University of Newcastle upon Tyne
MS Bell/White 25
Later owned by the Newcastle antiquarian collectors John Bell (1783-1864) and Robert White (1802-74).
Cited in
First published in Oxford, 1621. Edited by A.R. Shilleto (introduced by A.H. Bullen), 3 vols (London, 1893). Edited variously by Thomas C. Faulkner, Nicolas K. Kiessling, Rhonda L. Blair, J.B. Bamborough, and Martin Dodsworth, 6 vols (Oxford, 1989-2000).
Copy, headed
First published in Chambers (1912), pp. 33-5. Brown, pp. 30-1.
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Perkin, p. 29.
First published, anonymously, [Oxford], 1643. Ascribed to Cowley in
Copy, headed
First published in
The poem is usually followed in MSS by Dr Daniel Price's Answer
(So to dead Hector boyes may doe disgrace
), and see also
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
An exemplum of None of Dr Corbets
and an attribution to John Harris of Christ Church.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
Published in T. R.
. Usually anonymous in MS copies and the school variously identified as being in Castlethorpe or in Batley, Yorkshire, or in Lewes, Sussex, or elsewhere.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy of the first stanza, headed
First published, in a musical setting, in Alfonso Ferrabosco,
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy of the short version, headed
. First published in Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition
as possibly by William Baker. Poems attributed to Donne in MSS
. Also ascribed to James Shirley.
A shorter version, beginning
Copy, headed
First published, as
Copy, headed
First published in Middleborugh
[i.e. London?] [1595-6?]). Krueger, p. 180.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS collated in part in T.G.S. Cain,
First published, in a musical setting, in Walter Porter, Not attributed to Herrick hitherto
). Not included in Patrick.
Copy, headed
First published, among
First published in J.G.
. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition
as by John Grange.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
Pembroke's Poems
Copy, ascribed to Mr Randell
First published in
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy of lines 1-4, headed
First published in Herbert Berry,
First published, in a musical setting, in Henry Lawes, P.
Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition
as probably by Sir Thomas Neville.
First published, in a musical setting, in Playford, P.
. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition
, and in Krueger's Appendix II list of poems by John Grange.
First published in Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition
as probably by John Grange.
Copy, headed
First published, as R
; in Poems attributed to Donne in MSS
; and in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy of the abbreviated version, headed
Osborn, No. XXXIV (pp. 206-8). Whitlock, pp. 480-2.
A shortened version of the poem, of lines 43-68, beginning he errd but once, once king forgiue
, was widely circulated.
Copy, headed
First published, in a version beginning Deare, doe not your fair beauty wrong
, in Thomas May,
Copy, headed
First published in Walter Porter,
Copy of a ten-line version, headed
First published (13-line version) in
Copy, headed
First published in William Camden,
Copy of a version headed
Whitlock, p. 108.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
First published in
First published in
First published, as
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
First published in Parry (1917), pp. 220-3. Thorn-Drury, pp. 165-7.
Copy, headed
First published in a five-stanza version beginning Aske me no more where Iove bestowes
in Aske me no more whether doth stray
For a plausible argument that this poem was actually written by William Strode, see Margaret Forey, Aske me no more
: William Strode, not Thomas CarewAske me no more
and the Manuscript Verse Miscellany
Copy, headed
(Sometimes called
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
First published in Hazlitt (1870), p. 28. Dunlap. p. 131.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Stay, lovely Boy, why fly'st thou mee
). Musical settings by John Wilson in Henry Lawes,
Copy of a 42-line version, headed
First published, in a 42-line version as Elegie XIIII
, in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Thomas Carew,
Probably written by Walton Poole.
Edited from this MS, with a facsimile of f. 56v, in Cain.
First published, and attributed to Herrick, in T.G.S. Cain,
Copy, headed
First published in
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
MS Bell/White 42
Later owned by John Leyden (1775-1811).
Discussed in Christopher Hunt,
Copy of the incipit, in a musical setting.
First published in