John Leland
First published in London, 1546. Reprinted in
Exemplum of the edition of 1546 with a few MS corrections.
This item recorded in James Hutton,
Copy in Richard Rawlinson's hand, transcribed from the printed edition of 1546 given to St John's College, Oxford, in 1602 by (Sir) William Paddy (1554-1634), physician to Lord Burghley.
Ownership inscription by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), Oxford antiquary, 30 December 1710.
Many of Leland's Latin epigrams published in
Twenty-eight poems printed from this MS in Leicester Bradner,
Autograph Latin verses, beginning
These verses appear in Stow's transcript (
Copy of a large number of Leland's Latin poems, in a single mixed hand, prepared for John Jones of Gellilyfdy.
Inscribed (f. 66v) Thomas Jones is my name
Copy of five of Leland's Latin epigrams, the first beginning
Donated in 1667 by William Corker, AM, Fellow.
Copy of two Latin poems ascribed to Lelandus
Later in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 13152. Sotheby's, 15 June 1971, lot 1649.
Copy of an epigram on Cambridge University, headed
Verses made for the coronation procession of Queen Anne Boleyn, 31 May 1533. First published in John Nichols,
This is presumably the copy presented to the Queen herself.
1533.Edited from this MS in Nichols and in F.J. Furnivall,
Copy, headed
An unpublished treatise in Latin, dedicated to Henry VIII.
In a professional virtually calligraphic hand, with sidenotes in italic, including (f. 1r) a title-page (Syllabus capitum
; and (ff. 5r-187r) the text, headed
Inscribed (f. 11r) Thomas Knyvett Nouemb: 18: 1586
: i.e. Thomas, Baron Knyvett (1545/6-1622), courtier.
Complete with address to readers and dedicatory epistle to Henry VIII, subscribed Ex originale ab ipso Authore (vt par est credere) Henr: R: 8o: pr
: i.e. presumably transcribed from
Inscribed on a leaf affixed to the first page Suum cuiq Tho: Hearne, Oct. 30. 1717. Ex dono Amici, virtutibus & doctrina ornatissimi Thomæ Bakeri S.T.B. Cantabrigiensis
: i.e. given to Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), antiquary, by Thomas Baker (1656-1740), Cambridge antiquary, who has inscribed f. 136v In testimonium summæ, quam debet, gratitudinis, mittet, Tho: Baker
Copy, complete with address to readers and dedicatory epistle to Henry VIII, largely in a single hand, subscribed at the end Ex Originale ab ipso Authore (ut par est credere) Henr: R: 8o. præsentato, In illustri, & copiosa. generosissimi Thomæ Knyuet Armigeri BBcâ: apud Ashwell Thorpe. Com: Norf. Jun. 13. 1625
: i.e. presumably transcribed from
Collected by, and partly in the hand of, Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), antiquary.
Extracts, in Baker's hand.
Compiled entirely by Thomas Baker (1656-1740), Cambridge antiquary, being Volume XXI of his collections.
Early 18th century.Unpublished. Discussed in T.C. Skeat, Lost
Works by John Leland
Autograph, imperfect and lacking a title.
Copy of parts of the work, probably from a transcript by John Stow.
Extracts from Leland's autograph MS, transcribed by John Bale.
Among collections of John Selden, MP (1584-1654), lawyer, historian, and linguistic scholar.
Edited from this MS in John Bale,
Extracts from Leland's autograph MS (
Largely comprising notes and materials either written by Camden or used by him for his various works.
c.1580s-90s.This MS recorded in Skeat, p. 506.
First published in London, 1544. Edited by William Edward Mead in Christopher Middleton,
Purchased from Henry Hammond, Oxford bookseller, 15 November 1861.
This is not R. Robinson's translation published in 1582.
First published in
Autograph MS, a few pages in a professional hand with autograph corrections and revisions.
Once owned by Sir John Cheke (1514-57), royal tutor and administrator; then by Humphrey Purefoy, whose son Thomas gave them in 1612 to William Burton (1575-1645), Leicestershire antiquary, who has supplied a title, index, and list of authors cited, and who donated them to the Bodleian in 1632.
Edited from these MSS in Hearne. Recorded in Smith, I, xx.
Owned in 1677 by Sir Henry St George (1625-1715), later Garter King of Arms. Bookplate of the Rev. Dr Osmund Beauvoir, FSA (d.1789), who has added (ff. iir, iiir-ivr) notes and a list of contents. Afterwards owned by William Upcott (1779-1845), antiquary and autograph collector. Upcott sale, 1846, lot 111. Then in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt (1792-1872), manuscript and book collector: Phillipps MS 12111. Sotheby's, 24-28 April 1911 (Phillipps sale), lot 680.
This MS recorded in Moore Smith, I, xxx, et passim. Facsimile examples of ff. 16v, 17v, in Greg,
A list of books in monastic libraries, together with extracts from Latin poets and other writers, partly autograph, partly in a professional hand, imperfect. c.1535-45.
This MS recorded in Smith, V, xiv.
Prepared for Henry VIII who has annotated the MS in his own hand.
c.1536-8.Edited from this MS in J.R. Liddell, Leland's
Lists of Manuscripts in Lincolnshire Monasteries
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxiii.
Extracts transcribed by John Stow.
Collected by Francis Thynne (1545?-1608), Lancaster Herald
This MS recorded in Smith, V, xii.
Extracts transcribed by John Stow, headed
Extracts transcribed from one of John Stow's transcripts.
Compiled by Robert Glover (1544-88), Somerset Herald.
Late 16th century.Copy of portions of the
Transcribed by Robert Vaughan (1591/2-1667) of Hengwrt, antiquary.
c.1638-67.Extracts, transcribed by Burton from Leland's autograph MS.
Made largely by William Burton (1575-1645), Leicestershire antiquary, with some original gaps supplied in another hand, entitled (f. xir)
Inscribed (f. ixr) Liber Willimi Burton de Lindley com: Leicestr. 1628
. Given by Thomas Allen, Lord of the Manor of Finchley, in June 1758, to William Stukely (1687-1765), antiquary and natural philosopher. Among the collections of Richard Gough, FSA (1735-1809), antiquary and topographer.
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxv-xxvii.
Extracts transcribed by William Burton for John Selden and Sir Robert Cotton.
This MS recorded in Smith, V, xii.
transcribi fecit D. Christopherus Hatton Baro Hatt, with (pp. [914-30]) Dugdale's index datedo de Kirby postquam apud Oxonium delituit...
mense Augusti Ao 1657, 930 folio pages (the first four leaves foliated, and skipping from p. 96 to 175 and from p. 878 to 911), in reversed calf. c.1642-57.
This MS recorded in HMC, 1st Report (1870), Appendix, p. 31.
Julij Ao 1657, 392 folio pages, in reversed calf. c.1642-57.
Copy of extracts ex quibusdam Collectionibus Iohannis Lelandi penès Henricum St. George equitem...1677
, transcribed by Dugdale from Leland's autograph MS (
Compiled by Sir William Dugdale (1605-86), antiquary and herald, who begins with
Owned in the 18th century by Tho. Skiffington
. Later by James T. Gibson Craig. Sotheby's, 22 March 1888 (Gibson Craig sale Part II), lot 1738.
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxx; II, 117.
Extracts from Leland's works — probably the booke M
of mr Dugdale
[Sir William Dugdale (1605-86), antiquary and herald]; (f. 98r) Ex Leland, and Dugdale
; and (f. 102v), Ex Leland
Among collections of Roger Dodsworth (1585-1654), antiquary, passed on to Lord Fairfax, who donated them to the Bodleian.
Brief extracts in Ashmole's hand.
Chiefly in Ashmole's hand and constituting Volume XIV of such volumes.
Mid-late 17th century.Extracts, Jun 17: 1660
, and inscribed (f. 15v) perused Feb.6th 1728/9 TR
[i.e. Thomas Rawlins].
Collected by Anthony Wood (1632-95), Oxford antiquary, and by Thomas Rawlins.
Lent by Rawlins to Thomas Hearne c.November 1732: see S.G. Gillam,
Inscribed taken out of a manuscript copy of Leyland's own handwriting in the hands of Sr Henry St. George, Clarenceaux King at Arms, procured by Rob: Plot. LL. D. Vniv.
Edited from this MS in Thomas Hearne's edition of
Copy of parts of the
Recorded in
Extracts, in the hand of William Fulman, headed Ex Nennio MS. in Bibl. Bodl. fol. 241
. Mid-late 17th century.
Owned, and partly written, by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Extracts, transcribed from an antiquarian collection of St Loe Kniveton (d.1628) of Gray's Inn, together with extracts from calendars of public records made by Francis Thynne (1545?-1608), herald and antiquary.
Among collections of Roger Dodsworth (1585-1654), antiquary, passed on to Lord Fairfax, who donated them to the Bodleian.
Compiled by the historian Sir James Ware (1594-1666).
c.1644-55.Subsequently owned by the Earl of Clarendon.
Notes of Leland's list of books in various monastic libraries taken from the
A list of the contents of the
Among the collections of Browne Willis (1682-1760), antiquary, of Whaddon Hall, near Winslow, Buckinghamshire.
Extract, in the hand of Sir Henry St George (1625-1715), Clarenceux and Garter King of Arms, headed
Bookplate of Osmund Beauvoir, Sheriff of Essex (fl.1742).
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxi, xxx. Edited II, 117 seq.
This MS recorded in Smith, V, xii.
A list of witnesses from eight or nine old charters, copied ex Lelando
, probably from the
This MS recorded in Smith, V, xiv.
Extracts, headed
Extracts, in double columns, headed
Compiled by, and in the hand of, Robert Glover (1543/4-88), Somerset Herald.
1573.This MS recorded in Smith, V, xii.
Extracts, headed 47v. vol. 2.
and Vol. 1. fol.
Volume XXIX of the collections of White Kennett (1660-1728), Bishop of Peterborough, historian.
c.1700.Transcribed either from a lost volume of the
This MS recorded in Smith, V, xiii-xiv.
Extracts, headed
This MS recorded in Smith, V, xiv.
Extracts taken from Hearne's edition, headed
Inscribed (inside the front cover) Ex Dono Caroli Stanhope filij vnici Arthuri Stanhope de East Stoat Comitatu Nottinghamiæ et Collegij Mertonensis generosi Comensatis Anno D
: i.e
. Charles Stanhope (1655-1711/12), of Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire. Also inscribed (f. 1r) Gowin Knight
This MS recorded in Smith, V, xiv.
Extracts, in a mixed hand, headed
Compiled by Henry Wharton (1664-95).
Among collections of Henry Wharton (1664-94), William Sancroft's chaplain (in 1688-9).
Extracts in Latin from the Life of St Winifred by Robert, Prior of Shrewsbury, inscribed in the margin as having been transcribed from Leland's MS [of the Bibliotheca Bod:leianâ Oxonij existente
From the library of the Mostyn family, of Mostyn Hall, Flintshire, and Gloddaeth, Denbighshire, whose notable book and manuscript collectors included Sir Thomas Mostyn (1651-1700?) and his grandson Sir Thomas Mostyn, fourth Baronet (1704-58). Formerly Mostyn MS 255. Bookplate of Thomas Mostyn, 1744, inscribed No. 34
. Sotheby's, 13 July 1920 (Mostyn sale), lot 70, to Backhouse. Christie's, 24 October 1974 (Mostyn sale).
Recorded in HMC, 4th Report (1874), Appendix, p. 360.
Copy of Walford's
roll of arms, transcribed from
Partly compiled or owned by Sir Simon Archer (1581-1662), magistrate and antiquary, of Tanworth, Warwickshire, whose arms are stamped on the front cover.
Inscribed Liber Will
i.e. William Burton (1575-1645), Leicestershire antiquary, of the Inner Temple.
Copy of a portion of the
Inscribed (f. 1r) Ex quibusdam Collectionibus Joh. Lelandi penes Henr. St George Eg. Aur. Regem Armorum cognom: Norroy Ao. 1677
Entirely in the hand of Charles Mellish, MP (1737-97), politician and antiquary, of Badsworth Hall and Blyth, Yorkshire.
Mid-late 18th century.See
First published in Oxford, 1709, ed. A. Hall, 2 vols. Edited, as
See also
Entitled c.1612 by William Burton (1575-1645), Leicestershire antiquary,
Edited from this MS in Hall's edition. Facsimile of p. 198 of the MS in Theodore Besterman,
Extracts transcribed from Leland's autograph, dated in a different dand at the top of the first leaf 25 November 1644.
Compiled by the historian Sir James Ware (1594-1666).
c.1644-55.Subsequently owned by the Earl of Clarendon.
First published in Oxford, 1710-12, ed. Thomas Hearne, 9 vols.
Owned (probably by 1598) by William Burton (1575-1645), Leicestershire antiquary, whose annotations appear in the MSS, and who donated them to the Bodleian in 1632 and 1642-3.
Edited from these MSS in Smith. A facsimile example in
Autograph of several passages belonging to the
Once owned by Sir John Cheke (1514-57), royal tutor and administrator; then by Humphrey Purefoy, whose son Thomas gave them in 1612 to William Burton (1575-1645), Leicestershire antiquary, who has supplied a title, index, and list of authors cited, and who donated them to the Bodleian in 1632.
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxx. Edited III, 127; IV, 164 et seq.
Autograph fragment, comprising three pages of text on two quarto leaves taken from one of Leland's MS volumes of the I redde
Edited from this MS in Smith, I, 327-9.
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxii-xxiv.
Copy, transcribed from John Stow's transcript (
Transcribed by Robert Vaughan (1591/2-1667) of Hengwrt, antiquary.
c.1638-67.This MS recorded in Smith, III, vi (n).
Transcribed for Robert Vaughan (1592?-1667) of Hengwrt.
Mid-17th century.This MS recorded in Smith, III, vi (n).
Burton's copy of five parts
Made largely by William Burton (1575-1645), Leicestershire antiquary, with some original gaps supplied in another hand, entitled (f. xir)
Inscribed (f. ixr) Liber Willimi Burton de Lindley com: Leicestr. 1628
. Given by Thomas Allen, Lord of the Manor of Finchley, in June 1758, to William Stukely (1687-1765), antiquary and natural philosopher. Among the collections of Richard Gough, FSA (1735-1809), antiquary and topographer.
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxv.
partsof Leland's
Transcribed from Leland's autograph MS (
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxvi.
Copy of five parts
, transcribed from William Burton's scribal transcript (
Among the collections of Richard Gough, FSA (1735-1809), antiquary and topographer
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxix.
Copy of nine books
, in Hawarth's hand, entitled in red ink (f. 8v)
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxviii-xxix.
15o Julij Ao 1657, 512 folio pages, in a contemporary vellum wrapper within later reversed calf. c.1642-57.
Among the papers of the Hatton family, formerly of Holdenby and Kirby Hall, Northamptonshire.
This MS recorded in HMC, 1st Report (1870), Appendix, p. 31.
books, in a professional predominanyly italic hand, headed
With an index (ff. 254r-61r), in a neat professional italic hand, headed
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxix.
parts, in a single professional hand, xviii + 504 large folio pages, plus Dugdale's fifteen-page index in his hand and some blanks, in contemporary calf.
A note (p. [xiv]) by Narcissus Luttrell (1657-1732), annalist and book collector, states that this MS of was copied from a Manuscript thereof belonging to Robert Harley Esq [?
, the MS exemplar being not very intelligible in many places
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxix.
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxix-xxx.
Compiled by Elias Ashmole (1617-92).
Mid-late 17th century.Extracts from seven books
, headed
Volume VII of twelve volumes of collections made by Elias Ashmole (1617-92), astrologer and antiquary.
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxix.
Copy of part of the fourth volume of Leland's autograph MS, in one or more secretary hands.
Owned, and partly written, by William Fulman (1632-88), Oxford antiquary.
Copy of the pedigree of the Tregoz family taken
Compiled by Sir Richard St George (c.1555-1635).
c.1586-1619.Part of a transcript of Leland's autograph MS made by Thomas Hearne, on a series of quarto and folio leaves paginated (but lacking numerous leaves) 5-44 and 217-[531].
Assembled by Thomas Hearne (1678-1735), antiquary.
abstracted chiefly from Leland's Itinerary, in a secretary hand, with corrections and additions in another hand, on 41 quarto leaves, in contemporary limp vellum. Late 16th century.
Scribbling on f. 1r including names Foster Anthonius
and Bartholomew Weekes
. Once owned by Peter Le Neve (1661-1729), herald and antiquary.
Fragment of a copy of the
Assembled by Jeremiah Milles (1714-84), Dean of Exeter.
Extracts from the
Extracts from the
Extracts, headed
Inscribed (f. 1r) June ye 5th W M. 1733
: i.e. by William Mytton (1693-1746), of Halston, Shropshire, Rector of Habberley, antiquary.
Sotheby's, 2 May 1877. Item 22 in an unidentified sale catalogue.
Extracts from Part II transcribed by Francis Thynne, Lancaster Herald (1545?-1608) (ff. 67v-87v); 17 December 1589; with a few other miscellaneous notes from the
Collected by Francis Thynne (1545?-1608), Lancaster Herald
This MS recorded in Smith, V, xii.
Copy of Part I, with a few other extracts in another hand.
This MS recorded in Smith, V, xii.
Later owned by Edward Stillingfleet (1635-99), Bishop of Worcester.
This MS recorded in Smith, V, xii-xiii.
Extracts from the
Compiled by, and in the hand of, Robert Glover (1543/4-88), Somerset Herald.
1573.This MS recorded in Smith, V, xii.
List of names of counties and towns along Leland's routes and, in another hand, an extract concerning the Priory of Snelleshall, Staunford, &c.
This MS recorded in Smith, V, xiii.
Substantial extracts, chiefly relating to Huntingdonshire, Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire, and Yorkshire, in several hands, headed
Volume VI of the miscellaneous historical collections of White Kennett (1660-1728), Bishop of Peterborough, historian.
17th century.This MS recorded in Smith, V, xiii.
Extracts, headed
Once owned by Radley Aynscough (d.1727/8), chaplain, fellow of Manchester Collegiate Church, and, according to an inscription, Formerly belonging to, and most probably written by the Rev Baldwin, of Bunwell, Norfolk
Extracts, in a mixed hand, headed
Compiled by Henry Wharton (1664-95).
Among collections of Henry Wharton (1664-94), William Sancroft's chaplain (in 1688-9).
Extracts relating to Pontefract, transcribed by Richard Frank (1698-1762), Yorkshire antiquary, from the papers of Nathaniel Johnston (1629?-1705), political theorist and antiquary, of Pontefract, and dated 1752.
Formerly BF. B. 3. From the Bacon Frank papers, of Campsall Hall, Yorkshire.
Recorded in HMC, 6th Report (1877), Appendix, p. 448.
Copy of part of the Bibliotheca Bod:leianæ Oxonij existente
From the library of the Mostyn family, of Mostyn Hall, Flintshire, and Gloddaeth, Denbighshire, whose notable book and manuscript collectors included Sir Thomas Mostyn (1651-1700?) and his grandson Sir Thomas Mostyn, fourth Baronet (1704-58). Formerly Mostyn MS 255. Bookplate of Thomas Mostyn, 1744, inscribed No. 34
. Sotheby's, 13 July 1920 (Mostyn sale), lot 70, to Backhouse. Christie's, 24 October 1974 (Mostyn sale).
Recorded in HMC, 4th Report (1874), Appendix, p. 360.
Lelands Itinerary.
Written or compiled by Sir Simon Archer (1581-1662), magistrate and antiquary, of Tanworth, Warwickshire.
c.1628.A copy of some of Lelandes Antiquityes.
Written or compiled by Sir Simon Archer (1581-1662), magistrate and antiquary, of Tanworth, Warwickshire.
Late 16th century - 1640.Some scribbling including the names Johannes Rowse of Faye
and William Barsewell
Extensive extracts from Books I and II, in two cursive hands, headed in Warburton's hand
Collected by John Warburton, FSA (1682-1759), Somerset Herald and antiquary.
Presented by John Evans, DCL, President of the Society of Antiquaries, 2 December 1886.
Inscribed (f. 1r) Ex quibusdam Collectionibus Joh. Lelandi penes Henr. St George Eg. Aur. Regem Armorum cognom: Norroy Ao. 1677
Extracts, transcribed, or derived from, the Leland MS. in Bodleys Library at Oxford
Compiled in part by Richard Symonds (1617-after 1692?), antiquary and genealogist, of Black Notley, Essex.
Late 17th-early 18th century.Later owned by Evelyn Philip Shirley (1812-82), of Ettington Hall, Warwickshire. Later in the library of W.A. Foyle (1885-1963), bookseller, of Beeleigh Abbey, Essex. Christie's, 12 July 2000 (Foyle sale, Part III), lot 328.
Formerly MS XXXI (item 4) in the library of the Towneley family of Towneley Hall, near Burnley, Lancashire.
Recorded in HMC, 4th Report (1874), Appendix, p. 412.
Owned, and probably compiled, by Ralph Thoresby (1658-1725), Yorkshire antiquary and topographer. Bought by G. S.
at the sale of Thoresby's musem in London, 1764.
Recorded in Thoresby's
First published in London, 1549, ed. John Bale.
Autograph, untitled.
Once owned by Sir John Cheke (1514-57), royal tutor and administrator; then by Humphrey Purefoy, whose son Thomas gave them in 1612 to William Burton (1575-1645), Leicestershire antiquary, who has supplied a title, index, and list of authors cited, and who donated them to the Bodleian in 1632.
Edited from this MS in Smith, I, xxxvii-xliii.
Copy, transcribed by Burton from Leland's autograph MS.
Made largely by William Burton (1575-1645), Leicestershire antiquary, with some original gaps supplied in another hand, entitled (f. xir)
Inscribed (f. ixr) Liber Willimi Burton de Lindley com: Leicestr. 1628
. Given by Thomas Allen, Lord of the Manor of Finchley, in June 1758, to William Stukely (1687-1765), antiquary and natural philosopher. Among the collections of Richard Gough, FSA (1735-1809), antiquary and topographer.
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxv.
Copy of Leland's account of his travels.
partsof Leland's
Transcribed from Leland's autograph MS (
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxvi.
Copy, transcribed from
Among the collections of Richard Gough, FSA (1735-1809), antiquary and topographer
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxix.
This MS recorded in Smith, I, xxix.
A copy of John Bale's edition made by Thomas Hearne.
Copy, in Haward's hand, headed
See W.W. Greg,
See W.W. Greg,
Copy, headed
Compiled by William Petyt (1640/1-1707), lawyer and political propagandist.
Late 17th century-1700s.Copy of the work as enlarged by John Bale, in the predominantly secretary hand of Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt (1592?-1667), with a formal title-page in italic in red ink, a dedicatory epistle to Prince Edward (pp. 145-9), one by Bale to the Reader (p. 149), a Preface (pp. 150-5), and The conclusion (pp. 175-84) followed by a related register of names (pp. 185-93).
Partly in the hand of Robert Vaughan (1591/2-1667) of Hengwrt, antiquary.
Marginalia in Printed Books and Manuscripts
This probably the MS referred to in John Bale,
See also
On f. iiv, headed
Presented to the Bodleian in 1604 by Charles Howard (1536-1624), second Baron Howard of Effingham and first Earl of Nottingham, naval commander.
Letters and Documents
Autograph letter signed by Leland, to Cardinal Wolsey, 19 January [c.1522].
Later owned by Frederic Ouvry (1814-81), antiquary and lawyer.
Edited in
Recorded in