Leeds University Library and Special Collections

MS 13

An octavo MS tract Safe custody or A Discourse of a Christians committing his soul into the hands of god, iv + 53 pages, in quarter-calf on boards.

Written by, and in the hand of, Oliver Heywood (1629-1702).

p. 53
HrG 172: George Herbert, Love III ('Love bade me welcome: yet my soul drew back')

Copy, headed Herberts poem, p. 183. called Loue, added at the end of the volume.

First published in The Temple (1633). Hutchinson, pp. 188-9.

Stack English H-36

Variants in FuT 2, and corrections of Dobell's transcript of six epigrams, recorded by George Thorn-Drury, KC (1860-1931), literary scholar and editor, in his annotated exemplum of Grosart's edition of The Poems and Translations in Verse...of Thomas Fuller (Liverpool, 1868). c.1900s.
FuT 2.5: Thomas Fuller, Epigrams

Fifty-nine epigrams first published in Grosart (1868), pp. 217-35. A further six epigrams published in Bertram Dobell, Some Unpublished Epigrams by Thomas Fuller, The Athenaeum, No. 3835 (27 April 1901), p. 532.