Ohio State University, English Department Library

Robinson Collection, MS, pp. 3-10

BuS 28: Samuel Butler, Dildoides

Dated in some sources 1672 but not published until 1706.

Spec. MS Eng. 15

A folio miscellany of poems on affairs of state, entitled A Choyce Collection of Poems. &c., 325 pages, the verse on pp. 324-5 added c.1762. c.1700.

Owned in 1712 by Thomas Wentworth (1672-1739), Baron Raby and third Earl of Strafford.

pp. 10-14
RoJ 366: John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, Signior Dildo ('You ladies all of merry England')

Copy, the poem here dated 1673.

This MS recorded in Vieth and in Walker.

First published in Poems on Affairs of State (London, 1704). Vieth, pp. 54-9. Walker, pp. 75-8.

The poem discussed, texts collated, and the attribution to Rochester questioned, in Harold Love, A Restoration Lampoon in Transmission and Revision: Rochester's(?) Signior Dildo, SB, 46 (1993), 250-62. Love (two versions and added stanzas), pp. 248-9, 250-2, 252-3, 253-7, among Disputed Works.

p. 16
RoJ 508: John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, To the Postboy ('Son of a whore, God damn you! can you tell')

Copy, headed Earle of Rochester's Conference with a Post Boy. 1674.

Edited from this MS in John Harold Wilson, Rochester's Buffoon Conceit, MLN, 56 (1941), 372-3. Recorded in Vieth, Attribution. Collated in Walker.

First published, in shortened form, in Johannes Prinz, Rochesteriana (Leipzig, 1926), p. 56. Vieth, pp. 130-1. Walker, p. 103. Love, pp. 42-3.

pp. 17-25
MaA 77: Andrew Marvell, A Ballad call'd the Chequer Inn ('I'll tell thee Dick where I have beene')

Copy, headed The Chequer Inn, the poem here dated 1674.

This MS collated in POAS, I.

First published in Poems on Affairs of State (London, 1704). Margoliouth, I, 201-8. POAS, I, 252-62. Rejected from the canon by Lord.

pp. 105-8
EtG 106: Sir George Etherege, Mrs. Nelly's Complaint ('If Sylla's ghost made bloody Catiline start')

Copy, the poem here dated 1682.

This MS collated in Thorpe.

First published in Miscellaneous Works, Written by…Buckingham, Vol. I (London, 1704). Thorpe, pp. 62-4.

pp. 243-64
DoC 98: Charles Sackville, Sixth Earl of Dorset, A Faithful Catalogue of our Most Eminent Ninnies ('Curs'd be those dull, unpointed, doggerel rhymes')


This MS collated in POAS and in Harris.

First published in The Works of the Earls of Rochester, Roscommon, and Dorset (London, 1707). POAS, IV (1968), 189-214. Harris, pp. 136-67.

p. 323
DoC 143: Charles Sackville, Sixth Earl of Dorset, On King William's Happy Deliverance from the Intended Assassination ('The youth whose fortune the vast globe obey'd')

Copy, the poem here dated 1696.

This MS collated in Harris.

First published in Harris (1979), pp 61-2.

Spec. MS Eng. 16

Copy of Harington's complete Psalter, in a professional secretary hand, entitled King Davids Psalmes, 231 quarto pages, imperfect, in contemporary vellum. Early 17th century.

Inscribed James Harington: i.e.? Sir James Harington, of Merton, Oxfordshire. and Bickford-Dunland. Dobell's sale catalogue No, 68 (1941), item 380.

This MS discussed in Schmutzler.

HrJ 6: Sir John Harington, Metrical Paraphrases of the Psalms

This MS discussed in Schmutzler.

Harington's complete Psalter, intended for publication just before his death, but unpublished.