Vatican Library

Barb. lat. 2181, ff. 57r-8v

Autograph letter signed by Milton, to Lucas Holstenius, 29 March 1639. 1639.

Edited, with the date given as 30 March 1639, in Epistolarum familiarium (London, 1674), No. 9. Columbia, XII, 38-45, with an English translation. The discovery of the original letter announced in the New York Times (8 May 1952), p. 50. Discussed and edited, with a complete reduced facsimile, in Joseph McG. Bottkol, The Holograph of Milton's Letter to Holstenius, PMLA, 68 (1953), 617-27. Facsimile example also in Don M. Wolfe, Milton and His England (Princeton, 1971), p. 32B.

*MnJ 69: John Milton, Letter(s)

Edited, with the date given as 30 March 1639, in Epistolarum familiarium (London, 1674), No. 9. Columbia, XII, 38-45, with an English translation. The discovery of the original letter announced in the New York Times (8 May 1952), p. 50. Discussed and edited, with a complete reduced facsimile, in Joseph McG. Bottkol, The Holograph of Milton's Letter to Holstenius, PMLA, 68 (1953), 617-27. Facsimile example also in Don M. Wolfe, Milton and His England (Princeton, 1971), p. 32B.

MS Barb. lat. 2567

A MS containing works of Thomas More. End 16th-early 17th century.

This MS discussed in Clarence H. Miller, A Vatican Manuscript containing Three Brief Works by St. Thomas More, Moreana, No. 26 (1970), 41-4, with a facsimile of the epistola on f. 51r on p. 42.

ff. 49r-50r
MrT 11: Sir Thomas More, Epigrammata. 258. Epitaphivm in sepvlchro Iohannae olim vxoris Mori destinantis idem sepvlchrum et sibi et Aliciae posteriori vxori ('Chara Thomae iacet hic Iohanna uxorcula Mori')

Copy of the epitaph and epigram.

A Latin prose epitaph and Latin epigram made by More for the tomb of his two wives and himself at Chelsea. First published in Desiderius Erasmus, De praeparatione ad mortem (Basle, 1534). Nicholas Harpsfield, Life and Death of Sir Thomas More, ed. Elsie V. Hitchcock, EETS 186 (London, 1932), pp. 278-81. Opus epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami, ed. P.S. Allen, X, (Oxford, 1941), pp. 260-1. Yale. Vol. 3, Part II, pp. 270-1, with English translation.

f. 52r-v
MrT 24: Sir Thomas More, Devout Instructions, Meditations and Prayers ('')

Copy of the Latin godly instruccion (beginning Vita per offensam dei seruata erit...).

This MS collated in Yale, Vol. 13.

Devout Instructions &c. first published in Workes (London, 1557), pp. 1405-18. Yale, Vol. 13, with English translation.

MS Palat. lat. 1736.

Two MS volumes of gratulatory verse presented to the Elector Palatine by the University of Cambridge on 6 March 1612/13. 6 March 1612/13.

This MS recorded in Leicester Bradner, New Poems by George Herbert: The Cambridge Latin Gratulatory Anthology of 1613, RN, 15 (1962), 208-11.

f. 13r
FlG 2: Giles Fletcher the Younger, Surgens coerulco lotus ab aquore


An unpublished Latin poem in honour of Frederick V, Elector Palatine.

f. 13v
HrG 327: George Herbert, Sume Palatini versus de numine Phoebi


Edited from this MS in Bradner.

First published in Leicester Bradner, New Poems by George Herbert: The Cambridge Latin Gratulatory Anthology of 1613, RN, 15 (1962), 208-11. Translation in Kenneth Alan Hovey, George Herbert's Authorship of To the Queene of Bohemia, RQ, 30/1 (Spring 1977), 43-50 (pp. 44-5).

f. 36r
HrG 314: George Herbert, In nobilissimi Cornitis Palatini Ad Rhenum, et illustrissa: Domina Elizabethe Nuptiae Epithal. ('En Aurora vocat, lectur genialis in aula est')


Edited from this MS in Bradner.

A sixteen-line epithalamium on the marriage of Frederick, the Elector Palatine, to Princess Elizabeth. First published in Leicester Bradner, New Poems by George Herbert: The Cambridge Latin Gratulatory Anthology of 1613, RN, 15 (1962), 208-11. Translation in Kenneth Alan Hovey, George Herbert's Authorship of To the Queene of Bohemia, RN, 30 (1977), 43-50 (p. 45).

MS Reg lat. 666

A quarto diary, compiled by the Moravian baron Zdenëk Brtnický z Valdstejna (Baron Waldstein) during his continental tour from 1 January 1597 to 31 December 1603, in vellum.

Subsequently in the library of Franz Seraph (1570-1636), Cardinal von Dietrichstein, at Nicholsburg; captured and sent during the Thirty Years War to the Royal Library, Stockholm. Retained in the library of Queen Christina (1626-89) when in exile in Rome. Acquired by Pope Alexander VIII (1610-91), in May 1690, for the Vatican Library.

ff. 161-2
ElQ 47: Queen Elizabeth I, Written on a Window Frame at Woodstock ('O Fortune, thy wresting, wavering state')

Copy of both English and Latin versions, written by Waldstein when he visited Woodstock on 15 July 1600.

Edited from this MS in The Diary of Baron Waldstein, trans. G.W. Goos (London, 1981), pp. 117, 119. Cited in Selected Works, p. 3.

First published, in a garbled version, in Paul Hentzner, Itinerarivm Germaniae, Galliae; Angliae; Italiae (Nuremberg, 1612), pp. 144-5. Bradner, p. 3, as Written on a Wall at Woodstock. Collected Works, Poem 1, pp. 45-6. Selected Works, Poem 1, pp. 2-3.