College of Arms

MS Arundel 43

Copy of the early Latin version, in a single secretary hand, with corrections, incomplete, on 39 folio leaves, in early 17th-century leather. c.1500s-50.

Edited from this MS in Yale, Vol. 2, pp. 94-149, with a facsimile of f. 25v as the frontispiece.

MrT 31: Sir Thomas More, Historia Richardi Tertii

Edited from this MS in Yale, Vol. 2, pp. 94-149, with a facsimile of f. 25v as the frontispiece.

An unfinished work. The English version first published in The chronicle of Ihon Hardyng (London, 1543). The Latin version first published in Thomae Mori...omnia...latina opera (Louvain, 1565). Three versions in Yale, Vol. 2, pp. 1-93, 94-149, and Vol. 15, pp. 313-485, with English translations.

MS Arundel 51

A quarto volume of miscellaneous papers.

Donated in 1678 by Henry Howard (1628-84), sixth Duke of Norfolk.

item 2
CvG 28: George Cavendish, The Life of Cardinal Wolsey ('')

Copy, in a single hand, headed Cardinall Wolseys Life, on 92 leaves.

Sylvester, p. 286.

First published in George Cavendish, The Life of Cardinal Wolsey and Metrical Visions, ed. Samuel W. Singer, 2 vols (Chiswick, 1825). The Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey by George Cavendish, ed. Richard S. Sylvester, EETS, orig. ser. 243 (London, New York and Toronto, 1959).

MS Vinc. 34

A folio composite volume of papers in the hand of Augustine Vincent (c.1581/4-1626), Rouge Croix Pursuivant and Windsor Herald. Early 17th century.
pp. 1-11
CtR 260: Sir Robert Cotton, A Discourse Off the Offyce of the Lord Steward of England, Written by Sr Robte Cotton, knight, and Baronnett ('')

Copy, headed Seneschallus Angliae: Of the office of Steward of England

Tract beginning For the Clearinge whereof wee will intreate off the name.... Hearne (1771), II, 1-12.

pp. 13-15
CmW 43.3: William Camden, The Antiquity, Authority, and Succession of the High Steward of England ('')

Copy, headed Steward of England.

A tract beginning Whom we call in English steward, in Latine is called seneschallus.... First published in Hearne (1771), II, 38-40.

pp. 17-19
CtR 245: Sir Robert Cotton, A Discourse Of the Offyce of the Lord Highe Connstable of England, written by Sr: Robte Cotton, knight, and Baronett ('')

Copy, as by Ro: Cotton, followed (ff. 20r-5r) by a collection of details relating to the offices of Constable and Earl Marshal subscribed R: Cott: and dated 1609.

Tract beginning Yff wee curiouslye will looke the Roote of this question.... Hearne (1771), II, 65-7.

pp. 43-63
HoH 64: Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton, Duello Foiled ('')

Copy, subscribed Sr Edward Coke.

A discourse, with a dedicatory epistle to my very good Lord, beginning Reasons moving me to write this thing which handleth not the whole matter …, the tract beginning The two parties between whom this single fight was appointed …. Published in Thomas Hearne, A Collection of Curious Discourses written by Eminent Antiquaries (London, 1771), II, 223-42, where it is attributed to Sir Edward Coke. It is not certain whether this tract is by Howard or simply annotated by him as a reader.

pp. 74-8
CtR 62: Sir Robert Cotton, The Antiquitye and Offyce of Earle Marshall of England, Written by Sr Robte Cotton, knight, and Baronett ('')

Copy, as by Ro: Cotton.

Tract beginning The plentye of this discourse, the last question of Highe Connstables, whereto.... Hearne (1771), II, 97-103.

pp. 79-82
CtR 226: Sir Robert Cotton, A Discourse Of the Antiquitye, and Offyce of the Earle Marshall of England, written by Sr Robte Cotton, knight, Att the request of the Lord Henrye Howard, Earle of Northampton [25 November 1602] ('')

Copy, untitled., subscribed 25 Nouembr: 1602. Yor assured friend: Ro: Cotton.

A dedicatory epistle beginning Sir, Yor small tyme, I must Ballance, wth as sclendr Aunswere... followed by a tract beginning Because the Jurisdiction att the Comon Lawe was vncertayne....

pp. 255-62
CmW 31.3: William Camden, The Antiquity and Office of the Earl Marshall of England ('')


A tract beginning Such is the vncertainety of etimologyes... and sometimes entitled in manuscripts The Etymology, Antiquity and Office of the Earl Marshall of England. First published, as Commentarius de etymologia, antiquitate, & officio Comitis Marescalli Angliae, in Camdeni epistolae (London, 1691), Appendix, pp. 87-93. Hearne (1771), II, 90-7.


Copy, on a flyleaf of an unfoliated book of Elizabeth Crown leases. Late 16th century.
DyE 22: Sir Edward Dyer, A Fancy

First published, in a garbled version, in Poems by the Earl of Pembroke and Sir Benjamin Ruddier (London, 1660), pp. 29-31. Sargent, No. V, pp. 184-7. May, Courtier Poets, pp. 290-2. EV 8529.

D. 16, fol. 2

A genealogy of the King family, prepared for Sir Edward Bysshe and signed by King. c.1662-8.

Recorded in Hannah, pp. lxxxiii-lxxxiv, and the signature is reproduced on p. lxxvi.

*KiH 826: Henry King, Document(s)

Recorded in Hannah, pp. lxxxiii-lxxxiv, and the signature is reproduced on p. lxxvi.

Heralds V, f. 382v

Copy of a letter by Vanbrugh to Sir Henry St George, from Castle Howard, 22 September 1712. 1712.
VaJ 173: Sir John Vanbrugh, Letter(s)

LP 9

Vanbrugh's surrender of the office of Clarenceux King of Arms, in a professional hand and signed by Vanbrugh, 9 February 1724/5. 1725.
*VaJ 519: Sir John Vanbrugh, Document(s)

Partition Book 5

Vanbrugh's signature occurring frequently and at fairly regular intervals between 30 November 1704 and 1725 in the Partition Book recording the division of fees between all the Officers of Arms, the last being an undated partition stemming from a knighting that took place on 1 May 1725 after Vanbrugh had surrendered his office as Clarenceux King of Arms. 1704-25.
*VaJ 392: Sir John Vanbrugh, Document(s)


Miscellaneous Correspondence 1584-1973.
[unnumbered item]
VaJ 180: Sir John Vanbrugh, Letter(s) ('')

Copy of Vanbrugh's letter to the Mayor of Woodstock, from Whitehall, 26 January 1712/13, in the hand of John Anstis (1669-1744), Garter King of Arms, antiquary, transcribed from a true Coppy witnessed by Sidgwick Harrison, William Foulks, Bar[tholomew] Jones and Merrick Jenkens.

Early 18th century.

Scrapbook Additions, No. 27

Autograph letter signed by Vanbrugh, to [Thomas Coke], Vice Chamberlain, 15 January [1707/8]. 1708.
*VaJ 58: Sir John Vanbrugh, Letter(s)

Scrapbook Additions, No. 28

A building account relating to Blenheim Palace for the period 19 June to 18 September 1710, in a professional hand and signed by Vanbrugh, September 1710.
*VaJ 444: Sir John Vanbrugh, Document(s)

[in frame]

A grant of arms to John Deacle, in a professional hand and signed by Vanbrugh and by Sir Henry St George, 10 August 1704. 1704.
*VaJ 391: Sir John Vanbrugh, Document(s)

[in frame]

Grant of arms to Matthew and Richard Howard, in a professional hand, signed by Vanbrugh and by Richard St George, 21 December 1714. 1714.
*VaJ 473: Sir John Vanbrugh, Document(s)