Harvard University, MS Eng 966.7

MS Eng 966.7

A small octavo miscellany of 76 poems by Donne, together with a few poems by others dating up to 1627, in a single italic hand, occasionally marking the end of poems with one or more quatrefoils, 102 leaves (foliation jumping from 55 to 57), gilt-edged, in 19th-century dark green leather gilt. c.late 1620s.

Inscriptions including (f. 6r) Hannah Lewis Junr; Thomas Turner his Book (three times, ff. 8r, 14v, 48v, dated 1750, 58 and 1760); (f. 12r) Edmund Baxter att Mrs Nortons; (ff. 20r, 59v) John Jones; (f. 40r) Jon: Pryse 1729; (f. 59v) Robt. Was[?]; and (f. 79r) Edmund Baxter 1729. Later owned by Edward Vernon Utterson (1776-1856), of Shanklin and Ryde, Isle of Wight, artist, literary antiquary and book collector. Sotheby's, 24 April 1852 (Utterson sale), lot 1317, sold to Lelly. Then owned by Sir John Simeon, third Baronet (1815-70), M.P. Sotheby's, 3 March 1871 (Simeon sale), lot 638, to Pickering. Quaritch's sale catalogue No. 436 (1930), item 576. Formerly MS Nor 4620.

Cited in IELM, I.i (1980), as the Utterson MS: DnJ Δ 51. Discussed in Sir John Simeon, Unpublished Poems of Donne, Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society, 3 (London, 1856-7), No. 3. For an account of Utterson, see Raymond V. Turley, Edward Vernon Utterson, The Book Collector, 25 (1976), 21-44 (and plates after p. 48).

f. 1r
DnJ 2305: John Donne, The Message ('Send home my long strayd eyes to mee')

Copy, headed A Songe p J. D:.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 43. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 30-1. Shawcross, No. 25.

f. 1v
DnJ 969: John Donne, The Dreame ('Image of her whom I love')

Copy, headed Of Sleepe J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 95 (as Elegie X). Gardner, Elegies, p. 58. Shawcross, No. 35.

f. 2r
DnJ 3633: John Donne, The triple Foole ('I am two fooles, I know')

Copy, headed ffooles.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 16. Gardner, Elegies, p. 52. Shawcross, No. 40.

f. 2v
DnJ 195: John Donne, The Apparition ('When by thy scorne, O murdresse, I am dead')

Copy, headed Apparition.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 47-8. Gardner, Elegies, p. 43. Shawcross, No. 28.

f. 3r-v
DnJ 602: John Donne, The Canonization ('For Godsake hold your tongue, and let me love')

Copy, headed Canonizatio p J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 14-15. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 73-5. Shawcross, No. 39.

f. 4r
DnJ 1847: John Donne, The Legacie ('When I dyed last, and, Deare, I dye')

Copy, headed A Songe.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 20. Gardner, Elegies, p. 50. Shawcross, No. 43.

ff. 4v-5r
DnJ 510: John Donne, The broken heart ('He is starke mad, who ever sayes')

Copy, headed Songe. JD.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

Lines 1-16 first published in A Helpe to Memory and Discourse (London, 1630), pp. 45-6. Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 48-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 51-2. Shawcross, No. 29.

f. 5r
CmT 112: Thomas Campion, Thou art not faire, for all thy red and white

Copy, headed A Sonnet.

Edited from this MS by Sir John Simeon in Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society, 3 (1856-7), No. 3, pp. 23-4.

First published in A Booke of Ayres (London, 1601), No. xii. Davis, pp. 34-5.

ff. 5v-6r
DnJ 271: John Donne, The Autumnall ('No Spring, nor Summer Beauty hath such grace')

Copy, headed Springe.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie. The Autumnall, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 92-4 (as Elegie IX). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 27-8. Shawcross, No. 50. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 277-8.

ff. 6v-7r
DnJ 64: John Donne, The Anagram ('Marry, and love thy Flavia, for, shee')

Copy, beginning at line 29 (here Weomen are like Angells & the faire bee).

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published as Elegie II in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 80-2 (as Elegie II). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 21-2. Shawcross, No. 17. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 217-18.

f. 7r
DnJ 2370: John Donne, Negative love ('I never stoop'd so low, as they')

Copy, headed The Nothinge.

This MS collated in Shawcross; recorded in Gardner.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 66. Gardner, Elegies, p. 56. Shawcross, No. 74.

ff. 7v-8r
DnJ 2057: John Donne, Loves diet ('To what a combersome unwieldinesse')

Copy, headed Loues Diett p J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 55-6. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 45-6. Shawcross, No. 65.

ff. 8v-9r
DnJ 2018: John Donne, Loves Deitie ('I long to talke with some old lovers ghost')


This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 54. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 47-8. Shawcross, No. 64.

f. 9r
DnJ 2721: John Donne, Sapho to Philaenis ('Where is that holy fire, which Verse is said')

Copy of lines 55-64, here beginning Mee, in my glasse I call thee, But (alas), untitled.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 124-6. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 92-4 (among her Dubia). Shawcross, No. 24. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 409-10.

f. 9v
DnJ 869: John Donne, The Dampe ('When I am dead, and Doctors know not why')

Copy, untitled, ascribed to J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 63-4. Gardner, Elegies, p. 49. Shawcross, No. 71.

ff. 10r-12r
DnJ 1182: John Donne, An Epithalamion, Or mariage Song on the Lady Elizabeth, and Count Palatine being married on St. Valentines day ('Haile Bishop Valentine, whose day this is')

Copy, headed St Valentine.

This MS recorded in Shawcross and in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 127-31. Shawcross, No. 107. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 6-10. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 108-10.

ff. 12v-13r
DnJ 3388: John Donne, To Mrs M.H. ('Mad paper stay, and grudge not here to burne')

Copy, untitled.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 216-18. Milgate, Satires, pp. 88-90. Shawcross, No. 133.

ff. 13v-14v
DnJ 3081: John Donne, The Storme ('Thou which art I, ('tis nothing to be soe)')

Copy, headed A Storme per J. D:.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published (in full) in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 175-7. Milgate, Satires, pp. 55-7. Shawcross, No. 109.

f. 15r-v
DnJ 565: John Donne, The Calme ('Our storme is past, and that storms tyrannous rage')

Copy, headed A Calme. J. D.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 178-80. Milgate, Satires, pp. 57-9. Shawcross, No. 110.

f. 16r
BmF 147: Francis Beaumont, Why should not pilgrims to thy body come

Copy, headed In ebrium mortuum, subscribed F. B..

First published in John Wardroper, Love and Drollery (London, 1969), No. 213.

f. 16v
RaW 479: Sir Walter Ralegh, Shall I, like an hermit, dwell

Copy, untitled.

First published in The London Magazine (1734), p. 444. Listed but not printed in Latham, p. 173.

f. 17r
ToA 59: Aurelian Townshend, To the Countess of Salisbury ('Victorious beauty, though your eyes')

Copy, untitled.

First published, in a musical setting by William Webb, in John Playford, Select Musical Ayres (London, 1652), p. 22. Chambers, pp. 4-5. Brown, pp. 19-21.

f. 17v
WoH 37: Sir Henry Wotton, The Character of a Happy Life ('How happy is he born and taught')

Copy, headed Sr Henry Wotton.

This MS recorded in Main.

First published in Sir Thomas Overbury, A Wife, 5th impression (London, 1614). Reliquiae Wottonianae (London, 1651), pp. 522-3. Hannah (1845), pp. 28-31. Some texts of this poem discussed in C.F. Main, Wotton's The Character of a Happy Life, The Library, 5th Ser. 10 (1955), 270-4, and in Ted-Larry Pebworth, New Light on Sir Henry Wotton's The Character of a Happy Life, The Library, 5th Ser. 33 (1978), 223-6 (plus plates).

f. 19r-v
DnJ 2518: John Donne, On his Mistris ('By our first strange and fatall interview')

Copy, untitled, ascribed at the top to Joh: Donne.

This MS collated in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 111-13 (as Elegie XVI). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 23-4. Shawcross, No. 18. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 246-7.

f. 20r
HoJ 30: John Hoskyns, Absence ('Absence heare my protestation')

Copy, untitled, here beginning That time and absence proves, ascribed at the top to J. D.

First published in Francis Davison, A Poetical Rapsody (London, 1602). The Poems of John Donne, ed. Herbert J.C. Grierson, 2 vols (Oxford, 1912), pp. 428-9. Osborn, No. XXIV (pp. 192-3).

f. 20v
DnJ 3034: John Donne, Sonnet. The Token ('Send me some token, that my hope may live')

Copy, untitled, ascribed at the top to J. D..

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1649). Grierson, I, 72-3. Gardner, Elegies, p. 107 (among her Dubia). Shawcross, No. 78.

f. 22r
DnJ 2646: John Donne, The Prohibition ('Take heed of loving mee')

Copy, untitled, subscribed J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 67-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 39-40. Shawcross, No. 47.

f. 22v
HrE 87: Edward, Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Ode: Of our Sense of Sinne ('Vengeance will sit above our faults. but till')

Copy, untitled, ascribed at the top to J D.

First published in John Donne, Poems (London, 1635). The Poems of John Donne, ed. Herbert J.C. Grierson (Oxford, 1912), I, 350. Moore Smith, pp. 119-20.

f. 23r
DnJ 676: John Donne, Communitie ('Good wee must love, and must hate ill')

Copy, untitled, ascribed at the top to J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 32-3. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 33-4. Shawcross, No. 53.

ff. 23v-4r
DnJ 840: John Donne, The Curse ('Who ever guesses, thinks, or dreames he knowes')

Copy, headed The Curse. J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 41-2. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 40-1. Shawcross, No. 61.

f. 24r
DnJ 161: John Donne, Antiquary ('If in his Studie he hath so much care')

Copy, untitled, under a general heading Epigrams per J. D.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 52. Shawcross, No. 93. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5 (untitled and beginning If, in his study, Hamon hath such care), 8 (as Antiquary), and 11.

f. 24r
DnJ 898: John Donne, Disinherited ('Thy father all from thee, by his last Will')

Copy, untitled.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 52. Shawcross, No. 94. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5 (untitled), 8 and 11.

f. 24r
DnJ 1916: John Donne, The Lier ('Thou in the fields walkst out thy supping howers')

Copy, untitled.

Printed, probably from this MS in Simeon and, incorporating the original orthography, in The Complete Poems of John Donne, D.D., ed. Alexander Grosart, 2 vols (privately printed, 1872-3), II, 270; recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Sir John Simeon, Unpublished Poems of Donne, Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society, 3 (London, 1856-7), No. 3, p. 31. Grierson, I, 78. Milgate, Satires, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 95. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5 (untitled) and 8.

f. 24v
DnJ 1723: John Donne, Klockius ('Klockius so deeply hath sworne, ne'r more to come')

Copy, untitled, here beginning Rockius soe deeply hath vow'd ne're more to come.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 54. Shawcross, No. 99. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 6, 9 and 11.

f. 24v
DnJ 2271: John Donne, Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus ('Like Esops fellow-slaves, O Mercury')

Copy, untitled.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 78. Milgate, Satires, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 96. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5, 8 and 11.

f. 24v
DnJ 2594: John Donne, Phryne ('Thy flattering picture, Phryne, is like thee')

Copy, untitled.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 97. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 5, 8 and 11.

f. 24v
DnJ 2404: John Donne, An obscure writer ('Philo, with twelve yeares study, hath beene griev'd')

Copy, untitled.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 77. Milgate, Satires, p. 53. Shawcross, No. 98. Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 6 (untitled), 9 and 11.

f. 25v
JnB 707: Ben Jonson, The Poetaster, II, ii, 163 et seq. Song ('If I freely may discouer')

Copy, headed J. D. Sonnett.

ff. 26r-30v
DnJ 1944: John Donne, The Litanie ('Father of Heaven, and him, by whom')

Copy, headed J. D. A Letanie.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 338-48. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 16-26. Shawcross, No. 184.

f. 30v
HoJ 246: John Hoskyns, To his Son Benedict Hoskins ('Sweet Benedict whilst thou art younge')

Copy, headed Mr Hoskins to his sonne and here beginning Sonne Baniamin while thou art yong.

Osborn, No. XXXI (p. 203).

ff. 31r-2r
DnJ 801: John Donne, The Crosse ('Since Christ embrac'd the Crosse it selfe, dare I')

Copy, headed Of the Crosse. J. D.

This MS recorded in Shawcross and in Gardner.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 331-3. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 26-8. Shawcross, No. 181.

f. 32r
JnB 295: Ben Jonson, The Houre-glasse ('Doe but consider this small dust')

Copy, untitled.

First published in John Benson's 4to edition of Jonson's poems (1640) and in The Vnder-wood (viii) in Workes (London, 1640). Herford & Simpson, VIII, 148-9.

ff. 32v-3r
DnJ 2091: John Donne, Loves exchange ('Love, any devill else but you')

Copy, headed J. D. Sonnet.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 34-5. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 46-7. Shawcross, No. 55.

ff. 33v-5r
DnJ 2147: John Donne, Loves Progress ('Who ever loves, if he do not propose')

Copy, headed J. D. Loues Progresse.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Wit and Drollery (London, 1661). Poems (London, 1669) (as Elegie XVIII). Grierson, I, 116-19. (as Elegie XVIII). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 16-19. Shawcross, No. 20. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 301-3.

ff. 35v-6r
DnJ 1286: John Donne, Farewell to love ('Whilst yet to prove')


This MS recorded in Gardner; collated in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 70-1. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 82-3. Shawcross, No. 79.

f. 36v
DnJ 2180: John Donne, Loves Usury ('For every houre that thou wilt spare mee now')

Copy, untitled, ascribed at the top to J. D. and here beginning ffor euery hower that thou willt spare to mee.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 13-14. Gardner, Elegies, p. 44. Shawcross, No. 38.

f. 37r-v
DnJ 3708: John Donne, The undertaking ('I have done one braver thing')

Copy, untitled, ascribed at the top to J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 10. Gardner, Elegies, p. 57. Shawcross, No. 63.

ff. 37v-8r
DnJ 28: John Donne, Aire and Angels ('Twice or thrice had I loved thee')


This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 22. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 75-6. Shawcross, No. 45.

f. 38v
DnJ 1463: John Donne, The good-morrow ('I wonder by my troth, what thou, and I')

Copy, untitled, ascribed at the top to J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 7-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 70-1. Shawcross, No. 32.

f. 39r
DnJ 2118: John Donne, Loves growth ('I scarce beleeve my love to be so pure')

Copy, headed A Springe. J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 33-4. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 76-7. Shawcross, No. 54.

ff. 39v-40r
DnJ 1332: John Donne, A Feaver ('Oh doe not die, for I shall hate')

Copy, headed A Feaver J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 21. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 61-2. Shawcross, No. 44.

ff. 40v-1r
DnJ 3016: John Donne, Song ('Sweetest love, I do not goe')

Copy, untitled.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 18-19. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 31-2. Shawcross, No. 42.

ff. 41v-2r
DnJ 2618: John Donne, The Primrose ('Upon this Primrose hill')

Copy, headed J. D. The Primerose.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 61-2. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 88-9. Shawcross, No. 69.

ff. 42r-3r
DnJ 355: John Donne, The Blossoms ('Little think'st thou, poore flower')

Copy, headed J D. The Blossome.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 59-60. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 87-8. Shawcross, No. 68.

f. 43r-v
DnJ 2698: John Donne, The Relique ('When my grave is broke up againe')

Copy, headed J D. The Relique.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 62-3. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 89-90. Shawcross, No. 70.

f. 44r
DnJ 1405: John Donne, The Funerall ('Who ever comes to shroud me, do not harme')

Copy, headed The Funerall. J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 58-9. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 90-1. Shawcross, No. 67.

f. 46r-v
DnJ 125: John Donne, The Anniversarie ('All Kings, and all their favorites')

Copy, untitled, ascribed at the top to JD.

This MS recorded in Gardner, and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 24-5. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 71-2. Shawcross, No. 48.

ff. 46v-7r
DnJ 2536: John Donne, The Paradox ('No Lover saith, I love, nor any other')

Copy, untitled, ascribed at the top to J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 69-70. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 38-9. Shawcross, No. 77.

f. 47r
DnJ 1209: John Donne, The Expiration ('So, so, breake off this last lamenting kisse')

Copy, headed Sonnet. Valedictio Amoris.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, in a musical setting, in Alfonso Ferrabosco, Ayres (London, 1609). Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 68. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 36-7. Shawcross, No. 75.

ff. 47v-8v
DnJ 3920: John Donne, The Will ('Before I sigh my last gaspe, let me breath')

Copy of a five stanza version, headed J. D. Loves Legacie.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 56-8. Gardner, Elegies, pp. 54-5. Shawcross, No. 66.

ff. 49r-52v
DnJ 989: John Donne, Ecclogue. 1613. December 26 ('Unseasonable man, statue of ice')

Copy of lines 1-170 (including poems i-vi of the Epithalamion), headed Eclogve. J D.

This MS collated in Shawcross; recorded in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 131-44. Shawcross, No. 108. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 10-19 (as Epithalamion at the Marriage of the Earl of Somerset). Variorum, 8 (1995), pp. 133-9.

f. 53r
DnJ 1654: John Donne, The Indifferent ('I can love both faire and browne')

Copy, headed Songe. J. D..

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 12-13. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 41-2. Shawcross, No. 37.

ff. 53v-5r
DnJ 774: John Donne, La Corona ('Deigne at my hands this crown of prayer and praise')

Copy of the sequence of seven sonnets, headed La Corona. I. D.

This MS recorded in Shawcross and in Gardner.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 318-21. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 1-5. Shawcross, No. 160.

ff. 56v-7r
DnJ 1428: John Donne, Goodfriday, 1613. Riding Westward ('Let mans Soule be a spheare, and then, in this')

Copy, headed Good Friday. 1613. J. D.

This MS collated in Shawcross; recorded in Gardner.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 336-7. Gardner, Divine Poems, pp. 30-1. Shawcross, No. 185.

ff. 57v-8v
DnJ 3501: John Donne, To Sr Henry Wotton ('Sir, more then kisses, letters mingle Soules')

Copy, untitled, ascribed at the top to J. D. and subscribed Donne.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 180-2. Milgate, Satires, pp. 71-3. Shawcross, No. 112.

f. 59r-v
DnJ 3327: John Donne, To Mr T.W. ('All haile sweet Poët, more full of more strong fire')

Copy, headed To Mr T. W. J. D..

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 203-5. Milgate, Satires, pp. 59-60. Shawcross, No. 114.

ff. 59v-60v
DnJ 3297: John Donne, To Mr Rowland Woodward ('Like one who'in her third widdowhood doth professe')

Copy, ascribed to J. D.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 185-6. Milgate, Satires, pp. 69-70. Shawcross, No. 113.

ff. 60v-1v
DnJ 3440: John Donne, To Sr Henry Goodyere ('Who makes the Past, a patterne for next yeare')


This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 183-4. Milgate, Satires, pp. 78-9. Shawcross, No. 130.

ff. 61v-2v
DnJ 3535: John Donne, To the Countesse of Bedford ('Reason is our Soules left hand, Faith her right')

Copy, headed To the Countesse of Bedford J. D.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 189-90. Milgate, Satires, pp. 90-1. Shawcross, No. 134.

ff. 62v-4r
DnJ 392: John Donne, The Bracelet ('Not that in colour it was like thy haire')

Copy, headed Armilla. J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Eleg. XII. The Bracelet, in Poems (1635). Grierson, I, 96-100 (as Elegie XI). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 1-4. Shawcross, No. 8. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 5-7.

ff. 64v-5v
BmF 17: Francis Beaumont, Ad Comitissam Rutlandiae ('Madam, so may my verses pleasing be')

Copy, headed To the Countess of Rutland. ff. B.

First published, as An Elegie by F. B., in Certain Elegies, Done by Sundrie Excellent Wits (London, 1618). Dyce XI, 505-7.

ff. 65v-6v
CoR 679.5: Richard Corbett, Upon An Unhandsome Gentlewoman, who made Love unto him ('Have I renounc't my faith, or basely sold')

Copy, untitled.

First published in Certain Elegant Poems (London, 1647). Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. 6-7.

f. 68r-v
DnJ 2752: John Donne, Satyre I ('Away thou fondling motley humorist')

Copy, headed Satyr. 1. p J. D.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 145-9. Milgate, Satires, pp. 3-6. Shawcross, No. 1.

ff. 69r-70v
DnJ 2782: John Donne, Satyre II ('Sir. though (I thank God for it) I do hate')

Copy, headed Satyr 2.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 149-54. Milgate, Satires, pp. 7-10. Shawcross, No. 2.

ff. 71r-2v
DnJ 2813: John Donne, Satyre III ('Kinde pitty chokes my spleene. brave scorn forbids')

Copy, headed Satyr 3. J. D.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 154-8. Milgate, Satires, pp. 10-14. Shawcross, No. 3.

ff. 73r-6v
DnJ 2843: John Donne, Satyre IV ('Well. I may now receive, and die. My sinne')

Copy, headed Satyr. 4. J. D.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 158-68. Milgate, Satires, pp. 14-22. Shawcross, No. 4.

ff. 77r-8r
DnJ 2875: John Donne, Satyre V ('Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe, Muse, nor they')

Copy, headed Satyr. 5.

This MS recorded in Shawcross.

First published (in full) in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 168-71. Milgate, Satires, pp. 22-5. Shawcross, No. 5.

f. 84r-v
DnJ 707: John Donne, The Comparison ('As the sweet sweat of Roses in a Still')

Copy, headed Elegies 1a.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 90-2 (as Elegie VIII). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 5-6. Shawcross, No. 9. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 51-2.

ff. 85r-6r
DnJ 2568: John Donne, The Perfume ('Once, and but once found in thy company')

Copy, headed Elegye. 2a. J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie IV, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 84-6 (as Elegie IV). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 7-9. Shawcross, No. 10. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 72-3.

ff. 86v-7r
DnJ 1695: John Donne, Jealosie ('Fond woman, which would'st have thy husband die')

Copy, headed Elegie 3a.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie I, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 79-80 (as Elegie I). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 9-10. Shawcross, No. 11.

ff. 87r-8r
DnJ 2463: John Donne, Oh, let mee not serve so, as those men serve

Copy, headed Elegie 4a.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie VII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 87-9 (as Elegie VI). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 10-11. Shawcross, No. 12. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 110-11.

f. 88r-v
DnJ 2352: John Donne, Natures lay Ideot, I taught thee to love

Copy, headed Elegie 5a.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie VIII, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 89-90 (as Elegie VII). Gardner, Elegies, p. 12. Shawcross, No. 13. Variorum, 2 (2000), p. 127.

f. 89r-v
DnJ 640: John Donne, Change ('Although thy hand and faith, and good workes too')

Copy, headed Elegie 8a. J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie III, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 82-3 (as Elegie III). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 19-20. Shawcross, No. 16. Variorum, 2 (2000), p. 198.

f. 90r
DnJ 1547: John Donne, His Picture ('Here take my picture. though I bid farewell')

Copy, headed Elegie 9a. J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published as Elegie V in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 86-7 (as Elegie V). Gardner, Elegies, p. 25. Shawcross, No. 19. Variorum, 2 (2000), p. 264.

ff. 90v-1r
DnJ 65: John Donne, The Anagram ('Marry, and love thy Flavia, for, shee')

Copy, headed Elegie 10a. J. D.

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published as Elegie II in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 80-2 (as Elegie II). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 21-2. Shawcross, No. 17. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 217-18.

f. 91r-v
DnJ 3600: John Donne, To the Lady Bedford ('You that are she and you, that's double shee')

Copy, headed J D. An Elegie to the La: Bedford.

This MS collated in Shawcross.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 227-8. Milgate, Satires, pp. 94-5. Shawcross, No. 148.

ff. 92r-3r
DnJ 1235: John Donne, The Expostulation ('To make the doubt cleare, that no woman's true')

Copy, headed Elegie. J. D..

This MS recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published, as Elegie, in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 108-10 (as Elegie XV). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 94-6 (among her Dubia). Shawcross, No. 22. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 369-70.

ff. 94r-5r
DnJ 1079: John Donne, Elegie on the Lady Marckham ('Man is the World, and death th' Ocean')

Copy, headed A Funerall Elegye vpon the death of the Lady Markham.

This MS recorded in Shawcross and in Milgate.

First published in Poems (1633). Grierson, I, 279-81. Shawcross, No. 149. Milgate, Epithalamions, pp. 55-9. Variorum, 6 (1995), pp. 112-13.

f. 95v
BmF 45: Francis Beaumont, An Elegy on the Death of the Virtuous Lady, Elizabeth Countess of Rutland ('I may forget to eat, to drink, to sleep')

Copy, headed On the Countesse of Rutland / Franc: Beaumont.

First published in Sir Thomas Overbury, A Wife, 11th impression (London, 1622). Dyce, XI, 507-11.

f. 96r-v
DnJ 2221: John Donne, Loves Warre ('Till I have peace with thee, warr other men')

Copy, headed Elegie. 6a. J. D.

Edited probably from this MS in Sir John Simeon, Unpublished Poems of Donne, Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society, 3 (London, 1856-7), No. 3, pp. 17-19. Recorded in Gardner and in Shawcross.

First published in F.G. Waldron, A Collection of Miscellaneous Poetry (London, 1802), pp. 1-2. Grierson, I, 122-3 (as Elegie XX). Gardner, Elegies, pp. 13-14. Shawcross, No. 14. Variorum, 2 (2000), pp. 142-3.

ff. 99r-100v
CoR 74: Richard Corbett, An Elegie on the late Lord William Haward Baron of Effingham, dead the tenth of December. 1615 ('I did not know thee, Lord, nor do I striue')

Copy, headed An Elegye on the late Lo: Willm Howard Baron Efingham who dyed Decem: 10. 1615. Dr Corbet.

This MS probably that recorded (as N2) in Bennett & Trevor-Roper, p. 114.

First published in Sir Thomas Overbury, A Wife, 9th impression (London, 1616). Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. 20-3.

ff. 100v-1r
CoR 125: Richard Corbett, An Elegie vpon the Death of Sir Thomas Ouerbury Knight poysoned in the Tower ('Hadst thou, like other Sirs and Knights of worth')

Copy, headed An Elegie vpon the death of Sr. Thomas Overbury Knight. Dr. Corbett.

First published in Sir Thomas Overbury, A Wife, 9th impression (London, 1616). Bennett & Trevor-Roper, pp. 18-19.

ff. 101v-2v
EaJ 28: John Earle, Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury, An Elegie, Upon the death of Sir John Burrowes, Slaine at the Isle of Ree ('Oh wound us not with this sad tale, forbear')

Copy, headed An Elegie on the deathof Sr John Burrowes slayne in the Iland of Rez, 1627, imperfect at the end.

First published in Parnassus Biceps (London, 1656), pp. 12-16. Extract in Bliss, pp. 225-6. Edited in James Doelman, John Earle's Funeral Elegy on Sir John Burroughs, English Literary Renaissance, 41/3 (Autumn 2011), 485-502 (pp. 499-502).