Oxford University Archives

MS Oxf. Dioc. e. 13

The Oxford Liber Subscriptionum Clericorum. 1628-46.
p. 22
*StW 1495: William Strode, Document(s) ('')

Autograph subscription by Strode on his ordination as priest, 21 December 1628.


Facsimile in M.C. Crum, William Fulman and an Autograph Manuscript of the Poet Strode, Bodleian Library Record, 4 (1952-3), 324-35, Plate XVIIIb after p. 326.

MS Oxf. Dioc. PRs. e. 9

The Library Liber Subscriptionum Clericorum. 1605-35.
f. 14r
*MrJ 13: John Marston, Document(s) ('')

Marston's autograph Latin entry signed (Johanes Marston) when he subscribed to the Thirty-nine Articles on his ordination, 24 September 1609.


Discussed by Robert E. Brettle in John Marston, Dramatist at Oxford, 1591(?)-1594, 1609, RES, 3 (1927), 398-405; in John Marston, Dramatist: Some New Facts about his Life, MLR, 22 (1927), 7-14; and in Notes on John Marston, RES, NS 13 (1962), 390-3.

f. 17r
*MrJ 14: John Marston, Document(s) ('')

Marston's second autograph Latin entry signed (Joh: Marston) when he subscribed to the Thirty-nine Articles on his ordination, 24 December 1609.


Discussed by Robert E. Brettle in John Marston, Dramatist at Oxford, 1591(?)-1594, 1609, RES, 3 (1927), 398-405; in John Marston, Dramatist: Some New Facts about his Life, MLR, 22 (1927), 7-14; and in Notes on John Marston, RES, NS 13 (1962), 390-3.

S.P.38, Register Ab

Subscription Register. 1581-1615.
f. 1r
*DaS 63: Samuel Daniel, Document(s) ('')

Autograph signature, 17 November 1581.

f. 66r
*BaR 9: Richard Barnfield, Document(s) ('')

Barnfield's early secretary signature (Richard Barnefeild), dated 27 November 1589.


This MS discussed, with a facsimile, in Andrew Doyle, Richard Barnfield: The Overlooked Autograph, N&Q, 248 (March 2003), 70-4.

f. 75v
*MrJ 12: John Marston, Document(s) ('')

Marston's boyish signature (Johannes Marston), 4 February 1591/2.


Discussed by Robert E. Brettle in John Marston, Dramatist at Oxford, 1591(?)-1594, 1609, RES, 3 (1927), 398-405; in John Marston, Dramatist: Some New Facts about his Life, MLR, 22 (1927), 7-14; and in Notes on John Marston, RES, NS 13 (1962), 390-3.

f. 89v
*BmF 152: Francis Beaumont, Document(s) ('')

Beaumont's early signature, written at the time of his matriculation, 4 February 1596/7.

f. 93r
*CoR 793: Richard Corbett, Document(s) ('')

Corbett's autograph signature (Richard Corrbett) upon matriculating at Broadgates Hall (Pembroke College), 7 April 1598.

f. 93r
*MiT 35: Thomas Middleton, Subscription ('')

Middleton's autograph subscription (Thomas Midleton: Queen's) upon matriculating at The Queen's College, Oxford, 7 April 1598.


Facsimile in IELM, I.ii (1980), Plate XXVII(b), p. 342.

f. 143r
*CwT 1298: Thomas Carew, Document(s) ('')

Carew's autograph inscription, 10 June 1608.

f. 144v
*KiH 818: Henry King, Document(s) ('')

King's autograph signature (Henry Kinge), upon his matriculation at Christ Church, 20 January 1608/9.


S.P. 39, Register Ac

Oxford Subscription Register. 1615-38.
f. 42r
*EaJ 110: John Earle, Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury, Document(s) ('')

Earle's signature (John Earle), upon his matriculation at Christ Church, 4 June 1619.

f. 59r
*StW 1488: William Strode, Document(s) ('')

Strode's autograph signature, aged nineteen, upon his matriculation at Christ Church, 1 June 1621.

f. 155v
*DeJ 138: Sir John Denham, Document(s) ('')

Denham's signature, aged sixteen, upon matriculating at Trinity College, 16 November 1631.

f. [185r]
*LoR 51: Richard Lovelace, Document(s) ('')

Lovelace's autograph signature subscribing to the Articles of Religion on matriculating at Gloucester Hall [Worcester College], Oxford, 27 June 1634.


Facsimiles in Wilkinson (1925), I, xviii, and (1930), p. xix.

[unspecified page number]
CaW 134: William Cartwright, Document(s) ('')

Cartwright's signature (William Cartwright), under 24 February 1631/2.


Facsimile of this signature in Evans, frontispiece.

S.P. 41, Register Ae

Subscription Register. 1660-93.
[unspecified page number]
*OtT 19: Thomas Otway, Document(s) ('')

The young Otway's autograph subscription, 27 May 1669.


Facsimile in Ghosh, I, frontispiece.