owned, until 1966, by Miss Naomi D. Church, of Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. Formerly British Library Loan MS 35.

Recorded in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Henry Lawes MS: CwT Δ 16; HeR Δ 3; WaE Δ 11. Discussed, with facsimile examples, in Pamela J. Willetts, The Henry Lawes Manuscript (London, 1969). Facsimiles of ff. 42r, 78r, 80r, 84r, 111r and 169r in The Poems and Masques of Aurelian Townshend, ed. Cedric C. Brown (Reading, 1983), pp. 59, 60, 62, 64, 66 and 117. Also discussed in Willa McClung Evans, Henry Lawes: Musician and Friend of Poets (New York and London, 1941), and elsewhere. A complete facsimile of the volume in English Song 1600-1675, ed. Elise Bickford Jorgens, Vol. 3 (New York & London, 1986).

'The world created, God made man'

Unpublished? Listed in Krueger.

GrJ 82

Copy, headed Against Pride in Pedigrees and subscribed Jo: Grange.

In: A folio verse miscellany, in a single professional secretary hand associated with the playhouse and possibly inns of court (also responsible for ChG 12.5, HyT 5, and MiT 6), 97 leaves, with a first-line Index at the end, in contemporary vellum boards.

Including fourteen poems by James Shirley, generally ascribed to him, and eleven poems by Strode (and two of doubtful authorship).


Inscribed (on the front paste-down) My cousin chute gaue me this book out of his father study at the vine Hampshire (following the same statement in French), indicating that the MS was owned by, and possibly originally compiled for, the family of Chaloner Chute, MP (c.1595-1659), Speaker of the house of Commons, who acquired The Vyne, near Basingstoke, Hampshire, in 1653. Later owned by Sir William Tite (1798-1873), architect. Sotheby's, 30 May 1874, lot 2343. Bookplate of William Horatio Crawford, of Lakelands, Cork, book collector. Sotheby's, 21 March 1891 (Crawford sale), lot 2493.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Chute MS: ShJ Δ 2 and StW Δ 11. Briefly discussed, with a facsimile of f. 34v (see ShJ 96 and ShJ 100) in Mary Hobbs, Early Seventeenth-Century Verse Miscellanies and their Value for Textual Editors, EMS, 1 (1989), 192-210 (pp. 200-1, 209-10 n. 40). Discussed, with facsimiles of ff. 53r and 80r, in Arthur F. Marotti, Chaloner Chute's Poetical Anthology (British Library, Additional MS 33998) as a Cosmopolitan Collection, EMS, 16 (2011), 82-111 (p. 99).

GrJ 83

Copy, untitled, subscribed Mr Jo: Grange.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, largely in a predominantly secretary hand, another hand on ff. 85r-7v, 95v-6r, xiii pages + 104 leaves (including blanks, but lacking ff. 7-9, 54-5, 95), with a table of contents (pp. 1-6), in modern calf, gilt-edged.

Compiled by University or Inns of Court men.

The extracted fols 7, 8 and 54 are now Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2757, Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2216, and Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2217 respectively. The extracted fol. 9 is now Folger MS V.a.505, p. 27.


Inscribed (f. [104v] Thomas White His Book May ye 20 Anno Domine 1691. Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps and in his library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1.21.

GrJ 84

Copy, headed Of one braginge of his Auncestors:, subscribed I: G:.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, including seventeen poems by Donne and fifteen by Strode, the main part in a single hand, 334 pages (but pp. 3-4 extracted, and including a later index).

Possibly compiled by one W: H:: i.e. probably William Holgate (1618-46), of Queens' College, Cambridge, with late 17th-century additions apparently made by other members of the Holgate family, of Saffron Walden and Great Bardfield, Essex.

c.1630s [-late 17th-century].

Owned in the early 18th century by John Wale, who supplied the index on pp. 330-3. Owned before 1927 by Col. W.G. Carwardine-Probert, of Bures, Suffolk (descendant of the Holgate family).

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980), as the Holgate MS: DnJ Δ 58 and StW Δ 22. Briefly discussed in W.G.P., Verses by Francis Beaumont, TLS (15 September 1921), p. 596, and in E.K. Chambers, William Shakespeare, 2 vols (Oxford, 1930), II, 222-4. Also discussed, with facsimiles on pp. 68 and 70 of pp. 181 and 13, in Michael Roy Denbo, Editing a Renaissance Commonplace Book: The Holgate Miscellany, in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, III, ed. W. Speed Hill (Tempe, AZ, 2004). pp. 65-73. For facsimile pages see DnJ 2931 and ShW 25. Complete microfilm in the Essex Record Office (T/A 98).

'There is no Lover, hee or shee'

Ascribed to Grange in one MS but more usually ascribed to Aurelian Townshend.

See ToA 26-43.

'To the world Ile nowe discouer'

A poem based on Ben Jonson's song If I freely may discouer in The Poetaster (II, ii, 163 et seq.). Published in John Wardroper, Love and Drollery (London, 1969), pp. 102-3.

GrJ 85


In: A folio composite volume of separate MSS of verse and some prose, in various secretary and italic hands, written over an extended period, with a table of contents (f. 3r-v), 186 leaves.

Comprising papers of the Skipwith family of Cotes, Leicestershire, including 60 poems by John Donne (and one Problem), the text related in part to the Edward Smyth MS (DnJ Δ 45); also 15 poems (and second copies of two) by Henry King; and 19 poems (and two of doubtful authorship) by Carew.


Including poems ascribed to William Skipwith (? Sir William Skipwith, d.1610, or his grandson, William, or possibly a cousin, William Skipwith, of Ketsby, Lincolnshire, fl.1633); to Sir Henry Skipwith (fl.1609-52); and to Thomas Skipwith, and several poems by Donne's friend Sir Henry Goodyer (1571-1627), to whom a branch of the Skipwith family was related by marriage. Later owned by Robert Sherard (1719-99), fourth Earl of Harborough. Sotheby's, 10 June 1864, lot 605, to Boone.

This MS is the curious folio volume lent to John Nichols (1745-1826) by the late Lord Harborough and cited in Nichols's account of the Skipwith family in his History of Leicestershire, 4 vols (1795-1815), III, part i (1800), 367.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980) and II.i (1987), as the Skipwith MS: DnJ Δ 21; CwT Δ 14; KiH Δ 8. Also described in Mary Hobbs's thesis, pp. 119-29 (see KiH Δ 6). For Sir William Skipwith and his literary connections, see James Knowles, Marston, Skipwith and The Entertainment at Ashby, EMS, 3 (1992), 137-92 (esp. pp. 171-2).

GrJ 86


In: A quarto verse miscellany, written in two styles of hand (A: ff. 2r, after first six lines, to 64v; B: ff. 2r, first six lines, 64v-91v, 92v-4r), possibly both in the same hand, with an Index (ff. 93r-4r), 94 leaves, in modern half-morocco.

Including 22 poems (plus two of doubtful authorship) by Carew, 13 poems by King, and 24 poems (plus one of doubtful authorship) by Strode, and probably associated with Christ Church, Oxford.


Inscribed names including (f. 93v, in court hand) ffrancis Baskeruile: i.e. probably the Francis Baskerville who married Margaret Glanvill in 1635 and was in 1640 MP for Marlborough, Wiltshire. Other scribbling including (f. 1r) accounts referring to Wanborough, Wiltshire; (f. 9v) Elizabeth White; (f. 54v) William Walrond his booke 1663; (f. 92r) accounts dated 1658; and (f. 94r) John Wallrond. Later owned by Sir Hans Sloane, Bt (1660-1753), physician and collector.

Recorded in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Baskerville MS: CwT Δ 20, KiH Δ 10, StW Δ 13. Facsimile examples of ff. 55r and 68r in Mary Hobbs, Early Seventeenth-Century Verse Miscellany Manuscripts (Aldershot, 1992), Plate 6, after p. 86.

GrJ 87

Copy, headed To his false Mistris, ascribed to John Grange.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, with later accounts on the last page dated June 1658, 1* + 238 pages (including stubs of extracted pages 191-6, plus numerous blanks), in old calf (rebacked).

Including 11 poems by Carew and 14 poems by Randolph.


Inscribed Jane Wheeler and Tho: Oliver Busfield. Francis Quarles's poem (pp. 209-11) To ye two partners of my heart Mr John Wheeler, and Mr Symon Tue. Item 96 in an unidentified sale catalogue. Formerly Folger MS 2071.6.

A Jo. Wheeler signed the Christ Church, Oxford, disbursement books for 1641-3 (xii, b.85 and 86).

Cited in IELM, II.i-ii (1987-93), as the Wheeler MS: CwT Δ 25 and RnT Δ 7.

GrJ 88


In: A folio volume of verse, some of it relating to the Cecil family, in a professional secretary hand up to f. 47r, with additions in two other hands thereafter, 60 leaves, in contemporary limp vellum. c.1626-40s.

Inscribed At Leith the 4 June 1649 Ro: Carre. Later owned by Professor Douglas Grant (1921-69). Sotheby's, 20-21 July 1981, lot 493, to Quaritch.

Discussed in Tom Lockwood, All Hayle to Hatfield: A New Series of Country House Poems from Leeds University Library, Brotherton Collection, MS Lt q 44, ELR, 38, No 2 (Spring 2008), 270-303.

GrJ 89


In: A quarto verse miscellany, in a single neat secretary hand, 204 pages, in old calf.

Including ten poems by Carew (and two of doubtful authorship) and 24 poems by Randolph.


Thomas Thorpe, Catalogue of upwards of fourteen hundred manuscripts (1836), item 1030. Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 9282. Subsequently in the Shakespearian Library of Marsden J. Perry (1850-1935), industrialist, banker, and art and book collector, of Providence, Rhode Island. American Art Association, New York, 11-12 March 1936 (Perry sale). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue English Poetry to 1700 (1941), item 188.

Cited in IELM, II.ii (1993), as the Rosenbach MS I: CwT Δ 31 and RnT Δ 10. The complete volume edited in Howard H. Thompson, An Edition of Two Seventeenth-Century Manuscript Poetical Miscellanies (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania, 1959) (Rosenbach Library Mic 59-4669).

'What if rude nature hath less care exprest'

First published in Poems (1660), pp. 64-5, superscribed R.. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition as probably by John Grange.

GrJ 90

Copy, headed On Deformitie in Man.

In: An octavo verse miscellany, largely in a predominantly secretary hand, another hand on ff. 85r-7v, 95v-6r, xiii pages + 104 leaves (including blanks, but lacking ff. 7-9, 54-5, 95), with a table of contents (pp. 1-6), in modern calf, gilt-edged.

Compiled by University or Inns of Court men.

The extracted fols 7, 8 and 54 are now Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2757, Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2216, and Chetham's Library Halliwell-Phillipps No. 2217 respectively. The extracted fol. 9 is now Folger MS V.a.505, p. 27.


Inscribed (f. [104v] Thomas White His Book May ye 20 Anno Domine 1691. Later owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps and in his library at Warwick Castle. Formerly Folger MS 1.21.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 91

Copy, headed On deformity.

In: A quarto verse miscellany (originally in two separate volumes), including eleven poems by Donne, chiefly in two hands, probably associated with the University of Oxford, 98 leaves, one of the original vellum covers now incorporated in modern red morocco. Mid-17th century.

Inscribed (f. 1r) Stephen Wellden and Abraham Bassano and (f. 98r) Elizabeth Weldon. Later owned by William John Thoms (1803-85), writer, antiquary and librarian. Sotheby's, 11 February 1887 (Thoms sale), lot 1092. Also owned by James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-89). Formerly Folger MS 452.4.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980), as the Welden MS: DnJ Δ 49.

This MS recorded in Krueger.

'Why do we love these things which we call Women'

First published in Poems (1660), pp. 55-6, superscribed R.. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition as probably by John Grange.

GrJ 92

Copy, untitled.

In: A quarto verse miscellany, including seventeen poems by Donne and fifteen by Strode, the main part in a single hand, 334 pages (but pp. 3-4 extracted, and including a later index).

Possibly compiled by one W: H:: i.e. probably William Holgate (1618-46), of Queens' College, Cambridge, with late 17th-century additions apparently made by other members of the Holgate family, of Saffron Walden and Great Bardfield, Essex.

c.1630s [-late 17th-century].

Owned in the early 18th century by John Wale, who supplied the index on pp. 330-3. Owned before 1927 by Col. W.G. Carwardine-Probert, of Bures, Suffolk (descendant of the Holgate family).

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980), as the Holgate MS: DnJ Δ 58 and StW Δ 22. Briefly discussed in W.G.P., Verses by Francis Beaumont, TLS (15 September 1921), p. 596, and in E.K. Chambers, William Shakespeare, 2 vols (Oxford, 1930), II, 222-4. Also discussed, with facsimiles on pp. 68 and 70 of pp. 181 and 13, in Michael Roy Denbo, Editing a Renaissance Commonplace Book: The Holgate Miscellany, in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, III, ed. W. Speed Hill (Tempe, AZ, 2004). pp. 65-73. For facsimile pages see DnJ 2931 and ShW 25. Complete microfilm in the Essex Record Office (T/A 98).

This MS recorded in Krueger.

GrJ 93

Copy, in an italic hand, untitled, on one page of a pair of once conjugate folio leaves of verse.

In: A folio composite volume of miscellaneous papers in verse and prose, in various hands and paper sizes, 170 leaves, mounted on guards, in modern half-morocco.

Including eleven poems by John Donne, three of them (ff. 10r-14v, 55r, 76r-7r) in the italic hand of his friend Sir Henry Goodyer (1571-1627); ff. 95r-8r in the same hand as the Leconfield MS (DnJ Δ 5) and constituting part of what was probably a quarto MS book of Donne's satires; f. 132r-v constituting a set of six verse epistles by Donne, the text related to the Westmoreland MS (DnJ Δ 19).

Early-mid-17th century.

From the Conway Papers belonging chiefly to Sir Edward Conway, Baron Conway of Ragley, later Viscount Killultagh and Viscount Conway of Conway Castle (c.1564-1631), and to his son, Edward, second Viscount Conway (1594-1655). Later owned by John Wilson Croker (1780-1857), politician and writer, and presented 10 January 1860.

Cited in IELM, I.i, as the Conway MS: DnJ Δ 40. Cited as A23 by editors. Facsimile of f. 62r in Michael Roy Denbo, Editing a Renaissance Commonplace Book: The Holgate Miscellany, in New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, III, ed. W. Speed Hill (Tempe, AZ, 2004). pp. 65-73 (p. 71).

This MS recorded in Krueger.