The British Library: Additional MSS, numbers 50000 through 54999

Add. MS 50117

A quarto legal commonplace book, in a single cursive hand, 104 leaves, in contemporary vellum boards.

Compiled by William Longueville (1639-1721), lawyer.

f. 10r
MaA 519.9: Andrew Marvell, The Rehearsal Transpros'd ('')

A three-line extract, headed Rehearsall transposed 2 pt. p 200, under the subject heading Dispensation, subscribed i4 Aug 1689...for mr Newton de Cambr.

First published (the first part) in London, 1672. The Second Part in London, 1673. Edited by Martin Dzelzainis and Annabel Patterson in The Prose Works of Andrew Marvell, 2 vols (Yale University, 2003), I, 41-203, 221-438.

Add. MS 50198

Copy, in a professional secretary hand, with a title-page Kings of England have vsuallie consulted wth theire Peeres and Comons in Parliamt concerninge peace and warr, by Sr. Robt: Cotton added in another hand, 20 folio leaves, in modern half red morocco.

Later owned by Thomas Sidney Blakeney.

CtR 469: Sir Robert Cotton, That the Kings of England have been pleased usually to consult with their Peeres in the great Councell, and Commons in Parliament, of Marriage, Peace, and Warre. Written...Anno 1611

Tract beginning To search so high as the Norman Conquest.... First published, as The Forme of Governement of the Kingdome of England collected out of the Fundamental Lawes and Statutes of this Kingdome, London, 1642. Cottoni posthuma (1651), pp. [11]-39.

Add. MS 51511

A formal quarto commonplace book, alphabetically arranged, in a neat rounded hand, iv + 76 leaves (plus numerous blanks), in contemporary black leather.

Ascribed, in affixed early 19th-century notes, to George Savile, Marquess of Halifax, but it is not in his hand.

Late 17th century.

Bookplate of the Hon. Charles James Fox (1749-1806), politician. Given to Sir James Mackintosh (1765-1832), political writer, and afterwards presented to Lady Holland. Now Volume CXIV of the Holland House Papers.

HaG 63.5: George Savile, First Marquess of Halifax, Miscellanies

Add. MS 52585

A quarto miscellany of verse and prose, in possibly several hands, a cursive secretary hand predominating, ii + 77 leaves, imperfect, in contemporary limp vellum, within modern reversed calf.

Owned and possibly compiled by Richard Waferer, of Buckinghamshire (name on ff. 43r and 76v).


Also inscribed (f. ii) with names of Marth: Waferer and Walter Jesson.

HlJ 70: Joseph Hall, Extracts ('')

Extracts from various of Hall's works, throughout the MS, including ff. 1r-28r, 44r-8r, 51r-7r, 67r.

ff. 41v-2r
RaW 872: Sir Walter Ralegh, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of a letter by Ralegh to James I, in a formal secretary hand.

f. 53v
DyE 81: Sir Edward Dyer, The lowest trees haue topps, the ante her gall

Copy, in a cursive mixed hand, untitled.

First published in A Poetical Rapsody (London, 1602). Sargent, No. XII, p. 197. May, Courtier Poets, p. 307. EV 23336.

f. 54r-v
ShW 3: William Shakespeare, The Rape of Lucrece ('From the besieged Ardea all in post')

Copy of lines 869-82 and 897-924, in a cursive mixed hand, here beginning Vnruly blastes waite on the tender Springe, subscribed Finis qd mr Shakespeare.

This MS discussed in relation to a version of the poem printed in W.B., The Philosophers Banquet, 3rd edition (London, 1633) in Roland Mushat Frye, Shakespeare's Composition of Lucrece: New Evidence, SQ, 16 (1965), 289-96 (pp. 295-6); but a different view expressed in Hilton Kelliher's review in The Library.

First published in London, 1594.

f. 55r-v
SoR 280.5: Robert Southwell, S.J., Catholic Saint, Upon the Image of death ('Before my face the picture hangs')

Copy, in a cursive mixed hand, untitled.

First published in Moeoniae (London, 1595). Brown, pp. 73-4.

f. 56v
RaW 38: Sir Walter Ralegh, Euen such is tyme which takes in trust

Copy, in a cursive mixed hand, written lengthways down the margin, headed s Walter Rawley his Epitaph.

First published in Richard Brathwayte, Remains after Death (London, 1618). Latham, p. 72 (as These verses following were made by Sir Walter Rauleigh the night before he dyed and left att the Gate howse). Rudick, Nos 35A, 35B, and part of 55 (three versions, pp. 80, 133).

This poem is ascribed to Ralegh in most MS copies and is often appended to copies of his speech on the scaffold (see RaW 739-822).

f. 57r
BrN 68: Nicholas Breton, Phillida and Coridon ('In the merry moneth of May')

Copy, in a cursive mixed hand, untitled.

First published as The Plowmans Song in The Honorable Entertainment at Elvetham (London, 1591). Englands Helicon (London, 1600), <No. 12>, ascribed to N. Breton; Grosart, I (t), p. 7. English Songs 1625-1660, ed. Ian Spink, Musica Britannica XXXIII (London, 1971), No. 29. A musical setting first published in Michael East, Madrigals to Three, Four, and Five Parts (London, 1604).

f. 63v
RaW 191: Sir Walter Ralegh, The Nimphs reply to the Sheepheard ('If all the world and loue were young')

Copy, in a predominantly italic hand, written lengthways down the margin, untitled.

One stanza published in The Passionate Pilgrime (London, 1599). First published complete in Englands Helicon (London, 1600). Latham, pp. 16-17. Rudick, Nos 45A and 45B, pp. 117, 119-20 (two versions, as Her answer to Marlowe's poem on p. 116 and as The Milk maids mothers answer) respectively. For the companion poem by Marlowe, which accompanies most of the texts of Ralegh's reply, see MrC 10-19.

f. 72v
EsR 15: Robert Devereux, second Earl of Essex, I am not as I seeme, I seeme and am the same

Copy, in a predominantly italic hand, subscribed finis qd Rob: Essex Comes.

Edited from this MS in May, Poems and Courtier Poets.

First published, headed Not attainyng to his desire, he complaineth and subscribed E. O., in The Paradyse of Daynty Deuises (London, 1576). May, Poems, No. 5 (pp. 28-9). May, Courtier Poets, pp. 273-4. EV 9569. Also attributed to the Earl of Oxford: see OxE 6.

f. 74r
DyE 41: Sir Edward Dyer, My mynde to me a kyngdome is

Copy, in a secretary hand, in double columns, with slightly cropped heading A true [ ? ] of a contented mynd.

First published, as two poems (one comprising stanzas 1-4, 6 and 8. the other stanzas 9-12) in a musical setting, in William Byrd, Psalmes, Sonets & Songs (London, 1588). Sargent, No. XIV, pp. 200-1. The uncertain authorship of this poem and its textual history are discussed in Steven W. May, The Authorship of My mind to me a kingdom is, RES, NS 26 (1975), 385-94. EV 15376.

Add. MS 53726

Autograph journal of Bulstrode Whitelocke (1605-75), lawyer and politician, written in double columns, 114 folio leaves, in once half-calf marbled boards.

Volume II of the Whitelocke Manuscripts.

Mid-17th century.
ff. 78r-9r
ShJ 152: James Shirley, The Contention of Ajax and Ulysses for the Armour of Achilles, Act III, Song ('The glories of our blood and state')

Copy of the dirge in a sixteen-stanza version, introduced ...for yours & my my meditation vppon death, which ought to be often, the following lines, though verses, yett de tristibus, are properly applicable.

Gifford & Dyce, VI, 396-7. Armstrong, p. 54. Musical setting by Edward Coleman published in John Playford, The Musical Companion (London, 1667).

Add. MS 54566

Copy, in the secretary hand of one of Greville's amanuenses (Bullough's scribe b), with deletions, alterations and insertions in one or more other hands and some corrections and revisions in Greville's own hand, untitled, viii + 116 folio leaves (with a tipped-in certificate relating to 1601 signed by Greville), in contemporary limp vellum. c.1619-25.

With Add. MSS 54566-54571, later owned by Benjamin Heywood Bright (1787-1843), book collector. Sotheby's, 18 June 1844 (Bright sale), lot 107, to Thomas Thorp. Bookplate of Warwick Castle. Christie's, 19 June 1968, lot 136. Warwick MSS, Vol. A.

Edited principally from this MS in Wilkes, with a facsimile of stanzas 330-1 in I, 116, and edited in Wilkes, Remains, pp. 35-202. Facsimiles of stanzas 169-70 in BMQ, 34 (1969-70), Plate XXV, and of stanzas 588-90 in Bullough, I, facing p. 160.

*GrF 12: Fulke Greville, A Treatise of Monarchy

Edited principally from this MS in Wilkes, with a facsimile of stanzas 330-1 in I, 116, and edited in Wilkes, Remains, pp. 35-202. Facsimiles of stanzas 169-70 in BMQ, 34 (1969-70), Plate XXV, and of stanzas 588-90 in Bullough, I, facing p. 160.

First published in The Remains of Sir Fulke Grevill (London, 1670). Wilkes, II, 31-203.

Add. MS 54567

A folio volume of works by Fulke Greville, in the secretary hands of two of Greville's amanuenses (Bullough's scribes c and d), with occasional corrections and revisions in Greville's hand, 79 leaves (plus blanks), in old limp vellum. c.1625-8.

Bookplate of Warwick Castle. Warwick MSS, Vol. B.

ff. 5r-30r
*GrF 10: Fulke Greville, A Treatie of Humane Learning ('The Mind of Man is this worlds true dimension')

A formal copy made by one of Greville's amanuenses (Bullough's scribe c), with a few autograph corrections or revisions by Greville.

Edited from this MS in Wilkes, with a facsimile of stanzas 67-8 in I, 290. Collated in Bullough., with a facsimile of stanzas 61-2 in I, facing p. 16. Facsimiles of stanza 25 in BMQ, 34 (1969-70), Plate XXVII.

First published in Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes (London, 1633). Bullough, I, 154-91. Wilkes, II, 273-313.

ff. 32r50v
GrF 14: Fulke Greville, A Treatise of Religion ('What makes these manie lawes, these reynes of Power')

A formal copy made by one of Greville's amanuenses (Bullough's scribe d).

Edited from this MS in Wilkes, Remains, pp. 203-31.

First published in The Remains of Sir Fulk Grevill (London, 1670). Wilkes, II, 329-58.

ff. 52r-66r
GrF 7: Fulke Greville, An Inquisition upon Fame and Honour ('What are Mens liues, but labyrinths of error')

A formal copy made by one of Greville's amanuenses (Bullough's scribe d).

Edited from this MS in Wilkes. Collated in Bullough, with a facsimile of stanza 75, II, facing p. 48.

First published in Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes (London, 1633). Bullough, I, 192-213. Wilkes, II, 241-62.

ff. 68r-79r
GrF 11: Fulke Greville, A Treatie of Warres ('Peace is the haruest of Mans rich creation')

A formal copy made by one of Greville's amanuenses (Bullough's scribe d).

This MS collated in Bullough.

First published in Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes (London, 1633). Bullough, I, 214-30. Wilkes, II, 213-30.

Add. MS 54568

A formal copy made by one of Greville's amanuenses (Bullough's scribe d), with corrections in Greville's hand, untitled, v + 96 folio leaves, in limp vellum. c.1625-8.

Later owned by Benjamin Heywood Bright (1787-1843), book collector. Sotheby's, 18 June 1844 (Bright sale), lot 107, to Thomas Thorp. Bookplate of Warwick Castle. Christie's, 19 June 1968, lot 136. Warwick MSS, Vol. C.

Edited from this MS in Wilkes. Collated in Bullough, with a facsimile of p. 108 (part of Act III) in II, facing p. 192.

*GrF 27: Fulke Greville, Alaham

Edited from this MS in Wilkes. Collated in Bullough, with a facsimile of p. 108 (part of Act III) in II, facing p. 192.

First published in Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes (London, 1633). Bullough, II, 138-213. Wilkes, I, 310-98.

Add. MS 54569

A formal copy of a later version made by one of Greville's amanuenses (Bullough's scribe d), with corrections in Greville's hand, iv + 86 folio leaves, in limp vellum, with remains of green silk ties. c.1625-8.

Later owned by Benjamin Heywood Bright (1787-1843), book collector. Sotheby's, 18 June 1844 (Bright sale), lot 107, to Thomas Thorp. Bookplate of Warwick Castle. Christie's, 19 June 1968, lot 136.Warwick MSS, Vol. D.

Edited principally from this MS in Wilkes. Collated in Bullough, with a facsimile of part of Chor. 2 in II, facing p. 96. Facsimile of III, i, 9-14 in BMQ, 34 (1969-70), Plate XXVII(b).

*GrF 28: Fulke Greville, Mustapha

Edited principally from this MS in Wilkes. Collated in Bullough, with a facsimile of part of Chor. 2 in II, facing p. 96. Facsimile of III, i, 9-14 in BMQ, 34 (1969-70), Plate XXVII(b).

An early version first published in London, 1609. A later version first published in Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes (London, 1633). Bullough, II, 63-137. Wilkes, I, 210-97.

Add. MS 54570

A formal copy of the original sequence of 109 sonnets made by one of Greville's amanuenses, Richard Willis (Bullough's scribe a), with Greville's frequent autograph revisions, some of the revisions copied again fairly by a second amanuensis (scribe d), iv + 85 folio leaves (including blanks), in limp vellum, with remains of green silk ties. c.1619-25.

Later owned by Benjamin Heywood Bright (1787-1843), book collector. Sotheby's, 18 June 1844 (Bright sale), lot 107, to Thomas Thorp. Bookplate of Warwick Castle. Christie's, 19 June 1968, lot 136.Warwick MSS, Vol. E.

Edited from this MS in Wilkes. Collated in Bullough. Facsimile examples of sonnets lxxvi and lxxviii in Bullough I, facing pp. 32 and 112; sonnet lxxvii in BMQ, 34 (1969-70), Plate XXIV; sonnet xciii in Croft, Autograph Poetry, I, 15; sonnets lxxvii and lxxviii, with texts and discussion, in Norman K. Farmer, Jr, Holograph Revisions in Two Poems by Fulke Greville, ELR, 4 (1974), 98-110; sonnet lxxxxiii in Sixteenth-Century British Nondramatic Writers, Fourth Series, ed. David A. Richardson, DLB, vol. 172 (Detroit, 1996), p. 108; and sonnet lxxvi in Chris Fletcher et al., 1000 Years of English Literature: A Treasury of Literary Manuscripts (British Library, 2003), p. 63.

*GrF 1: Fulke Greville, Caelica

Edited from this MS in Wilkes. Collated in Bullough. Facsimile examples of sonnets lxxvi and lxxviii in Bullough I, facing pp. 32 and 112; sonnet lxxvii in BMQ, 34 (1969-70), Plate XXIV; sonnet xciii in Croft, Autograph Poetry, I, 15; sonnets lxxvii and lxxviii, with texts and discussion, in Norman K. Farmer, Jr, Holograph Revisions in Two Poems by Fulke Greville, ELR, 4 (1974), 98-110; sonnet lxxxxiii in Sixteenth-Century British Nondramatic Writers, Fourth Series, ed. David A. Richardson, DLB, vol. 172 (Detroit, 1996), p. 108; and sonnet lxxvi in Chris Fletcher et al., 1000 Years of English Literature: A Treasury of Literary Manuscripts (British Library, 2003), p. 63.

The entire sonnet sequence first published in Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes (London, 1633). Bullough, I, 73-153. Wilkes, I, 79-177.

Add. MS 54571

A formal copy made by one of Greville's amanuenses (Bullough's scribe b), with Greville's frequent autograph corrections and revisions, untitled, 43 folio leaves (plus numerous blanks), in limp vellum. c.1619-25.

Later owned by Benjamin Heywood Bright (1787-1843), book collector. Sotheby's, 18 June 1844 (Bright sale), lot 107, to Thomas Thorp. Bookplate of Warwick Castle. Christie's, 19 June 1968, lot 136. Warwick MSS, Vol. F.

Facsimile of part of Chapter III of this MS in Bullough, I, facing p. 224.

*GrF 15: Fulke Greville, A Letter to an Honourable Lady

Facsimile of part of Chapter III of this MS in Bullough, I, facing p. 224.

First published in Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes (London, 1633). Grosart, IV, 233-99. Gouws, pp. 137-76.