Bangor University
MS 422
Compiled by members of the Griffith family, of Llanddyfnan, the verse probably entered by one or more of the various members of that family who studied in this period at the University of Oxford.
Mid-17th century.Cited in Griffith MS
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First published in
First published in
MS texts usually begin Like to the rolling of an eye
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First published in Dobell (1907), p. 16-18. Forey, pp. 72-5.
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First published (omitting lines 25-48) in (from a MS collection) which bears the signature of Jerom Terrent
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First published, as
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First published as an independent couplet in William Camden,
This couplet, which was subject to different versions over the years, is in fact lines 5-6 of a twelve-line poem beginning
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First published in
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First published in
First published in
First published in Dobell (1907), p. 49. Listed, without text, in Forey, p. 339.
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First published in
Copy of the first six lines, headed
First published in Sir Thomas Overbury,
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First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 11-12. Forey, pp. 77-9.
First published in
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First published in
Copy of an eleven-stanza version, headed
First published in
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First published in
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First published in
The various texts of this poem discussed in Randall McLeod,
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First published in William Corkine,
First published in
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First published in
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First published in
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First published in Dobell (1907), pp. 45-6. Forey, p. 193.
Copy of a two-line version, headed
First published in Bennett & Trevor-Roper (1955), p. 8.
Some texts followed by an answer beginning Little booke, when I am gone
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Herford & Simpson, lines 1061-1125. Greg, Burley version, lines 821-84. Windsor version, lines 876-939.
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First published in
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First published in
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First published in
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Lines 15-20 (beginning Oft when I looke I may descrie
) first published in Thomas Carew,
Copy of an eight-line version, headed
First published, in a musical setting, in Orlando Gibbons, What is our life?
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First published in Francis Davison,
This poem is attributed to Richard Latworth (or Latewar) in Lefranc (1968), pp. 85-94, but see Stephen J. Greenblatt, answer
to this poem is printed in Höltgen, pp. 435-8. Some texts are accompanied by other answers.
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Lines 15-20 (beginning Oft when I looke I may descrie
) first published in Thomas Carew,
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First published (13-line version) in
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First published in
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First published in
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First published in Bennett & Trevor-Roper (1955), p. 65.
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First published in Dobell (1907), p. 44. Forey, p. 210.
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First published in William Corkine,
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First published in
Copy of the first four lines only, headed
First published in
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First published in Delattre (1912), 519-21. Martin, pp. 417-18. Patrick, pp. 547-8.
Copy of lines 1-10, untitled; imperfect, lacking the rest of the poem.
First published in