The Rosenbach Museum & Library, numbers 240 through 999
MS 240/2
Partly compiled (pp. 75-99) by one Robert Berkeley, who has inscribed the first page Rob Berkeley his booke Ano. 1640
Formerly owned by Henry Huth (1815-78). Formerly Rosenbach 195.
Copy, prefixed by
This MS recorded in Latham, p. 116; recorded (but not seen) in Gullans.
First published in
This poem was probably written by Sir Robert Ayton. For a discussion of the authorship and the different texts see Gullans, pp. 318-26 (also printed in
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Latham, pp. 116.
First published, prefixed to
For a discussion of the authorship and different texts of this poem, see Charles B. Gullans,
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Krueger.
First published in 1635. P.
. Krueger, p. 2, among Poems by Pembroke and Rudyerd
Copy, headed
. Krueger, p. 3, among Poems by Pembroke and Rudyerd
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Hazlitt, p. 653.
First published in
This MS collated in Hazlitt, pp. 31-2.
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Latham, pp. 141-2.
First published with
This poem rejected from the canon and attributed to an anonymous Catholic poet in Philip Edwards,
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, untitled.
This volume recorded in Hazlitt.
First published in
This MS recorded in Hazlitt, p. 611.
First published in
Copy, here beginning
This MS collated in Clayton; also collated (as Mr. Huth's
) in Thomas Carew, Berkeley
MS. 1640
First published in Thomas Carew,
Probably written by Walton Poole.
Copy, headed
First published in Brydges (1815), pp. 32-4.
Copy, headed
First published, in a version beginning Deare, doe not your fair beauty wrong
, in Thomas May,
Copy, with two other poems run on together, headed
First published in
Copy, with two other poems run on together.
First published in
Copy of lines 1-12, with two other poems run on together.
Herford & Simpson, VIII, 139.
Copy, headed
First published, as
Copy of a fourteen-line parodied version beginning
First published in Thomas Farnaby,
Copy of the fourteen-stanza version, untitled.
This MS text collated in May, pp. 128-32.
First published, in a musical setting by John Dowland, in his
Copy, untitled.
This MS collated in Wolf (as MS C).
First published, as R
; in Poems attributed to Donne in MSS
; and in
Copy of a ten-line version, untitled and here beginning
First published (13-line version) in
MS 240/7
Including 23 poems (and a second copy of one) by Randolph.
c.1635.Mostyn MS 196: from the library originally founded by Sir Thomas Mostyn (1535-1617) at Mostyn Hall, near Holywell, Flintshire, Wales, the MS possibly acquired by Sir Roger Mostyn (1567-1642) or by his son Sir Roger Mostyn, first Baronet (1625?-90). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
Cited in Mostyn MS
First published in
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Middleborugh
[i.e. London?] [1595-6?]). Krueger, p. 180.
Copy, headed
First published in Stay, lovely Boy, why fly'st thou mee
). Musical settings by John Wilson in Henry Lawes,
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
First published, among
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, here ascribed to W. Stroud
First published (omitting lines 7-10) in
Copy of a five-stanza version, headed
The text followed on pp. 34-5 by a Latin version.
First published (in a musical setting) in Michael East,
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published as an independent couplet in William Camden,
This couplet, which was subject to different versions over the years, is in fact lines 5-6 of a twelve-line poem beginning
Copy, headed
First published in
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 86-7. Forey, p. 124.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in E. V. Lucas, [unspecified publication cited in Dobell, printing from an untraced MS book of poems of Catherine Anwill
]. Dobell (1907), p. 57. Forey, pp. 128-9.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed Dr John King
First published, as
Copy, headed Geo. Morley
A version of lines 1-22, headed
Attributed to Edward Fairfax in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS collated in Wolf (as MS G).
First published, as R
; in Poems attributed to Donne in MSS
; and in
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
First published in
First published in
First published in
First published in
First published in
First published in
Copy, headed
First published, as sonnet 15 of
First published in
First published in
First published in
Second copy.
First published in
First published in
First published in
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Second copy, headed
First published in Stay, lovely Boy, why fly'st thou mee
). Musical settings by John Wilson in Henry Lawes,
Copy, headed
First published in Brydges (1815), p. 148.
Second copy, headed
First published in
Copy of a version of lines 1-6, headed Cherbery
This MS recorded in Shawcross.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in William Camden,
Copy, headed
This MS collated in Wolf (as MS H).
First published, as R
; in Poems attributed to Donne in MSS
; and in
Copy, headed
First published, as
Copy, headed
First published in
Second copy, also headed
First published in
Copy of lines 21-30, headed
First published (all ten poems) in
Copy, headed
First published in
First published in
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
The poem is usually followed in MSS by Dr Daniel Price's Answer
(So to dead Hector boyes may doe disgrace
), and see also
Copy of lines 17-30, headed
First published in
First published in
MS 243/4
Including ten poems by Carew and twelve poems by Strode (and two poems of doubtful authorship).
c.1634.The initials M W
stamped on each cover: i.e. M[aidstone] and W[inchilsea]. Evidently compiled by or for Sir Thomas Finch, Viscount Maidstone and Earl of Winchilsea (who succeeded to the peerage in 1633 and died in 1634). A.S.W. Rosenbach's sale catalogue
The MS came to Rosenbach with a printed exemplum of William Wishcart, M W
; it is inscribed Lord Winchilsea for Mr Locker 1634
; it bears the late 17th-century signatures of Stephen Locker and Alexander Campbell, and the bookplates of Captain William Locker (1731-1800) and Edward Hawke Locker (1777-1849).
Cited in Winchelsea MS
Copy, headed
This MS partly collated in Krueger.
First published in Middleborugh
[i.e. London?] [1595-6?]). Krueger, p. 180.
Copy, headed
This MS collated in Krueger.
First published in Middleborugh
[i.e. London?] [1595-6?]). Krueger, pp. 180-1.
Copy, headed Walton Poole
This MS recorded in Krueger.
First published in [John Gough], P.
. Listed in Krueger's Appendix I: Spurious Poems in the 1660 Edition
as possibly by Walton Poole.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
Dyce, I, 66. Bang, p. 67 (lines 1629-33).
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Latham, p. 116; recorded (but not seen) in Gullans.
First published in
This poem was probably written by Sir Robert Ayton. For a discussion of the authorship and the different texts see Gullans, pp. 318-26 (also printed in
Copy of lines 21-30, headed
First published (all ten poems) in
Copy, headed Francis Beaumont
First published in Alexander B. Grosart,
Copy of a ten-line version, headed
First published (13-line version) in
Copy, headed
First published in George Mason & John Earsden,
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed John Donne
First published in Brydges (1815), p. 24.
First published in Brydges (1815), p. 131.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published, among
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published, in a musical setting, in Walter Porter, Not attributed to Herrick hitherto
). Not included in Patrick.
Copy, headed Walton Poole
This MS collated in Clayton.
First published in Thomas Carew,
Probably written by Walton Poole.
Copy, headed
Dyce, V, 297. Bullen, IV, 302. Bowers, IV, 360-1.
This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Shawcross.
First published as
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published, in
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.
First published in William Corkine,
Copy, headed Sr John Harrington
First published (in a musical setting) in Michael East,
Copy, headed John Donne
This MS recorded in Latham, pp. 144.
First published, in a musical setting, in Orlando Gibbons, What is our life?
Copy, headed
. Krueger, p. 3, among Poems by Pembroke and Rudyerd
Copy, headed
First published in 1635. P.
. Krueger, p. 2, among Poems by Pembroke and Rudyerd
Copy, headed
This MS collated in Williams, p. 108.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy of lines 37-48, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.
First published in William Corkine,
Copy, headed
This MS collated in Doughtie, pp. 610-11.
First published (in a two-stanza version) in John Dowland,
Copy, headed Wallton Poole
This MS collated in Wolf (as MS D).
First published, as R
; in Poems attributed to Donne in MSS
; and in
Copy, headed
Lines 15-20 (beginning Oft when I looke I may descrie
) first published in Thomas Carew,
First published in
First published in
First published, as
Copy, headed
First published in Chambers (1912), pp. 33-5. Brown, pp. 30-1.
Copy, headed
Copy, headed George Marckham
Copy, headed George Morly
Copy, subscribed Willyam Browne
Unpublished. Authorship uncertain.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published, in a musical setting by Henry Lawes, in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Herbert J.C. Grierson,
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Krueger.
Pembroke's Poems
Copy, here beginning
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, subscribed Mr Willyam Browne
Unpublished. Authorship uncertain.
Copy, headed Willyam Stroude
First published in Brydges (1815), pp. 26-7.
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published (Nos. 3 and 4) in John Benson's 4to edition of Jonson's poems (1640) and (all poems) in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
This MS recorded in Shawcross.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Walter Porter,
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 21-4. Forey, pp. 1-5.
Copy, headed Henry Hammon
First published in
Copy, headed John Done
First published in I. G.
Listed in Krueger.
Copy, headed John Done
Fitst published in
Copy, headed
First published complete, with six preliminary lines beginning Shapcot! To thee the Fairy State
, in
Copy, headed Sr Simion Steward
This MS collated in Farmer.
First published, as
Copy, headed
This MS collated in Patrick.
First published in
Copy, headed
First published in
First published in
Copy, headed
Copy, subscribed Sr Thomas Jaye
First published, anonymously, in
The poem is most commonly attributed to Ben Jonson. Also sometimes ascribed to Sir Thomas Jay, JP, and to Randolph.
Copy, headed
First published in Brydges (1815), pp. 32-4.
MS 243/8
4°, 184 leaves; MS volume originally used by Butler, the first 81 leaves (after preliminaries: i.e. ff. [iv-lxxxiv]) comprising his autograph English-French dictionary, arranged alphabetically from A to L in double columns; the volume bequeathed to William Longueville (1639-1721) and the remaining blank leaves subsequently used by him as a commonplace book, incorporating, together with notes and extracts from other works, his selective transcripts of a large amount of miscellaneous verse and prose from Butler's autograph MSS; transcribed partly from lost
MSS (about 180 passages of prose and some verse); consisting of approximately 430 prose passages (including a few Characters), together with a number of verse passages, under the following headings:
This volume bequeathed to William Longueville (1639-1721); later owned by Treadway Russell Nash (1725-1811), whose inscription of provenance is inside the upper cover; by his son-in-law John Somers Cocks, first Earl Somers (1760-1841); by P.J. and A.E. Dobell (in 1930); and by A.S.W. Rosenbach (item 135 in his catalogue [45]
This MS is presumably that once (erroneously) described by Rosenbach as Hudibras. The Original Manuscript. An early version
in his [54]
Facsimiles of ff. [94v-5r] (ff. 9v-10 of second foliation) in Clive E. Driver,
This MS is presumably that once (erroneously) described by Rosenbach as Hudibras. The Original Manuscript. An early version
in his [54]
Facsimiles of ff. [94v-5r] (ff. 9v-10 of second foliation) in Clive E. Driver,
MS 444/27
Chiefly in a single professional secretary hand, some verse written on the front and rear endpapers in a different hand.
Early 17th century.Bookplate of James W. Ellsworth.
Copy of a fourteen-stanza version, untitled, subscribed finis Essex
This MS collated in May, pp. 128-32.
First published, in a musical setting by John Dowland, in his
Copy, headed
First published, addressed to Anthony Bacon, as
MS 810/25, [item 1]
Discussed, with facsimiles of the signature
, in James Holly Hanford,
Discussed, with facsimiles of the signature
, in James Holly Hanford,
MS 810/25, [item 2]
Discussed, with a facsimile of the signature
, in Hanford,
Discussed, with a facsimile of the signature
, in Hanford,