Indiana University, Lilly Library

LMC 1008

Autograph letter signed by Etherege, to Ignatius White, Marquis d'Albeville, from Ratisbon, 5/15 March 1687/8. 1688.

In a large collection of letters acquired in 1977.

*EtG 146: Sir George Etherege, Letter(s)

[no shelfmark]

Copy, headed Advise to a painter to draw ye duke's pikture, on three folio pages. Late 17th century.
MaA 458: Andrew Marvell, Advice to a Painter to draw the Duke by

First published [in London], 1679. A Collection of Poems on Affairs of State (London, 1689), as by A-M-l, Esq. Thompson III, 399-403. Margoliouth, I, 214-18, as by Henry Savile. POAS, I, 213-19, as anonymous. Recorded in Osborne, pp. 40-2, as by Henry Savile.